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今天给大家带来的是英语面试中如何正确的进行自我介绍,以及需要注意的问题。其实不论是中文面试,还是英文面试,经历的流程其实是差不多的。而在开始阶段,对方要求你做自我介绍的流程又是必不可少的,今天我们就跟老师一起分析下自我介绍需要注意的部分。Rule #1 DO NOT talk about your personal or family life当面试官询问你,tell me about yourself 的时候,其实就指的你自己,而不是你的家庭或者家庭生活。一定要注意这一点, 不要去介绍你的日常生活是怎么样的,或者你的生活选择是怎样的。面试官问这个问题,实际指想看下你有没有获得过什么专业证书,你的工作经验,以及你为什么会比较合适求职的工作。没有必要再过多的叙述家里有几口人啊,或者家庭背景等等。Rule #2 Do tell a story记得要以讲故事的口吻和对方交流沟通,不论是你介绍自己,还是直接的工作经验,项目经验等等。记住一点,有可能现在面试你的人,以后就要和你一起共事,没有必要那么紧张,有时候以讲故事的语气,将自己的工作经历,如何做项目的流程从头到尾的说一遍,对方会非常愿意继续和你交流沟通的。我们在以故事性语气去讲述的时候,可以遵循以上4个原则:Engaging(有趣吸引人)、Compelling(令人信服)、Clear(条理清晰)、Complete(故事完整)。为什么要说遵循以上的4原则呢?因为面试时一个人对人的交流过程,如果你的表述缺乏趣味,不能让人诚服,又或者逻辑混乱,讲起来虎头蛇尾,那么大多数面试官是不希望与这样的同事一起工作的。话都都不明白,还怎么能良好的工作呢?下面我们分享下如何正确的回答"Tell Me About Yourself" 4个小技巧。Tip#1 Give a shanpshot of your work historygive a snapshot of something 指对某事有个大略,概要,简明的了解。例如:你可以回顾下之前工作的公司名称,你的职位头衔,岗位等级,岗位工作年限,以及主要负责的工作内容。Tip#2 Make your mini-stories "achievement-oriented"在面试前,建议你最好准备一份以工作上获得成就为导向的小故事内容,在面试需要自我介绍的时候,以数字量化的形式,将自己的工作职责,内容都表达出来。我们说之前的工作总结,和以工作业绩为导向的描述,实际是有机结合在一起的。所以,Tip#1 和Tip#2 是相辅相成,密不可分的。Tip#3 Tell the employer what you KNOW about this role面试之前,最好把要招聘的公司简介,当前应聘的岗位职责进行记忆。试想,对方如何问你是否看过本公司的产品,是否使用过,或者对该岗位是否了解。那么这道题实际是个送分题,你完全可以在面试之前做好准备工作,有的放矢的回答对方提出的问题。Tip#4 Tell the emplyer WHY you're the right fit for what they need这句话也是面试官经常会问的一个问题,你认为为什么你自己适合这个岗位呢?这道题实际有点坑,如果对方非常看重你,那么你说什么,只要不太离谱,正能量的,基本上都可以过了。但是如果面试官对你还在犹豫当中,那么就到了你展示个人才能的机会了,想要怎么表现就怎么表现。但需要记住,一定要保持诚实,千万不要弄虚作假,抱着侥幸的态度蒙混过关。你需要将自己最突出点的有点表述出来,而且是要和岗位职责密切吻合的。挑重点说,做IT开发的,就别说那么大而全的知识了,多说项目经验,难点bug是如何解决的,你充当了什么角色等。小结今天的内容没有那么多语法讲解,说的只是在英语面试的一些小技巧和注意点,希望对不久后即将参加工作的朋友有点用。我是大刘,希望与你有更多的交流。









欢迎来到JACK教你学英语,我是JCAK,今天我将教大家像native speaker一样用英语进行自我介绍,表达得更地道。作为英语学习者,最重要的事情是你必须学会如何用英语进行自我介绍。但是,你有没有想过以下三个问题,如何用英语合适得介绍你自己呢?你需要提供什么信息以及正确的表达顺序是什么呢?OK,如果你曾经问过你自己这些问题,本文绝对是对你有所帮助。我将教你用英语进行自我介绍的最佳方法。首先,用英语进行自我介绍,我们需要掌握以下三部分,第一部分是生活life,这部分你可以说你是谁 who you are和你来自哪里 where you are from第二部分是爱好hobby,这部分你可以说你的爱好hobby以及你选择这个爱好的原因reason第三部分是梦想Dream,这部分你可以描述你关于未来的理想。现在我们来分析各个部分的具体内容怎么说,先从第一部分LIFE开始,这个部分我们用WHO,WHERE,WHAT来进行表达。Who:name 你的名字Where:hometown 你的家乡What:character and personality 你的性格和个性让我们组织起来看一下,Hello,my name is Jack and I am from Maoming,Guangdong.I am a very diligent and outgoing person .第二部分爱好hobby,这个部分分别用WHAT,WHY,WHEN来进行表达。What:hobby ,你的爱好是什么Why:the main reason for choosing that hobby ,你为什么喜欢这个爱好When:when you usually do that hobby ,你一般什么时候进行你的爱好让我们组织起来看一下,MY hobby is learning English ,I love language, so I usually learn English every evening after work.第三部分梦想DREAM,这个部分我们用WHAT,WHEN,WHY来进行表达。WHAT:What our dream is 我们的梦想是什么WHEN:When we want to reach that dream 我们什么时候去实现这个梦想WHY:Why we chose that dream 我们为什么要选择这个梦想让我们组织起来看一下,My dream is to travel all around the world,I plan to do this over the next 10 years. I have always loved meeting new people and learning about new cultures.OK,现在让我们把这三部分整合起来看看,Hello,my name is Jack and I am from China. I am a very diligent and outgoing person . My hobby is playing the piano, I love classical music, so I usually play the piano every evening after work. MY dream is to travel all around the world.I plan to do this over the next 10 years. I have always loved meeting new people and learning about new cultures.OK,轻轻松松把自我介绍搞定。So much for today!大家必须要多练习,多做思考,形成自己的自我介绍的风格。





如何用英语自我介绍 Introduce yourself in English with EASE

23:53Well hey there, I'm Emma from mmmEnglish! Today I'm going to teach you to introce yourself effectively.大家好呀,我是艾玛,欢迎来到美味英语频道!今天呢,我要教大家如何有效地介绍自己。And there are three reasons why this is such an important skill to learn. Of course, we've got to introce ourselves all the time, right?这是三个为什么这个技能是大家需要学习的非常重要的技能的原因。当然了,我们总是需要介绍自己,对吧?In lots of different contexts. So spending the time getting your introction right is gonna help you and it's gonna benefit you over and over and over again.在许多不同的情况下。所以花一些时间来学习正确地介绍自己肯定会帮助你,而且它将使你一直受益。And when you meet someone new, you will likely feel a little nervous. It's totally normal, right?当你遇到新朋友的时候,你可能会感到有些紧张。非常正常,对吧?But if you can get off to a good start, then it's gonna help you to feel more confident going into the rest of the conversation. So nailing that first introction is so important.但是如果你对话开始的时候不错的话,那会帮助你感到更加自信地进行剩下的对话。因此,抓住首次的介绍非常重要。And of course, if you can introce yourself clearly and confidently, you'll make a great first impression with people that you meet. This is going to help you build great relationships, to make friends and be liked which really, deep down is what we all really want.当然了,如果你可以清楚而自信地自我介绍,那你肯定会给和你见面的人留下很好的第一印象。