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新教材外研版必修第一册各单元单词高中英语|新教材外研版必修第一册Unit1 单词(附录音),预习必备新教材外研版必修一Unit2 Exploring English重点单词(附音频)新教材外研版必修一Unit3 Family matters重点单词(附音频)高中英语|新教材外研必修一Unit 4 单词朗读,家有高一学子必备Unit5 Into the wilnit502:16来自奇速英语学堂charity/trti/ n. 慈善机构,慈善团体monarch/mnk/ n. 君主,国王monarch butterfly. 黑脉金斑蝶Atlantic/tlntk/ adj. 大西洋的whale/wel/ n. 鲸annual/njul/ adj. 一年一度的,每年的migration/mɑɡren/ n. 迁徙migrate /maɡret/ v. 移栖,迁徙seek/sik/ v. 寻找,寻求professor/prfesr/ n. 教授measure/mer/ v. 量,测量position/pzn/ n. 位置determine /dtmn/ v. 测定,确定eventually/ventuli/ adv. 终于,最终solution/slun/ n. 解决,解决方法mystery/mstri/ n. 难以理解的事物,谜amazing/mez/ adj. 惊人的,了不起的crash /kr/ v. 暴跌percent/psent/ n. 百分比destroy/dstr/ v. 破坏,毁掉chemical/kemkl/ n. 化学品caterpillar/ktplr/ n. 毛虫(蝴蝶等昆虫的幼虫)creature/kritr/ n. 生物,动物survive/svav/ v. 活下来,幸存effect /fekt/ n. 影响,结果flow chart. 流程图,作业图accommodation/kmden/ n. 住处,工作场所idiom/dim/ n. 习语,成语kill two birds with one stone.一举两得,一箭双雕when the cat’s away the mice will play . 猫儿不在,老鼠作怪(指管事的不在,下面的人玩个痛快)hold your horses .慢点,别急rain cats and dogs .下倾盆大雨authority/θrti/ n. 当权,权力source/ss/ n. 来源,出处found/fand/ v. 创立,创建photographer /ftɡrfr/ n. 摄像师button/btn/ n. 按钮recover/rkvr/ v. (从糟糕经历中)恢复shock/k/ n. 吃惊,震惊element/elmnt/ n. 基本部分,要素the elements . 天气(尤指坏天气)brave the elements . 不顾天气恶劣,冒着风雨variety /vrati/ n. 多样化,变化per /pr/ prep. 每encounter/nkantr/ n. …… 意外地遇见,与……邂逅path/pɑθ/ n. 小径,小道breathtaking/breθtek/ adj. 令人惊叹的eagle /iɡl/ n. 鹰concentrate/knsntret/ v. 专注,专心freeze/friz/ v. 突然停止,呆住stare/ster/ v. 凝视,盯着看capture/kptr/ v. (用文字或图片)记录,捕捉image /md/ n. 图像,影像after all. 毕竟,终究reaction /rikn/ n. (对某一情形或事件的)反应file/fal/ n. 档案,文件延伸阅读高效快速背单词的11个实用技巧,快收藏!感谢您的支持与关注!奇速君每天通过这个平台,给大家分享小初高英语、单词记忆技巧、英语学习方法、学习技巧等知识,助你英语能力提升,英语成绩快速涨分


高中英语听力:新外研版选择性必修一 Unit1重点单词(附音频)

Unit 1 Laugh out loud!unit101:44来自奇速英语学堂1 mood /mud/ n.心情2 circus /sks/ n.马戏团3 amusement /mjuzmnt/ n.娱乐,消遣4 amusement park 游乐场5 curly /kli/ adj.卷曲的6 wig /wɡ/ n.假发7 badge /bd/ n.徽章8 ankle /kl/ n.脚踝9 clown /klan/ n.小丑10 entertain /entten/ v.使快乐11 health care医疗保健12 cheer up(使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来13 do the trick奏效,达到预期效果14 examine /ɡzmn/ v.检查(身体)15 advertisement /dvtsmnt/ n.广告16 employer /mpl(r)/ n.雇用者,雇主17 essential /senl/ adj.极其重要的,必不可少的18 impress /mpres/ v.使钦佩,使留下深刻印象19 grin /ɡrn/ v.露齿而笑,咧着嘴笑20 deserve /dzv/ v.应得,应受到21 long face 愁眉苦脸22 laughing stock笑料,笑柄23 crack a smile笑了起来24 practical joke 恶作剧25 fame /fem/ n.名声,声誉26 linguist /lɡwst/ n.语言学家27 witty /wti/ adj.说话风趣的;妙趣横生的28 medieval /mediivl/ adj.中世纪的,中古时期的29 emotive /mtv/ 使情绪激动的30 mischievous /mstvs/ adj. 调皮的,淘气的31 remark /rmɑk/ n.言论,意见,评论32 interaction /ntrkn/ n.交流33 barber /bɑb/ n.男理发师34 shave /ev/ n.刮脸,刮胡子35 fellow /fel/ n.男人,家伙36 brand /brnd/ n.品牌,牌子37 brand of humor某种类型的幽默38 concept /knsept/ n.概念;观念39 spot /spt/ n.地点,处所40 put sb on the spot(故意提出难以回答或尴尬的问题)使某人难堪41 cruel /krul/ adj.残忍的42 roar /r(r)/ v.哄笑,大笑43 gently /dentli/ adv. 温和地;轻柔地44 tell off斥责,责骂45 illuminate /lumnet/ v.照亮,照明46 equation /kwen/ n.等式,方程47 complicated /kmplketd/ adj.难处理的;难懂的48 conclude /knklud/ v.结束,终止49 composer /kmpz(r)/ n.作曲家50 fall behind 不能按时完成(工作)



