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紧张忙碌的2019考研已经告一段落,与去年的真题相比,今年真题的难度并没有发生非常大的变化。接下来我们就一起分析一下2019考研英语二的阅读理解题。下面进入正题——2019考研英语二阅读真题2019年的英语二阅读题就话题而言,第一篇文章探讨的是人的愧疚感,第二篇文章是气候变化与森林的关系,第三篇文章为美国劳动力短缺与其移民政策的关系,第四篇文章讲的是如何解决塑料袋对于环境影响的问题。从四个话题上讲,都比较贴近生活实际,所以大家可能对上述话题并不陌生。那么难点究竟在哪里呢?就是在文章中暂时遇到难词、生僻词。那么整体而言单词的难度是怎样的呢?实际上,四篇阅读词汇难度适中,并没有出现某一篇文章出现过多生僻单词,会导致阅读断断续续的情况,所以最后的做题难度自然是比较适中的。就有小伙伴说啦!适中我也做不出来啊,你这都是瞎说!小可爱邪魅一笑,你们这些愚蠢的二战党好好在单词上下下功夫吧,今年英语二74分以上的同学多的是好吗?2019考研英语二阅读题型如何分析?从题型看,今年的英语(二)阅读理解沿袭了之前的出题风格,细节题占绝大部分,其次是词义句意题、态度题、主旨题。说白了,就是一般正常题型,英语惯用的复习方法依旧奏效,因此同学们需要在平时要多加强细节题的练习。从体裁看,本次考试的四篇阅读理解以议论文为主,同学们在平时要多读英语议论文性质的文章,同时也不能忽略说明文的学习。到此,综上所述,对于考研英语阅读理解,重点就在词汇备考中,一方面需要掌握一些基础词汇,便于我们了解话题; 另一方面在做题的同时,结合自己对于话题的熟悉程度,综合自己对于词汇记忆的知识,培养自己推测陌生单词的能力。最后大家要知道的:阅读中遇到陌生单词是很常见的,我们必须放平心态,戒掉狂躁。同时,在平时积累单词时候,有侧重地培养自己的猜测生单词的能力,这样在考试中才能够灵活面对生词,积极应对,熟能生巧。



阅读占考研英语整张卷子的半壁江山,搞定阅读,分数肯定不会差。搞不定,那你英语肯定翻车。而且作文这种主观题不可控因素太多了,想要高分,想要稳妥,还是好好做阅读吧。我19年考研,英语二79,下面就把复习过程中总结的一些考研英语二阅读技巧分享给大家~1. 复习要达到什么效果好多小伙伴不知道自己要复习到什么程度,没有个明确的目标,就很难制定复习计划。英语复习要做到历年真题里每一个单词,每一个句子的语法,意思都理解,文章的逻辑关系,主旨能很好的把握,每道题正确答案为什么对,错误答案错在哪里都要很清楚。2.真题书怎么选选真题书一定要选适合自己的,像我英语基础不好,四级都考了3次才飘过,买真题书的时候就一个要求:详细。然后学姐就推荐了《考研真相》的英语二版,叫《考研圣经》,这本讲解是真的详细,其他书只会挑几个长难句图解分析,它直接把每个句子都图解分析一遍,所有的语法盲点都扫的干干净净,太适合英语不好的了。而且有一套完整的解题方法,尤其是排除干扰项的方法,分分钟排除错误答案,真的是特别实用的考研英语二阅读技巧。3. 做阅读的时间合理分配时间是相当重要的考研英语二阅读技巧。每篇16分钟最佳,最多可延长至20分钟左右。在一开始的时候就要把握好做题速度和效率,不要等到最后去模拟,根本来不及的,因为你已经习惯你以往的做题方式了。具体时间分配如下:第一步:快速划出段落序号以及各段首句 (1分钟)第二步:阅读首段,了解文章主题(1-2分钟)宏观把握,随机应变,根据第一段内容,才能更好的给定位打下基础。第三步:扫描题干,尽量找出题干能够提供的信息(1分钟)定位词的优先考虑顺序:①首先标出明确告诉位置的题目所在(某段某行)②专有名词优先,包括人名、地名、书名以及带引号的词等③数字、时间、时段(包括某些介词短语)④较长、较复杂的词组(名词动词词组优先)⑤重要的动词、形容词或副词等实词⑥条件词、因果词、比较词等虚词(往往起到辅助作用)第四步:变速浏览原文,抓住中心 (7-8分钟)第五步:仔细审题,定位原文(3-5分钟)第六步:重叠选项,斟酌答案(3-5分钟)4.阅读文章怎么分析阅读不是做完就完,一定要自己分析总结。建议动手翻译文章,至少10篇。翻译过程如下:①找到主句和从句,找到主句从句的主谓宾,找到从句的引导词。②找完翻译句子,先翻主句,再翻从句,然后根据逻辑关系调整语序。翻译的时候可能会有不认识的单词,先不查看能不能理解句子逻辑,实在影响理解再查。③对照真题书上的解析看自己的分析是否正确,《考研圣经》上有每一句的分析,正好一一对应,很容易发现问题。5. 真题要做几遍?其实这个真没有定数,参照第一条的复习效果,如果你做一遍就能达到那就做一遍,如果你需要做三遍才能达到那就做三遍。只不过根据大部分同学的复习进度,三遍是比较合理的。我自己也把真题刷了3遍,具体说下时间安排:①4月-6月:英语一真题《考研真相》,从最近的年份往前做,每天一篇,能做多少做多少。②暑假:英语二真题,除过最近3年不做留下模拟,剩下的按照年份由远到近,尽量保证3天做完一套。做完就按照上面的方法分析。③9月-11月:暑假做过的真题做第二遍跟第三遍。前面做得细,这两遍就不会很费时间,只需要总结整理一些做题方法即可。④12月:考前拿出留下的3套真题做模考,掐着时间每一道题都要做,一边检测自己的复习结果,一边熟悉考试的感觉。关于考研英语二阅读技巧,我的经验就是这些。说是技巧,其实更偏重于复习方法,因为我觉得所有技巧都是建立在踏实复习的基础上。大家在准备英语的时候一定要先抓基础,在谈提高。


2019年考研初试英语二阅读试题答案及解析text12019考研英语(二)阅读真题Text1是关于内疚的好处的文章,第一篇文章总体不难,文都教育的英语老师就第一篇阅读答案给大家做了解析,为了方便核对,我们将选项也对应给出。阅读理解Text1 答案21. [C] foster a child’s moral development22. [B] burdensome23. [D] an emotion can play opposing roles24. [B] can result from either sympahty or guilt25. [D] wrongdoings解析:21. 根据题干Researchers think that guilt can be a good thing because it may help______.内容定位到第一段最后一句This is why researchers generally regard so-called moral guilt, in the right amount, to be a good thing. 由最后一句的this指代词,可知原因在第一段的前几句,根据第一句Unlike so-called basic emotions such as sadness, fear, and anger, guilt emerges a little later, in conjunction with a child’s growing grasp of social and moral norms. 和第二句Children aren’t born knowing how to say “I’m sorry”; rather, they learn over time that such statements appease parents and friends—and their own consciences. 可知内疚不是天生的,而是和一个孩子的道德规范有关,是通过后天学习获得的。因此答案是C 选项 foster a child’s moral development。22. 根据题干According to paragraph 2, many people still consider guilt to be______.定位到第二段第一句In the popular imagination, of course, guilt still gets a bad rap. 另外第二句It is deeply uncomfortable—it’s the emotional equivalent of wearing a jacket weighted with stones. 也进一步解释了第一句。由这两句可知许多人认为内疚是不好的,令人不舒服的,让人感觉沉重,就像是衣服口袋里有石头一样,因此答案为B选项burdensome。23. 根据题干Vaish hold that the rethinking about guilt comes from an awareness that______.中的关键词Vaish定位到第二段第四句,根据第四句中的adding that this revival is part of a larger recognition that emotions aren’t binary—feelings that may be advantageous in one context may be harmful in another. 可知这种复兴是更大的认识的一部分,即情绪不是二元情感,在一个情境中有利的情绪,在一个情景中可能是有害的。其中第4句中的revival和题干中的rethinking对应,第四句中的recognition和题干中的awareness对应,因此答案是D 选项 an emotion can play opposing roles。24. 根据题干Malti and others have shown that cooperation and sharing _______. 定位到第四段第三句 In a number of studies, Malti and others have shown that guilt and sympathy may represent different pathways to cooperation and sharing. 根据第三句可知内疚和和同情可能代表了通往合作和分享的不同的路径。可以得出,答案是B 选项can result from either sympahty or guilt。25. 根据题干中的关键词transgressions可以定位到第五段第二句Using caregiver assessments and the children’s self-observations, she rated each child’s overall sympathy level and his or her tendency to feel negative emotions after moral transgressions. 根据第二句中的 feel negative emotions after moral transgressions. 可以看到negative emotions 来源于transgressions. 而negative emotions表示负面情绪是贬义的,因此对比4个选项,可以得出答案是D选项wrongdoings.以上就是文都教育考研老师为各位考生带来的2019考研英语二阅读Text 1的答案解析,文都教育考研英语老师预祝大家考上理想的学校。(来源:文都教育)