这将帮助你建立良好的人际关系,交到朋友,让自己被喜欢,而这其实是我们所有人真正想要的。Ideally, you're watching this video with your notebook handy so that you can take some notes as we go. You can listen to me talk about introcing yourself as much as you like but if you don't start playing with the language and the ideas that I'm sharing today to make it useful and relevant for yourself, what's the point?最好的是,你看视频的时候旁边有笔记本,以便在学习过程中记一些笔记。你可以听我谈论如何介绍自己,想听多少都可以,但如果你不开始使用一下我今天要分享的这些语言和想法,让它们对你而言是有用并且相关的话,那又有什么意义呢?So if you've shown up today and you're ready to participate in this lesson, let me know in the comments, I'm really excited to get started. And of course, if you can think of a friend or a colleague who needs to work on this skill too, share this lesson with them, make sure you subscribe and let's get into it!所以呢,如果你今天出现了,并准备参加这节课程,那就在评论中告诉我吧,我非常激动地想要开始呢。当然了,如果你能想到一个朋友或同事,而他也需要锻炼这项技能的话,那就与他们分享一下本节课程吧,请确保你订阅了哦,那就让我们开始吧!So imagine hearing this question: Tell us about yourself.想象一下你听到这个问题:向我们介绍你自己。And feeling cool, calm and collected as you reply. That is exactly what we're working towards today.而且当你回复时,你感觉镇定自若。这正是我们今天努力的方向。We want to, not only just answer this question with ease, but we want to do it accurately as well. There are lots of different places and contexts where you might need to introce yourself.我们不仅要轻松地回答这个问题,而且也要准确地回答。有很多不同的地方和情境,你可能需要进行自我介绍。Some of them are formal, some of them are really informal. So knowing your context and your audience is extremely important, I can't stress that enough.其中一些是正式的,而其中一些是非正式的。所以了解你的语境和听众非常重要,再怎么强调也不过分。It's so important. And adjusting your introction just slightly to those different situations is a really powerful skill to learn.非常非常重要。根据不同的情况稍微调整一下你的自我介绍是需要学习的一个非常强有力的技能。Because it might be useful to talk about your ecation and your profession in some contexts, but really weird to bring that up at a party, right? Like that's a good way to bore someone to tears.因为在某些情况下谈论你的学历和你的职业可能会比较有用,但是在派对上说这个其实很奇怪,对吧?不过是让人感到无聊到爆的一个好方法。So let's get started with your introction today. And how do we start?所以今天让我们开始你的自我介绍吧。我们如何开始呢?We start really simply and casually with your name. I am Emma or I'm Emma.我们非常简单随意地从你的名字开始。我是艾玛。Now in most situations, it's much more natural to use the contraction I'm Emma, it sounds much more relaxed that way. You can also say: My name is Emma.在大多数情况下,使用缩写形式 I'm Emma 是更加自然的,这种听起来要轻松得多。你也可以说:我的名字是艾玛。Or my name's Emma. Simple, right? You've got this.或者是我叫艾玛。简单吧?你学到这个啦。Now what if you have a preferred name or a nickname? It is always really good to let the person who you're addressing know right up front right?如果你有更喜欢的名字或者是昵称呢?让和你对话的人刚开始就知道是很好的,对吧?And an informal way to do that is to say: My friends all call me. . . My name is Beatrice, but my friends all call me Bee.一种非正式的方式可以说:我的朋友都叫我……我的名字叫贝阿特丽采,但我的朋友都叫我贝。A slightly more formal way to do that is to say: My name is Ybiskay, but it's hard for some people to say it, so you can call me Ybis.一种更正式的说法是:我叫 Ybiskay,但是对于有些人来说很难念,所以你可以叫我 Ybis。This is a really great expression to note down if people find it really hard to say your name. Maybe it's a long name, maybe it's not a very common name in the place where you live.如果人们真的很难说出你的名字的话,这是一个很好的可以记下来的表达。也许这个名字很长,也许在你居住的地方这个名字并不是非常常见。You kind of get sick of having to explain it again and again. So as long as you don't mind, then this is a really great way to introce your name or a version of your name that you'd like to be called.你有点讨厌一次又一次地解释它。所以只要你不介意的话,那么这是介绍你名字或者是你想被大家叫的名字的非常好的方式。The next piece of basic information to include is something about location. It could be to do with where you're living now or where you're from originally.下一部分要包含的基本信息是关于位置的。这可能与你现在居住的地方有关,或者是你原来是来自哪里的。And there's lots of different ways to elaborate on this type of information. So I'm going to give you a few different ways of doing it here but it's up to you to pick and choose which version works best for your story.有很多不同的方法可以对这种类型的信息进行详细地说明。因此呢,我将在这里为大家提供几种不同的方法来进行介绍,但是要选择哪个版本是取决于你的啦,选择那个对你而言最好的版本。Okay so experiment, get a little playful with some of these combinations. I'm from Australia.尝试一下吧,和这些组合玩一玩。我来自澳大利亚。And again, I'm using that contracted form here because I am from Australia sounds just a little bit stiff, you know so to sound more relaxed, and more natural, say: I'm from with your country or your city name, could be either. You could say: I am and your nationality adjective, so I'm Australian.同样地,我在这里使用的是缩写形式,因为I am from Australia 听起来有点僵硬,所以要听起来更放松更自然地话,你可以说:我来自加你的国家或者是你的城市的名字,两者都可以。你可以说:我是,然后加你的国籍形容词,所以我是澳大利亚人。Turkish, Vietnamese, Brazilian. These are all examples of nationality adjectives.