波波老师英语知识杂货店带你零基础逆袭英语2020年4月14日 星期二高中英语听力技巧【1】一.听力应试技巧与策略听前:略读题目,切入话题,划出重点,预测内容(确定人物身份)听中:捕捉信息,速记要点,有的放矢,去伪存真(短文独白,首末为主旨句,注意5W,1H)【when,where,what/which,who,why,how】听后:连贯记忆,前后联系,综合考虑,一锤定音。二.快速记录能力心记:这种能力对于解决听力第1节的问题非常适用。笔记:1)运用速记符号,例如:up down left right =equal2)发明并运用字母的缩写形式Ex——expensive lg——large eq——earthquake





高中英语听力:新教材人教版必修第一册 Unit1重点单词(附音频)

Unit1 Teenage Lifeunit104:23来自奇速英语学堂teenage/ ti:ned/ adj. 十几岁的(指13至19岁); 青少年的teenager/ ti:ned(r)/ n. (13至19岁之间的) 青少年ballet /ble/ n. 芭蕾舞;芭蕾舞剧volunteer/vlnt(r)/ n. 志愿者debate /d 'bet/ n.辩论;争论 vt.& vi.辩论;争论prefer/ prf:(r)/ vt. 较喜欢 (preferred; preferred; preferring)prefer…to … 喜欢……多于……content / 'kntent / n.内容; [pl] 目录; (书、讲话、节目等的)主题movement/ mu:vmnt / n. 动作;运动; 活动greenhouse/ gri:nhas/ n. 温室;暖房clean up打扫(或清除)干净suitable /su:tbl/ adj. 适合的;适用的suitable for 对……适合的actually/ ktuli/ adv.事实上; 的确challenge /tlnd/ n. 挑战;艰巨任务vt. 怀疑;向……挑战title/tatl/ n. (书、诗歌等的)名称;标题;职称;头衔topic/tpk/ n. 话题; 标题freshman / fremn / n. (especially NAmE)(中学)九年级学生;(大学)一年级新生confusing/knfju:z/ adj.难以理解的;不清楚的confuse/kn'fju:z/ vt.使糊涂;使迷惑confused/knfju:zd/ adj.糊涂的;迷惑的fluent /'flu:nt/ adj. (尤指外语)流利的;熟练的graate /'ɡrdet/ vi. & vt.毕业;获得学位/'ɡrdt/ n.毕业生recommend/rekmend/ vt. 建议;推荐;介绍sign up ( for sth)报名(参加课程)advanced / dvɑ:nst/ adj. 高级的;高等的;先进的advance/ dvɑ:ns /n. 前进;发展 vi. 前进;发展 vt. 发展;促进literature/ ltrt(r)/ n. 文学; 文学作品extra-curricular/ 'ekstrk'rkjul/ adj. 课外的; 课程以外的extra/'ekstr/ adj. 额外的;附加的obviously/ bvisli/ adv. 显然地; 明显地quit/ kwt/ vi. & vt.(quit, quit) 停止;戒掉;离开(工作职位、学校等)responsible/rspnsbl/ adj.负责的;有责任的responsibility /rspnsblti/ n.责任;义务be responsible for对……负责solution/ slu:n/ n. 解决办法; 答案schele/edju:l; NAmE skel /n.工作计划;日程安排vt. 安排;预定editor/edt(r)/ n.主编;编辑;编者plate/plet/ n. 盘子,碟子adventure /dvent(r)/ n. 冒险; 奇遇youth/ju:θ/ n. 青年时期; 青春survival/svavl/ n. 生存;幸存;幸存事物expert/'ekspt/ n.专家;行家 adj.熟练的;内行的;专家的behaviour/bhevj(r)/ n.行为; 举止generation /denren/ n.一代(人)attract/'trkt/ vt. 吸引;引起……的注意(或兴趣)be attracted to喜爱focus/ fks / vi.& vt. 集中(精力、注意力等);(使)调节焦距n. 中心;重点;焦点focus on 集中;特别关注addicted /dktd/ adj.有瘾的;上瘾的;入迷的addict /dkt/ n. 对……入迷的人;吸毒成瘾的人addicted to 对……很入迷alt/dlt/ n.成年人 adj.成年的;成熟的延伸阅读抢先看!2019版高中英语人教版新教材变化及解读(图文+视频版)英语阅读|2019新人教版高中英语教材高一英语阅读公开课,速看!英语听力:人教版高中英语教材必修1重点单词汇总 (朗读版)最全高考英语3500词汇(单词+词组+句型)整理,速度收藏打印!高中英语单词应该怎样背?学会故事记单词,掌握4000词汇不是梦!感谢您的支持与关注!奇速君每天通过这个平台,给大家分享小初高英语、单词记忆技巧、英语学习方法、学习技巧等知识,助你英语能力提升,英语成绩快速涨分!



