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外研社版五年级英语上册 - 一年级起点单词列表、例句汇总诸樊

外研社版五年级英语上册 - 一年级起点单词列表、例句汇总

外研社版五年级英语上册-一年级起点单词列表、例句汇总外研社版五年级英语上册 - 一年级起点单词列表、例句汇总共包含10个学习单元,78个单词。Mole 1(5个单词)这些草莓给你。·for英 [f(r)] / prep.达,计Here''s some strawberry for you.(这些草莓给你。)·different英 [dfrnt] / adj.不同的The badges come in twenty different colours and shapes.(这种徽章有20种不同的颜色和形状。)·*bench英 [bent] / n.长凳He sat down on a park bench.(他在公园的长椅上坐了下来。)·then英 [en] / adv.那么,就The doctor''s on his way.(医生正在路上。)·playground英 [plegrand] / n.操场,运动场We also have a big playground.(我们还有一个大操场。)Mole 2(4个单词)你有多重?·heavy英 [hevi] / adj.重的How heavy are you?(你有多重?)·let英 [let] / v.允许,让Let me just go back to the point I was making.(请允许我再回到我刚才所提的观点。)·sell英 [sel] / vt.&vi.卖,销售I''ll sell at a discount in return for a speedy sale.(为了尽快售出,我会打折销售。)·sometimes英 [smtamz] / adv.有时sometimes it snows,and sometimes it rains.(有时候下雪,有时候下雨。)Mole 3(11个单词)这是我的万圣节服装!·*halloween英 [hli:n] / n.万圣节前夕Got my Halloween costume.(这是我的万圣节服装!)·*trick or treat英 / 不请吃就捣蛋(万圣节孩子们挨家挨户要糖吃时说的话)Trick or treat! I''m a ghost.(不给糖果就捣乱。我是一个幽灵。)·give英 [gv] / vt.给,送I hope you will give attention to this problem.(希望你对此给予关注。)·festival英 [festvl] / n.节日The Spring Festival is drawing near.(春节快到了。)·*scary英 [skeri] / adj.吓人的,可怕的It''s a scary ghost story.(那是个吓人的鬼故事。)·*mask英 [mɑ:sk] / n.面具The kids were all wearing animal masks.(孩子们都戴着动物面具。)·neighbour英 [''neb(r)] / n.邻居I got chatting with my neighbour in the garden.(我在花园里和邻居聊了一会。)·night英 [nat] / n.夜晚,夜间What a lovely night!(多么美丽的夜晚!)·*Easter英 [i:st(r)] / n.复活节Happy Easter!(复活节快乐!)·*chick英 [tk] / n.小鸡The chick will soon feather out.(这只小鸡很快就要长羽毛了。)·chocolate英 [tklt] / n.巧克力What is your favourite chocolate bar?(你最喜欢哪种巧克力?)Mole 4(7个单词)这些故事越讲越精彩。·stories英 [s''t:rz] / n.(story的复数形式)故事These stories grow in the telling.(这些故事越讲越精彩。)·*invitation英 [nvten] / n.请帖Have you ordered the wedding invitations yet?(你订制婚礼请帖了吗?)·tidy up英 / 收拾,整理Let''s tidy up the room.(我们把屋子收拾一下。)·November英 [nvemb(r)] / n.十一月November is the eleventh month of the year.(十一月是一年中的第十一个月。)·from英 [frm] / prep.(表示时间)从……起Where are you from?(你是什么地方人?)·to英 [t] / prep.直到I believe that this is the road to success.(我相信这便是通往成功的康庄大道。)·reply英 [rpla] / n.回答,回复Your early reply is requested.(请早日答复。)Mole 5(10个单词)那不是他的错,是我的错。·mine英 [man] / pron.我的That wasn''t his fault, it was mine.(那不是他的错,是我的错。)·whose英 [hu:z] / pron.谁的Whose wallet is this?(这是谁的钱包?)·yours英 [j:z] / pron.你的;你们的Are these all yours?(这些都是你的吗?)·hers英 [h:z] / pron.她的Hers was the suggestion I acted upon.(我是按照她的建议去做的。)·both英 [bθ] / adj.两……(都),两个……(都)Both sides have benefited from the talks.(双方都从谈判中获益。)·wet英 [wet] / adj.湿的It was still wet underfoot.(地上仍是湿的。)·That''s OK.英 / 没关系。That''s OK. Don''t be late next time.(没关系,下次别再迟到了。)·take away英 / 移走,拿走Take away these teacups.(把这些茶杯拿走。)·worker英 [w:k(r)] / n.工人The worker was ready to work.(工人准备好工作了。)·still英 [stl] / adv.还,仍然The baby is very still when he sleeps.(宝宝睡觉的时候十分安静。)Mole 6(9个单词)她不是一个健康的女人。·well英 [wel] / adv.好;熟练地She is not a well woman.(她不是一个健康的女人。)·high英 [ha] / adv.高高地The man is high up one the edge of a cliff.(他站在高处俯瞰大地。)·true英 [tru:] / adj.真实的,确实的The news may be unexpected; nevertheless, it is true.(这消息可能是出乎意料的,然而是真实的。)·got英 [gt] / v.(get的过去式)得到Xioaming got a sympathetic round of applause.(小明得到了一片赞成的掌声。)·eighty英 [eti] / num.八十The old man is over eighty.(这位老人已年逾80。)·point英 [pnt] / n.分数An arrow pointed to the toilets.(箭头指向卫生间。)·fan英 [fn] / n.狂热爱好者,迷I''m a sports fan.(我是个体育迷。)·seventy英 [sevnti] / num.七十Seventy years is a long time.(七十年是很长的一段时间。)·sixty英 [sksti] / num.六十My grandmother turned sixty years old today.(我祖母今天60岁了。)Mole 7(10个单词)我需要一本有用的词典。·useful英 [ju:sfl] / adj.有用的I need a useful dictionary.(我需要一本有用的词典。)·show英 [] / n.(电视或广播)节目I went on stage and did my show.(我上台作了表演。)·presenter英 [przent(r)] / n.(电视或广播节目的)主持人She is going on the air as presenter of a new show.(她即将上电视主持一档新节目。)·blind英 [bland] / adj.失明的,瞎的Can you imagine how it feels to be blind?(你能想象失明的感觉吗?)·could英 [kd] / (can的过去式)能How could you allow him to do something like that?(你怎么会允许他做那样的事?)·speak英 [spi:k] / vt.&vi.说(某种语言)She is speaking into her cell phone.(她正对着手机说话。)·fire英 [fa(r)] / n.火灾,失火A number of houses were burnt down in the fire.(在火灾中,好些房子给烧毁了。)·inside英 [nsad] / prep.在……里面The doors were locked from the inside.(门从里面锁上了。)·*firefighter英 [fafat(r)] / n.消防队员I want to be a firefighter.(我想要做一名消防员。)·couldn''t=could not英 / 不能I couldn''t stay there indefinitely.(我不能无限期地呆在那里。)Mole 8(12个单词)早上我经常迟到,我太爱睡觉了。·often英 [fn] / adv.经常I am often late in the morning.I love sleeping.(早上我经常迟到,我太爱睡觉了。)·around英 [rand] / prep.围绕,环绕You can fly around the world.(你可以绕着世界飞一圈。)·start英 [stɑ:t] / n.开始Let''s start running.(我们开始跑步吧。)·line英 [lan] / n.行,排,列I had been standing in line for three hours.(我已经排了3个小时的队。)·half英 [hɑ:f] / n.一半I love melons.I can just cut them in half and eat them.(我喜欢香瓜,我可以把它们切成两半然后吃掉。)·past英 [pɑ:st] / prep.晚于,过(几点)Now it is different from the past.(现在和过去不同了。)·miss英 [ms] / v.想念We''ll see what we can do, miss.(我们会尽量想办法,小姐。)·study英 [stdi] / n.学习The study is furnished as it was before.(书房的陈设依旧未变。)·open英 [pn] / adj.开着的He opened the window and looked out.(他打开窗户往外看。)·wall英 [w:l] / n.墙This wall is made up of oddly shaped bricks.