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关注我!全国院校英语专业英美文学考研真题分析对于报考英语专业研究生的考生而言,“英美文学”是全国各院校英语专业研究生入学考试专业课科目(一般而言,英语专业专业课分语言学、文学及翻译等三个研究方向)。需要说明的是,有的院校会将研究方向与考试科目紧密挂钩,即报考英美文学研究方向就只考英美文学试题,报考语言学方向就只考语言学试题,英美文学为单卷,分值为150分;有的院校试卷考察内容会同时涉及文学、语言学、翻译等内容(有的院校涉及两部分),各占50分,满分150分。1.1英美文学考研真题分析全国各大院校在制定本校英语专业考研考试大纲时,虽然“英美文学”科目一般都有指定参考书,但考生在复习中抓不住重点,在考试中生搬硬套,考试成绩不甚理想,所以对各大院校的英美文学历年真题分析则显得尤为重要。分析各大院校的英美文学试题能够使考生对“英美文学”考试有一个全面的了解,更加清楚出题者的思路,从而正确地制定出复习方法和学习步骤,使复习具有针对性,使复习的效果更上一层楼。1.考核要求对于“英美文学”,全国各大院校自主命题,而且各院校的考核要求水平也有差异,所以没有相应的考试大纲来说明其考核要求。但国内大部分院校在命题时都会把1999年教育部批准实施的《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》作为指导标准,因此,这个大纲仍能反映目前高校对英语专业学生英美文学课程的大体要求。其要求如下:英美文学课程的目的在于培养学生阅读、欣赏、理解英语文学原著的能力,掌握文学批评的基本知识和方法。通过阅读和分析英美文学作品,促进学生语言基本功和人文素质的提高,增强学生对西方文学及文化的了解。授课的内容可包括:(a)文学导论;(b)英国文学概况;(c)美国文学概况;(d)文学批评。需要注意的是,个别院校英美文学试题涉及的范围与《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》指明的授课内容会略有出入,考生复习时应以报考院校所指定参考书的内容为主要参照依据。2.试题类型和出题形式通过分析全国众多院校“英美文学”的历年真题,其题目类型大致包括填空题、选择题、名词解释(文学术语或对作家作品的解释)、简答题、作品选段分析、论述题、批判性思维(北外的特色题型)等,具体归纳如下:(1)填空题填空题出题形式有两种。一种为一个留有空白的英文句子,要求考生根据句中提供的信息填出正确的答案。一种是考查作家与作品的匹配:一般为给出作品的名称,要求考生回答作家的名字。或是给出作品的简短选段,考生回答作品及作家的名称。如:1. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote ______, which has been called “the Manifesto of American Transcendentalism,” and ______, which has been regarded as America’s “Declaration of Intellectual Independence.”2. Read the following excerpts and identify their authors and the titles from which they are excerpted. Give full name of the author and full title of the work.Author ______ Title ______April is the cruelest month, breedingLilacs out of the dead land, mixingMemory and desire, stirringDull roots with spring rain.填空题考核的内容比较广泛,知识点也比较分散,但难度不大。采用这类题型的院校较多,有南京大学,中国人民大学,南开大学等。需要考生对各个时段的作家作品熟练掌握。(2)选择题选择题出题形式为一个留有空白的英文句子,要求考生从所给的四个选项选出正确的答案。其主要是考查作品与作家的匹配,或是对某个作品选段的分析,或是对文学基本知识的掌握程度。如:The following selection was written by ______.A. Washington IrvingB. Henry Wadsworth LongfellowC. Emily DickinsonD. Walt WhitmanO Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done;The ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won;The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring:选择题不是特别常见,采用这类题型的院校有大连外国语学院,北京第二外国语学院等。只要考生对文学基本知识熟练把握,此题难度不大。(3)名词解释名词解释题出题形式为题目给出一个术语,或是作家作品的名称,要求考生对其解释。如:Define, in complete sentences, the following terms, writers or works in English and American literature.Harlem RenaissanceSamuel Taylor ColeridgeDeath of a Salesman名词解释题是很多学校会采用的一种题型,如中国人民大学,西安交通大学,北京师范大学,上海交通大学等。(4)简答题简答题出题形式为给出某个作家或作品,要求考生对作家所属的流派,世界观及其主要作品的分析(包括主要人物,写作风格,主题思想的分析等)。如:Give a brief answer to each of the questions below.Why does Oscar Wilde put forward the doctrine “Art for art’s sake”?简答题是很多院校都会采用的一种题型,如南开大学、上海交通大学、四川大学、武汉大学、浙江大学、中国人民大学等。(5)作品选段分析题作品选段分析题出题形式为给出某个作品的选段,要求考生根据该选段回答相应的问题,如选段的作者,选段的主体思想,写作风格,艺术手法或是对某个单词,短语或者句子的理解。如:Read the following poem by Robert Frost and do according to the requirements.该作品选段为Robert Frost的一篇脍炙人口的诗《未选择的路》,要求考生根据这首诗回答以下两个问题:1. Please analyze the symbolic meanings of this poem with your understanding of the theme implied in it (10 points);2. Please point out one or two artistic features of the poem with the examples in the text. (6 points);这种题型几乎每个学校都会涉及,要求考生对指定的教材中的作品选段要十分熟悉。有些学校会选择指定教材外的作品选段,考生对此不必担心,这样的题目弹性较大,只要能够把握选段的意思及主要思想,问题便会迎刃而解。(6)论述题论述题出题形式比较多样,但主要就是对作家作品的分析,相对于简答题而言难度稍高。有些院校擅长考查作家作品的对比比较(如武汉大学),有些院校题目中给出一些文学理论,要求考生根据理论选择作品进行文学批评(如南京大学)。论述题需要考生对英美文学有一个较为宏观的把握,但细节的东西一定要掌握牢固,能够做到活学活用。(7)批判思维题批判思维题出题形式为给出一段话,要求考生判断其逻辑错误。此题型较为新颖,但目前只有北京外国语大学采用此种题型(2010年没有考查)。考研真题精选一、填空题1. Bacon has been called the father of _____, for his works established and popularized inctive methodologies for scientific inquiry, often called the Baconian method.(武汉大学2015研)【答案】modern science查看答案【解析】培根被称为“现代科学之父”。2. _____ is considered the first great English dramatist and the most important Elizabethan playwright before Shakespeare.