2019年高考刚刚结束,下面为大家带来今年全国卷II听力部分(适用省份:甘肃、青海、内蒙古、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、宁夏、新疆、陕西、重庆、海南)。备注:全国卷III(云南、广西、贵州、四川、西藏)听力部分与卷II一致,该解析同样适用。19:38题型分布:疑问词分布:全卷总词数:833词全卷平均语速:135词/分发音方式:美音试题特色:1. 对话部分仍围绕日常,但话题不单局限于学生的生活场景,更包含社会生活的各个方面。难度中等偏易,与往年基本持平,考查注重学生细节捕捉与理解的能力。2. 独白部分介绍了美国画家、博物学家,法裔美国人约翰·奥杜邦,话题较为新颖有趣。3. 今年仍旧注重同义转换方面的考查。4. 平均语速约135词/分,相较往年,语速降幅较大。2019年高考英语全国卷II的听力部分反映了英语教学大纲的要求和英语学科核心素养的考查方向。此次考试话题丰富,涉及到的对话场景真实,贴近学生的日常生活,难度适中。主要考查了考生进行信息筛选找出事实细节和进行简单推理判断的能力;同时考查了学生进行主旨大意的归纳总结以及理解观点态度的能力。具体来说,此次试题有以下几个特点:首先,选材的主题符合新课标的主题语境要求,主要涉及到人与自我以及人与社会的主题群;内容贴近生活,体现了英语的交际性与应用性特征,符合听力真实的使用场景。具体的话题对应如下表所示:其次,对话的语言也很地道,充分体现英语口语的特点。比如在Text 4中男士说:“Well,please make it another day.”这就是一句很常用也很地道的口语表达,当我们不能按时赴约或想更改约定时间就可以这样说。此外,Text 9关于发放工作录用通知中也有很多值得学习和积累的表达,比如“起薪”(starting salary)和“假期”(vacation time),以及“我需要周三之前得到你的回复”(I’ll need to hear back from you by Wednesday.)。这些表达和学生的生活息息相关,放在听力材料中是希望同学们在提高听力能力的同时,也能够将这些表达活学活用。再次,此次考试设题依然倾向于对信息的理解。考生不仅要听懂字面意思,更要体会弦外之音,有时还要结合人生阅历和背景知识对所听信息做出合理的推断。例如第20题问John的作品主题是什么,这道题就需要通过独白中谈到的他喜欢研究鸟类以及他留下了许多关于美洲鸟类的画作推断出他的作品主题是美洲鸟类。最后,这套试题设题比较多样化。此次考试设题包含四大题型(主旨大意、人物身份、地点推断、情感态度),数字计算和人物身份题,还有5道题涉及动作。综上所述,今年英语全国卷II听力的难度适中,话题丰富。典型题型和四个方面的能力考查点和往年保持一致。风格稳定,但稳中有变。除了试题结构有所变化外,当前教育改革的力度和精神在此次听力考试的话题选材中即可窥见一斑。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.答案是C。1. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a library. B. In a bookstore. C. In a classroom.2. How does the woman feel now?A. Relaxed. B. Excited. C. Tired.3. How much will the man pay?A. $20. B. $80. C. $100.4. What does the man tell Jane to do?A. Postpone his appointment.B. Meet Mr. Douglas.C. Return at 3 o’clock.5. Why would David quit his job?A. To go back to school.B. To start his own firm.C. To work for his friend.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What does the man want the woman to do?A. Check the cupboard. B. Clean the balcony. C. Buy an umbrella.7. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Husband and wife.B. Employer and employee.C. Shop assistant and customer.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. Where did the woman go at the weekend?A. The city centre. B. The forest park. C. The man’s home.9. How did the man spend his weekend?A. Packing for a move.B. Going out with Jenny.C. Looking for a new house.10. What will the woman do for the man?A. Take Henry to hospital.B. Stay with his kid.C. Look after his pet.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. What is Mr. Stone doing now?A. Eating lunch. B. Having a meeting. C. Writing a diary.12. Why does the man want to see Mr. Stone?A. To discuss a program.B. To make a travel plan.C. To ask for sick leave.13. When will the man meet Mr. Stone this afternoon?A. At 3:00. B. At 3:30. C. At 3:45.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. What are the speakers talking about?A. A company. B. An interview. C. A job offer.15. Who is Monica Stansfield?A. A junior specialist.B. A department manager.C. A sales assistant.16. When will the man hear from the woman?A. On Tuesday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Thursday.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What did John enjoy doing in his childhood?A. Touring France. B. Playing outdoors. C. Painting pictures.18. What did John do after he moved to the US?A. He did business.B. He studied biology.C. He worked on a farm.19. Why did John go hunting?A. For food. B. For pleasure. C. For money.20. What is the subject of John’s works?A. American birds. B. Natural scenery. C. Family life.录音稿(Text 1)W: Excuse me. How can I find the book called The Class of 1998?M: Oh, I’m afraid it was sold out.W: It’s all right. Thank you.(Text 2)M: How did your dancing lesson go today?W: Exciting, but it was hard work. I really need a rest now.M: Yeah, I can see that. Go and get relaxed.(Text 3)M: How much is that in total?W: 100 dollars. But if you have a membership card, I can give you a 20% discount.M: Great. This is my membership card.(Text 4)M: Jane, I’m going out for a while.W: But you have an appointment with Mr. Douglas at 3 o’clock.M: Well, please make it another day.(Text 5)W: David said he would quit his job at our school.M: Really? Why would he do that?W: His friend started a firm in London. She wanted David to help her.