土耳其人,越南人,巴西人。这些都是国籍的形容词的例子。And these nationality adjectives are usually different to the country name, right? So you've got to be careful that you're using the right form of the word with each of these expressions.这些国籍形容词通常对应的是不同的国家名,对吧?所以要小心一点哦,保证你使用的是这些表达的正确形式。We don't say: I'm from Australian.我们不说:我来自澳大利亚人。Or I am Australia. Now if you said: I'm from Melbourne.或者我是澳大利亚。现在呢,如果你说:我来自墨尔本。It's actually not super clear whether that's the place where you live now or where you're from originally. So if you're not from the place that you're in while you're making the introction, then you could say: I come from a place, you know and we use this when there's a bit of distance between where you are now and wherever that place is so it could be another city or another country.其实并没有说清楚那是你现在住的地方,还是你生于这个地方。因此,如果你不是来自你所在的地方,在进行自我介绍时,那么你可以说:我来自某个地方,当你现在所在的地方和这个地方有点点距离的话,那我们就会使用这个表达,那个地方可以是另外一个城市或者是另外一个国家。But if you want to be clearer, all you need to do is just choose some more specific verbs. You could say:但是,如果你想说得更加清晰的话,你所要做的就是选择一些更具体的动词。你可以说:I was born in, with the place name. I was born in Melbourne.我生于,加上那个地方的名字。我出生在墨尔本。I grew up in or I was raised in. Or even, I spent my childhood in and a place name, so this is talking about you know when you were a child, where were you what were you doing, it's an interesting way to bring up that part of your life.我在哪里长大。甚至是,我在某个地方度过了我的童年,所以这是在谈论你小时候的事情,你在哪里,你在做什么,这是一种有趣地方式去回忆那部分生活。And they all express a really similar idea so you can pick and choose how you use them. I was born in Australia and spent my childhood growing up in various cities along the east coast.它们表达的意思非常相似,所以你可以选择你想要使用哪个。我出生在澳大利亚,成长在东海岸的各个城市。I'm originally from Melbourne, but now I'm based in Perth. So if you wanna say how long you've been living in your current location, it is the perfect chance to use the present perfect.我来自墨尔本,但是现在我住在珀斯。所以,如果你想说自己在目前的地方住了多久的话,那其实是使用现在完成时的非常完美的机会。I've been living in Perth since 2016. I've lived in Perth for the past four years.自2016年以来,我一直住在珀斯。我在珀斯住了四年了。Or I could also say: I moved to Perth a few years ago.或者我也可以说:我几年前搬到了珀斯。There are just so many different ways to express this information, honestly. I could keep going!说实话,其实有很多方式来表达这些信息。我可以继续说很多!And I'm sure that many of these structures are actually really familiar to you but as you're preparing your introction, really pay attention to the story that you're telling. And take the time to make sure that you're expressing your ideas accurately.而且我敢肯定,其中有很多结构你应该都很熟悉,但是当你准备自我介绍时,还是要注意你在讲述的故事。花些时间,确保你在准确地表达你的想法。And once you write your introction, you are most welcome to add it down into the comments below. I'll take a look at as many as I can and make sure that they sound awesome.而且呢,如果你写完了你的自我介绍的话,非常欢迎把它添加到下方的评论区哦。我会尽可能多地看一些,确保它们听起来是很不错的。So talking about your name, your location, these are the basics. And like I said earlier, if you can get this part right, and you can just say it really naturally as soon as you get asked, then this is going to set you up really well for what comes next.说说你的名字,你的位置,这些是最基本的信息。就像我之前说的,如果你能把这部分说好,当别人问到你的时候,你就可以很自然地说出来,那你就为接下来要做的事情做好准备了。And what comes next really does depend on the context so I've got a few different options for you to consider here. If you are introcing yourself to a new neighbour for example, you might choose to focus more on your family.接下来要说的其实取决于语境,所以我有几种不同的选择可以供大家考虑。比如说你要向你的新邻居介绍一下自己的话,你可以选择更加侧重于你的家庭。But then if you're introcing yourself at a job interview you might talk about job related experience, obviously. And if you're introcing yourself to an English class, you might focus on your hobbies and your interests, things that will help the other people in your class connect with you and you know, reveal their shared interests.但是如果你是在面试中介绍自己时,很显然你可能会谈论与工作相关的经历。如果要向英语课上的同学介绍自己的话,你可能会侧重于自己的兴趣爱好,那些会帮助班上的同学和你建立联系的事情,表现出大家共同的兴趣。Now you might want to talk about your family a little bit when you introce yourself. And the amount of information that you share here is up to you whatever you feel comfortable sharing.现在呢,你可能想在自我介绍的时候谈谈您的家人。你在这里分享的信息量取决于你觉得分享多少是感觉比较舒服的。We want to be careful not to overshare you know, to bore someone with your entire family history unless they asked for it because they're particularly interested. But if you're married you would say:我们要注意不要过度分享,你说自己的家族史太多以至于让人感到无聊,除非是他们自己问的,因为他们非常感兴趣。但是,如果你结婚了,你可以说:We've been married since and a time or a date. I've been married to my husband since August last year.我们已经结婚多长时间了。我去年八月份和我的丈夫结婚了。For example. Now if you're not married but you still want to mention the length of your relationship, you can say:例如。