(北京邮电大学2016研)【答案】Christopher Marlowe查看答案【解析】本题考查克里斯托弗·马娄的相关知识。克里斯托弗·马娄是英国诗人,剧作家,他革新了中世纪的戏剧,在舞台上创造了反映时代精神的巨人性格和“雄伟的诗行”,为莎士比亚的创作铺平了道路。3. Geoffrey Chaucer’s work The Canterbury Tales gives us a picture of the condition of English life of his day, such as its work and play, its deeds and dreams, its fun and sympathy. _____ contains the story about the three rioters as narrated by the pardoner and his long moralizings and attempts to sell fake, “relics” to other pilgrims.(大连外国语大学2010研)【答案】The Pardoner’s Tale查看答案【解析】赎罪僧的故事——关于死神降临贪财者身上的劝世寓言故事。为了杀死“死亡”,三个年轻人遇到了一个老人,他说他们会在附近的树下找到他。当他们到达的时候,他们发现了一堆宝藏,决定待在那里直到天黑,然后在黑暗的掩护下把它带走。出于贪婪,他们互相残杀。4. Of English drama in the first quarter of the 20th century mention should be made briefly of the theatrical activities in the two provincial centers of _____ and _____.(国际关系学院2010研)【答案】Manchester; Birmingham查看答案【解析】二十世纪早期,英国的两个戏剧中心为曼彻斯特和伯明翰。5. Doctor Faustus, is a play by Christopher Marlowe, based on the German story Faust, in which a man sells his soul to the devil for _____.(武汉大学2015研)【答案】knowledge and power查看答案【解析】浮士德是魔法师和炼金术士,为获得知识和权力,向魔鬼出卖了自己的灵魂。6. _____ is regarded as the third greatest English poet after Chaucer and Shakespeare, and the greatest in the 17th century.(天津外国语大学2014研)【答案】John Milton查看答案【解析】弥尔顿是继乔叟和莎士比亚之后第三位伟大的英国诗人,也是17世纪英国最杰出的诗人。7. “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested” is found in Francis Bacon’s _____.(北京邮电大学2016研)【答案】Of Studies查看答案【解析】本题考查培根作品。论读书是《培根随笔》中的一篇重要的文章,收于《培根随笔》一书中。《培根随笔》是英国随笔文学的开山之作,以其简洁的语言、优美的文笔、透彻的说理、迭出的警句,在世界文学史上占据了非常重要的地位。8. The Rape of the Lock is a(n) _____ composed by Alexander Pope, which satirizes a minor incident by comparing it to the grand world of the gods.(武汉大学2015研)【答案】mock epic查看答案【解析】蒲柏的《夺发记》是最著名的英语讽刺史诗之一。9. James Joyce’s first published book, _____, is a collection of 15 stories, the most famous of which are “The Dead” and “Araby”.(天津外国语大学2014研)【答案】Dubliners查看答案【解析】乔伊斯出版的第一本书叫《都柏林人》,收集了15篇文章,其中最著名的是《死者》和《阿拉比》。10. The novel _____ written by Dickens deals with the adventures of Mr. Pickwick, a retired old merchant, who is the founder and chairman of the Pickwick Club.(大连外国语大学2010研)【答案】The Pickwick Papers查看答案【解析】《匹克威克外传》是狄更斯的第一部长篇小说,写老绅士匹克威克一行五人到英国各地漫游的故事。11. _____ are primitive creatures obsessed with “pretty stones” they find by digging in mud, thus representing the distasteful materialism and ignorant elitism Jonathan Swift encountered in Britain.(武汉大学2015研)【答案】The Yahoos查看答案【解析】《格列佛游记》中的肮脏卑劣的人性兽“耶胡”。12. Among the first dramatists to write for the popular playhouses was a group of young men called _____, because they had studied at the universities of Oxford or Cambridge. This group included Lyly, Peele, Marlowe, Greene, Lodge, and Nash.(北京邮电大学2016研)【答案】University Wits查看答案【解析】本题考查戏剧流派大学才子派。大学才子派是指16世纪80年代英国出现的一批受过大学教育的剧作家。大学才子派是莎士比亚之前的一个流派,为莎士比亚的创作提供了丰富的灵感与帮助。代表人物克里斯托弗·马洛是大学才子中最有才华、成就最大的一个,在文学史上享有“诗剧的晨星”“英国悲剧之父”的美誉。他是莎士比亚以前英国戏剧界最重要的人物,也是英国文艺复兴戏剧的真正创始人。13. Beowulf probably existed in its oral form as early as the _____ century and its hero and his adventures are placed in _____ and southern Sweden rather than in England. (国际关系学院2010研)【答案】5th; Denmark【解析】《贝奥武甫》最早在公元五世纪开始口头传诵,故事发生在丹麦和瑞典南部,诗中并没有提及英国。14. Cordelia is a character in _____, one of the four great tragedies written by _____.(大连外国语大学2010研)【答案】King Lear; William Shakespeare查看答案【解析】《李尔王》是莎士比亚的四大悲剧之一。故事讲述了年事已高的国王李尔王退位后,被大女儿和二女儿赶到荒郊野外,成为法兰西皇后的三女儿考狄利娅率军救父,却被杀死,李尔王伤心地死在她身旁。15. In more than one sense Alexander Pope was the most important English poet to come out of the 18th century. For one thing, he was the best known and the most influential not only in England but in the Europe of his time, and his _____, in rhymed iambic pentameter, took the stage and became the dominant vogue in poetic creation on both sides of the English Channel.(天津外国语大学2014研)【答案】heroic couplet查看答案【解析】蒲柏的诗多用“英雄双韵体”。他的许多词句写得工整、精练、富有哲理性,有些诗行几乎成为格言。蒲柏是第一位受到欧洲大陆关注的英国诗人,他的著作被翻译成欧洲许多国家的文字。麻烦大家关注+点赞,谢谢!!本文由【才聪学习网】原创,关注我了解更多考试资料!