2020考研英语二真题及答案【作文】!真题:一个饼图:60%用来学习知识,21%用来消磨时间,4%是其它,17%是获取信息。高校学生手机阅读目的调查【参考范文-网络版】As is vividly depicted in the chart, it provides the information concerning the reading purpose of college students by mobile phones in a certain university.To be specific, the percentage of learning is 58%, which is biggest among the four categories. Meanwhile, acquiring information, entertaining and others account for 28%, 12% and 2% respectively.Without a doubt, the real purpose of the chart is to tell us that a majority of college students read their phones for study rather than have fun. On one hand, with the rapid development of science and technology, our smart phones become increasingly convenient for students to study. Instead of taking numerous books in their bags, they prefer to put significant learning materials into their phone and then they can read them at any place they want. On the other hand, the present college students are under huge competitive stress. As a result, they are aware of the significance of learning in college,where they should enhance their knowledge and skills to cope with the challenges and obstacles in the years to come.Taking above reasons into consideration, we could firmly believe that the tendency will continue in the forthcoming years.小作文:真题Directions:Suppose you are panning a tour of historical site for a group of international students1) Say something about the site2) give some tips for the tourYou should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your own name at the end of the email. Use“Li Ming" instead.Do not write the address (10 points)[参考范文--网络版]Dear international students,Welcome to China! Knowing that you have a keen interest in Chinese historical sites, I am writing to recommend you to visit the Forbidden City, one of the prestigioushistoric relics in China.Here are the brief introctions . Firstly, The Forbidden city is the imperial palace of the two dynasties in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Secondly, located in the capital of China, the Forbidden City showcases many collections of ancient arts and antiques, which offer a glimpse of China's extensive and sophisticated culture.Finally, what needs to pay special attention to is that you had better book tickets online ahead of time though any digital devices. Before visiting, to take a panorama of the palace would be a sensible to guild your trip and save much time.I hope my suggestions would be of benefit for you. Please feel free to contact me. I am looking forward to your reply.Enjoy your tour!关于作文的真题和参考答案就到这里啦,今年参加考研的小伙伴可以好好休息一下啦。2020考研已经结束,话说2021考研还会远吗?备考2021考研的宝宝们,不用害怕,考研一般在大三第二学期2月份开始,考研的话,大半年时间够用了,现在你可以搜集了解目标院校的招生简章、专业目录、参考书目、报录比这些信息,尽量找一些已考上的学姐学长,了解参考书目、真题等信息。有机会的话去目标院校多转转,没准儿会有意想不到的收获。现阶段,你应该学好英语和专业课,打好基础,为你的正式备考打好基础。说到资料,数学的话,一般来说汤神讲的细、基础,适合基础不好的,李大帝综合性强。英语的话,真题安利英语一的《考研真相》/英语二的《考研圣经》,逐词逐句精解,一句一句解析每一篇真题,完形填空和阅读理解都是一句话一句话给你分析讲解的,补基础很不错。



01 文章脉络分析引出主题:美国绝大多数大学进行远程授课,但部分学生希望返校上课,因为在家学习效率不高,而且学校说不定比家更安全(Para.1&2) ↓此次疫情会加剧大部分院校的财务危机,规模较大的大学还能维持运转,但小一些的学校压力很大,很可能会破产(Para. 3&4)↓破产的学校往往依赖于学费这一个进项,但入学率连年下降,还有不少新生退学;出现这一现象,一方面是因为人口出生率下降,另一方面是因为这些学校教学方法落后(Para. 5&6)↓ 非白人学生较多的学校更不稳定,会有大批倒闭(Para. 7) ↓由于学生越来越倾向市区的大规模大学,位置较偏且规模较小的学校很快会被淘汰或者被整合(Para. 8)疫情也加速了这一过程。受出行禁令的影响,且不少人担忧美国治疫不力,外籍留学生的比例会进一步下滑(Para. 9) 同时因为经济衰退,家境贫困的本土学生很可能会放弃读大学,各州政府的教育补助也会大幅缩水,联邦的援助资金也是杯水车薪(Para. 10)↓此外,不少学校还面临着学生的诉讼,被要求退还学费。综上,美国大学面临着巨大的挑战(Para. 11)02 原文精读分析Could a fifth of America’s colleges really facethe chop?美国五分之一的高等院校是否能经受住此次淘汰危机?【Para.1】Martyna Malecka, acriminologystudent at Stonehill College,can’t wait for classes to restart in August. Her campus in Easton, Massachusetts, “feels like a village”: its elegant redbrick buildingssprawlover 384bucolicacres. She judges time spent there less of a coronavirus risk than staying at home in Chicago.玛蒂娜·马雷卡(Martyna Malecka) 就读于美国石山学院犯罪学专业,已迫不及待地想要迎接 8 月份的开学。她所在的校区位于马萨诸塞州的伊斯顿,“给人一种村庄的感觉”:校园内遍布着雅致的红砖建筑,总共占地 384 英亩;建筑周围则是一片田园景 象。玛蒂娜认为,呆在学校要比呆在芝加哥的家里更安全,感染新冠的概率更小。blues n. (pl.) a feeling of depression or deep unhappiness 忧郁 (习语 the blues)the chop n. (BrE, informal) the cancellation or abolition of something 取消;废止all these projects are destined for the chop. 所有这些工程注定要被取消the dismissal of someone from employment 解雇hundreds more workers have been given the chop. 又有几百名工人被解雇。criminology n. [ U ] the scientific study of crime and criminals 犯罪学sprawl v. If you say that a place sprawls, you mean that it covers a large area of land. 延伸The State Recreation Area sprawls over 900 acres on the southern tip of Key Biscayne.州立休闲区占地九百多英亩,地处基·比斯坎南端。