如果你还没有结婚的话,但你仍然想提一下你的的恋爱时间长短,你可以说:We've been together for and a time period. Okay, we've been together.我们在一起已经有一段时间了。我们一直在一起。In a relationship context, that tells the length of your relationship. I always find it kind of tricky to talk about my relationship with my partner in English because we don't actually have many words to describe it.在谈论关系的语境中,这表明了你的关系持续了多长时间。我发现用英语来谈论我和我的伴侣的关系有点点困难,因为我们实际上没有很多词汇来描述它。My partner, Shah and I have been together for eleven years now. We're engaged but we've been engaged for about six or seven years now.我的伴侣 Shah 和我在一起已经十一年了。我们已经订婚了,但已经有六七年了。So we have no plans to get married so he's not ever going to be my husband. I can introce him as my fiance, but then I always get asked:我们没有结婚的计划,所以他永远不会成为我的丈夫。我可以介绍他为我的未婚夫,但之后我总是被问到:When's the wedding? You know, what are your plans? And of course, we have none so that conversation gets really boring.什么时候举办婚礼呢?你们有什么计划呢?当然了,我们没有计划,所以对话就会变得很无聊。And after eleven years of being together, the word boyfriend is really flippant and not particularly useful so I usually just call him my partner. But in our situation, we are business partners too and so in that context, things can also get really confusing.在一起七年之后,男朋友这个词听起来比较轻率,而且不是特别有用,所以我通常只会把他称为我的伴侣。但是我们的情况是这样的,我们也是事业合作伙伴,因此在这种语境中,事情也会变得非常混乱。So if you want to talk about the family that you live with, then you could say something like: We're a family of five.因此,如果你想谈论和你一起居住的家人的话,那么你可以说:我们一家五口。I live here with my family. We're a family of five.我和家人一起住在这里。我们一家五口。But if you're talking about the family that you grew up in, then you need to clarify, you need to say: I grew up in a family of five.但是,如果你想谈论的是你长大的家庭的话,那你需要说清楚,你需要说:我成长于一个五口之家。Now that information is pretty general, it could be a single parent and four kids, or it could be two parents and three kids it's pretty loose. If you have children that you wanna talk about, say:这些信息是非常笼统的,可能是一个单亲父母和四个孩子,或者可能是两个父母和三个孩子,是很松散的。如果你有想要谈论的孩子,那么可以说:I have a seven year old son. I'm a single parent.我有一个七岁的儿子。我是单亲父母。I'm a mother of twins. And it's really nice to add a little bit commentary around family members, just to make it a bit more interesting.我是一对双胞胎的母亲。对家庭成员添加一些评论是很好的,可以让事情更加有趣一点。You could say: I'm a single mum. I've got twin girls, they're five years old.你可以说:我是一个单身妈妈。我有一对双胞胎女儿,她们五岁了。And they just started school this year, so it's been pretty exciting for us! And the reason why adding just a little bit of this type of information is so great, is because it gives hints and clues to the person that you're talking to to help them continue the conversation in a really positive way.她们今年才刚开始上学,所以对我们来说都非常令人兴奋!为什么添加一些这种类型的信息是非常好的呢,这是因为它为和你交谈的人提供了一些提示和线索,帮助他们以一种非常积极的方式继续进行对话。You know they could ask: What school are they going to?你知道他们会问:他们要去哪所学校?Or maybe comment and say: You know, now that they're at school, you must feel like you've got so much time to yourself again! ?或者也许发表评论说:你懂得,既然她们上学了,那你肯定觉得自己有更多时间了,对吧!?Something like that. When you're talking about your brothers and sisters, of course you can say: I've got three sisters.类似这样的事情。当然了,当你谈论你的兄弟姐妹时,你可以说:我有三个姐妹。But it's a bit of a mouthful to say: I've got two brothers and three sisters.但这说起来有点点拗口:我有两个兄弟和三个姐妹。Right? So instead, we use the word siblings to talk about brothers and sisters, it's quite general. Two brothers and a sister would equal three siblings.好了吗?因此我们会使用兄弟姐妹这个词来谈论兄弟和姐妹,这是一个比较笼统的说法。两个兄弟和一个妹妹等于三个兄弟姐妹。I have three siblings. Now when you say that, it doesn't include you.我有三个兄弟姐妹。当你这么说时,其中是不包括你的。Okay you're talking about the other children in your family. If you want to include you, say:好的,你谈论的是家庭中的其他孩子。如果要包括你的话,那就说:I am one of four siblings. And if you've got no siblings, then you're an only child.我是四个兄弟姐妹之一。如果你没有兄弟姐妹,那么你就是唯一的孩子。I'm an only child. You might also want to talk about your extended family.我是独生子。你可能还想谈谈你的大家庭。Now this is a really, really great expression to use when you're talking about aunties, uncles, grandparents, cousins. By saying extended family, you're including all of them, you don't have to go into detail about who and how many, and all of that kind of thing.当你谈论阿姨、叔叔、祖父母和表亲时,这是一个非常非常有用的表达方式。说到大家庭呢,你就包括了所有人,你不会详细地说是谁以及有多少人这种事情。I live in Perth, but most of my extended family lives in Melbourne. But saying extended family means you don't need to list out everyone, right?我住在珀斯,但我的大部分大家庭成员都住在墨尔本。但是说大家庭意味着你不需要列举出所有的人,对吧?So you might want to talk about interests or hobbies, things that you do outside of work. We'll talk about work in a second so don't jump ahead.你可能想谈谈兴趣或爱好,工作以外的事情。我们很快就会谈论工作,不要跳过哦。But to talk about hobbies, you might say: I enjoy with a noun. I enjoy baking.