(这道墙由形状不规则的砖砌成。)·have fun英 / 玩得开心They have fun at the game.(他们在比赛现场玩得很高兴。)·break英 [brek] / n.课间休息Come and see me at break.(课间休息时来见我。)Mole 9(3个单词)这车一点毛病也没有。·nothing英 [nθ] / pron.没有事情,没有东西There is nothing wrong with the car.(这车一点毛病也没有。)·think英 [θk] / vt.思考;想,觉得I think so.(我想是如此。)·drank英 [drk] / v.(drink的过去式)喝,饮He drank up a whole bowl.(他喝干了一大碗酒。)Mole 10(7个单词)工作时,你应该挺身坐直。·should英 [d] / adv.应该When you are working,you should sit up straight.(工作时,你应该挺身坐直。)·go to bed英 / 上床睡觉I go to bed at 21:00.(我21:00睡觉。)·shouldn''t=should not英 / 不应该You shouldn''t have behaved like that.(你不该那么做。)·take down英 / 取下,拿下Please take down my baggage.(请帮我拿下行李。)·clean英 [kli:n] / adj.干净的She got up early and cleaned the flat.(她早早就起了床,把公寓打扫干净。)·rule英 [ru:l] / n.规则,规章There is no cast-iron rule.(没有一成不变的规则。)·kind英 [kand] / adj.友好的,善意的,体贴的What kind of animals are Bees?(蜜蜂是什么种类的动物?)外研社版 - 五年级英语上册(一年级起点)》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创整理并发布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练提供标准的发音,详实的释义,贴切的例句,助力大家学好英语。



本文转载自【微信公众号:小初爸侃育儿,ID:papercheck02】经微信公众号授权转载,如需转载与原文作者联系来 源:小初爸侃育儿(ID:papercheck02)1Mole 1met [met] (meet过去式)碰上,遇见above [bv] 在.....上方,在.....之上ground [grand] 地面those [z] 那些ice cream [ais kri:m] 冰激凌us [s] (宾格)我们finish ['fini] 吃完,喝完,用尽wait [weit] 等待,等候hurry ['hri] 赶紧,匆忙hurry up [hri p] 赶紧,赶快 dropped [drpt] (drop过去式)(无意中)使掉落email ['i:meil] 电子邮件ran [rn] (run的过去式) 跑love [lv] 爱你的2Mole 2list [list] 清单er [:] 哦,嗯,呃need [ni:d] 需要first [f:st] 首先,第一;最先的,第一(次)的can [kn] 可以lost [lst ](lose的过去式)丢失how much [haumt] 多少(用于不可数名词)*cheese [ti:z] 奶酪any ['eni] 一些,一点,若干use [ju:s] 使用over there [uv ] 在那边bottle ['btl] 瓶子;一瓶的容量half [hɑ:f] 一半kilo ['ki:l] 千克,公斤a lot of [ lt v] 许多的3Mole 3weekend [wi:kend] 周末place [ples] 地方British [brt] 英国的,英国人的;英国人museum [mjuzi:m] 博物馆how [ha] 怎样,如何best [best] 最took [tk] 搭乘;乘坐;需要花费trip [trp] 旅行,旅程along ['l] 沿着river [rv(r)] 河,江hour [a(r)] 小时twenty [twenti] 二十minute ['mnt] 分钟of [v , v] 关于......的,表明.....的wall [w:l] 墙,城墙arrive 到达for [f(r)] 达,计mountain [mantn] 山with [w] 拥有,具有plant [plɑ:nt] 植物4Mole 4pair [pe(r)] 一套,一双,一副shorts [ts] (常复)短裤argue [ɑɡju] 争论,讨论matter [mt(r)] 问题,麻烦What's the matter? 怎么啦?took [tk] 拿(走),取(走)wear [we(r)] 穿That's OK. 没关系。sports [spts] 体育运动的,体育运动用的hey [he] 嘿,喂5Mole 5nineteen [nainti:n] 十九crayon ['krein] 蜡笔fifteen [fifti:n] 十五begin [bi'ɡin] 开始give out [ɡiv aut] 分发all right [:l rait] 好,行thirteen [θ:'ti:n] 十三fourteen [f:ti:n] 十四sixteen [siksti:n] 十六seventeen [sevnti:n] 十七eighteen [eiti:n] 十八floor [fl:] 地面,地板forty ['f:ti] 四十number [nmb] 数字thirty ['θ:ti] 三十fifty ['fifti] 五十sixty ['siksti] 六十seventy [sevnti] 七十eighty ['eiti] 八十ninety ['nainti] 九十happily [hpili] 幸福地,愉快地many ['meni] 许多,很多6Mole 6well [wel] 好,熟练地team [ti:m] 运动队,球队really [ri:li] 很,非常good at [ɡud t] 擅长catch [kt] 抓住,接住*goalkeeper [glki:p] 守门员think [θik] 想,认为fantastic [fntstik] 极好的fan [fn] 狂热仰慕者,迷past [pɑ:st] 过去swan [swn] (swim的过去式)游泳slow [sl] 慢的healthy [helθi] 健康的7Mole 7a lot [ lt] 许多,大量useful [ju:sfl] 有用的show [] (电视或广播)节目*presenter [prizent] (电视或广播节目的)主持人blind [blaind] 失明的,瞎的deaf [def] 失聪的,聋的hear [hi] 听到her [h] (宾格)她fire ['fai] 火灾,失火*firefighter [faifait] 消防队员hot dog [ht dg] 热狗*sausage [ssid] 香肠kind [kaind] 友好的,善意的,体贴的8Mole 8time [taim] 时刻,时候,时间school [sku:l] 上课时间,上学时间start [stɑ:t] 开始,发生past [pɑ:st] 晚于,过(几点)late [leit] 迟到的go to bed 上床睡觉exercise ['ekssaiz] 运动,锻炼playground ['pleiɡrand] 操场before [bif:] 在……之前join [din] 加入,参加Skipping rope 跳绳coffee [kfi] 咖啡tea [ti:] 茶always [':lweiz] 总是,一直bell [bel] 钟,铃rang [r] (ring过去式)鸣,响into ['int] 进入......里面 9Mole 9feel [fi:l] 感觉,觉得bored [bd] 厌烦的,厌倦的sad [sd] 伤心的,难过的woof [wuf] (狗发出的)吠声miss [mis] 想念angry ['ɡri] 生气的,愤怒的ill [il] 有病的,不健康的told [tld] (tell的过去式)告诉better ['bet] 痊愈的,恢复健康的farm [fɑ:m] 农场tired ['taid] 累的,疲劳的won [wn] (win的过去式)赢,获胜ruler [ru:l] 直尺smell [smel] 闻出,嗅出10Mole 10kitchen ['kitin] 厨房toilet ['tilt] 厕所,卫生间,room [ru:m] 房间living room [livi ru:m] 起居室,客厅*hide-and-seek [haidn si:k] 捉迷藏now [na] 好,哦last [lɑ:st] 最后hide [haid] 躲,躲藏sofa ['sf] 沙发shout [at] 呼喊,大叫grass [ɡrɑ:s] 草,草地baby ['beibi] 婴儿dangerous [deindrs] 危险的关于作者:小初爸侃育儿,深耕教育行业10年的小初爸,百万家长关注的教育博主。为父母分享实用的家庭教育干货,为孩子提供更高效的学习方法。授权请联系小初爸侃育儿。


外研社版五年级英语下册 - 一年级起点单词列表、例句汇总

外研社版五年级英语下册-一年级起点单词列表、例句汇总外研社版五年级英语下册 - 一年级起点单词列表、例句汇总共包含10个学习单元,72个单词。Mole 1(5个单词)小心驾驶!·drive英 [drav] / v.驾驶Drive with caution!(小心驾驶!)·drove英 [drv] / v.(drive的过去式)驾驶A traveler drove a car to the countryside.(一个旅行者驾驶着汽车去乡村。)·player英 [ple(r)] / n.演奏者She is a skilled player on the piano.(她是一位熟练的钢琴演奏者。)·office英 [fs] / n.办公室He dropped by my office this morning.(今天早晨他到我办公室串门来了。)·fish英 [f] / vt.& vi.捕鱼,钓鱼Do you like fish?(你喜欢鱼吗?)Mole 2(7个单词)请给我一千克蒜味香肠。·*sausage英 [ssd] / n.香肠A kilogram of garlic sausage, please.(请给我一千克蒜味香肠。)·sandwich英 [snwt] / n.三明治She was eating a sandwich.(她在吃三明治。)·*fish and chips英 / n.炸鱼加炸薯条Fish and chips are packed with protein.(炸鱼薯条富含蛋白质。)·traditional英 [trdnl] / adj.传统的Traditional handicraft techniques are being steadily improved.(传统的手工艺技术不断革新。)·dish英 [d] / n.食品,菜肴This dish tastes good.(这盘菜的滋味不错。)·delicious英 [dls] / adj.美味的They enjoy delicious food very much.(她们很爱享受美食。)·*chicken英 [tkn] / n.鸡肉I want chicken.(我想吃鸡肉。)Mole 3(4个单词)这个现在有DVD版了吗?·*DVD英 [di: vi: di:] / abbr.数字化视频光盘Is it available on DVD yet?(这个现在有DVD版了吗?)·*librarian英 [labrerin] / n.