2021年4月西城区高三统一测试英语第一部分:知识运用(共两节,30分)第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Some dreams take longer to come true than others, but with the help of 21st-century social media and her great-grandson, at the age of 110, one British woman is 1 hers at long last.原文解析:有些梦想要比其他的更久才能实现,但在21世纪的社交媒体和她110岁的曾孙的帮助下,一位英国女性终于实现了自己的梦想。At the end of World War I, Amy Hawkins was a 7-year-old child who loved nothing more than to 2 . As a teen, Hawkins set her 3 on becoming an entertainer. Hawkins was on her way, touring the country with a dance troupe (歌舞团)—until her ambition was 4 by her mom, who didn’t see it as a respectable 5 for a young lady.第一次世界大战结束时,艾米·霍金斯还是个7岁的孩子,她最喜欢的就是唱歌。十几岁时,霍金斯就立志要成为一名艺人。霍金斯当时正在路上,她和一个舞蹈团在全国巡回演出,直到她的梦想被她的母亲终止了,她的母亲认为这不是一个年轻女士应该做的体面职业。All these years later, the 110-year-old lady lives at home in Monmouth, South Wales, surrounded by her loved ones. The four-generation family unit includes her granddaughter, Hannah Freeman, and Freeman’s 14-year-old son, Sacha. Even though she’s no longer doing it 6 , Hawkins has never stopped singing.多年后,这位110岁的老太太住在南威尔士蒙茅斯的家中,身边都是她爱的人。这个家族的四代成员包括她的孙女汉娜·弗里曼和弗里曼14岁的儿子萨沙。尽管她已经不再是职业歌手,但霍金斯从未停止过唱歌。“She’s like a clock, once you wind her up she won’t stop,” Freeman said in an interview. “She just keeps asking, ‘Would you 7 another one?’.”弗里曼在一次采访中说:她就像一个时钟,一旦你给她上发条,她就停不下来。她一直在问,你想再来一杯吗?。On Hawkins’ 110th birthday, Sacha 8 his great-gran singing one of her favorite WWI tunes. When Freeman jokingly suggested Sacha post it to TikTok, neither of them could have 9 the overwhelmingly positive response it would receive, reaching 100,000 views and a large number of emotional praises in just days.在霍金斯110岁生日那天,萨夏拍下了他曾祖母唱她最喜欢的WWI歌曲之一的视频。当弗里曼开玩笑地建议萨沙把它发布到TikTok上时,他们俩谁也没有想到它会在短短几天内得到如此压倒性的积极回应,点击量达到了10万次,还有大量的情感赞扬。Some journeys take longer than others. Sometimes, we’re detoured (绕路) along the way. Dreams can and do come true every day. While it’s been a long time coming, Amy Hawkins is 10 a whole new generation of fans.原文解析:有些旅程比其他旅程花的时间长。有时候,我们会在路上走弯路。梦想每天都会成真。在漫长的等待之后,艾米·霍金斯迎来了新一代的粉丝。1. A. reflecting B. realizingC. recalling D. researching2. A. sing B. studyC. paint D. film3. A. values B. limitsC. sights D. hands4. A. cut back B. cut inC. cut through D. cut short5. A. method B. gradeC. level D. occupation6. A. nervously B. professionallyC. reasonably D. secretly7. A. bring B. haveC. like D. read8. A. caught B. videoedC. reported D. remembered9. A. imagined B. noticedC. missed D. suspected10. A. entertaining B. becomingC. representing D. inviting第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。AInvented 11 early twentieth-century America by Richard Drew, Scotch tape can be used to fix almost anything. However, there is more to this fix-it-all than just that. Sticky yet easily removed, Scotch tape was designed for use in painting cars—to mask off areas that should not 12 (paint). The tape soon found other uses. During the 1930s, people didn’t have much money, so they couldn’t throw away damaged things; they had to repair them. Drew’s painting tape became a popular, money-saving fix for everything from torn clothing to broken eggs. Since then, people 13 (find) all sorts of creative ways to use the sticky tape.原文解析:Invented in early twentieth-century America by Richard Drew, Scotch tape can be used to fix almost anything. However, there is more to this fix-it-all than just that. Sticky yet easily removed, Scotch tape was designed for use in painting cars—to mask off areas that should not be painted. The tape soon found other uses. During the 1930s, people didn’t have much money, so they couldn’t throw away damaged things; they had to repair them. Drew’s painting tape became a popular, money-saving fix for everything from torn clothing to broken eggs. Since then, people have found all sorts of creative ways to use the sticky tape.透明胶带是20世纪早期由理查德·德鲁发明的,可以用来固定几乎任何东西。然而,解决这个问题的方法远不止这些。透明胶带很粘,但很容易去除,它被设计用于油漆汽车,以掩盖不应该涂的区域。这种带子很快就有了其他用途。在20世纪30年代,人们没有多少钱,所以他们不能扔掉损坏的东西;他们不得不修理它们。画画胶带成了一种流行的省钱方法,可以修补从破衣服到破鸡蛋的一切东西。从那以后,人们找到了各种有创意的使用胶带的方法。BAfter a lot of preparation, Joseph Lockwood and Philippa Amos were finally ready to start their journey into the Amazon rainforest. They were feeling 14 (cheer) as they sailed down the great river. Eventually, they got out of the boat and walked into the darkness of the jungle. Neither of them had ever been in such an extreme situation before, using just a compass (指南针) to find the area where the kind of frog they wanted to study 15 (live). Suddenly, Joseph, who was holding the compass, tripped and lost it in a river. The situation seemed hopeless—how would they find the frogs now? But just 16 they started to feel really sad and worried that their journey 17 (be) a failure, they saw the frogs they had come to look for.原文解析:After a lot of preparation, Joseph Lockwood and Philippa Amos were finally ready to start their journey into the Amazon rainforest. They were feeling cheerful as they sailed down the great river. Eventually, they got out of the boat and walked into the darkness of the jungle. Neither of them had ever been in such an extreme situation before, using just a compass (指南针) to find the area where the kind of frog they wanted to study lived. Suddenly, Joseph, who was holding the compass, tripped and lost it in a river. The situation seemed hopeless—how would they find the frogs now? But just as they started to feel really sad and worried that their journey would be a failure, they saw the frogs they had come to look for.经过大量的准备工作,约瑟夫·洛克伍德和菲利帕·阿莫斯终于准备好开始他们的亚马逊雨林之旅。他们沿着大河航行,心情很愉快。最后,他们下了船,走进了丛林的黑暗中。他们两人之前曾经在这样一个极端的情况下,仅使用指南针(指南针)找到的青蛙的地方他们想学习生活。突然,拿着指南针的约瑟夫绊了一下,把它掉进了河里。情况似乎没有希望了——现在他们怎样才能找到青蛙呢?但是正当他们开始感到非常难过,担心他们的旅程会失败的时候,他们看到了他们来寻找的青蛙。The Longji Rice Terraces (龙脊梯田) were built by the local Zhuang and Yao people, to whom Guangxi is home. Starting in the Yuan Dynasty, work on the terraces took hundreds of years. The terraces are 18 (clever) designed, with hundreds of waterways that connect with each other. During the rainy season, it is along these waterways that rainwater 19 (move) down the mountains and into the terraces. These terraces also provide a perfect environment for birds and fish, some of which feed on insects 20 can harm the rice crops. Today the Longji Rice Terraces attract thousands of visitors who come to admire this great wonder created by people and nature working together.