(Text 6)W: I’m going out for shopping. Do you need anything?M: Oh, yeah. I can’t find my umbrella. Can you buy one?W: Shouldn’t it be in the cupboard?M: I just checked. It wasn’t there.W: Impossible. That was where I usually put it. Did you check the balcony?M: Yes, of course. Couldn’t find it. Well, just get a new one then.(Text 7)M: Hi, Lucy. How was your weekend?W: Great. You know, we went mountain climbing in the forest park. The air was so different from the city, cool and fresh.M: Sounds great!W: Yeah. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. And we could see for miles from the top. What about you? What did you do?M: Busy packing.W: Oh, yes, of course. I forgot you and Jenny are moving into a new house. It’s on Wednesday, isn’t it?M: Yeah, two days after. I didn’t realize there are so many things to do.W: Can I help out with anything?M: Um, it’ll be nice if you could take care of Henry for a couple of days.W: Henry?M: Yes, my dog.W: Oh, sure. No problem. You just focus on the move.(Text 8)M: Hello, can I speak to Mr. Stone, please?W: Hello, but I’m afraid Mr. Stone is in a meeting until lunchtime. Can I take a message?M: Well, yes. I’d like to make an appointment to see him. It’s Harrison White here.W: Just a second, Mr. White. I’ll look in the diary. So, when is convenient for you?M: Sometime today, if possible. I hear he’ll be away tomorrow.W: Yes, that’s right. He’ll be on a business trip for a week.M: I need to talk about my new program with him before he leaves. It’s urgent. So, would this afternoon be OK?W: Let me see. OK. Mr. Stone is free this afternoon after 3 o’clock.M: Well, 3 o’clock is a bit difficult, but I could make it after 3:30.W: So, shall we say a quarter to four this afternoon in Mr. Stone’s office?M: That’s great. Thanks.(Text 9)W: Hello?M: Hi, Cindy. This is Jake Lee at Fix It Cooperation. How are you today?W: Oh, hi, Jake. I’m fine. How are you?M: Good. The reason I’m calling is that we’d like to offer you the position you were interviewed for last Thursday.W: Oh, that’s great. I was really impressed with Fix It.M: I’m glad to hear it. And we’re prepared to offer you a starting salary of $55,000.W: I see. And vacation time?M: Oh, you get one day per month in your first year. That is you’ll have twelve days in your first year. And then increase if you stay longer with the company.W: What would be my job title?M: You’d be a junior specialist, and you’d be working under Monica Stansfield, the department manager.W: OK. Is the salary negotiable at all?M: Well, this is typical for a new staff.W: I see.M: Why don’t you think about it? I’ll need to hear back from you by Wednesday. Will that work?W: Sure. No problem. I’ll let you know Tuesday afternoon.(Text 10)M: Hello, everybody. Today I’d like to share with you something about John Aubon. John was born on April 26th, 1785. He spent much of his childhood in France, where he spent many hours each day outdoors painting pictures. At the age of 18, he moved to the United States. Well, actually, John began his life in the US as a businessman. However, instead of taking care of his business, John was often off exploring the nature. At first, John spent his time hunting for fun. Then he found that the animals around were very beautiful, and he particularly enjoyed observing the birds he saw. He began studying them, trying to learn the differences between the birds and noticing their different behaviors. Therefore, he painted the birds he observed a lot. In 1819, John realized that he didn’t have enough money to pay his bills. He was very upset that he couldn’t earn enough money to support his family, so he spent time improving his painting skills and began to sell his paintings. He discovered that he could earn some money while doing something he really enjoyed. We’re lucky now to have so many paintings of American birds by John Aubon.(全国II & III卷)英语听力部分参考答案1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C6. C 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. C11. B 12. A 13. C 14. C 15. B16. A 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. A延伸阅读2019年「全国 Ⅱ 卷」试题+答案!2019年「全国 Ⅲ卷」试题+答案!最全高考英语3500词汇(单词+词组+句型)整理,速度收藏打印!2019高考英语考纲3500词汇,24个故事串记高效背诵单词方法2019高考必考的2000多个英语短语,可打印!感谢您的支持与关注!奇速君每天通过这个平台,给大家分享小初高英语、单词记忆技巧、英语学习方法、学习技巧等知识,助你英语能力提升,英语成绩快速涨分!