但是谈论爱好时,你可以说:我喜欢加一个名词。我喜欢烘烤。Don't say: I enjoy to bake. Right? Enjoy as a verb is always followed by a noun and this is a gerund, okay?不要说:我喜欢烘烤。对吧?享受作为动词后面总是加一个名词,而且一个动名词,好吗?You can always say I like or I love with a noun. So I love playing football, for example.你可以说我喜欢或者是我爱,后面一个名词。例如,我喜欢踢足球。But the verbs like and love, they can be followed by a gerund or the verb infinitive and the meaning stays the same. So you can also say: I love to play football.但是动词“喜欢”和“爱”,它们后面可以是动名词或动词不定式形式,意思是一样的。所以你也可以说:我喜欢踢足球。The meaning is exactly the same. You could say: I'm really into something.含义完全相同。你也可以说:我真的很喜欢某件事情。And this is a really great, a really natural way of talking about the things that you like. I'm really into jazz music.这是一种谈论自己喜欢的事情非常棒,非常自然的方式。我真的很喜欢爵士音乐。Now having a couple of interesting things to include about yourself in your introction is so useful in lots of different contexts. If you've ever been part of an English class or some other meeting, where you've got to meet people for the first time, then the teacher will often suggest let's go around the room and you'll need to introce yourself.在你的自我介绍中包含一些关于你的有趣的事情在很多情境中都是非常有用的。如果你曾经参加过英语课或其他会议的话,你第一次见到某个人,老师会经常建议我们在教室转转,进行自我介绍。Tell us your name, where you're from and something interesting about yourself. It's always good to have something ready to answer this question, maybe you've got a special talent or an interesting hobby or a unique achievement that you can share in the situation.告诉我们你的名字,你来自哪里,以及关于自己的一些有趣的事情。准备一些内容来回答这个问题是非常好的,也许你有特殊的才能或有趣的爱好,或者是可以在这种情况下分享的独特成就。And a fun way of introcing this it to say: One thing you may not know about me is. . .一种有趣的介绍方式是说:你可能不了解我的一件事是……One thing you may not know about me is I love to have dinner parties and I'll spend whole days preparing and organising themed events for my friends. So I'm curious to hear your ideas about this.你可能不了解我的一件事是我很喜欢宴会,我会花一整天的时间为我的朋友准备和组织主题活动。我很好奇大家是怎么想的。See if you can finish the rest of this sentence down in the comments below. One thing you may not know about me is. . .看看你是否能在下方的评论区完成剩下的句子。你可能不了解我的一件事是……Of course, you might want to talk about your job, right? So when you're talking about your job, when you're talking about your job in your introction, usually you're just sharing what you do and maybe who you work for.当然了,你可能想谈谈你的工作,对吧?当你谈论工作时,当你在自我介绍的时候谈论你的工作的时候,通常只是分享你从事的工作以及可能为谁工作。And again, there are lots of different ways to talk about your work, the company, etcetera. But what we really want to do today is make sure you're doing it accurately.然后同样地,有很多不同的方式谈论你的工作,你的公司等等。但是我们今天真正想做的是确保你说的是正确的。Prepositions and articles are really challenging to get right in this section, might be a little tricky so I hope that you are definitely taking notes as we go and that you're applying the information that I'm sharing now to your situation. Of course you could say: I am a or an and a job position.在本部分中介词和冠词是非常具有挑战性的,可能有些困难,所以我希望大家在我们进行的时候记一下笔记,将我要分享的信息运用到你的情况之中。当然你可以说:我是一个……加一个职位。Your job position is a countable noun so this means you need to include an article. I'm a graphic designer.你的职位是可数名词,所以这意味着你需要加上冠词。我是一名平面设计师。I'm an engineer. Just make sure you're not saying: I'm engineer.我是个一名工程师。一定不要说:我是工程师。That's wrong, okay? And if there's only one of your role within your company, then you definitely can use the definite article, the.那是错的,好吗?如果你的职位在公司中只有一个的话,那么你就需要使用定冠词 the。Okay I talk more about definite and indefinite articles up here in this video. But you could say I am the CEO of a tech company.我在这个视频中更加详细地谈论了定冠词和定冠词。但是你可以说:我是一家科技公司的首席执行官。Or I am the owner of a florist. You could also talk really generally about the field or the instry that you work in by using in.或者是:我是一家花店的店主。你也可以大致谈论一下你所从事的领域,使用 in。I work in and the instry. I work in marketing.我在什么行业工作。我从事市场营销工作。I work in construction. I work in design.我在建筑行业工作。我从事设计工作。Now if you wanna say which company employs you, then you can use either at or for with the company name. So you might say: I work at Vogue.现在呢,如果你想说是哪家公司雇用的你,你可以说 at 或者是 or 加公司的名字。所以你可以说:我在 Vogue 工作。Or I work at an architecture firm. Or I work for the government.或者是我在一家建筑公司工作。或者是我为政府工作。Do you work for yourself? Are you your own boss?你为自己工作吗?你是你自己的老板吗?Well in this case you could say: I work for myself. I'm self-employed.在这种情况下,你可能会说:我为自己工作。我是自由职业者。Or I run my own business. And here's a little hint.或者是我在经营自己的生意。这里有一些提示。If you're unsure about how to talk about your job in your instry, as it relates to your instry, then listen to others who are from your instry introce themselves.Lots of TedTalks or lots of instry-relevant videos around where you can listen to people introce themselves in that context and learn from them.