(表达建筑占地面积的时候可以使用这个动词)bucolic a. /bjuklk/ ( literary ) connected with the countryside or country life 乡村的;乡村生活的;田园的【Para.2】Universities everywhere have madevaliantefforts to function remotely. A few, such as California State University, say they will continue teaching only online next year. Ms Malecka doubts that distance study works. She gets top marks, but laughingly admits she has “no idea” what she has learned after being at home since March. It is too easy to ignorelecturerswho appear by video, she says, and some hardly set assignments. Like other students, families and faculty, she cravesin-person learning.世界各地的大学都为远程运作作出了顽强的努力。一些学校,如加州州立大学,表示他们明年将继续只进行在线教学。然而,玛蒂娜很怀疑远程学习是否行得通。她能拿到高分,但却戏谑地承认自己其实并“不是很清楚”自 3 月以来在家到底学了些什么。她谈道,视频授课的讲师很容易被学生忽视,而且有些老师几乎不布置作业。与其他学生、家长和教师一样,玛蒂娜渴望面对面上课。valiant a. A valiant action is very brave and determined, though it may lead to failure or defeat. 顽强的(英勇的;勇敢的;果敢的;坚定的)Despite valiant efforts by the finance minister, inflation rose to 36%. 尽管这位财政部长作了顽强的努力,通货膨胀率还是升到了 36%。She made a valiant attempt not to laugh. 她试图强忍住不笑出来。lecturer n. (especially in Britain) a person who teaches at a university or college (尤指英国大学的)讲师He's a lecturer in French at Oxford. 他是牛津大学的法语讲师。crave v. to have a very strong desire for sth 渴望;热望SYN long for[ VN ] She has always craved excitement. 她总渴望刺激。【Para.3】Whether or not universitiesget backquicklytothat, many are likely to suffer. Stonehill is private and Catholic, with 2,500 students and a $200mendowment. It looksin good shape, but many similar liberal-arts colleges, especially in the northeast and Midwest, are not. Their problems arelong-standing. Nathan Grawe of Carleton College in Minnesota, who researches demography and higher ecation, says the core difficulty is theslipping fertility rate. Overall enrolment has drifted downover the past few years.但不管各个大学是否会迅速回归线下授课,许多院校都可能要经历一番磨难。石山大学是一所私立天主教学校,拥有 2500 名学生和 2 亿美元的资助基金,看上去运转良好。但在许多与它类似的文理学院,尤其是位于美国东北部和中西部的文理学院,情况却并非如此。这些学校有许多问题由来已久。明尼苏达州卡尔顿学院的内森·格劳(Nathan Grawe)从事人口统计学和高等教育研究,他认为,核心问题是美国生育率不断下滑,因此,过去几年里,美国大学入学总人数也有所下降。get back to sth/doing… phrase If you get back to an activity, you start doing it again after you have stopped doing it. 重新开始I think I ought to get back to work. 我想我应该重新开始工作了。If you get back to someone, you contact them again after a short period of time, often by telephone. (常指通过电话) 再联系We'll get back to you as soon as possible. 我们将尽快再跟你联系。endowment n. [ C U ] money that is given to a school, a college or another institution to provide it with an income; the act of giving this money 捐款;捐赠;资助in good shape phrase If someone or something is in shape, or in good shape, they are in a good state of health or in a good condition. If they are in bad shape, they are in a bad state of health or in a bad condition. (身体、物体) 处于(良好/不良)状况He was still in better shape than many young men. 他依然比许多年轻人都健康。Generally, if a company has lots of assets relative to liabilities, it's in good shape.一般来说,一家公司如果资产丰厚,而债务相对较少,它的运营状况就很好。long-standing a. A long-standing situation has existed for a long time. 长期存在的They are on the brink of resolving their long-standing dispute over money. 他们即将要解决彼此之间为时已久的金钱争议。slipping a. 不断下降的,退步的slip v. to fall to a lower level; to become worse 下降;退步;变差His popularity has slipped recently. 近来他已不如过去那样受欢迎fertility rate n. 生育率;人口出生率drift down v. 缓慢下降 How can banks be expected to lend more to re-inflate the economy's asset prices while wages and consumer prices continue to drift down? 当工资和消费持续下落,怎么还能指望银行借出更多钱,再通胀经济体内的资产价值?【Para.4】 This squeezes smaller colleges hardest. A study by ParthenonEY, an ecucation consultancy, of over 2,000 colleges suggested 800 are so small or inefficient that they maygo bust. Around one-fifthrun budget deficits. Others pile up debts, fail to build sufficient endowments or sustain student numbers only by agreeing topainfullybig discounts on fees. Mr Grawe points out that eight colleges were already closing each year before the pandemic.这一局面下,规模较小的大学受到的压力最大。教育咨询公司 Parthenon-EY 对 2000 多所大学进行了一项研究,结果表明,有 800 所大学规模太小或效率太低,很可能破产。约五分之一的 院校存在预算赤字。其它学校或债台高筑,或无力筹足基金,又 或单凭大幅降低学费来勉强维持学生数量。格劳先生指出,在新冠大流行之前,每年倒闭的大学就有 8 所。go bust v. = go bankrupt 破产 We lost our money when the travel company went bust . 旅行社破产,我们的钱都赔了进去。run budget deficits phrase 出现、实行预算赤字 Morgan expects even Singapore's government to run a budget deficit this year and next. 摩根预计,就连新加坡政府今明两年也会出现预算赤字。painfully adv. extremely, and in a way that makes you feel annoyed, upset, etc. 非常地;令人痛苦地;令人烦恼地Progress has been painfully slow . 进度慢得令人焦急。【Para.5】Those that fail are usually small, among the 40% of higherecation institutions with fewer than 1,000 students. In the past decade these have seen enrolments slip faster than medium-sized ones. (The biggest typically still thrive.) Of the 72 colleges Parthenon found had shut since 2007, almost every one was small. They are vulnerable because they depend most on revenue from students; others find ways tohire outcampuses for conferences, raise research funds, earnbequestsand thelike.