前言:英语向来是考生较为头疼的科目之一,而从近几年来的高考英语卷中不难发现,题目开始变得灵活了起来,对考生的要求也是越来越高,倘若考生要想考个不错的成绩,那么想必平日里的刻苦练习是必不可少的了。而英语最要保的的一部分便是听力,下面是本文总结出的一部分英语听力的学习办法,仅供参考。听力应试技巧与策略听前:粗略地扫一遍题目,划出其中的重点,猜测文章内容。一般在正式开始英语听力前都会有几分钟的音乐时间,考生完全可以趁这段时间进行粗略的阅读,重点查看听力最后两部分的选项,猜测可能会考的内容,同时,对一些选项进行简化。这样能帮助考生在听力时更快地找到关键词。听中:扑捉信息,速记关键,去伪存真。短文独白,首末为主旨句,或者出现时间的时候考生可以做些标记。因为时间问题往往是容易出考察题目的类型,对于这些信息,考生需要关注。听后:连贯记忆,前后联系,综合考虑,一锤定音。一般而言听力题目的时间都不会太长,然而随着难度的上升,题目的语速可能会增加一些;所以考生在此时更需要专注。快速记录能力心记:这对于开头挺急的前两部分是十分管用的。因为听力的题目也是循序渐进的,越是前面的题目,考生就越是要保证其正确率。笔记:1)运用速记符号例如:↑up↓down←left→right=equal。对于标注时间的信息考生则可以将其转换为平日的阿拉伯数字的时间,如:4:00、16:00,或者可以用数字+am/pm来标记,如:8:00am、5:00pm。2)发明并运用字母的缩写形式再记一些关键词的时候,考生可能会来不及,这时,考生可以用一些字母缩写,例如:Ex—expensive lg—large eq—earthquake。倘若考生将很多时间花在笔记上面,势必会影响到之后答题的效率。所以在这种时间,考生需要的是短频快,而不是长详细温馨提示:答题纸上是不允许出现除了答案以外的其他内容的,但试卷上可以进行适当地标记,但务必要注意的是不能损毁试卷或者答题纸。否则会被当成无效试卷去处理掉,成绩记为0分。预测技巧1.对话预测:在听取对话,尤其是Short Conversation短对话或者短文的题型,考生可以按照下例wh-问题进行预测:1)Who are the two speakers?2)When did they have the conversation?3)What is the possible relationship between them?一旦文中出现了这种信息,考试务必要重点关心,这里面极有可能包含着题目或答案。


新教材高中英语外研版必修一Unit 6 At one with nature单词朗读

新教材外研版必修第一册各单元单词高中英语|新教材外研版必修第一册Unit1 单词(附录音),预习必备新教材外研版必修一Unit2 Exploring English重点单词(附音频)新教材外研版必修一Unit3 Family matters重点单词(附音频)高中英语|新教材外研必修一Unit 4 单词朗读,家有高一学子必备高中英语|新教材外研版第一册Unit5单词朗读,英语听力必备Unit6 At one with natureunit602:14来自奇速英语学堂wrap/rp/ v. 包,裹sheet/it/ n. (冰或水等的)一大片frost/frst/ n. 霜terrace/ters/ n. 梯田dynasty /dnsti/ n. 朝代completion/kmplin/ n. 完成,结束region /ridn/ n. 地区,区域therefore/efr/ adv. 因此,由此steep /stip/ adj. 陡的,陡峭的soil /sl/ n. 土壤shallow/l/ adj. 浅的prevent /prvent/ v. 阻挡,防止harmony/hɑmni/ n. 融洽相处,和谐design/dzan/ v. 设计vapour/vepr/ n. 蒸气harm/hɑm/ v. 伤害,损害crop/krp/ n. 庄稼,作物agriculture /ɡrkltr/ n. 农业replace/rples/ v. …… 以……替换,更换material/mtril/ n. 材料mineral/mnrl/ n. 矿物,矿产consumer/knsjumr/ n. 消费者priority /prarti/ n. 优先处理的事,当务之急beauty /bjuti/ n. 美,美丽barrier/brir/ n. 障碍,壁垒reef /rif/ n. 礁structure/strktr/ n. 结构,构造,组织living/lv/ adj. 活的,活着的organism/ɡnzm/ n. 生物,有机体observatory/bzvtri/ n. 天文台,观象台basin/besn/ n. 盆地,低洼地grand/ɡrnd/ adj. 宏伟的,壮丽的canyon/knjn/ n. 峡谷valley/vli/ n. 谷,山谷narrow/nr/ adj. 狭窄的,不宽的platform/pltfm/ n. 高台,平台waterfall/wtfl/ n. 瀑布thunder/θndr/ v. 打雷channel/tnl/ n. 海峡tunnel/tnl/ n. 隧道camel /kml/ n. 骆驼desert/dezt/ n. 沙漠,荒漠sail/sel/ v. (乘船)航行climate/klamt/ n. 气候inside/nsad/ adv. 、 在(建筑物、房间)内publish/pbl/ v. 出版green fingers . 高超的种植技能sunflower/snflar/ n. 向日葵expert /ekspt/ adj. 内行的,专家的branch/brɑnt/ n. 树枝rent/rent/ v. 租用,租借rooftop/ruftp/ n. 屋顶thistle/θsl/ n. 蓟limited /lmtd/ adj. 有限的benefit /benft/ n. 好处,益处herb /hb/ n. (用于调味)香草pleasant/pleznt/ adj. 令人愉快的flavour /flevr/ n. 味,味道energy/endi/ n. 力量,活力system/sstm/ n. 系统感谢您的支持与关注!奇速君每天通过这个平台,给大家分享小初高英语、单词记忆技巧、英语学习方法、学习技巧等知识,助你英语能力提升,英语成绩快速涨分


高中英语听力:新人教版选择性必修一 Unit1重点单词(附音频)