原文解析:The Longji Rice Terraces were built by the local Zhuang and Yao people, to whom Guangxi is home. Starting in the Yuan Dynasty, work on the terraces took hundreds of years. The terraces are cleverly designed, with hundreds of waterways that connect with each other. During the rainy season, it is along these waterways that rainwater moves down the mountains and into the terraces. These terraces also provide a perfect environment for birds and fish, some of which feed on insects that can harm the rice crops. Today the Longji Rice Terraces attract thousands of visitors who come to admire this great wonder created by people and nature working together.龙脊梯田是广西壮族、瑶族人建造的。从元朝开始,梯田的建造花费了数百年的时间。梯田设计巧妙,数百条水道相互连接。在雨季,雨水沿着这些水道从山上流下,进入梯田。这些梯田也为鸟类和鱼类提供了完美的环境,其中一些以危害水稻的昆虫为食。今天,龙脊梯田吸引了成千上万的游客前来观赏这一由人类和自然共同创造的伟大奇迹。第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,38分)第一节(共14小题;每小题2分,共28分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AImmersive Van Gogh身临其境的梵高From the creators of the blockbuster show in Paris seen by over two million visitors and still wowing crowds in Toronto, the west coast premiere (首场) of the Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit will bring the art of Vincent to life in Los Angeles.这场在巴黎举行的大型展览吸引了超过200万的游客,在多伦多的观众依然让人惊叹。这场沉浸式梵高作品展在西海岸的首映式将在洛杉矶让文森特的艺术重现人间。Immersive art is not just a technical way to represent video and audio in huge spaces. The word immersive indicates a deep commitment of intentions which connect images and sounds in a way that the audience is able to experience a different way of the art.沉浸式艺术不仅仅是在巨大空间中表现视频和音频的技术方法。沉浸式这个词表明了一种深刻的意图,将图像和声音连接起来,让观众能够体验到一种不同的艺术方式。True to its name, this exhibition transforms the iconic (偶像的) paintings of Vincent van Gogh into moving, wall-filling projections. “Immersive Van Gogh” promises half-a-million cubic feet of projections that pull from some of the post-impressionist’s most recognizable pieces, includingThe Bedroom, Sunflowers and, yes, The Starry Night.正如它的名字一样,这次展览将文森特·梵高的标志性画作变成了移动的、充满墙壁的投影。身临其境的梵高承诺将画出50万立方英尺的投影,借鉴后印象派最著名的作品,包括《卧室》、《向日葵》,没错,还有《星夜》。You will experience art like never before—lose yourself in entrancing, moving images that highlight brushstrokes, detail, and color—truly illuminating (照亮) the mind of the genius.您将体验艺术从未像迷失自己在迷人的,移动图像突出的笔触,细节,和颜色真正照亮天才的头脑。LOCATIONThe Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit is located at a secret place situated in the heart of Los Angeles. To be announced before the exhibit opens, existing ticket holders will receive an email with the place name and location once it is made public.沉浸式梵高展览位于洛杉矶中心的一个秘密地点。在展览开始前宣布,一旦公开,现有的门票持有者将收到一封附有地点和地点的电子邮件。TICKET PRICESGIFT SHOPStop by our Exhibit Gift Shop to take the magic of Van Gogh home with you! From clothing and jewelry to home décor, children’s books, and so much more, you will find unique and thoughtful souvenirs at the Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit. Also be sure to check out at our online store!参观我们的展览礼品店,把梵高的魔力带回家吧!从服装珠宝到家庭décor,儿童书籍,等等,你会在沉浸式的梵高展览中找到独特而贴心的纪念品。也一定要查看我们的在线商店Experience the organic landscapes of Van Gogh’s imagination, and journey through his brilliance and madness in a completely new and unforgettable way.以一种全新而难忘的方式,体验梵高想象中的有机景观,并在他的辉煌和疯狂中旅行。21. According to the passage, the Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit ________.A. presents Van Gogh’s art in a modern wayB. begins a journey to Van Gogh’s hometownC. displays Van Gogh’s paintings on moving wallsD. designs projects on Van Gogh’s learning experience22. From where can people find information about the exact location of the exhibit?A. An email.B. A website.C. The ticket office.D. The gift shop.23. How much should a couple with a 5-year-old child who would like to own a Van Gogh cushion at least pay for the visit?A. $109.98.B. $154.98.C. $159.98.D. $199.98.BIda Nelson and her sister were relaxing and enjoying themselves in the sauna (桑拿室) when she heard a series of long low sounds from a small airplane circling the nearby airport.艾达·纳尔逊和她的妹妹正在桑拿房里放松享受,这时她听到一架小飞机在附近机场盘旋,发出一系列长长的低沉的声音。It was 11:30 at night in the Alaskan village of Igiugig, population 70, and, as she told the reporter, “Any time a plane flies over that late, you know something is wrong.”那是晚上11点半,在阿拉斯加人口70人的igiugg村,正如她对记者说的那样,“只要有飞机这么晚飞过来,你就知道出事了。”Nelson and her sister leaped out of the sauna, ran to the window, and saw the problem: The airport’s runway lights were out.尼尔森和她的妹妹跳出桑拿房,跑到窗前,发现了问题所在:机场的跑道灯熄灭了。Nelson threw on some clothes, jumped into her ATV, and floored it to the airport, where she found a local pilot trying to turn on the lights manually.尼尔森穿上衣服,跳上她的沙滩车,踩着油门驶向机场,在那里她发现一名当地飞行员正试图手动开灯。“Normally, if you push the button 10 or 15 times, the lights will just light up,” Nelson told KTOO out of Juneau. Not this time. Meanwhile, she and the pilot learned of the plane’s urgent mission: It was a medevac (医疗救护直升机), there to transport a seriously ill local girl to the nearest hospital, 280 miles away in Anchorage.通常,如果你按下按钮10或15次,灯就会亮起来,尼尔森在朱诺告诉KTOO。不是这一次。与此同时,她和飞行员得知了这架飞机的紧急任务:它是一架医疗直升机,要把一位当地身患重病的女孩送到280英里外安克雷奇最近的医院。Nelson had a plan. Driving her ATV to the end of the runway, she shone her headlights for the plane to follow. Great idea, but it wasn’t enough. More light was needed, so a neighbor called nearly every home in the village—32 of them.尼尔森有一个计划。她开着她的沙滩车走到跑道的尽头,她点亮车头灯,让后面的飞机跟着。好主意,但还不够。由于需要更多的光线,一位邻居几乎给村里的每户人家都打了电话——一共32户。Within 20 minutes, 20 vehicles arrived at the airport, many of the drivers still in pajamas (睡衣). Following directions from the medevac pilot, the cars lined up on one side of the runway.不到20分钟,就有20辆车抵达机场,许多司机还穿着睡衣。按照救护直升机飞行员的指示,汽车在跑道的一侧排成一排。The medevac made its final approach and, guided by the headlights, landed safely. The young patient was loaded onto the aircraft, and the plane immediately took off again. Her illness was never publicly revealed, but she has since been released from the hospital.