这些破产的大学往往规模很小,且属于美国高等院校中学生人数不达 1000 人的 40%院校之列。过去十年,它们招生人数下滑速度超过中等院校。(当然,最大的几所学校通常仍能不断壮大。) Parthenon 发现有 72 所大学在 2007 后纷纷倒闭,其中几乎每一所规模都不大。它们之所以如此脆弱,是因为极其依赖学生缴 纳的学费进项;另一些学校则通过把校园出租给会议举办方、筹集研究资金、争取他人遗赠等方法来增加收入。hire out v. If you hire out a person's services, you allow them to be used in return for payment. 出租...employment agencies which hire out personnel to foreign companies. …向外国公司出租人员的职业介绍所。bequest n. ( formal ) money or property that you ask to be given to a particular person when you die 遗产; 遗赠He left a bequest to each of his grandchildren. 他给他的孙辈每人留下一笔遗产。like n. [ sing. ] a person or thing that is similar to another 类似的人(或物)(注意词性;复习)jazz, rock and the like (= similar types of music) 爵士乐、摇滚乐以及诸如此类的音乐a man whose like we shall not see again 我们再也不会见到的那种男人【Para.6】Robert Zemsky of the University of Pennsylvania, who co-wrote a recent book on the growingwoesof universities, expects a “collapse, lots of closures” of smaller colleges, notably in the wider Midwest. He blames both demography and teaching methods that do not suit some students, noting how, at many universities, more than a quarter of freshmen quit in their first year. Curriculums, he says, areoutdated, faculty areout of touchand four-year degrees should be cut to three to save costs and force arethinkof higher ecation.宾夕法尼亚大学的罗伯特·泽姆斯基(Robert Zemsky)最近与人合写了一本书,着眼于美国大学日益严峻的困境。他预计规模较小的大学将会“破产,大量关门”,尤其是在更为广阔的中西部地区。他把这归咎于美国人口结构和不适合部分学生的教学方法,特别提到在许多大学,超过四分之一的新生是怎么会在第一学年就退学的。泽姆斯基表示,很多学校课程过时,教师们与学 生脱节,而且 4 年制的学位课程应该削减到 3 年制,以节省教育成本,促使人们重新考虑高等教育。woes n.[ pl. ] the troubles and problems that sb has 麻烦;问题;困难financial woes 财政困难Thanks for listening to my woes. 谢谢您听我诉说不幸的遭遇outdated a. no longer useful because of being oldfashioned 过时的;陈旧的outdated equipment 过时的设备out of touch phrase If you are out of touch with someone, you have not been in contact with them recently and are not familiar with their present situation. 不联系的;与……脱节James and I have been out of touch for years. 我和詹姆斯已经多年没有联系了。rethink n. If you have a rethink of a problem, a plan or a policy, you think about it again and change it. 重新考虑a radical rethink of company policy 对公司规划的彻底反思【Para.7】Among the most vulnerable colleges are those that cater mostly to non-white students. “African-Americans are more than two times as likely to attend an institution at risk, compared with whites andHispanics,” he says. Crystal Nix-Hines, a lawyer in Los Angeles who specialises in the ecation sector, also expects an “enormouswinnowing” of historically black colleges.最岌岌可危的要数那些主要招收非白人学生的大学。泽姆斯基谈 道:“与白人和拉美裔相比,非裔美国人有两倍多的概率会去这 些高风险的大学。”洛杉矶律师克里斯特尔·尼克斯-海因斯(Crystal Nix-Hines)专门负责教育相关的案子,他也预测这些历 来以黑人为主的大学会面临一场“大洗牌”。Hispanic n. A Hispanic is someone who is Hispanic. 拉美裔美国人About 80 percent of Hispanics here are U.S. citizens. 这里约 80%的拉美裔美国人是美国公民。winnowing n. 筛选;遴选winnow v. If you winnow a group of things or people, you rece its size by separating the ones that are useful or relevant from the ones that are not. 筛选; 遴选Administration officials have winnowed the list of candidates to three. 行政官员将候选人名单筛减到三人。【Para.8】Consolidation of higher ecation isovere. Students increasingly prefer bigger and more urban institutions, so some smaller, rural ones will go. How many? Just before the pandemic, Mr Zemsky and his co-authors suggested that 10% of colleges would eventually close. He now expects 20% to shut ormerge withothers.高等院校整合来得有些晚。学生们越来越偏向更大、更市区化的学校,因此一些规模较小、位置偏远的学校将被淘汰。至于具体 数字,在大流行发生之前,泽姆斯基和他的合著者预计最终会有10%的大学倒闭。而现在,他预计,将有 20%倒闭或并入其他院校。overe a. If you say that a change or an event is overe, you mean that you think it should have happened before now. 早该发生的This debate is long overe. 这场辩论早就应该进行了。overe reforms 迟来的改革A book like this is long overe . 像这样的书早就该有人出版了。merge v. ~ (with/into) sth~ A with B~ A and B (together) to combine or make two or more things combine to form a single thing (使)合并,结合,并入His department will merge with mine. 他的部门将和我的合并。 【Para.9】The pandemic furtherdimstheir prospects in several ways. Take universities’ efforts to recruit foreign students, who typically pay full fees. For each of the past three years, enrolments of foreign undergraates haveslid. A drop in Chinese studentsexplainsmuch of that. Travel bans and concern that America hasbungledthe coronavirus will only put offmore.大流行从多个角度打击了这些学校,使它们的前景更为暗淡。以各个大学想法设法招收外国学生为例(这些学生通常要支付全额学费),过去三年里,每年外籍大学生的入学人数都在下滑。中国学生人数的下降基本说明了出现下滑的原因。旅行限制和对美国在新冠上应对不力的担忧只会让更多中国留学生望而却步。dim vt./vi. If your future, hopes, or emotions dim or if something dims them, they become less good or less strong. 使变暗淡; 变暗淡Their economic prospects have dimmed. 他们的经济前景变得暗淡了。