unit1 People of Achievementunit1单词05:00来自奇速英语学堂1.physiology n. 生理学;生理机能2.artemisinin n. [药]青蒿素3.crucial a. 至关重要的;关键性的4.malaria n. 疟疾5.vital adj必不可少的;极其重要的;充满生机的6.committed adj. 尽心尽力的;坚定的;坚信的7.commit v.承诺;保证(某个人、机构等)vi.忠于;全心全意投入(工作、活动等)8.commit oneself to do 承诺;保证(做某事、遵守协议或安排等9.academy n.(艺术、文学、科学等的)研究院;学会;专科院校10.academic adj.学业的;学术的11.objective n.目标;目的adj.客观的12.botanicaladj.植物学的13.evaluate vt.评价;评估14.property n.性质;特征;财产15.distinct adj.清晰的;清楚的;有区别的16.extract n.提取物;摘录 vt.提取;提炼;摘录;(用力)拔出17.wormwood n.蒿;洋艾18.boil vt.&vi.(使)沸腾;煮开;烧开m.沸腾;沸点19.liquid n.液体;液体的;液态的20.obtainvt.(尤指经努力)获得;贏得vi.(规章、习俗等)存在;流行21.acknowledge vt.承认(属实、权威等); (公开)感谢22.defeat n.失败;挫败vt.击败;战胜23.analyse v.分析24.apparently adv.显而易见;看来;显然25.substance n.物质;物品;事实根据26.insist vi.&vt.坚持;坚决要求27.insist on坚決要求28.scientific adj.科学(上)的; 关于科学的29.mostly adv.主要地;一般地30.wear and tear (正常使用造成的)磨损;损耗31.conclusion n.结论;推论32.penicillin n.青霉素;盘尼西林33.flee vt.(fled,fled)迅速离开;逃跑34.circumstancen. usually pl条件;环境;状况35.novelist n.小说家36.novel n.(长篇)小说37.flow n.流;流动;流畅;供应v.流;流动38.chart n.图表v.记录;制订计划39.flow chart流程图40.found vt.创建;建立;把……建立在41.infer vt.推断;推定42.politician n.从政者;政治家;政客43.numerous a众多的;许多的44.theory n.理论;学说45.relativity n.相对论;相对性46.formula n.公式;方程式;配方47.genius n.(pl, genuses)天才;天资;天赋48.gentle adj.温柔的;文静的49.patent n.专利;专利证书;获得专利adj.有专利的;受专利保护的50.passion n.酷爱;激情51.doctorate n.博士学位52.extraordinaryadj.不一般的;非凡的;意想不到的53.graally adv.逐渐地;逐步地54.photoelectric adj.光电的55.come to power (开始)掌权;上台56.institution n.社会公共机构;制度;习俗57.institute n. (教育、专业等)机构;机构建筑58.consequence n.结果;后果59.take up a position担任;任职60.moustache n.上唇的胡子;髭61.peculiarity n个性;特点;怪异的性质62.encounter vt.偶然碰到;遇到n.邂适;遭遇63.professor n.教授64.mourn vt.&.vi.哀悼;忧伤65.remarkableadv非凡的;显著的66.device n.方法;技巧;装置;仪器67.sum v.总结;概括n.金额;款项;总数;总和68.sum up总结;概括69.draft n.草稿;草案vt.起草;草拟70.Nobel Prize 诺贝尔奖71.Alexander Fleming 亚历山大弗莱明72.Albert Einstein阿尔伯特爱因斯坦73.Hitler希特勒74.Elon Musk埃隆马斯克75.Florence Nightingale弗洛伦斯南丁格尔76.SARS abbr.严重急性呼吸综合征77.Switzerland 瑞士(国家名78.Swiss a.瑞土的n.(p.Swis)瑞士人79.Isaac Newton 艾萨克·牛顿80.Jewish adj.犹太人的;犹太教的81.Princeton 普林斯顿(美国城市)



2019年高考刚刚结束,下面为大家带来今年全国卷I听力部分(适用省份:福建、河南、河北、山西、江西、湖北、湖南、广东、安徽、山东、浙江)的详细解析。备注:浙江省为自主命题,但听力部分同全国卷I一致,该解析同样适用。19:10题型分布:疑问词分布:全卷总词数:829词全卷平均语速:140词/分发音方式:美音试题特色:1. 对话部分涵盖社会生活的各个方面,且可以看出取材为欧美原版听力材料,对话表述十分地道,难度偏难,注重对学生细节捕捉能力与推理判断能力的全方位综合考查。2. 独白部分短小精悍,介绍了科学家为防止海鸟死于交通意外对路面进行涂色(希望赶走海鸟),为含有简单科普性质的新闻类独白,话题较为新颖。3. 试题仍旧注重同义转换方面的考查。4. 平均语速约140词/分,相较往年,语速呈下降趋势。2019年高考英语全国卷Ⅰ听力部分反映了英语教学大纲的要求和英语学科核心素养的考查方向,准确把握了教育以德树人的根本任务。本套试卷全面考查了学生在真实语境中获取信息、理解信息以及运用信息的能力。主要考查考生获取事实细节与进行简单推理判断的能力。试卷结构由以往的22344(长对话和独白的题数)变为23343。主播与2018年高考有所不同,但仍为美音,语速为标速偏慢。部分听力文本渗透了文化意识,注入了和谐社会、保护动物等具有鲜明时代气息的理念,凸显了英语的工具性、交际性和人文性。第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.答案是C。1. Where does this conversation take place?A. In a classroom. B. In a hospital. C. In a museum.2. What does Jack want to do?A. Take fitness classes.B. Buy a pair of gym shoes.C. Change his work schele.3. What are the speakers talking about?A. What to drink. B. Where to meet. C. When to leave.4. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Colleagues. B. Classmates. C. Strangers.5. Why is Emily mentioned in the conversation?A. She might want a ticket.B. She is looking for the man.C. She has an extra ticket.第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6. How long did James run his business?A. 10 years. B. 13 years. C. 15 years.7. How does the woman feel about James’ situation?A. Embarrassed. B. Concerned. C. Disappointed.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。8. What has Kate’s mother decided to do?A. Return to school. B. Change her job. C. Retire from work.9. What did Kate’s mother study at college?A. Oil painting.B. Art history.C. Business administration.10. What is Kate’s attitude toward her mother’s decision?A. Disapproving. B. Ambiguous. C. Understanding.