图书馆管理员;图书馆馆长I like to be a librarian.(我想当一个图书管理员。)·show英 [] / vt.& vi给(某人)看Show me which one you like and I''ll buy it for you.(指给我看你喜欢哪个,我给你买。)·borrow英 [br] / vt.& vi.借入,借来Can I borrow a pen please?(我可以借支笔吗?)Mole 4(6个单词)他给她送去了一束花。·sent英 [sent] / v.(send的过去式)寄,发送He sent her a bunch of flowers.(他给她送去了一束花。)·American英 [merkn] / adj.美国的;美国人的These things are all American stuff.(这些都是美国的东西。)·read英 [ri:d] / v.(read的过去式)阅读Have you read this book?(你看过这本书吗?)·interesting英 [ntrst] / adj.令人感兴趣的;有趣的The show is interesting.We all laugh.(这个节目很有趣,我们都笑了。)·season英 [si:zn] / n.季节The four seasons are spring,summer,autumn,and winter.(四季指的是春、夏、秋、冬。)·snow英 [sn] / n.雪After the snow it is really cold.(下过这场雪,就觉出冷来了。)Mole 5(8个单词)它们多少钱?·How much……?英 / ……多少钱?How much are they?(它们多少钱?)·light英 [lat] / adj.轻的What''s near the light?(灯附近有什么?)·sales assistant英 / n.售货员,营业员He found a job as a sales assistant.(他找到一份当售货员的工作。)·carry英 [kri] / vt.&vi.提;抱;扛;背;搬He was carrying a briefcase.(他提着公文包。)·pound英 [pand] / n.英镑The Pound would be devalued, we were told.(我们被告知英镑将会贬值。)·back英 [bk] / n.背,背部The privy''s out the back.(厕所在房子后面。)·over英 [v(r)] / prep.在……的上方,在……的上面He jumped over the barrier easily.(他轻松地跳过了障碍物。)·shoulder英 [ld(r)] / n.肩,肩膀He was shot in the shoulder with an arrow.(他的肩膀被箭射中。)Mole 6(13个单词)该城市将建造一座纪念碑。·build英 [bld] / vt.建造A monument will be erected in this town.(该城市将建造一座纪念碑。)·place英 [ples] / n.地方I really must start tidying the place up.(我真得开始收拾收拾这个地方了。)·thousand英 [θaznd] / n.(数字)一千This hall is big enough for a thousand people.(这个礼堂能盛一千人。)·circle英 [s:kl] / n.圆,圆形The children stood in a circle.(孩子们站成一圈。)·answer英 [ɑ:ns(r)] / n.答案This is a tricky one to answer.(这是个难以回答的问题。)·hope英 [hp] / vt.&vi.希望I hope I''m not disturbing you.(我希望没有打扰到你。)·so英 [s] / adv.如此,这样I hope you will pardon me for doing so.(我希望你原谅我这样做。)·get英 [get] / vt.&vi.到达(某地)What grade are you hoping to get?(你希望得到什么样的成绩?)·hour英 [a(r)] / n.小时That clock''s an hour fast.(那个钟快了一个小时。)·*amazing英 [mez] / adj.令人吃惊的The Northern Lights are so amazing!(北极光真是太神奇了!)·take英 [tek] / vt.搭乘,乘坐Mark often took his books to Bess''s house to study.(马克常常带着书本去贝丝家学习。)·short英 [:t] / adj.短暂的,短期的Short hair is in style now.(短发现在很流行。)·*helicopter英 [helkpt(r)] / n.直升机There is a helicopter high up in the sky.(天上有一架直升机。)Mole 7(4个单词)傍晚我们在沙滩边上看挡日落。·evening英 [i:vn] / n.傍晚,晚上In the evening we watched the sunset by the beach.(傍晚我们在沙滩边上看挡日落。)·actor英 [kt(r)] / n.演员I''ve always thought he was a wonderful actor.(我一直认为他是个出色的演员。)·busy英 [bzi] / adj.忙的,忙碌的What a busy day.(多么忙碌的一天啊。)·quarter英 [kw:t(r)] / n.一刻钟I''ve got to go in a quarter of an hour.(一刻钟以后我就得走了。)Mole 8(8个单词)中国结是一种漂亮的传统中国装饰。·Chinese英 [tani:z] / n.中国人This is a beautiful traditional Chinese decoration.(中国结是一种漂亮的传统中国装饰。)·drew英 [dru:] / v.(draw的过去式)绘画,画We don''t know exactly who drew these pictures.(我们不知道究竟是谁绘画这些图画。)·piece英 [pi:s] / n.张,片,块Cut the ham into pieces.(把火腿切成片。)·painted英 [''pentd] / v.(paint的过去式)给……涂颜料I painted the inside of the house.(我粉刷了一遍房子内部。)·scissors英 [szz] / n.(常复)剪刀Can I use your scissors?(我能用一下你的剪刀吗?)·stick英 [stk] / n.棍,棒I forgot to stick a stamp on the letter.(我忘了在信上粘贴邮票。)·tied英 [tad] / v.(tie的过去式)扎上,系上She tied a knot in her scarf.(她把围巾打了个结。)·*string英 [str] / n.线,细绳The string broke.(绳子断了。)Mole 9(10个单词)雪剧院上演一部新电影。·theatre英 [θit] / n.剧院A new film is on at Snow Theatre.(雪剧院上演一部新电影。)·men英 [men] / n.(man的复数形式)男人The men left in a rush.(男人们匆匆离开了。)·women英 [wmn] / n.(woman的复数形式)女人Women in our country enjoy equal rights with men.(在我国妇女享有同男子平等的权利。)·told英 [tld] / v.(tell的过去式)口述,讲I was greatly touched by what you told me.(你对我讲的话使我大受感动。)·joke英 [dk] / n.笑话That''s only a joke.(那只不过是句玩笑话。)·funny英 [fni] / adj.滑稽的,可笑的It was so funny that the icon cried with laughter.((这个笑话)太好笑了,表情都笑出眼泪了。)·show英 [] / n.演出,表演I went on stage and did my show.(我上台作了表演。)·put英 [pt] / v.(put的过去式)放置Who put my little cat there?(是谁把我的小猫咪放那儿的?)·history英 [hstri] / n.历史;历史学History is an interpretive process.(历史是一个阐释的过程。)·subject英 [sbdkt] / n.学科,科目Her subject matter is herself.(她作品的主题就是她自己。)Mole 10(7个单词)我买上火车票了。·ticket英 [tkt] / n.票I''ve got the train ticket.(我买上火车票了。)·passport英 [pɑ:sp:t] / n.护照For foreign holidays you will need a valid passport.(出国度假需持有效护照。)·leave英 [li:v] / vt.离开,动身I begged to be allowed to leave.(我请求允许我离开。)·July英 [la] / n.七月It''s July 1st.The summer holiday begins today!(今天是7月1日,暑假开始啦!)·August英 [:gst] / n.八月Autumn usually begins in August.(秋天一般从八月开始。)·met英 [met] / v.(meet的过去式)遇见I have met her once.(我见过她一次。)·classmate英 [klɑ:smet] / n.同班同学This is my classmate.(这是我的同学。)外研社版 - 五年级英语下册(一年级起点)》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创整理并发布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练提供标准的发音,详实的释义,贴切的例句,助力大家学好英语。