slide v. ~ (from...) (to...) to become graally lower or of less value 逐渐降低;贬值Shares slid to a 10-year low. 股价跌到了 10 年来的最低点。explain v. ~ sth (to sb) to give a reason, or be a reason, for sth 说明(…的)原因;解释(…的)理由Well, that doesn't explain why you didn't phone. 嗳,那不是你不打电话的理由。Oh well then, that explains it (= I understand now why sth happened) . 噢,原来是这么回事。bungle v. to do sth badly or without skill; to fail at sth 笨拙地做;失败They bungled the job. 他们把活儿搞糟了。a bungled robbery/raid/attempt 未遂的抢劫╱袭击╱尝试put off v. If something puts you off something, it makes you dislike it, or decide not to do or have it. 使反感; 使 对…失去兴趣(之前在沃尔玛那一篇中有提到过,Collins 对这一用法进行了更详细的归纳)The high divorce figures don't seem to be putting people off marriage. 高离婚率好像并没有使人们对婚姻望而却步。His personal habits put them off. 他的个人习惯让他们反感。 【Para.10】The economic slump means some poorer families will not send youngsters to study. Others will delay. Funding from states for public universities is certain to fall. A report by Pew Charitable Trusts published on May 18th points out that states cut funds for higher ecation by 29% per student between 2008 and 2012. This time the slump is likely to be worse. Already Nevada and Ohio say they have plans to cut. The University of Michigan has talked oflosing outon $1bn. Federal spending will rise ($14bn in emergency help went to universities and students under the Cares Act), but is unlikely to make up all the shortfall.而随之而来的经济衰退意味着一些较为拮据的家庭将不会考虑送孩子去上大学。还有一些家庭会延迟入学计划。各州对公立大学的资助必然会下降。皮尤慈善信托基金(Pew Charitable Trusts)5 月 18 日发布的一份报告指出,2008 年至 2012 年间, 各州生均高等教育经费支出就已削减了 29%。而此次经济衰退 大概率会更加严重。内华达州和俄亥俄州已经表示,他们有削减这方面开支的计划。密歇根大学(University of Michigan)也谈 到过要损失 10亿美元。虽然联邦政府对大学的资金援助将会增加 (依据《CARES 法案》,将有 140 亿美元用于对各个大学和学生的紧急援助),但不太可能弥补所有的缺口。lose out (on sth) v. 损失…;输掉Their family would lose out on 30 years of earnings. 那么他们家庭将会损失 30 年的收入。shortfall n. If there is a shortfall in something, there is less of it than you need. 不足The government has refused to make up a $30,000 shortfall in funding. 政府已经拒绝补足 3 万美元的资金短缺。【Para.11】Finally, many universities face possibly costly legal trouble.Ms Nix-Hines counted 134lawsuits, mostlyclass-actionones, leviedagainst the “wholegamut” of private and public colleges by late May, mostly as students sought the return of tuition fees, saying they received asubstandardservice online.Some colleges might now seek a “liability shield” to protect against futureprosecutionsbefore they reopen. For universities, it all adds up to “their greatest challenge in history”, she says. That may soundalarmist, but it is probably true.最后,许多大学还可能面临天价官司。据尼克斯-海恩斯统计,截止到 5 月底,状告“全体”私立和公立大学的诉讼共有 134 份,其中大部分是集体诉讼,起诉的原因主要是大学生们提出他们在网上受到的课程服务低于标准,要求学校退还学费。目前,一些大学也许会寻求“责任护盾”来抵抗任何在复课前可能会出现的起诉。尼克斯-海恩斯称,对于大学来说,所有这些叠加在一起,构成了“它们有史以来的最大挑战”。这听起来可能有点危言耸听,但情况大概率就是这样。lawsuit n. a claim or complaint against sb that a person or an organization can make in court 诉讼;起诉 He filed a lawsuit against his record company. 他对给他录制唱片的公司提起了诉讼。class action n. a type of lawsuit that is started by a group of people who have the same problem 集体诉讼levy v. to use legal authority to demand and collect (a fine, a tax, etc.) 使用合法权力要求和收取(罚款、税金等)SYN-imposeThey levied a tax on imports. 他们对进口货征税。The government will levy a fine on the company. 政府将对该公司征收罚款。gamut n. /'gmt/the complete range of a particular kind of thing 全部;全范围The network will provide the gamut of computer services to your home. 这个网络将为家庭提供全方位的计算机服务。substandard a. A substandard service or proct is unacceptable because it is below a required standard.低于标准的Residents in general are poor and underecated, and live in substandard housing. 居民一般都很穷、受教育程度低,而且居住条件很差。prosecution n. the process of trying to prove in court that sb is guilty of a crime (= of prosecuting them) ; the process of being officially charged with a crime in court(被)起诉,检举;诉讼Prosecution for a first minor offence rarely leads to imprisonment. 因初犯轻罪被控者很少被判监禁。alarmist a. ( disapproving ) causing unnecessary fear and anxiety 危言耸听的;骇人的A spokesperson for the food instry said the TV programme was alarmist. 食品业的一位发言人说这个电视节目危言耸听。


考研真题:2013年考研英语真题阅读理解Text 2 翻译和答案解析