听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。11. What is the man doing?A. Chairing a meeting.B. Hosting a radio program.C. Concting a job interview.12. What benefits Mary most in her job?A. Her wide reading.B. Her leaders’ guidance.C. Her friends’ help.13. Who will Mary talk about next?A. Her teacher. B. Her father. C. Her mother.听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。14. Why does the man seldom do exercise?A. He lacks motivation.B. He has a heart problem.C. He works all the time.15. What does Jacob Sattelmair probably do?A. He’s an athlete.B. He’s a researcher.C. He’s a journalist.16. Why does the woman speak of a study?A. To encourage the man.B. To recommend an exercise.C. To support her findings.17. How much time will the man probably spend exercising weekly?A. 300 minutes. B. 150 minutes. C. 75 minutes.听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。18. What did the scientists do to the road?A. They repaired it.B. They painted it.C. They blocked it.19. Why are young birds drawn to the road surface?A. It’s warm.B. It’s brown.C. It’s smooth.20. What is the purpose of the scientists’ experiment?A. To keep the birds there for a whole year.B. To help students study the birds well.C. To prevent the birds from being killed.录音稿(Text 1)W: Excuse me, sir. Visiting hours are over now. Your wife must get some rest.M: Oh, I’m sorry, doctor. I didn’t hear the bell or I would have left earlier.(Text 2)M: Hello, my name is Jack. I need to get in shape. How do I register for the classes?W: We’ll need you to join the gym, and then you can find out which classes fit your schele the best.(Text 3)W: I’ll see you at the theater.M: Better still. Let’s meet in the Red Lion Bar to have a nice little talk.W: Good idea. And I’d love to have a drink there.(Text 4)M: Hello, my name is John Arber, and I’m calling to ask about the position advertised in Friday’s daily mail.W: Yes, the position is still open. You could come over and have a talk with us.(Text 5)M: I have an extra ticket to the concert tonight. Would you like to join me?W: Thanks, but I already have one. You can ask Emily. She might be interested.(Text 6)W: Did you know James went out of business?M: Really? When was that?W: Last month.M: That’s too bad. He had owned that business for fifteen years. What happened?W: I don’t know. But life must be pretty tough for his family now. His sons are still so young. One is thirteen, and the other is ten.M: Well, maybe things are not as bad as they seem to be.W: I hope so.(Text 7)W: Guess what! My mother’s decided to go back to school.M: Why?W: Well, she always loved art but learned business administration at college, because her parents thought it was difficult for an artist to find a job.M: So she wants to study art now?W: Yeah, oil painting. It’s been her dream for a long time.M: It’s nice to return to learn what she loves. But, Kate, I still think old age should be about peace and relaxation. Hurrying to school every day and having to pass exams sounds a bit too much for her.W: You know, she retired last year. And I’m leaving for the university soon. She needs to find something interesting to do.M: Well, maybe, if it’s what she wants.