外研剑桥Joinin版_五年级英语上册_三年级起点单词列表、例句汇总外研剑桥Joinin版_五年级英语上册_三年级起点单词列表、例句汇总共包含7个学习单元,142个单词。Starter unit(14个单词)她早早就起了床,把公寓打扫干净。·clean/klin/ / v.(把……)弄干净She got up early and cleaned the flat.(她早早就起了床,把公寓打扫干净。)·hard/hɑd/ / adv.费劲地;费力地It''s hard to pilot a vessel in rough weather.(在大风浪中为船舶引航是很困难的。)·learn/ln/ / v.学习;学会I found English much more difficult to learn.(我发现英语难学得多。)·New South Wales/ n.新南威尔士州Sydney is the capital of New South Wales.(悉尼是新南威尔士州的首府。)·soon/sun/ / adv.不久,很快She was soon disillusioned.(她的梦想不久就幻灭了。)·summer holiday / 暑假This summer holiday was over.(这个暑假结束了。)·take/tek/ / v.拍摄Mark often took his books to Bess''s house to study.(马克常常带着书本去贝丝家学习。)·take photos / 拍照You can take photos here.(你可以在这儿照相。)·time/tam/ / n.一段时间;某段日子What time is it?(几点了?)·the UK / n.英国I''m from the Uk.(我来自英国。)·umbrella/m''brel/ / n.伞;雨伞Take this umbrella with you.(这把雨伞你把它带上。)·whose/huz/ / pron.谁的Whose wallet is this?(这是谁的钱包?)·work/wk/ / n.工作,劳动I love my job,so I work very hard.(我热爱我的工作,所以我工作很努力。)·beautiful/bju:tfl/ / adj.美丽的,美好的She is such a beautiful lady.(她是一位如此美丽的女士。)Unit 1(31个单词)双方都从谈判中获益。·both/bθ/ / det.两者,两个都Both sides have benefited from the talks.(双方都从谈判中获益。)·change/ten(d)/ / v.转变;转换We cannot change the past.(我们无法改变过去。)·come in/ 进来May I come in?(我可以进来吗?)·come on / 快点Come on. Play with me.(来吧。和我一起玩。)·cook/kk/ / v.&n.煮,烧;厨师I want to be a cook.(我想成为一名厨师。)·cousin/''kz()n/ / n.堂[表]兄弟;堂[表]姐妹I always play with my little cousin.(我总是跟我的小表妹玩。)·doctor/''dkt/ / n.医生,大夫I want to be a doctor in the doctor.(我想将来成为一名医生。)·driver/''drav/ / n.司机,驾驶员The driver got out of his van.(司机从货车上下来。)·family/fml/ / n.家庭To him the family is the core of society.(对他来说,家庭是社会的核心。)·fantastic/fn''tstk/ / adj.太好了;极好的The moon looks fantastic tonight.(今晚月亮看起来很美。)·farmer/''fɑm/ / n.农民The farmer takes a rest after working for a long time.(老农在长时间辛苦耕耘以后休息了一会儿。)·grandfather/''grn(d)fɑ/ / n.祖父;外祖父His grandfather was a professor.(他的祖父曾是一名教授。)·grandmother/''grn(d)m/ / n.祖母;外祖母Grandmother is getting along and doesn''t hear too well any more.(祖母上年纪了,耳朵已经听不清了。)·grandparent/''grn(d)per()nt/ / n.祖父;祖母;外祖父;外祖母Tammy was raised by her grandparents.(塔米是爷爷奶奶抚养大的。)·*granny/''grn/ / n.[非正式]奶奶;外婆Granny travelled down by train.(奶奶是乘火车过来的。)·introce/ntr''djus/ / v.介绍,引见Let me introce myself.(我来自我介绍一下。)·Little Red Riding Hood / 小红帽In the forest, a wolf sees little red riding hood.(森林里,一只狼看见了小红帽。)·member/''memb/ / n.成员I am a member of the board of directors.(我是董事会成员。)·nurse/ns/ / n.护士I want to be a nurse.(我想当一名护士。)·phone/fn/ / v.(给……)打电话Can I use your phone?(我能用一下你的电话吗?)·police/p''lis/ / n.警察Police marksmen opened fire.(警察中的神枪手开了火。)·problem/''prblm/ / n.问题,难题We have a slight problem.(我们有一个小小的问题。)·role/rl/ / n.角色What was the role you loved the best?(你最喜欢哪一个角色?)·run away / 逃跑When he tried to run away, I got him by the neck.(当他想逃跑时,我一把将他捉住。)·*scene/sin/ / n.[戏剧中的]一场They are shooting the last scene now.(他们现在拍摄最后一场。)·taxi/''tks/ / n.出租车I hurried away to hail a taxi.(我赶紧去叫出租车。)·these/iz/ / pron.这些I''m going to eat all of these.(我要全部吃完这些!)·walk off / 离开I just sat there watching her walk off.(我坐在那儿看着她离开。)·*woods/wudz/ / n.[常复]小树林,林地Without a compass, it is easy to lose one''s bearings in the woods.(在森林中没有指南针是容易迷失方向的。)·word/wd/ / n.字,词,单词The words stood out clearly on the page.(那些字赫然写在纸上。)·worker/''wk/ / n.工人The worker was ready to work.(工人准备好工作了。)Unit 2(24个单词)这家商店一直营业。·always/:lwez/ / adv.总是,每次都This store is always open.(这家商店一直营业。)·*band/bnd/ / n.圈,箍,带Whose hair band is this?(这条发带是谁的?)·because/b''kz/ / conj.因为I was sad because I was ill.(我很难过,因为我病了。)·bell/bel/ / n.铃Ring the bell to see if they''re in.(按按门铃,看他们在不在家。)·bring/br/ / v.带来The mailman will bring you your mail every day.(邮递员每天都会把你的邮件送来。)·cool/kul/ / adj.冷静的,沉着的It''s cool and windy.(天气凉爽多风。)·*darling/''dɑl/ / n.亲爱的,宝贝儿Yes, of course, my darling.(是,当然了,亲爱的。)·dollar/''dl/ / n.元[美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国的货币单位]My mother gives me one dollar a week.(我妈一个礼拜给我一美元。)·easy/''iz/ / adj.不担心的;不紧张的This is not an easy task.(这不是件容易的差事。)·everywhere/''evrwe/ / n.&adv.在各个地方;处处Dust is everywhere.(到处都是灰尘。)·friendship/''fren(d)p/ / n.友谊I value friendship.(我看重友谊。)·hurt/ht/ / v.弄伤;感到疼痛My leg hurts.(我的腿疼。)·luck/lk/ / n.好运,幸运Good luck! I hope you are right.(祝你好运!我希望你是对的。)·*mascot/mskt/ / n.吉祥物The team''s mascot is a giant swan.(这个队的吉祥物是只大天鹅。)·*necklace/nekls/ / n.项链She bought a necklace of crystals.(她买了一个水晶项链。)·*Olympic/lmpk/ / adj.奥运会的Sydney is afire with Olympic enthusiasm.(悉尼全城燃烧着奥林匹克的热情。)·popular/''ppjl/ / adj.受欢迎的The teacher is very popular among the students.(王老师很受学生欢迎呢。)·Puma Ranch/ 美洲狮大牧场He came into possession of a large Puma Ranch.(他继承了一个美洲狮大牧场。)·ring/r/ / n.戒指He heard the school bell ring.(他听见学校的铃声响了。)·*shell/el/ / n.贝壳We collected shells on the beach.(我们在海滩拾贝壳。)·silver/''slv/ / adj.银制的;银(白)色的Silver overlay is bonded to the entire surface.(整个表面都镀了一层银。)·soft toy / 毛绒玩具Here''s a soft toy for you.(给你一个毛绒玩具。)·test/test/ / n.测验,测试The student is taking an English test.(这个学生正在进行英语测试。)·watch out / 小心Watch out! he hollered.(小心!他大叫道。)Unit 3(18个单词)这是个难以回答的问题。·answer/''ɑns/ / n.答案This is a tricky one to answer.(这是个难以回答的问题。)·*athlete/''θlit/ / n.运动员I was no athlete.(我根本不是当运动员的料。)·collect/k''lekt/ / v.收集,采集I collect shells and interesting seaside items.(我收集贝壳和海边有趣的小玩意儿。)·*cyclist/''saklst/ / n.骑自行[脚踏]车者The cyclist turned off the highway onto a side road.(自行车下了公路岔上了小道。)·end/end/ / v.(使)结束;(使)停止The summer came to an end.(夏天结束了。)·go/g/ / v.开始(做某事)Where do you want to do,child?(你要去哪里?)·kilometre/''kl,mit; k''lmt/ / n.千米,公里One kilometre is equivalent to two li.(1公里为2华里。)·opera house/ 歌剧院The following year she joined the Royal Opera House.(次年她加入了皇家歌剧院。)·quarter/''kwt/ / n.一刻钟,十五分钟I''ve got to go in a quarter of an hour.(一刻钟以后我就得走了。)·say/se/ / v.