救护直升机在前灯的指引下完成了最后的着陆。这位年轻的病人被抬上飞机,飞机立即又起飞了。她的病情从未被公开,但她已经出院。In a world filled with uncertainty, the little community’s positive activism was a big deal. Not so much for Nelson. As she told the reporter, in Igiugig, coming together “is kind of a normal deal.”在一个充满不确定性的世界里,这个小社区的积极行动是一件大事。尼尔森可没那么好。正如她在伊吉吉对记者说的那样,聚在一起“是一种正常的交易”。24. What problem did the medevac have?A. It arrived late.B. Its lights were broken.C. It couldn’t land safely.D. It needed a local pilot.25. What was Nelson’s plan to help?A. Helping the pilot to repair the lights.B. Calling her neighbors to help together.C. Shining the headlights for the plane to follow.D. Sending the seriously ill girl to the hospital in her ATV.26. What does the story intend to tell us?A. Knowledge starts with practice.B. A friend in need is a friend indeed.C. Nothing is impossible to the man who will try.D. A small act of kindness can make a big difference.CHumans’ overconsumption of resources is a leading contributor to global climate change, says University of Arizona researcher Sabrina Helm. Therefore, it’s increasingly important to understand the choices consumers make and how those decisions affect the health of a planet with limited resources. In a new study, published in the journal Young Consumers, Helm and her colleagues explore how materialistic values influence pro-environmental behaviors in millennials, who are now the nation’s most influential group of consumers.亚利桑那大学的研究员Sabrina Helm说,人类过度消耗资源是全球气候变化的主要原因。因此,了解消费者的选择以及这些决定如何影响资源有限的地球的健康变得越来越重要。在《年轻消费者》杂志上发表的一项新研究中,赫尔姆和她的同事探讨了物质主义价值观如何影响千禧一代的环保行为,这一群体现在是美国最具影响力的消费者群体。The researchers focused on two main categories of pro-environmental behaviors: reced consumption, which includes actions like repairing instead of replacing older items; and “green buying,” or purchasing procts designed to limit environmental impacts. The researchers also looked at how engaging in pro-environmental behaviors affects consumer well-being.研究人员主要关注两大类亲环境行为:减少消费,包括修理而不是更换旧物品;以及“绿色购买”,即购买旨在限制对环境影响的产品。研究人员还研究了参与环保行为对消费者福祉的影响。More materialistic participants, the researchers found, were unlikely to engage in reced consumption. However, materialism did not seem to have an effect on their likelihood of practicing “green buying.” That’s probably because “green buying,” unlike reced consumption, still offers a way for materialists to fulfill their desire to get new items, Helm said.研究人员发现,更崇尚物质的参与者不太可能减少消费。然而,物质主义似乎对他们进行“绿色购买”的可能性没有影响。赫尔姆说,这可能是因为“绿色购买”与减少消费不同,它仍然为物质主义者提供了一种满足他们购买新物品欲望的方式。Study participants who reported having fewer materialistic values were much more likely to engage in reced consumption. Consuming less was, in turn, linked to higher personal well-being and lower psychological suffering. Green buying—which may have some positive environmental effects, although to a smaller degree than reced consumption—was not found to improve consumer well-being, Helm said.报告称物质价值较少的研究参与者更有可能减少消费。反之,消费越少,个人幸福感越高,心理痛苦越少。赫尔姆说,绿色购买可能会对环境产生一些积极的影响,尽管与减少消费相比影响较小,但并没有发现它能提高消费者的幸福感。The take-home message for consumers: “The key is to rece consumption and not just buy green stuff. Having less and buying less can actually make us more satisfied and happier,” Helm said. “If you have a lot of stuff, you have a lot on your mind,” she said. “For example, it requires maintenance and there’s a lot of burdens of ownership, and if you relieve yourself of that burden of ownership, most people report feeling a lot better and freer.”对消费者来说,关键是要减少消费,而不仅仅是购买绿色产品。赫尔姆说,拥有更少、购买更少实际上能让我们更满足、更快乐。如果你有很多东西,你的脑海里就会有很多东西,她说。例如,它需要维护,并且有很多所有权的负担,如果你减轻了所有权的负担,大多数人都会感觉好多了,更自由了。Helm and her colleagues additionally looked at how materialism affects millennial consumers’ proactive financial behaviors, such as budgeting and saving. Examining financial behaviors alongside pro-environmental behaviors provides a picture of how young alts proactively deal with resource limitations in two contexts: environmental and financial, Helm said.赫尔姆和她的同事们还研究了物质主义如何影响千禧一代消费者的积极理财行为,如预算和储蓄。赫尔姆说,将财务行为与亲环境行为结合起来考察,可以在环境和财务两种背景下,了解年轻人如何主动应对资源限制。As expected, Helm and her colleagues found that those who reported having more materialistic values engaged in fewer proactive financial behaviors than their less materialistic counterparts (对应的人). The researchers also found that, consistent with previous studies, proactive financial behaviors were associated with better personal well-being, life satisfaction and financial satisfaction, as well as lower psychological suffering.正如所料,赫尔姆和她的同事们发现,那些报告有更多物质价值观的人比那些不那么物质的同行更少地从事积极的财务行为。研究人员还发现,与之前的研究一致,积极的财务行为与更好的个人幸福感、生活满意度和财务满意度,以及较低的心理痛苦有关。Understanding how materialistic values impact consumer behaviors, and how those behaviors in turn affect personal and environmental well-being, is important, Helm said. However, she acknowledges that for many consumers, shifting behaviors to be more financially proactive and consume less will be challenging.赫尔姆说,了解物质价值如何影响消费者行为,以及这些行为如何反过来影响个人和环境福祉,这很重要。不过,她也承认,对许多消费者来说,改变消费行为,在财务上更加主动,减少消费将是一个挑战。27. What do we know about pro-environmental behaviors?A. They are a cause of climate change.B. They lead to a more satisfying life.C. They vary in different age groups.D. They are affected by materialism.28. It can be learned from Helm’s study that .A. ownership of green procts brings a sense of happinessB. materialists prefer practicing green buying to buying lessC. green buying helps control people’s desire to buy new itemsD. buying less and green buying have similar effects on people29. According to the study, which of the following can improve one’s well-being?A. Replacing older items.B. Developing new resources.C. Buying greener procts.D. Being careful with expenses.30. What is Helm probably going to explain in the next paragraph?A. When people develop proactive financial behaviors.B. Which financial behaviors lead to mental well-being.C. Why it is hard to change people’s financial behaviors.D. How materialistic values influence financial behaviors.DPlants, and the insects which rely on them, are the living foundations of our planet. But these foundations are under stress because we have a tendency to replace fields and forests with decorative trees and shrubs imported from around the world. Adding to the problem, our obsession (痴迷) with perfection leads us to use a lot of pesticides (杀虫剂).