如果你不确定如何谈论在你的行业中你的工作,它和这个行业有什么联系的话,那就可以听听和你同行业的人是如何介绍自己的。很多 TedTalk 或者是很多与行业相关的视频,你可以在这些视频中聆听人们在这种情况下是如何介绍自己的,并且向他们学习。You may want to talk about ecation or your qualifications in your introction and this is most common in a professional context maybe in an interview or you know, a work context. And again, there's lots of different ways that you can do this.你可能想在你的自我介绍中谈论你的教育或资质的话,这是在专业环境中最常见的,也许是在面试中,或者是在工作环境中。同样地,你可以通过多种不同的方式来说这个。You could say: I have a degree in with an instry.你可以说:我有某个行业的学位。like architecture or design. I have a degree in engineering.例如建筑或设计。我拥有工程学学位。You can also say: I'm a qualified with your job title. I'm a qualified engineer.你还可以说:我是具有资质的,加你的职位头衔。我是一名具有资质的工程师。I'm a qualified architect. Now notice that I'm using the job title and not the instry there, okay?我是一名具有资质的建筑师。请注意,我使用的是职位名称,而不是行业,对吧?Sounds similar to saying I'm an architect but the difference is that the adjective qualified clarifies your status. Add it if it feels important to clarify given the context.听起来类似于说我是建筑师,但是区别在于形容词“具有资质的”标明了你的身份。如果需要根据上下文进行澄清,那就把它给加进去吧。Maybe in an interview it's relevant. But there's no need to tell someone at a party that you're a qualified engineer, alright?也许在采访中很有关系。但是没有必要在聚会上告诉别人你是具有资质的工程师,对吧?In that context, you would just say: I'm an engineer. If you're studying at university now then some of these expressions are gonna be really useful.在这种情况下,你只会说:我是个工程师。如果你现在正在大学学习,那么这些表达应该非常有用。I'm studying with the instry. I'm studying environmental science.我正在学习这个行业。我正在学习环境科学。Or it could also be the name of your degree as well. I'm studying applied science.或者也可以是你的学位的名称。我正在学习应用科学。I'm completing a PhD in and whatever the research area is, maybe it's public health. I'm completing a PhD in Public Health.我正在攻读博士学位,加上你的研究领域,也许是公共卫生。我正在攻读公共卫生博士学位。I'm in my final year of something degree. You know, I'm in my final year of an economics degree.我正处于攻读学位的最后一年。我正在攻读经济学的最后一年。I'm nearing the end of my studies is another way of expressing that. And maybe you're undertaking some less formal training.我的学业即将结束是另一种表达方式。也许你正在接受一些非正式的培训。And that's totally cool as well, you might wanna say: I'm currently taking an online course to upskill. Or I'm doing an extra course to improve my skills in that area, something like that.而且那也很酷,你可能想说:我目前正在参加在线课程,以提高我的技能。或者我正在读一门额外的课程来提高自己在那个领域的技能。So by now you should have a whole list of dot point ideas that we can start to build your introction around. For me, we could say: I'm Australian.到目前为止,你现在应该有一个完整的清单了,那我们就可以开始构建你的自我介绍啦。对我来说,我们可以说:我是澳大利亚人。I live in Perth. I'm originally from Melbourne.我住在珀斯。我原来是墨尔本人。Interests, hobbies. I love swimming in the ocean every morning.我的兴趣爱好是。我喜欢每天早上在大海里游泳。I'm a qualified English teacher. I teach on YouTube.我是一名具有资质的英语老师。我在YouTube上教课。I'm interested in businesses and startups. Great!我对企业和初创公司非常感兴趣。太棒了!Okay have you got your list ready too? If not, just hit pause now, pause the video, write out your list and then continue on.好的,你也准备好你的清单了吗?如果没有的话,请点击暂停,暂停视频,写出你的列表,然后再继续。Because now we need to find a way to pull all of those ideas together, okay? We want to make sure that your sentences flow together and that they sound really natural as you speak or you say your introction.因为现在我们需要找到一种方法来把所有的这些想法组织在一起,好吗?我们要确保,当你说话或进行自我介绍时,你的句子放在一起是流畅的,它们听起来很自然。And to do that we need to combine these ideas into some longer sentences and add a few grammatical words to help. Hi, I'm Emma.为此,我们需要将这些想法组合成一些较长的句子,并添加一些语法词汇来把这些句子给组织起来。嗨,我是艾玛。I was born in Melbourne and I grew up in various cities along the east coast of Australia. I've been living in Perth on the west coast of Australia with my partner for the past four years and we absolutely love it, especially early morning ocean swims!我出生于墨尔本,我在澳大利亚东海岸的各个城市长大。我和我的伴侣一起住在澳大利亚西海岸的珀斯已经四年了,我们非常喜欢它,特别是清晨在海洋中游泳!I'm a qualified English teacher and I teach students online and I also have an interest in business and startups, as well. One thing you may not know about me is that I teach millions of students each month on my YouTube channel.我是一名具有资质的英语老师,我在网上教学生,我也对商业和初创公司非常感兴趣。你可能不了解我的一件事是,我每月都会在我的 YouTube 网站上教数以百万计的学生。Now obviously you know that about me, but most people I meet don't so, it's always an interesting conversation starter. This is the type of script that I want you to write now.你肯定知道我的这个情况,但是我遇到的大多数人并非如此,所以它是一个非常有趣的开场白。这就是我想让大家写的那种类型的稿子。Alright, and once you've got it written down, make sure you share it down in the comments below so that I can give you some feedback and some corrections to help you improve it if you need it. The sooner you get your introction written and shared down below, the better, the more likely I'll be to see it and be able to respond.