说Why do you have to say it so loudly?(你为啥要说这么大声?)·special/''spe()l/ / adj.特殊的,特别的The Dragon Boat Festival is a special Chinese festival.(端午节是中国的一个特殊节日。)·*spot/spt/ / n.(圆)点,斑点Spots of rain had begun to fall.(雨点开始落下来了。)·stamp/stmp/ / n.邮票Stamp-collecting is a popular hobby.(集邮是一种普遍的业余爱好。)·tell/tel/ / v.告诉Would you like to tell me what happened?(能告诉我发生了什么事吗?)·time/tam/ / n.次,回What time is it?(几点了?)·top/tp/ / adj.最佳的,最好的He was happy to finally make it to the top.(爬到山顶,他非常高兴。)·train/tren/ / n.火车,列车The train pulled into a station.(列车驶入了一个车站。)·Yours/jz; jz/ / pron.您真挚的[用于信函的结尾]Are these all yours?(这些都是你的吗?)Unit 4(10个单词)·*autograph/''tgrɑf/ / n.[名人的]亲笔签名Could I have your autograph?(我能请你签个名吗?)·*comic/''kmk/ / n.连环漫画His comic actions often make us laugh.(他滑稽的动作经常使我们大笑。)·email/''imel/ / n.电子邮件I''ll email her the documents.(我将用电邮把这些文件发送给她。)·for/f(r); strong form f:(r)/ / prep.为了要;为了得到Here''s some strawberry for you.(这些草莓给你。)·*gone/gn/ / v.走了;不见了The playing cards had gone missing.(扑克牌不见了。)·hat/ht/ / n.帽子Several styles of hat were available.(帽子有几种款式。)·postcard/''ps(t)kɑd/ / n.明信片Send your answers on the back of a postcard.(将答案写在明信片背面寄出。)·*sticker/''stk/ / n.贴纸I am a sticker collector.(我是一个贴纸收藏家。)·take/tek/ / v.接受Mark often took his books to Bess''s house to study.(马克常常带着书本去贝丝家学习。)·*thief/θif/ / n.小偷,贼The police pounced upon the thief.(警察向小偷扑了过去。)Unit 5(17个单词)他也正在吃苹果。·also/''ls/ / adv.而且,还He''s also eating an apple.(他也正在吃苹果。)·*broken/''brk()n/ / adj.破的;破碎的The vase has broken into pieces.(花瓶破碎了。)·*bush/b/ / n.灌木Trees and bushes grew down to the water''s edge.(树和灌木丛一直长到了水边。)·buy/ba/ / v.买You can buy gift over the internet.(你可以在网上购买礼物。)·candy/''knd/ / n.糖果I love to eat all kinds of candy.(我喜欢吃各种糖果。)·chewing gum/ 口香糖One girl was chewing gum.(一个女孩在嚼口香糖。)·flower/''fla/ / n.花I like flowers.(我喜欢花。)·garden/''gɑd()n/ / n.花园Let''s go to the garden.(我们去花园吧。)·happen/''hp()n/ / v.发生This is never to happen again.(再也不会发生这样的事了。)·hide/had/ / v.躲藏We must hide away.(我们得躲藏。)·pass/pɑs/ / v.传(球)Pass him the ball.(把球传给他。)·pick/pk/ / v.捡起,拿起Pick all the apples off the tree.(把树上的苹果都摘下来。)·*plum/plm/ / n.李子,梅子The plum season is about to begin.(快到吃李子的季节了。)·shall/l; ()l/ / aux.将要Shall we dance together?(我们一起跳个舞吧?)·till/tl/ / prep.直到He didn''t realize that he was wrong up till the present moment.(到目前为止他还没意识到他错了。)·wait/wet/ / v.等候,等待The spider must wait for prey to be ensnared on its web.(蜘蛛必须等待猎物被它的蛛网困住。)·weekend/wiknd/ / n.周末I went home at the weekend.(我周末回家了。)Unit 6(28个单词)·*alright/l''rat/ / adv.好吧Alright, you are done!(好吧,你做了!)·around/''rand/ / prep.到处,四处You can fly around the world.(你可以绕着世界飞一圈。)·cartoon/kɑ''tun/ / n.卡通(片),动画片A cartoon combines art and humor.(漫画结合了艺术和幽默。)·*castle/''kɑs()l/ / n.城堡,堡垒The castle lies on a hilltop.(这个城堡座落在山顶上。)·down/dan/ / adj.处在更低的地方[位置](的)I followed her down the stair.(我跟着她下了楼梯。)·dream/drim/ / n.&v.梦;做梦,梦见I had a dream about a fish last night.(我梦到了一条鱼。)·*st/dst/ / n.灰尘,尘埃Dust floats in the air.(灰尘飘浮在空中。)·*DVD/,di:vi:''di/ / abbr.数字影碟Is it available on DVD yet?(这个现在有DVD版了吗?)·fast asleep/ 熟睡的,酣睡的They were both fast asleep in their cots.(他们俩在婴儿床上酣睡着。)·film/flm/ / n.电影,影片I must go and see this film.(我一定要去看这部电影。)·funny/''fn/ / adj.有趣的It was so funny that the icon cried with laughter.((这个笑话)太好笑了,表情都笑出眼泪了。)·*ghost/gst/ / n.鬼Do you believe in ghosts?(你相信有鬼吗?)·Hurry up! / 快点!Hey, hurry up!(嘿!快走吧!)·just a minute / 请稍等Hey, just a minute!(嗨,等一下!)·key/ki/ / n.钥匙They put the key in the door and entered.(他们用钥匙打开门进去了。)·little/ltl/ / adj.幼小的You''ve had chess on the brain since you were little.(你从很小的时候就对下棋产生了浓厚兴趣。)·lock/lk/ / n.锁The key has stuck in the lock.(钥匙卡在锁里了。)·open/pn/ / adj.开着的,打开的He opened the window and looked out.(他打开窗户往外看。)·path/pɑθ/ / n.小径,小道We followed the path along the clifftops.(我们沿着悬崖顶上的小路走。)·pond/pnd/ / n.池塘The pond is home to a frog and a ck.(池塘是青蛙和鸭子的家。)·prince/prns/ / n.王子To begin with he was Prince Charming.(首先,他是一个白马王子。)·quickly/kwkli/ / adv.快速地I run very quickly.(我跑步很快。)·right now / 立即,马上I''m leaving right now.(我这就走。)·sleep/slip/ / n.睡眠Try and get some sleep.(试着睡一会儿。)·sometimes/smtamz/ / adv.有时,间或sometimes it snows,and sometimes it rains.(有时候下雪,有时候下雨。)·talk/tk/ / v.谈话,交谈The child is learning to talk.(孩子正在学说话。)·travel/trvl/ / v.旅行I want to travel.(我想去旅行。)·zoo/zu/ / n.动物园She is at the zoo.(她在动物园里。)《外研剑桥Join in版_五年级英语上册_三年级起点》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创整理并发布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练提供标准的发音,详实的释义,贴切的例句,助力大家学好英语。