植物和赖以生存的昆虫是我们这个星球的生存基础。但这些基金会正面临压力,因为我们有一种趋势,用从世界各地进口的装饰性树木和灌木取代农田和森林。雪上加霜的是,我们对完美的执着导致我们使用大量的杀虫剂。These actions are part of the reason global biodiversity is crashing. There are over three billion fewer wild birds in North America than there were in 1970. Recent research shows that insect numbers, even in nature reserves, have fallen, and 40 percent of all insect species may be extinct within a few decades. This is discouraging news; however, there are actions we can take to help bring at least some species back.这些行动是全球生物多样性崩溃的部分原因。与1970年相比,北美的野生鸟类数量减少了超过30亿只。最近的研究表明,即使在自然保护区,昆虫的数量也在下降,40%的昆虫物种可能在几十年内灭绝。这是令人沮丧的消息;然而,我们可以采取一些行动,至少让一些物种回归。The first step is to redefine our concept of “garden” to include more than just plants. We need to intentionally share our space, and not just with the birds, bees and butterflies that visit our flowers, but also with the little insects that may eat a part (very rarely all) of our plants. Therefore, we must limit pesticide use. It’s crucial to support nature’s recovery, and it’s much better for everyone: no doctor has ever recommended long-term exposure to pesticides.Many drought-tolerant plants brought in from across the planet are being passed off as ecofriendly. However, mostly they’re not. Yes, you’re saving water, but these foreign plants can become disasters when they escape our yards. Helping the environment can be about more than saving water. Even in drier areas, like the American West, the selection of attractive native plants to choose from is vast. If dry is your style, there are native wildflowers, flowering bushes and trees that allow you to save water and nature.Xeriscapes (节水型园艺) leave many gardeners thirsting for green, and there’s an important alternative that has been largely ignored. For those disenchanted withdry landscaping, using underappreciated and water-loving native plants to make your garden a real-life oasis (绿洲) could be lifesaving to wildlife. In nature, this unsung group of native plants is limited to riparian zones, the narrow belts of green along water bodies, but if consumers demand them, nurseries will increasingly carry these riparian species, and the presence of such plants in the garden will provide for many animals including not just butterflies and their relatives but also colorful birds.The ideal garden would offer a combination of drought-tolerant native plants and a few species that need a little more water, providing options for little guests and the bigger ones that will come to eat them. As more creatures stop by to share our yards, we will be making nature, and us all, a little healthier.31. What do we know about insect species?A. They have an impact on the diversity of plants.B. They disappear because of lack of nature reserves.C. They decrease partly e to our pursuit for perfection.D. They are the reason why we replace fields and forests.32. The underlined phrase “disenchanted with” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to .A. sick ofB. addicted toC. concerned aboutD. impatient with33. The passage mainly talks about .A. why we need grow native plants in gardensB. how gardening helps with biodiversityC. whether we should redefine “garden”D. what benefits gardening brings34. Which of the following shows the development of ideas in the passage?CP: Central Point P: Point Sp: Sub-point C: Conclusion第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。If you text often, you likely have a “texting style”. Do you often use emojis? Or what about using correct punctuation (标点)? What do all these texting habits say about you? To help you understand yourself, here are some texting styles that can tell you a lot about your personality.如果你经常发短信,你很可能有一种发短信的风格。你经常使用表情符号吗?或者如何使用正确的标点?这些发短信的习惯说明了你什么?为了帮助你了解自己,这里有一些可以反映你性格的短信风格。Do you always use emojis when you’re texting? You’re most likely someone who is open to showing your emotions and is truthful. 35 To make sure the other person doesn’t get the wrong idea about your messages, you make sure to express the tone of messages with an emoji, which can be often used as effective signals in modern social communication.If you like to respond in one-word texts like a quick “Good”, then you most likely have a more reserved personality, and aren’t as open with your true thoughts and feelings. Because you are not as open with your emotions in texts, you may not care how lengthy your response is. But be careful. 36Do you value punctuation and grammar in your writing? This love of grammar goes straight into your texts as well as your emails. This seems like a great thing, doesn’t it? But in texting, people seem to think otherwise. Simply placing a period at the end of sentences in texts can make you come across as untrustworthy to others. 37 With this texting style, you are rooted in logic and always pay attention to the little details.Are your texts lengthy and thoughtful? 38 Similar to someone who texts with perfect grammar, you are a thoughtful and detail-oriented person, who enjoys deep conversations and likes things that are controlled and stable.39 Which texting personality are you? Are you a mix of several types? It’s important to note that everyone has different ways of texting in different situations. Everyone texts their colleagues in a different style from their family or their friends. If you ever think someone may have left you an unclear or rude text, it’s better to just ask them in-person what they meant or what they were feeling.A. Do you relate to any of these texting personalities?B. Do you know that you and your friends may have different styles?C. Such texts may also be rated as less sincere than those that do not.D. You may be the busy type who doesn’t have a lot of time to respond.E. You’re the type of person who understands the importance of context.F. You want others to know how you’re feeling when you’re using a message.G. If you’re texting someone with a different text personality, they may view your text as negative.