本文是2013年考研英语试卷阅读理解Part A的Text 2部分。本文主要讲述了网络隐私问题,就“在线行为广告”引发的争议展开论述,随后追溯了争议的相关解决方案。An old saying has it that half of all advertising budgets are wasted-the trouble is, no one knows which half.老话说的好,广告费的一半是浪费了的——问题是,没人知道哪一半浪费掉的。In the internet age, at least in theory, this fraction can be much reced.在互联网时代,至少在理论上,这一浪费的部分能够减少。By watching what people search for, click on and say online, companies can aim “behavioural” ads at those most likely to buy.通过观察人们搜索什么,点击什么,在网络上说什么,公司能够瞄准那些更容易购买的客户投放“行为”广告。26. It is suggested in paragraph 1 that “behavioural” ads help advertisers to:第一段表明,“行为”广告帮助广告商:[A] ease competition among themselves缓和他们之间的竞争[B] lower their operational costs降低运营成本[C] avoid complaints from consumers避免消费者的抱怨[D] provide better online services提供更好的网络服务答案:B。解析:第一句就指出了,广告费花费了有一半被浪费掉了。后面指出互联网时代广告费用大幅减少,因为公司(广告商)能够将“行为”广告投放给最有可能购买的人群。由此可知,“行为广告”能帮助广告商“降低运营成本”这句话最符合题意。In the past couple of weeks a quarrel has illustrated the value to advertisers of such fine-grained information: Should advertisers assume that people are happy to be tracked and sent behavioural ads? Or should they have explicit permission?在过去几周,一场争论表明这些精准信息对于广告商的价值:广告商应该假定用户乐于被追踪并且收到这些广告吗?或者应该获得用户明确的准许?In December 2010 America's Federal Trade Cornmission (FTC) proposed adding a "do not track "(DNT) option to internet browsers ,so that users could tell advertisers that they did not want to be followed .在2010年12月,美国联邦贸易委员会建议提出一个“禁止追踪”的选项加入到网络浏览器中,以便用户能告诉广告商他们不想被“追踪”。Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Apple's Safari both offer DNT ;Google's Chrome is e to do so this year. In February the FTC and Digltal Advertising Alliance (DAA) agreed that the instry would get cracking on responding to DNT requests.微软的IE浏览器和苹果的Safari浏览器提供了“禁止追踪”选项;谷歌的Chrome浏览器在今年准备提供这样的功能。2月,联邦贸易委员会和数字广告联盟同意该行业尽快对“禁止追踪”这一请求作出回应。27. “The instry” (Line 6, Para.3) refers to:“该行业”指的是:[A] online advertisers在线广告商[B] e-commerce conctors电子商务运营[C] digital information analysis数字信息分析者[D] internet browser developers网络浏览器开发商答案:D。解析:FTC和DAA一致认为the instry会对DNT要求迅速做出回应。前面又指出FTC提议在浏览器上添加DNT选项,可见这个提议的动作执行者在浏览器开发商。可见FTC和DAA提议的the instry就是浏览器开发商。On May 31st Microsoft set off the row: It said that Internet Explorer 10, the version e to appear windows 8, would have DNT as a default.微软在五月31日率先发起讨论,它表明随windows8一起发布的IE 10,将把“禁止追踪”选项设为默认状态。Advertisers are horrified .广告商慌神了。Human nature being what it is,most people stick with default settings.人性本质上是,大多数人还是坚持默认设置的。Few switch DNT on now,but if tracking is off it will stay off.很少人会打开DNT选项,但是如果“追踪”是关闭的那么它就一直关闭了。Bob Liodice,the chief executive of the Association of National Advertisers,says consumers will be worse off if the instry cannot collect information about their preferences.国家广告协会会长Bob Liodice 表示,如果这个行业不能收集消费者们的偏好信息,消费者的情况将会更糟。People will not get fewer ads,he says.“They’ll get less meaningful,less targeted ads.人们看到的广告不会更少,他们会得到更多的“无意义的”、更不精确的目标广告。28. Bob Liodice holds that setting DNT as a defaultBob Liodice坚称设置“禁止追踪”为默认选项[A] may cut the number of junk ads可能减少垃圾广告[B] fails to affect the ad instry对这个行业没有影响[C] will not benefit consumers对消费者不利[D] goes against human nature违反人性答案:C。解析:Bob Liodice指出了消费者的情况会更糟糕,收到的广告不会变少,反而会出现更多无意义的广告。所以C正确。It is not yet clear how advertisers will respond.还不清楚广告商怎么回应。Getting a DNT signal does not oblige anyone to stop tracking, although some companies have promised to do so.收到“DNT”信号并不能迫使企业去停止追踪,尽管一些企业承诺会这么做。Unable to tell whether someone really objects to behavioural ads or whether they are sticking with Microsoft’s default, some may ignore a DNT signal and press on anyway.由于不能分辨出用户是拒绝“行为”广告还是他们只是坚持微软的默认选项,一些企业可能忽略“禁止追踪”的信号并且继续追踪。29. which of the following is true according to Paragraph.6?根据第六段,下面哪一个是正确的?[A] DNT may not serve its intended purpose“禁止追踪”可能不能取得预期目标[B] Advertisers are willing to implement DNT广告商更希望执行“禁止追踪”选项[C] DNT is losing its popularity among consumers“禁止追踪”在消费者之中并不流行[D] Advertisers are obliged to offer behavioural ads广告商有责任提供“行为”广告答案:A。解析:公司收到DNT信号并不意味着一定要求停止追踪,而且由于他们不清楚消费者心理,可能也会对DNT默认信号加以忽略。由此,DNT并不能达到限制公司获取用户在线行为信息的目的。所以A合适。Also unclear is why Microsoft has gone it alone.并且也不清楚为什么微软一意孤行的发起行动。After all, it has an ad business too, which it says will comply with DNT requests, though it is still working out how.毕竟,它也有商业广告业务。据称这些业务也遵守“禁止追踪”选项设定。不过还在具体怎样实施还在研究当中。If it is trying to upset Google, which relies almost wholly on advertising,it has chosen an indirect method: there is no guarantee that DNT by default will become the norm.如果它是想让谷歌不高兴,谷歌的业务几乎全靠广告支持。它选择了一个不太直接的方式,没有保证说能将“‘禁止追踪’设为默认状态”成为行业规范。DNT does not seem an obviously huge selling point for windows 8-though the firm has compared some of its other procts favorably with Google's on that count before.“禁止追踪”看起来也不能成为Windows 8的巨大卖点,尽管此前这个公司将旗下一些产品与谷歌的进行了有利对比。Brendon Lynch, Microsoft's chief privacy officer, blogged:" we believe consumers should have more control." Could it really be that simple?Brendon Lynch,微软首席隐私官,在博客中写道:我们相信消费者将有更多的控制权。真的那么简单吗?30. The author's attitude towards what Brendon Lynch said in his blog is one of:作者对Brendon Lynch在博客中所说的态度是:[A] inlgence纵容[B] understanding理解[C] appreciation欣赏[D] skepticism怀疑答案:D。解析:Brendon Lynch说消费者应该拥有更多控制权,但是作者后面又反问:真的那么简单吗?可见,作者对Brendon Lynch的观点是怀疑的。