好的,你写下来之后,一定要在下方的评论区分享哦,这样我可以给你一些反馈和纠正,在需要的时候帮助你进行提升。越早把你的自我介绍写下来并且分享在下面越好,因为我越有可能看到它,并能够进行回应。I definitely love to see you each commenting and giving support and constructive feedback to each other down in the comments below. It's so helpful and it helps everyone to keep improving together.我非常希望看到大家都在下方评论,我也很愿意给大家提供支持和建设性的反馈。这非常有帮助,它可以帮助每个人不断进步。Now once you have your script prepared and reviewed, save it on your phone, make a recording of it, whatever it takes to just have it with you regularly okay? And you need to practise it out loud.如果你写完了你的稿子并且检查完毕了的话,那就把它保存在手机上,进行录音,不管是什么形式,要经常带着它,好吗?而且你需要大声练习。Alright? On a daily basis. Don't just read it, practise how it sounds, how it comes out of your mouth.好吗?每天都要练习。不要只是读出来,练习它的发音,它是如何从你的嘴里发出来的。This is going to help you to speak more naturally, feel more comfortable as you are saying the words and the sounds and connecting those things together. It's really, really important that you practise out loud daily until you nail this.这将帮助你在说话的时候说得更加自然,让你感觉更加有自信,而且能够把这些联系起来。每天大声练习直到你完全掌握了,是非常重要的。But even before then, you know, start practising it in real English situations. It's probably not going to be perfect at first, but you will get better every time you put it into that context.但是,即使在那之前,也要开始在真实的英语情境中进行练习。起初可能并不完美,但每次在语境中练习都会变得更好。And you put yourself into that situation or you hear that question: Tell me about yourself.你让自己置身于这种情况,或者是你听到了这个问题:介绍一下你自己。And you might freeze at first but it's going to change over time, you know, you've prepared for this. You've got your answers ready.一开始你可能会僵住,但是随着时间的流逝情况会改变的,因为你已经为此做好了准备。你已经准备好了答案。You don't need to panic and that is the kind of headspace and feeling that you need to step into a conversation with. I hope this lesson was really practical, really useful for you.你无需感到惊慌,那就是你需要进入一个对话所带着的感觉。希望本节课程确实是有用的,你觉得很有用。And if you're ready to keep building your conversation skills and learn how to keep your conversation going after you've introced yourself, well move along to this lesson right here where we'll practise some small talk conversation starters together. I'll see you in there!如果你准备继续锻炼自己的对话技巧,了解在介绍自己之后如何让对话进行下去,那就看看这节课程吧,在这里我们将进行练习一些闲聊的开场白。再见!


求职面试英语-非常实用的20组自我介绍形容词 Part One

今天给大家分享的是在英语面试中,非常实用的20组自我介绍用形容词,有了这些形容词的加持,不论是你的书面描述还是口语表述,都会跨越一个大台阶。为避免大家看太多记不住,今天放出的是上半部分前10个。DiligentDiligen 勤奋的;勤勉的;用功的;费尽心血的 例句Meyers is a diligent and prolific worker...迈耶斯是个勤奋多产的工人。He is ever so diligent. 他勤奋极了。MotivatedMotivated 有动机的,有目的的;有积极性的例句They are motivated by a need to achieve 对成功的渴望激励着他们。I largely work with people who already are motivated 我大多和积极主动的人一起工作。DrivenDriven 奋发努力的;发愤图强的;受…影响的;由…造成的例句This machine is driven by steam. 这部机器是用水蒸气推进的。He must have driven like the devil. 他一定是把车开得飞快。Ambitiousambitious 有雄心的;有野心的;费力的;耗资的例句Chris is so ambitious, so determined to do it all 克里斯踌躇满志,决心要将它都做完。He's a very ambitious lad and he wants to play at the highest level. 他是个很有抱负的小伙子,想参加最高水平的比赛。Collaborativecollaborative 协作的;合作的例句Large scale studies should be collaborative. 大规模的研究应该是协作的。I and my colleagues are happy to have a collaborative work with you. 我和我的同事很高兴能够与你们共同合作。Punctualpunctual 严守时刻的, 准时的,正点的例句He's always very punctual. I'll see if he's here yet. 他总是很准时。我去看看他是否已经来了。He is an extremely punctual person. 他是一个很守时的人。Efficientefficient 有效率的;(直接)生效的;能干的;例句I work very efficiently and am decisive, and accurate in my judgement.我工作非常有效率,处事果断,而且判断准确。She was efficient and reliable 她办事很有效率,也很可靠。Detail-Orienteddetail-oriented 注重细节;细节导向;注重细节的例句In Thompson, Yahoo will have a CEO known for being technical and detail-oriented. 雅虎新任CEO汤普森以注重技术和细节而著称。As general guidance, analytical minds and detail-oriented folks tend to do well as proct owners. 一般的指导原则是,善于分析和注重细节的人往往能当好产品负责人。Personablepersonable 英俊的,风度好的例句The people I met were intelligent, mature, personable. 我见到的是一些聪明、成熟、品貌兼优的人。The salesman was a very personable young man. 推销员是个风度翩翩的年轻人。Enthusiasticenthusiastic 热情的;热心的;例句Tom was very enthusiastic about the place 汤姆对那个地方非常感兴趣。Romeo left the stage, to enthusiastic applause 罗密欧在热烈的掌声中离开了舞台。今天就这么多,太多的内容大家也会记不住,希望大家多消化吸收下,明天继续!我是大刘,希望与你有更多的交流。