外研版五年级下册英语知识点第一模块短语1. many years ago 许多年前2. live in a small house 住在一所小房里3. enough food 足够的食品4. how about 怎么样5. lots of buses and cars许多公共汽车与小汽车6. every day 每天7. talk to 和交谈8. miss China 想念中国9. four years ago 四年前10. a television programme about China 一个关于中国的电视节目11. last night 昨天晚上12. talk about 谈论13. cook on a fire 在炉火上做饭14 work in the fields 在田地里劳作句型1、There was(were)+某人或某物+某地2、过去式:We didn’t have enough food .句型: 肯定句:主语+动词过去式+其他否定句:主语+be动词过去式+not+其他或主语+did not+动词原形+其他外研版五年级下册英语知识点第二模块短语1. in lots of Chinese cities 在许多中国城市2. foreign language 外语3. learn English 学习英语4. welcome to Beijing 欢迎到北京来5. make a cake 做蛋糕6. do homework 做家庭作业7. in his class 在他的班级8. a good pupil 一个好学生9. study hard 努力学习10. an English teacher 一位英语老师11. walk to school 走路去学校12. by school bus 乘坐校车句型1、 询问他人做过某事的句型及回答句型例:Did she learn any foreign languages?问:Did+主语+动词原形+其他答:Yes ,人称代词主格+did .或 No ,人称代词主格+didn’t .2、描述他人做过某事例: She learnt English . 主语+动词过去式+其他3、描述他们现在在做某事例:He is learning English now .主语+be+动词ing+其他 外研版五年级下册英语知识点第三模块短语1.have got 拥有2.an e-mail from Linglin一封来自玲玲的电子邮件3.about English food 关于英国食物4.have an English breakfast 吃了一顿英式早餐5.have …for lunch 吃作为午餐6.a traditional English dinner 一顿传统的英式晚餐7.very different 非常不同8.give …to … 把给9.at school 在学校10.cook Chinese food for Llingling 为玲玲做中式食物11.be going to 打算 12.tell a story 讲故事句型1、描述吃过某些食物:主语 + had + 食物名称 + 其他 2、询问他人打算吃 /喝什么:What are you going to eat/drink ?3、询问他人三餐吃了什么:What + did + 主语 + have + for breakfast / lunch / dinner ? 外研版五年级下册英语知识点第四模块单词Library 图书馆 find 找到 CD-ROM 电脑光盘 bring带来 use使用 card 卡片 easy简单的 information信息 timetable时间表 dictionary字典 newspaper 报纸短语1. want to 想要2. make an e-card for Mum 为妈妈制作一张电子卡片3. be good at 擅长4. go to the library 去图书馆5. find a book about e-cards 找到一本关于电子卡片的书6. at the library 在图书馆7. the book about computers 关于电脑的书8. on Shelf C 在C架上9. library card 借书卡10. bring back 带回来11. in two weeks’ time 在两周时间内12. use our computer 使用我们的电脑13. be easy with 用很简单14. find out 找到、找出15. in this dictionary 在这本词典里16. on this CD-ROM 在这张光盘上17. in this newspaper 在这张报纸上18. at the zoo 在动物园19. on TV 在电视上句型询问某物在何处及回答的句型:1、Where are theabout,please ?2、Where can you find out about ?3、You can find out in / on 外研版五年级下册英语知识点第五模块短语1. send an email 发送电子邮件2. a computer message 电脑信息3. from…to … 从…..到…..4. a good idea 一个好主意5. an idea 一个主意6. click on 点击7. write your message 写你的信息 8. at work 在工作9. an email from little Tom 一封来自小Tom的电子邮件10. make a poster 制作海报11. thank you for… 为……而感谢12. work hard 努力工作13. at the office 在办公室14. be busy 忙碌的15. be home 在家16. at seven o’clock 在七点钟17. on the train 在火车上 18. stand up 起立19. run to the blackboard 跑向黑板20. on the blackboard 在黑板上句型1、another和the other : another用于三者以上的 “其中一个”,the other用于两者之间2、英语时间的表达:①10:00 ten o’clock ②1:58 one fifty-eight ③7:10 ten past seven ④9:48 twelve to ten ⑤4:45 a quarter to five ⑥9:30 half past nine



M11 两年前two years ago2 看起来不同look different3 喂鸟feed the birds4 看look at5 许多小树lots of little trees6 ……怎么样?How aboutM21 快点/来吧/加油come on2 让我们去超市吧Let’s go to the supermarket3 在那边over there4 许多水果a lot of fruit5 请帮我把……放到车里please help me put …in the car6 让我帮你let me help you 7 助人为乐的孩子们helpful children8 吃一个冰激凌吧Have an ice cream9 在超市at the supermarkets9 出售精美服装sell nice clothes10 许多好吃的东西lots of goodiesM31 不请吃就捣蛋Trick or treat2 给我一块糖Give me a sweet3 万圣节快乐!Happy halloween!4 一个秋天的节日an autumn festival 5 在英国in the UK6 穿着可怕的衣服wear scary clothes7 去他们的邻居家go to their neighbours’ houses8 在万圣节at Halloween9 在春季in spring10 玩具鸡toy chicks11 复活帽Easter hats12 巧克力蛋chocolate eggs13 复活蛋Easter eggs14 许多美味食品lots of yummy foods15 过一段难忘时光have a fabulous time16 春节the Spring Festival 17 中秋节自助Mid-AutumnFestival18 新年New Year19 父亲节Father’s Day20 儿童节Children’s Day21 母亲节Mother’s DayM41 讲故事tell stories2 讲一个故事tell a story3 一张参加我生日聚会的请柬an invitation to my birthday party4 吃一块生日蛋糕have a birthday cake5 为我制作一块生日蛋糕make a birthday cake for me6 看一场电影see a film7 帮我收拾一下help me tidy up8 在周末at the weekend9 请来参加我的生日派对Please come to my birthday party10在伦敦马灵大街15号at 15 Marling Street, London11 在11月2日星期日on Sunday,2nd November 12 从上午11:00到下午2:00 from 11:00AM to 2:00 PM13 请回复please replyM51 怎么了?What’s the matter?2 想要做某事want to do sth.3 摘走/带走take away 4 跑回家run home5 玲玲最喜欢的裙子Ling ling’s favourite skirt6 矮个子男人the short man7 一点也不not at allM61 在空中in the sky2 跑得快run fast3 跳得高jump high4我们赢了!We’re the winners!5 你的第一个粉丝your first fan6 篮球打得好play basketball well7 在公园in the parkM71 一档关于狗的电视节目a TV show about dogs2 盲人blind people3 东奔西跑,都不如在家好。/在家千日好,出门一日难East and west, home is the best.4 说英语speak English5 倒立stand on one’s handsM81 围着桌子坐sit around tables2 拍一些照片take some photos3 坐成排sit in lines4 做早操do morning exercises5 在三点半at half past three6 在课堂上in class7 在教室里in the class8 去公园go to the park9 努力学习study hard10 这是开始的好时机It’s the right time to start11 在课间at break time12为……做准备get ready for13把……介绍给……introce …to…M91 玩我的玩偶play with my doll2 思考/考虑think about3 给你制作一件令人惊喜的圣诞礼物Make you a surprise present for Christmas4 喝一些水drink some water5 出去go out6 帮助她妈妈做蛋糕help her mum make a cake 7 出去玩go out to play8 r拍拍你的手clap your hands9 跺跺你的脚stamp your feetM101 上床睡觉go to bed2 去大本钟go to Big Ben3 弄得一团糟make a mess4 玩光盘play with the CDs5 把……取下take…down6 感谢你的帮助thank s for your help7 不用谢You’re welcome8 外出/不在家be out9 太多+ 不可数名词too much10 班规Class Rules11 从床上掉下来fall off the bed


人教精通版五年级英语上册 - 三年级起点单词列表、例句汇总