题材标签:教育难度等级: ★★★☆☆出题思路: 模拟2017年考研阅读Text 1短文出处:www.washingtonpost.com/opinions, 2018/5/16Text 11 When you are a writer who learns a beloved author has a dark side, you experience waves of disillusionment. When you teach that author’s work, you feel an additional stab of concern: What about my syllabus? As intellectual property goes, a great syllabus is a gold mine. Or perhaps a better metaphor would be a Jenga Game. Take away too many supporting pieces and the whole thing will topple.2 Do we continue to teach the work of people we now suspect of behaving unethically or abusively? News stories have suggested prominent writer Díaz may have acted in predatory ways. The Pulitzer Prize Board has launched an investigation of past Pulitzer winner Díaz regarding allegations that include forcibly kissing one author and verbally bullying another. As a reader, I’m devastated. As a teacher, I’ve got decisions to make.3 “Writers in Print and Person,” my class at American University, where I often adjunct, invites undergraates to alternate sustained analysis of a book with the opportunity to meet and question the author. Most of our craft learning is subsequently channeled through eight to 10 books assigned for annotation, a selection tailored to students indivially. Because of the particular scope of my responsibilities, and these modes of student learning, I have always emphasized the writer as a fully dimensioned being. What do I do when those dimensional flaws are revealed?4 Here’s what I can’t do: pretend that this is not happening. Much of the economy surrounding a contemporary writing career rests not just in what that author does on the page but what the person says at the microphone and in the classroom. I’ve never been a full-time academic. Yet I’ve served as a writer-in-residence four times. In other words, I cross paths with thousands of students, many of whom tell me about theiraspirations of becoming writers.5 These are students who wait in line afterward, sometimes for hours, so that the author can sign their copy of the book we put on the syllabus. These are the students who nervously apply for a faraway workshop, and then hustle to cover the expenses, so that they can work with a celebrated writer. These are the students who trust in both that writer’s aesthetic expertise and best intentions.6 I look back with deep regret at times I’ve recommended someone as a mentor, editor or visiting writer, unaware of a history of abusive attitudes.1. The well-known writer Díaz is mentioned to _____.A. stress he is a Pulitzer winnerB. reveal he fought an authorC. illustrate some writers have unethical behaviorsD. explain why I moved his works out of my syllabus.2. Which of the following is “my teaching method”?A. I ask my students to meet the writer to analyze his book.B. I want my students to understand the writer from different dimensions.C. Students are required to read eight to 10 books to find indivial taste.D. One of my responsibilities is to help students find the writer’s flaws.3. The word “aspiration” (Para. 4) is closest in meaning to _____.A. hateB. cheatingC. sadnessD. ambition4. What kind of students is mentioned here?A. The students who are eager to get the writer’s signature whose book on the syllabus.B. The students who want to join in a workshop.C. The students who have the same aesthetic expertise as the writer.D. The students who can publish an expensive book.5. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?A. Teach an Abusive Writer’s Work?B. Writer in Print and PersonC. How to Prepare a SyllabusD. My Regret答案:CBDAA出题思路:【1】The well-known writer Díaz is mentioned to .A. stress he is a Pulitzer winnerB. reveal he fought an authorC. illustrate some writers have unethical behaviorsD. explain why I moved his works out of my syllabus.这里想出一道 “论证型推理题”,也就是“论据A是为了说明论点B”这样的题目。该题的论据是由题干“the well-known writer Díaz”指向文中所述“Diaz是一个行为有问题的人”,论点则是四个选项。首先,确定正确选项:C:illustrate some writers have unethical behaviors(举例说明某些作家有不道德行为)。原文第2段开头说Do we continue to teach the work of people we now suspect of behaving unethically or abusively?(那些让我们现在怀疑行为粗暴、不道德的作家,我们是否继续教授他们的作品呢?)第2句话,作者并没有急于回答这个问题,而是举例什么人是那些不道德的作家。就提到News stories have suggested prominent writer Díaz may have acted in predatory ways.(新闻报道已经暗示著名作家迪亚兹可能有强暴式行为。)所以,Diaz就是前文提到的那些unethically or abusively中的一员。作者提到Diaz就是想举例说明的确有作家行为不道德,而不是作者自己的臆测。其次,设计干扰选项:选项A利用原文中Pulitzer winner一词,让那些没读懂文章,想蒙对答案的人上当。选项B的fought an author是对原文中bullying another的近义转写,让那些迷信“同义转述”的人上当。选项D利用第1段的syllabus迷惑考生。【2】Which of the following is “my teaching method”?A. I ask my students to meet the writer to analyze his book.B. I want my students to understand the writer from different dimensions.C. Students are required to read eight to 10 books to find indivial taste.D. One of my responsibilities is to help students find the writer’s flaws.这里想考第3段。发现第3段教学方法讲的很详细,就出一道多细节题,即每个选项对应一个细节,但错误选项在细节描述上不准确。首先,确定正确选项: B: I want my students to understand the writer from different dimensions.