第三部分:书面表达(共两节,32分)第一节 阅读表达(共4小题;第40、41题各2分,第42题3分,第43题5分, 共12分)。阅读下面短文,根据题目要求回答问题。Is it better for our bodies to work out at certain times of the day? Scientists have known for some time that every tissue in our bodies contains a kind of biological clock that goes off in response to messages related to our daily exposure to light, food and sleep.在一天的特定时间锻炼对我们的身体更好吗?科学家早就知道,我们身体的每个组织都有一种生物钟,它会对我们日常接触光线、食物和睡眠的信息做出反应。However, whether and how exercise timing might influence metabolic (新陈代谢的) health has been less clear, and the results of past experiments have not always agreed. A much-discussed 2019 study found that men with Type 2 diabetes (糖尿病) who completed a few minutes of high-intensity interval (间隔) sessions in the afternoon improved their blood-sugar control after two weeks. Patrick Schrauwen, a professor of nutrition and movement sciences read that 2019 study with interest. He had been studying exercise in people with Type 2 diabetes, but had not considered the possible role of timing. Now, seeing the varying impacts of the intense workouts, he wondered if the timing of workouts might similarly affect how the workouts changed people’s metabolisms.Incidentally, he and his colleagues had a ready-made source of data in their own prior experiment. Several years earlier, they had asked alt men at high risk for Type 2 diabetes to ride stationary bicycles at the lab three times a week for 12 weeks, while the researchers tracked their metabolic health. They also had noted when the riders showed up for their workouts. The researchers pulled data for the 12 men who consistently had worked out between 8 and 10 a.m. and compared them with another 20 who always exercised between 3 and 6 p.m. They found that the benefits of afternoon workouts far outweighed those of morning exercise.He says, “This study does suggest that afternoon exercise may be more beneficial for people with disturbed metabolisms than the same exercise done earlier. The particular and most effective exercise for each of us will line up with our daily routines and exercise tendencies because exercise is good for us at any time of day—but only if we choose to keep doing it.”他说,这项研究确实表明,对于代谢紊乱的人来说,下午锻炼可能比之前做同样的锻炼更有益。对我们每个人来说,特别且最有效的锻炼方式将与我们的日常生活和锻炼倾向相一致,因为锻炼在一天中的任何时候都对我们有好处,但只有当我们选择坚持下去的时候。40. What inspired Professor Schrauwen to carry out the research related to the timing of workouts?41. What did Schrauwen’s new study figure out?42. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.Professor Schrauwen and his colleagues carried out the research by using the newly-collected data and making comparisons between two different subject groups.43. When do you think is the best time for you to exercise? Why? (about 40 words)第二节(20分)假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你校英国留学生Jim暂时留在英国不能回校,但是他邮寄来的摄影作品“桃花 (peach blossom)”在你校“春天(Spring)”摄影展获得一等奖,请你给他写一封邮件,内容包括:1. 祝贺获奖;2. 介绍展出情况。注意: 1.词数100左右;2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Jim,Yours,Li Hua(请务必将答案写在答题卡指定区域内)本文属于书信中的介绍信!是我们模拟考试比较高频的文体第二节(20分)One possible version:Dear Jim,How are you getting along in the UK these days? I am writing to tell you some good news: your photograph “peach blossom” has won first prize in the photography exhibition “Spring”! Congratulations!It was your creative composition and the vivid color that made your photograph stand out. Moreover, the bird on the branch was especially impressive because it demonstrated the energetic spring in your hometown and revealed a sense of vigor and hope.All the photographs are now on display in the school gallery, each capturing a unique aspect of spring: some present vibrant scenes; some stress new hope and life and others celebrate true human emotion. What a success!It is really unfortunate that you can’t come to appreciate all the exquisite photographs in person. To remedy this, I’ll attach three pictures to show what the exhibition is like.All the best.Yours,Li Hua西城区高三统一测试英语参考答案2021.4第一部分:知识运用(共两节,30分)第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)1.B;2.A;3.C;4.D;5.D;6.B;7.C;8.B;9.A;10.A;第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)11. in;12. be painted;13. have found;14. cheerful;15. lived;16. as; 17. would be;18. cleverly ;19. moves;20. that/which;第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,38分)第一节(共14小题;每小题2分,共28分)21.A;22.A;23.B;24.C;25.C;26.D;27.D;28.B;29.D;30.C;31.C;32.A;33.B;34.D;第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)35.F;36.G ;37.C;38.E;39.A;第三部分:书面表达(共两节,32分)第一节(共4小题;第40、41题各2分,第42题3分,第43题5分, 共12分)40. The 2019 study.41. For some people, it is better to work out in the afternoon.42. Professor Schrauwen and his colleagues carried out the research by using the newly-collected dataand making comparisons between two different subject groups.According to the passage, Professor Schrauwen and his colleagues didn’t collect any new data to do the research. They made use of the ready-made source of data from their own prior experiment.43. 略刘凯老师介绍刘凯,男,蒙古族,黑龙江省齐齐哈尔人。本科为哈尔滨师范大学英语系,硕士为北京理工大学。2010年赴美国宾夕法尼亚大学交流学习;2013年美国亚利桑那大学访问学者;2015年澳大利亚新南威尔士大学ESL研修;2018年加州理工学院语言学双学位获得者;2019年赴澳大利亚麦考瑞大学交流习;GRE托福考试全球高分获得者;荣获长江商学院EMBA。北京市优秀青年教师,北京市级重点高中示范校骨干教师,多年高中一线执教经验,高三年级把关教师,多次参与东城区模拟试题命题工作,教学理念先进,教学成果突出,多篇教学论文获市区级奖项。多篇文章发表在《中国教育报》《中国考试》《北京教育》等报刊上。多次参加高考阅卷工作,参与人民教育出版社、北京教育出版社、外研社等各类高考教学用书的编写工作,有丰富的备考经验,国际核心期刊发表多篇论文。教育部课题研究员,参与国家十二五课题计划,并作出突出贡献,参与初中、高中各年级区级试题的命制,多次承担区级和市级研究课任务。北京市科技英语优秀指导教师,所带学生在各级英语口语、作文竞赛中多次获奖;将扎实的英语基本功和严谨的学术思想作为教学的基础,课堂上善于寓教于乐,信息量大,内容丰富,使学生在和谐的课堂气氛下欣赏英语、享受英语、掌握英语、运用英语。2009-2012年期间,多次受邀在北京广播电台主持英语高考大纲解析及英语新课程改革节目,学术功底深厚,兼具偶像派与实力派特点,教风亲切洒脱,诙谐幽默,思维开阔,屡有奇思妙想,善于引导学生学以致用,对高考动向把握极其准确,深受学生和家长欢迎。尤其擅长英语语法和单词记忆法。海外生活学习十年,社科人文类学科偏爱者;10年雅思教龄,知名教师培训师;指导上万考生快速冲刺雅思写作、阅读,平均分数7.5分;独创“段落清空”、极简化“针对检索式”阅读法等众多高效技法;每年雅思考试均在10次以上;均分8+;真题回忆准确度97%以上;贴近西式思路和语言指导学生写作;善于帮助学生突破学术写作思维瓶颈。讲授科目有长难句、翻译、四六级考试、阅读和写作;在2014、2015、2017、2019四年考研中,接受其培训的所有考生中有近万名考生取得高分。带给学生的不只是考分的提高,更多的是对英语领悟和感知的突破。纯正的英音、独到的见解、睿智的思维和轻松幽默的语言,为其赢得了广大学生的认同和喜爱。资深考研培训讲师;英语四六级考试天团高级讲师;雅思阅读、雅思写作培训主讲名师;六级考试阅卷组成员;深谙命题规律和解题套路,对英语的学习规律和方法见解独特。呼吁国人学习英语的态度:重复是记忆之母。用听,用看,用心去触摸每个单词,你便会有好的记忆。中国人要学好英语就要有一点点变态。上课特点:课堂从不需点名,却无人缺席教学理念:英语教师很幸运也有责任与学生一同叩响世界之门





高分经验 | 2021年报考中山大学,总分386分,专业课243分!