人教精通版五年级英语上册-三年级起点单词列表、例句汇总人教精通版五年级英语上册 - 三年级起点单词列表、例句汇总共包含6个学习单元,127个单词。Unit 1(23个单词)当时我不在英国。·Britain英 [brtn] / n.英国I was not in Britain at the time.(当时我不在英国。)·Australia英 [''strel] / n.澳大利亚I''m from the Australia.(我来自澳大利亚。)·New Zealand英 / n.新西兰He will have gone back to new zealand.(他一定是回新西兰去了。)·hello英 [h''l] / vi.喂;嗨(招呼用语)Hello, who''s speaking, please?(喂,请问你是谁呀?)·hi英 [ha] / int.喂;嗨(招呼用语)Hi! How are you doing?(嗨!你近来怎么样?)·I英 [a] / pron.我I''m sorry.(我很抱歉。)·am英 [m] / vi.是Am I correct in saying this?(我这样说对吗?)·I''m=I am英 / abbr.I am 我是I''m sorry.(对不起。请原谅。)·France英 [frɑ:ns] / n.法国He travelled France from end to end.(他游遍了法国。)·Germany英 [''d:mn] / n.德国Germany is located in the middle of Europe.(德国位于欧洲中部。)·Russia英 [''r] / n.俄罗斯During his summer vacation he visited Russia.(暑假期间他去俄罗斯了。)·where英 [we(r)] / adv.哪里Do you know where we are?(你知道我们在哪里吗?)·are英 [ɑ:(r)] / vi.是How many dogs are there?(那里有多少只狗?)·you英 [ju] / pron.你;你们I want you!(我需要你!)·from英 [frm] / prep.从Where are you from?(你是什么地方人?)·city英 [sti] / n.城市I like the city,there''s always something to do.(我喜欢城市,那里总有事情可做。)·road英 [rd] / n.道路Heavy traffic blocked the road.(拥挤的车辆阻塞了道路。)·street英 [stri:t] / n.街道There are no people on the street at night.(到了晚上,街上就空无一人。)·what英 [wt] / pron.什么What is going on here?(这里发生了什么事情?)·is英 [z] / vt.&vi.是This is a day to be remembered.(这是一个值得记住的日子。)·your英 [j:(r)] / pron.你的;你们的Dont'' forget your umbrella.It might rain.(不要忘记了你的雨伞,可能会下雨。)·name英 [nem] / n.名字This king even has an English name.(这位皇帝既然有英文名。)·what''s=what is英 / what is 或 what has 的常用口语形式What is going on here?(这里发生了什么事情?)Unit 2(20个单词)这条聪明的狗每天早上都会拿报纸来。·clever英 [klev(r)] / adj.聪明的The clever dog brings the newspaper every morning.(这条聪明的狗每天早上都会拿报纸来。)·quiet英 [kwat] / adj.安静的We should be quiet when we see this.(看见这样的手势时,我们应保持安静。)·pretty英 [prti] / adj.漂亮的;美丽的Wow,she''s pretty!Does she have a boyfriend?(哇,她很漂亮!她有男朋友吗?)·her英 [h(r)] / pron.她的I''ll ask her what she''s looking at.(我会问问她,她正在看什么。)·his英 [hz] / pron.他的He looks really cool next to his sports car.(他站在自己的跑车旁边,看起来酷毙了!)·eye英 [a] / n.眼睛This is my eye.(这是我的眼睛。)·nose英 [nz] / n.鼻子Touch your nose.(摸摸你的鼻子。)·hair英 [he(r)] / n.头发I hava black hair.(我有一头黑色的头发。)·smart英 [smɑ:t] / adj.聪明的The smart dog can read newspapers.(这只聪明的狗能读报纸。)·cute英 [kju:t] / adj.可爱的Oh, look at that kitten! He''s so cute.(哦,看看那只猫!它太可爱了。)·lovely英 [lvli] / adj.可爱的The baby had lovely eyes.(宝宝有一双可爱的眼睛。)·active英 [ktv] / adj.活泼的;好动的Students are very active in class today.(今天学生在课堂上非常活跃。)·how old英 / 多大年龄How old are you?(你多大了?)·he英 [hi] / pron.他He is here to paint our house.(他到这里来是为了给我们粉刷房子。)·she英 [i] / pron.她She is a pretty woman.(她是个漂亮的女人。)·beautiful英 [bju:tfl] / adj.漂亮的;美丽的She is such a beautiful lady.(她是一位如此美丽的女士。)·handsome英 [hnsm] / adj.英俊的The handsome man posed for pictures.(这位英俊的男子摆好姿势准备照相。)·that英 [t] / pron.那;那个Look at that over there!(看那边的东西!)·man英 [mn] / n.男人;男士A man smiles happily.(一个男的笑的很开心。)·woman英 [wmn] / n.女人;女士Young beautiful woman drinking coffee at home.(年轻漂亮的女人在家喝咖啡。)Unit 3(21个单词)他是个名不见经传的作家。·writer英 [rat(r)] / n.作家He was an unknown writer.(他是个名不见经传的作家。)·singer英 [s(r)] / n.歌手;歌唱家She used to be a singer of some renown.(她曾是位小有名气的歌手。)·dancer英 [dɑ:ns(r)] / n.跳舞者;舞蹈演员She can be counted as a dancer.(她可以算一个舞蹈家。)·this英 [s] / pron.这;这个What can I stick this on with?(我用什么把这个贴上去呢?)·family英 [fmli] / n.家庭;家族To him the family is the core of society.(对他来说,家庭是社会的核心。)·father英 [fɑ:(r)] / n.父亲This father has a daughter and a son.(这个父亲有一儿一女。)·mother英 [m(r)] / n.母亲She is my mother.(她是我的母亲。)·love英 [lv] / vt.& vi.爱I love looking after the children.(我喜欢照顾小孩。)·worker英 [w:k(r)] / n.工人The worker was ready to work.(工人准备好工作了。)·actor英 [kt(r)] / n.演员I''ve always thought he was a wonderful actor.(我一直认为他是个出色的演员。)·actress英 [ktrs] / n.女演员As a schoolgirl, she had dreamed of becoming an actress.(她上学时曾梦想成为一名女演员。)·a英 [] / art.一个I autographed a copy of one of my books.(我在自己的一本书上签了名。)·an英 [n] / art.一个This is an orange.(这是一个橙子。)·parent(s)英 [pernt] / n.父母亲Children need their parents.(孩子们需要父母。)·policeman英 [pli:smn] / n.警察The policeman has caught the murderer alive.(警察已捉拿到凶手。)·policewoman英 [pli:swmn] / n.女警察She''s a policewoman.(她是一位女警察。)·reporter英 [rp:t(r)] / n.记者A reporter interviewed the combat hero.(记者访问了这位战斗英雄。)·who英 [hu:] / pron.谁Who are these men?(这些人是谁?)·uncle英 [kl] / n.叔(伯、舅、姑、姨)父I love to play video games with my uncle.(我喜欢和叔叔一起玩电子游戏。)·aunt英 [ɑ:nt] / n.婶(伯、舅、姑、姨)母It was a present from Aunt Vera.(这是薇拉姑妈送的礼物。)·police英 [pli:s] / n.警察;警方Police marksmen opened fire.(警察中的神枪手开了火。)Unit 4(18个单词)电影院经常客满。·cinema英 [snm] / n.电影院The cinema is always filled to capacity.(电影院经常客满。)·bank英 [bk] / n.银行I have placed money on deposit in a bank.(我已把钱存入一家银行。)·hotel英 [htel] / n.宾馆The Atlantic coast is within sight of the hotel.(从宾馆可以看见大西洋海岸。)·work英 [w:k] / n.工作I love my job,so I work very hard.(我热爱我的工作,所以我工作很努力。)·study英 [stdi] / n.学习The study is furnished as it was before.(书房的陈设依旧未变。)·CCTV英 [si: si: ti: vi:] / n.中国中央电视台I am with CCTV.(我在中央电视台服务。)·hospital英 [hsptl] / n.医院I''m going to the hospital.(我要去医院。)·shopping mall英 [p m:l] / n.购物中心I will accompany you to the shopping mall.(我会陪伴你去购物中心。)·in英 [n] / prep.在……里面Why are you hiding in the box?(你藏在箱子里干嘛呀?)·on英 [n] / prep.在……上面All of my textbooks are on my desk.(我所有的课本都在书桌上。)·at英 [t] / prep.在We are at school.(我们在学校。)·shop英 [p] / n.商店This shop laid in a new stock of goods just a few days ago.(这家商店前几天刚进了一批货。)·restaurant英 [restrnt] / n.饭馆This restaurant is famous for being built on the sea.(这家餐厅因建在海上而闻名。)·company英 [kmpni] / n.公司Our company has a new office building.(我们公司有了一座新的办公楼。)·library英 [labrri] / n.图书馆The one student are looking for some books in the libray.(一个学生正在图书馆里找一些书。)·grandfather(grandpa)英 [grnfɑ:(r)]([grnpɑ:]) / n.(外)祖父Grandpa used to read me stories when I was a little girl.(在我小时候,爷爷会给我讲故事。)·grandmother英 [grnm(r)]([grnmɑ:]) / n.(外)祖母Grandmother is getting along and doesn''t hear too well any more.