First, how to introce yourself at the job view.首先,如何介绍自己When you arrive at the interview site introce yourself to receptionist by stating your name and purpose of your visit.到达面试地点后,向接待人员介绍自己的姓名,说明自己是来参加面试的。Offer to shake hands, when the manager meets you in the reception area, even though the interviewer doesn't offer his hands first. And now, make an eye contact and introce yourself.在面试官出来见你,把你带到面试间的时候,主动和他握手,就算他没有主动伸出手来,这个时候介绍自己,并且眼神交流。How to describe your weakness?怎么样描述自己的缺点?Don't give a cop-out answer. "My greatest weakness is that I'm too much of a perfectionist", It is the suitable answer; you should dig deep into yourself and figure out what your true weakness are at work, and choose what you can use in the interview. Otherwise, you should avoid deal breakers, it is true that we should be honest, but avoiding that weakness that can hurt your chances of getting the job is a wise choice.不要回避问题,"我最大的缺点是过于追求完美"是不合适的回答;你应该深挖自己,找到真正的缺点,选择你能在面试中用到的;另外,不要说会影响面试的缺点,我们是应该说实话,但是避免说出那些影响你得到工作的弱点是明智之举。In general, in the end of the interview, maybe he will ask you what you want to know about the company, then you should seize the opportunity to make you more impressive.一般情况下,在面试的最后,面试官会问你有什么想要提问的,这种情况下,你就要抓住机会,给自己的面试加分。简单点儿的问题:When can I expect to hear from you?请问,我什么时候能够得到答复呢?Are there any other questions I can answer for you?请问您是否还有其他问题?如果你想知道多一点的信息:Is this a new position?这是一个新增的职位吗?What are the prospects for growth and advancement?职位的晋升前景如何?What are biggest challenges of this job?这个职位所面临的最大挑战有哪些?What did the best part of the working for this company?在贵公司工作最让人感到成就感的部分是什么?图文来源于网络,侵权联系删除



MBA复试当中英语自我介绍是让考生头疼的环节,英语毕竟不是我们的母语,自我介绍既要保证语法准确,又要清晰表达自己的想法,所以考生必须在复试前做好充分的准备。为了应对英语复试,很多考生喜欢在网上搜索自我介绍模板,本文尾部也附上了两个自我介绍范文。但是,范文只是用于帮助大家了解英文自我介绍的结构,启发思路。强烈建议考生不要生搬硬套的背诵模板,一定要融入自己的特点、个性和经历。因为自我介绍的过程中,考官可能会打断考生,并根据自我介绍的内容提出一些问题,这种提问是比较灵活的,考察考生随机应变的能力。MBA复试英语自我介绍框架:1、问候,姓名,年龄,籍贯,毕业院校,本科专业,毕业论文课题2、性格爱好,家庭情况、实践经验,所获荣誉等3、为什么想读MBA,为此做了哪些准备,未来的规划等4、结束语自我介绍注意事项:1、自我介绍不要过长英文自我介绍要简洁清晰,尽量控制在3分钟左右,过于冗长反而容易暴露口语弱点。2、注意语速适中语速要适中,不要过快或者太慢。不要表现得像背课文,注意语气抑扬顿挫。3、用词不宜过度华丽自我介绍用词不需要堆砌辞藻,简单、朴实、自然即可,诚恳认真的考生更能够得到考官的青睐。英语自我介绍模板范文1:Good morning/afternoon, my dear teachers (my dear professors)。I am very glad to be here for your interview. My name is***.I am *** years old. I come from **, a very beautiful city. My undergraate period will be accomplished in ***university in July,2009. And now, I am trying my best for obtaining a key to ***University.Generally speaking, I am a hard-working student. I will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. When I was sophomore, I found web design very interesting, so I4 learned it very hard. To weave a homepage for myself, I stayed with my personal computer for half a month, and I am the first one in my class who own his homepage. Furthermore, I am a person with great perseverance. During the days preparing for the first examination,I insist on running every day,no matter what the weather was like. And just owning to this, I could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end.Well, in my spare time, I like basketball, tennis and Chinese chess. Also, English is my favorite. I often go to English corner to practice my oral English on every Thursday, and write compositions to improve my written ability. But I know my English is not good enough, I will continue studying.Ok, that‘s all, thank you for your attention.范文2:Good morning:My name is***, you can also call me Eason,I has such an english name just because the pronunciation of it is like my chinese name. I graated from this university last year, and major in computer science, I liked computer very much, especially in multimedia technology, and wanted to make some achievement in this field, but when I finished my school.Well, in my spare time, I like soccer, pop music, and stamp, being a soccer fan, I always show my love to Manchester United and Ryan Giggs is my favorite. I also like English very much, and had passed Band six this year, but I do think it‘s still a long way to study it,so I wouldn’t give up my English studying,and improve my oral and listening ability.So that‘s all, thank you.以上两篇MBA复试英语自我介绍模板供大家参考。报考2022年MBA项目的考生应当正在积极备考当中,预祝考生朋友们取得好成绩,顺利通过初试和复试!



文| 李彦慧欢迎关注:说教育你的考研复试自我介绍准备好了吗?考研复试即将全面展开,你的英语自我介绍准备好了吗?其实,一般的研究生招生单位并没有指明一定会有英文自我介绍,现场的教授们也可以临时让你介绍一下自己的本科学校或者你的家乡。在那种情况下,考研党的面试过程就会变得十分艰苦了!但是,教授们对考研人的英语水平还是有底的,大多数的英文口语都是点到为止,毕竟己所不欲勿施于人嘛!很多教授的口语本来就止步于中学生的水平。如果你运气好碰到了一个海归教授,那他多半会秀一波技能给你看看啦!某考研学子的自我介绍从上面这位考研学子的自我介绍中,我们可以发现一些通用的套话,但是该生还算是比较有独立见解的了。从distinguished等词汇可以看出,该考研同学的英文水平还是可以的,但是也不排除有借鉴他人或者有学长助攻的情况。不过,这位同学的自我介绍实在是有些不着边际。他将面对的是研究生入学考试的复试现场,而介绍中和自己的专业特长的介绍几乎为零,却反复强调了自己的各种爱好。也许该同学确实没什么拿得出手的奖项或者科研经历,所以只能写一些笼统的方面。985院校的同学还会为面试发愁?一般而言,本科出身于985院校的本科生可以说是“出身名贵”了,这一类同学自带有考研复试的印象分,教授们也经常会碰到校友。而这位吉林大学的同学却发出悲凉的感叹:笔试不知道考啥,面试不知道问啥,自我介绍也不知道咋写,难啊难?难道说他考得是清华大学吗?这也并不是没有可能!清华大学的面试一直刷人比较厉害,初试成绩高的也并不一定稳妥,因为在考清华的学生中,谁的初试成绩又有多低呢?复试对考研来说还是有很大的可逆转性,大家要好好把握,争取不要继续又当考研狗了!