公卫研习社作者简介:本科浙大,2021考研,报考中山大学公共卫生学院(深圳)流行病与卫生统计学专业(学硕),总分386分,英语73分,政治70分,专业课243分。初试经验 01 英语背单词背单词背单词,重要的事情说三遍,词汇量一定是重中之重,多早开始背单词都不为过,因为很多单词日常不常用到所以很容易就忘记,尤其是有多个意思的单词,一定要把每个意思都记住,至少是有印象,熟词僻义在历年的考题中并不少见。六月份开始做真题卷,1995年-2000年的真题用来熟悉考题和考试形式,但时间比较久远借鉴意义不大,大概3-4天做一张卷子。我没有系统的看过某个老师的教学视频,刚开始做的时候阅读错的比较多。后来就去找了唐迟老师的几个讲阅读理解的视频看,基本上也都是跳着看的,他们讲的总结起来就是逻辑很重要,要对每个答案为什么对为什么错有个清楚地认识,不能马马虎虎就过去了,毕竟真题就这么些,还是要好好珍惜的。七月份开始做2000-2010年的真题,基本保持在2-3天一套卷子的速度,前期真的不求快,要求精。另外作文部分一定要自己写过才有感觉,可以写完了去对照范文看看构思、结构、句型等哪里有可以借鉴的地方。十月份开始做2010-2020的真题,最好在下午做(因为考试是下午),做的时候计时,每篇文章需要多长时间,根据自己的速度进行调整。最后留最近三年的真题进行模拟考试,全程计时。考前大半个月可以开始背诵一些大作文小作文的范文。我考前就背到了一篇关于梦想和理想的范文,刚好那年的大作文差不多可以套用。02 政治八月份开始(都是我个人的时间线,大家可以酌情参考)。前期听徐涛的强化班课程,对应去做肖秀荣一千题,听完强化课后再刷一遍一千题(此时你会发现之前做的全都忘了)。后期我关注了徐涛的公众号,跟着他的每日背诵来背书。最后一个半月做肖四肖八,每天一套计时,选择题要多刷几遍,每个选项都要知道,肖八大题不用做,看一看就好。最后肖四的大题一定要倒背如流,毕竟肖秀荣的押题不是盖的。同样背书和做题时间最好和考试时间对应。03 专业课中山的卫生综合基本来讲难度和题型变化不大,但很喜欢出一些书上犄角旮旯的题目,重点内容一定要背熟,一些边边角角的内容也要多看看,至少碰到选择题能有印象。对于重点内容来说,绘制思维导图是很好用的办法,可以帮你整理整本书的知识框架,之后去找知识点的时候也比较方便,但这些内容都最好自己去整理,不要偷懒去找别人整理的知识点,因为自己整理过了才会对全书有一个较好的把握。中山还喜欢考一些需要你去融会贯通的题,所以在日常复习中,看到一个知识点可以问问自己,跟它有关的有哪些,怎么联系起来。当年有时事热点的话也可以多看看,比如去年的新冠疫情就是很好的出题点,虽然实际上考查的内容并不多,但无论是初试还是复试都可以用到。中山的真题尤其是年份较近的真题一定要多做几遍,做到每个题都理解,因为确实有几年的选择题都与之前的重复了,这样白给的分数,怎么能不牢牢抓住。另外,我把每年考的知识点都在书本的目录上标注出来,这样中山的老师喜欢考什么就很一目了然。复试经验 关于复试的经验,深圳校区近几年才开始招生,所以也没有很多的前例。这次是线上复试,所以只有面试。流程是先自我介绍,中英文皆可,英语只要不是特别差就优选英文介绍;抽题目,一个中文题,我抽到的是说说耐药性结核病的耐药机制和原因,其实我完全不知道,但是遇到这种事不要慌,根据常识也要说个一两句,一个英文文献翻译,两三句话,念一遍再当场翻译,难度不大;接下来就是老师提问。我的复习经验就是把考试科目的书本温习几遍;把最近有关公卫的时事热点看一看;准备好英文的自我介绍,虽然我觉得当时老师们并没有真的在听我自我介绍的内容,但还是要好好准备,至少要保证流利不卡顿。对于自己跟过的项目做过的研究一定要从头到尾非常熟悉,不用多,有一两个能拿出来说就好;对于一些常问的问题要先准备,比如为什么考这个学校,为什么选这个专业等等。学姐总结 最后想给大家三个小tips:第一,选择很重要;第二,永远不要放弃希望;第三,初试只是整个成绩的一部分,尤其是在中山,初试复试各占50%,所以初试完之后,无论成绩如何都不要掉以轻心,我看到广州校区有很多初试400+的因为复试分数低而没有被录取。公卫研习社