(祖母上年纪了,耳朵已经听不清了。)·driver英 [drav(r)] / n.司机The driver got out of his van.(司机从货车上下来。)Unit 5(24个单词)我有一个书包。·schoolbag英 [''sku:lbg] / n.书包I have a schoolbag.(我有一个书包。)·activity book英 / n.活动手册Hand in your activity book.(把活动手册交上来。)·dictionary英 [dknri] / n.词典He''s bought a Chinese-English dictionary.(他买到了一本汉英词典。)·put英 [pt] / vt.放;放置Who put my little cat there?(是谁把我的小猫咪放那儿的?)·ruler英 [ru:l(r)] / n.尺子I have a ruler.(我有一把尺子。)·crayon英 [kren] / n.蜡笔Do you have crayon?(你有蜡笔吗?)·yes英 [jes] / n.是Yes,I do.(是的,我喜欢。)·fish英 [f] / n.鱼Do you like fish?(你喜欢鱼吗?)·hen英 [hen] / n.母鸡The chickens gathered under the hen.(小鸡聚集在母鸡翅膀下面。)·goose英 [gu:s] / n.鹅The goose flapped heavily away.(那只鹅扇着沉重的翅膀飞走了。)·animal英 [nml] / n.动物Every kind of animal went on the boat.(每一种动物都上了船。)·cow英 [ka] / n.奶牛;母牛A mature cow has horns.(成年奶牛有犄角。)·horse英 [h:s] / n.马The horse he painted is very lifelike.(他画的马很传神。)·elephant英 [elfnt] / n.大象His tour de force is an elephant sculpture.(他的精心之作是一件大象雕塑。)·no英 [n] / n.不;不是的No,I don''t.(不,我没有。)·not英 [nt] / adv.不It''s not our business.(这不关我们的事。)·isn''t=is not英 / 不是Awfully hot, isn''t it?(非常热,是不是??)·sun cap英 / n.太阳帽This is your sun cap.(这是你的太阳帽。)·camera英 [kmr] / n.照相机This camera is too dear.(这架照相机太贵了。)·it英 [t] / pron.它It was sitting in a tree.(它正站在一棵树上。)·time英 [tam] / n.时间What time is it?(几点了?)·whose英 [hu:z] / pron.谁的Whose wallet is this?(这是谁的钱包?)·umbrella英 [mbrel] / n.雨伞Take this umbrella with you.(这把雨伞你把它带上。)·fan英 [fn] / n.扇子;风扇I''m a sports fan.(我是个体育迷。)Unit 6(21个单词)椰子是热带地区的特产。·coconut英 [kknt] / n.椰子The coconut is particular to the tropics.(椰子是热带地区的特产。)·grapefruit英 [grepfru:t] / n.西柚;葡萄柚I had grapefruit juice this morning.(我今天早上喝了柚子汁。)·hami melon英 / n.哈密瓜Hami melon is a specialty in Xinjiang.(哈蜜瓜是新疆的特产。)·fruit英 [fru:t] / n.水果I want some fruit.(我想要一些水果。)·juice英 [:s] / n.果汁I am thirsty. I want some juice.(我饿了。我想要些果汁。)·milk英 [mlk] / n.牛奶Do you want milk?(你想喝牛奶吗?)·water英 [w:t(r)] / n.水果Do you want water?(你想喝水吗?)·watermelon英 [w:tmeln] / n.西瓜A watermelon is red inside and green outside.(西瓜内红外绿。)·cherry英 [teri] / n.樱桃Cherry juice is good for your skin.(樱桃汁对你的皮肤有好处。)·strawberry英 [str:bri] / n.草莓I only had a strawberry yoghurt for breakfast.(我早餐只吃一个草莓酸奶。)·star fruit英 [stɑ: fru:t] / n.杨桃I had a star fruit after lunch.(我午餐后吃了一个杨桃。)·peach英 [pi:t] / n.桃The peach trees promise a rich crop this year.(今年桃子丰收在望。)·food英 [fu:d] / n.食品;食物I thought the food was very tasty.(我觉得这食物很可口。)·noodle(s)英 [nu:dl] / n.面条I want noodles.(我想吃面条。)·longan英 [''lgn] / n.龙眼;桂圆Longans,also known as longan.(桂圆又名龙眼。)·lychee英 [lati:] / n.荔枝This is a lychee.(这是一个荔枝。)·these英 [i:z] / pron.&adj.这些I''m going to eat all of these.(我要全部吃完这些!)·those英 [z] / pron.&adj.那些Is the boy playing with those birds?(小男孩正在和小鸟们玩吗?)·they英 [e] / pron.他们They are happy together.(他们在一起很开心。)·thank英 [θk] / vt.谢谢;感谢Thank you for your gift!(谢谢你的礼物!)·they''re=they are英 / 她们They''re too dear.(它们的价格太高了。)人教精通版 - 五年级英语上册(三年级起点)》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创整理并发布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练提供标准的发音,详实的释义,贴切的例句,助力大家学好英语。


外研版小学英语五年级上册module3 unit1这样设计更有趣!

Mole 3Unit1 Where did you go?题材Amy 和Daming 讨论有关上周末做了什么、去了哪里、怎样去的以及在游览地做过的事情。教学目标询问和介绍去过的地方。语法询问:what did you do? Where did you go? How did you go?介绍:we visited….. we went to…. We went by…. 词汇听能在听录音的过程中从语句中辨别出如下单词: weekend, place, British, Museum, how, best, trip, along, took, hour, twenty, minutes.说能在句子中正确使用如下单词:weekend, place, British, Museum, how, best, trip, along, took, hour, twenty, minutes. 读能在图片的提示下、跟着录音在语句中正确朗读出如下单词: weekend, place, British, Museum, how, best, trip, along, took, hour, twenty, minutes. 写能在写作中正确使用如下单词:weekend, place, British, Museum, how, best, trip, along, took, hour, twenty, minutes.语言技能目标听能够听懂询问和介绍过去去过的地方说能够简单询问和介绍他人或自己去过的地方读能够读懂有关介绍过去去过的地方的内容写能够简单介绍自己或他人过去去的去过的地方学习策略积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流,询问和介绍所去过的地方。文化意识通过游览异国名胜了解异域风情,。情感态度培养朋友间相互交流的习惯,学会分享自己的快乐与体验,增进友谊。任务能够运用本课所学内容对自己好友过去去过的地方做简单调查并形成调查报告。Unit1 Where did you go?Step 1:课前展示,热身激趣(3-5分钟)展示课题,播放暖场歌曲(烘托气氛),划分小组(各国名胜古迹为小组名称)1.师生热身---自信宣言I am the best 2. 活动一新课热身(1)观看活动一的Flash视频并跟读(大明和玲玲的chant)(2)学生齐声chant(带有拍手和拍桌子动作,整齐划一)Step 2:导入新知,呈现任务 (1分钟)承接活动一chant的内容通过师生谈话时导入。教师示范不同时间、地点和交通方式。教师通过三个问句与多名学生进行交谈并收集部分资料并与其他学生分享,进而引起其它同学想询问他人相关问题的动机,借此抛出本节课主题性任务----“我是小记者”调查了解他人过去去过的地方并形成调查报告。同时引出课文艾美和大明的主题,切入到课文活动2中。Step 3:课堂活动,操练新知(20分钟左右,这是课堂学习的主要环节)(句型操练和生词的处理为本节重点)1. 一听(泛听)Only listen(看动画,注意where/what/how)听1遍。2. 二听(带问题精听)listen and answerlisten 、 circle and tick (task1听录音画句子。句子即为三个标志性问句)task 2 (听录音标记答案。因本文中生词较多,学生回答问题时阻力较大故改为通过ABC标记答案的形式展现重难点的载体)感知课文大意后解决导入时艾美对大明的三个问题:What did you do at the weekend?Where did you go ?How did you go?在回答三个问题时处理一下几个重难点:生词weekend 及衍生的表示过去的时间为以后调查的过去时间点提供方便;生词place,British Museum结合句子“we visited lots of places”图文并茂出示多个学生熟悉的地点(连同big ben, London Eye);生词how, by…. 乘坐交通工具的用法,尽量全面贴近实际。(重点的单词和短语要通过各种形式进行读练保证见词会读保证调查报告的输出效果;对三个问题的问答也展现了调查报告的基本脉络,所以时间点、地点、交通方式和动词的过去的积累是本节课重点突破的对象,动词过去式的积累中visited、went更是重中之重应重复使用、强化练习)。重难点的突破通过超链接方式见点清点,趁机介入第二主题积累相关调查素材。1.一读(跟读)listen and repeat教师再播放配套录音让学生跟读模仿。如意群停顿、升降调、连读、失去爆破、同化等。2.小老师领读Step 4:巩固训练,拓展提高(5-7分钟)1.pair work同桌根据所给图片进行问答联系,熟悉巨型的用法。2.group work:小记者采访调查(可以一人当小记者或接龙问答记录)Step 7:作业布置,课后延伸 (1分钟)Step 6:总结点评,激励进步 (2分钟)