(Text 8)M: Dear listeners, for today’s show I have with me my colleague, Mary Laney. She has been a radio TV reporter for many years. Mary, welcome to our show.W: It’s a pleasure to be here.M: Would you please tell our listeners who most influenced your decision to become a reporter?W: Both my parents had a great influence upon my choice of work. Instead of trying to pick out a job for me, they helped me learn those things that led me to it.M: How did they do that?W: My father always told me that an ecation was one of the greatest advantages I could have — one that would always stay with me. He used to tell me that readers were leaders and encouraged me to read all I could. As a result, I’ve always kept up with the newspapers, faithfully read news magazines and learned to really enjoy books,all of which have been an invaluable help to me in radio and television reporting.M: What about your mother?W: Well, my mother helped me in a much different way.(Text 9)M: We all know that exercise is good for us, but sometimes it seems too hard to leave the sofa.W: I can see that. You seldom do exercise.M: Plus, having the doctor tell us to get two and a half hours of exercise a week doesn’t really help our motivation much.W: Don’t be discouraged. Now, a new study suggests getting benefits from exercise doesn’t have to be that demanding. Jacob Sattelmair, from Harvard University has done a study into how much exercise is needed to lower the risk of heart attacks.M: Mm, interesting.W: The study showed that people who put in 300 minutes a week of exercise had a 20% lower risk of death e to heart disease. Still, the people who exercised 150 minutes a week did pretty well too, lowering their death risk by 14%.M: And what about the people who exercise half as much as that like what I probably do. Does that help?W: Of course. Even 15 minutes would help.(Text 10)W: Here is a piece of news for bird lovers. Scientists have painted a long road, red, yellow and white. They hope to discourage the seabirds from wandering onto the highway. The area is home to large crowds of birds that come to stay for the season. Young birds are often attracted to the warm road surface and get killed by the traffic. Biologist student Hannah tells the broadcaster, “The youngsters’ feathers are brown in color. The dark-colored road surface makes the youngsters hard to be noticed. As the number of tourists has grown, so has the amount of traffic on the roads.” Biologist Christan says the plan is to see how the birds respond to the multicolored road this summer, and if it works, the idea could spread to other parts of the country.英语试题听力部分参考答案1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A6. C 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. C11. B 12. A 13. C 14. A 15. B16. A 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. C延伸阅读2019年「全国 I 卷」试题+答案!最全高考英语3500词汇(单词+词组+句型)整理,速度收藏打印!2019高考英语考纲3500词汇,24个故事串记高效背诵单词方法精华版|高中英语必考词组大全(A-Y),很齐全,抓紧时间背!2019高考必考的2000多个英语短语,可打印!感谢您的支持与关注!奇速君每天通过这个平台,给大家分享小初高英语、单词记忆技巧、英语学习方法、学习技巧等知识,助你英语能力提升,英语成绩快速涨分!