(我想让我的学生从不同角度理解作者)对应于原文I have always emphasized the writer as a fully dimensioned being.(我一直强调作者是一个全方位的存在)。出题技巧是paraphrase(同义转述)。其次,设计干扰选项:选项A利用meet来迷惑考生。在选项A中,因为没有上下文语境,所以meet the writer就是真正和writer“面对面”的见面。而原文中invites undergraates to alternate sustained analysis of a book with the opportunityto meet and question the author. (邀请本科生对一本书进行交替持续的分析,让他们有机会去认识和质疑作者)。原文中meet是学生和作者在“书中”见面,学生通过分析作品,了解作者。这种迷惑选项叫“去语境化”,也就是说原文中的词一定是“带语境”的词义,而选项中的词是“去语境”的词义,这两个词义不一样。选项C的设计是考虑到原文中与C对应的是一个难句,考察学生是否真的读懂了这个句子。读懂了,就不会选C。没读懂,因为数字10很醒目,就很可能选C。原文Most of our craft learningissubsequently channeledthrough eight to 10 books assigned for annotation, a selectiontailored to students indivially. 这句话的主要部分是Most of our craft learning is channeled (我们大部分写作技巧的学习被引导)。后面是through…books…, selection…(通过书和选集被引导)。什么样的书和选集呢?由被动的assigned, tailored修饰(被布置作业要求写注释的书引导,被针对学生个性化定制的选集引导)整个句子的翻译是:然后,让学生读八到十本书并做注释。我们大部分写作技巧的学习是通过这八到十本书的引导进行,这些书构成的选集是针对学生个性化定制选择的。选项D是用flaws做干扰,迷惑考生。【3】The word “aspiration” (Para. 4) is closest in meaning to _____.A. hate B. cheating C. sadness D. ambition这里出一道猜词题。对于出题老师来说,出这样的题比较轻松。词的意义一般要从上下文猜。这道题aspiration虽然出现在第4段,但它的意义要从第5段对那些学生的描写得出,知道学生们多么渴望成为作家,才能猜出ambition(雄心)这个含义。干扰项在这里没有太多设计。【4】What kind of students are mentioned here?A. The students who are eager to get the writer’s signature whose book on the syllabus.B. The students who want to join in a workshop.C. The students who have the same aesthetic expertise as the writer.D. The students who can publish an expensive book.这里又是一道多细节题,因为第5段提到学生们的多种经历。首先,确定正确选项:A: The students who are eager to get the writer’ssignature whose book on the syllabus.(学生渴望获得那些大纲上列出的书的作者的签名)因为原文:These are students who wait in line afterward, sometimes for hours, so that the author can sign their copy of the bookwe put on the syllabus. (这些学生是有时排队等候几个小时,只为了让教学大纲上的某本书的作者能够在书上签名。)其次,设计干扰选项:选项B用workshop迷惑考生,原文的重点不是学生参加workshop,而是“想和作者一起”参与workshop。选项C用aesthetic expertise迷惑,但意思和原文无关。选项D用expensive和expenses词形相似迷惑,意思和原文也无关。【5】Which of the following would be the best title for the text?A. Teach an Abusive Writer’s Work?B. Writer in Print and PersonC. How to Prepare a SyllabusD. My Regret这里想出一道主旨题。这种题比较难出,主要是错误选项要有迷惑性,但又要与正确答案有区别,还要反映出读者一些错误的主旨总结习惯,所以比较难出。正确选项要出得大家都没有异议也有一定难度。首先,确定正确选项:A:Teach an Abusive Writer’s Work?(要教授行为粗鲁的作者的作品吗?) 因为第1段,第2段作者都提出了这个问题,但后面也没有答案。说明这就是作者文章的中心:提出一个这样的困惑。这篇文章的关键词是“writer”,这个词一定会包含在正确答案中。其次,设计干扰选项:所有干扰项设计采用了同一个策略,就是从段首句找醒目词。选项B是第3段的开头,但Writer in Print and Person只是作者开设的一门课程的名称。选项C利用Syllabus一次将考生目光引向第1段,但第1段作者提出Syllabus(大纲)的问题,只是作为引言,引起大家想象,如果大纲里很多作品的作者都有问题,那么大纲岂不要重写了吗?就像叠叠高游戏一样,很多支撑木块都抽掉后,叠叠高的塔就倒掉了。选项D利用regret一词将考生目光引向最后一段,但这一段只是作者的感慨。英汉对照:1 When you are a writer who learns a beloved author has a dark side, you experience(v.) waves of disillusionment. When you teach that author’s work, you feel an additional stab of concern: What about my syllabus? As intellectual propertygoes, a great syllabus is a gold mine. Or perhaps a better metaphor would be a Jenga Game. Take away too many supporting pieces and the whole thing will topple.当你是一位作家,知道了某位受人爱戴的作家有黑暗的一面,你会经历一波幻灭的浪潮。当你讲授这位作家的作品时,你会感到额外的担忧:我的教学大纲怎么办?随着知识产权的发展,优秀的教学大纲就是金矿。也许更好的暗喻是一种叠叠高游戏。拿走太多的支撑物,整个塔就会倒塌。2 Do we continue to teach the work of people we now suspectof behaving unethically or abusively? News stories have suggested prominent writer Díaz may have acted in predatory ways. The Pulitzer Prize Board has launched an investigation of past Pulitzer winner Díaz regarding allegations that include forcibly kissing one author and verbally bullying another. As a reader, I’m devastated. As a teacher, I’ve got decisions to make.我们继续讲授那些人的作品,那些让我们现在怀疑行为不道德、粗暴的人的作品吗?新闻报道已经暗示著名作家迪亚兹可能有强暴式行为。普利策奖委员会展开了调查对曾经的普利策奖得主迪亚兹,调查关于某些指控,包括强吻一名作者和口头辱骂另一位作者的指控。作为一名读者,我非常震惊。作为一位教师,我必须做出决定。3 “Writers in Print and Person,” my class at American University,where I often adjunct, invites undergraates to alternate sustained analysis of a book with the opportunity to meet and question the author. Most of our craft learning is subsequently channeled through eight to 10 books assigned for annotation, a selection tailored to students indivially. Because of the particular scope of my responsibilities, and these modes of student learning, I have always emphasized the writer as a fully dimensioned being. What do I do when those dimensional flaws are revealed?“作品中的作者和真正的作者”是我在美国大学上的一门课,在那里我经常兼职,并邀请本科生对一本书进行交替持续的分析,让他们有机会去认识和质疑作者。然后,让学生读八到十本书并做注释,我们大部分写作技巧的学习是通过这八到十本书的引导进行,这些书形成的选集是针对学生个性化定制选择的。由于我的职责的特定范围,以及学生学习的这种模式,我一直强调作者是一个全方位的存在。当那些有瑕疵的维度被揭露时,我该做什么?4 Here’s what I can’t do: pretend that this is not happening. Much of the economy surrounding a contemporary writing career rests not just in what that author does on the page but what the person says at the microphone and in the classroom. I’ve never been a full-time academic. Yet I’ve served as a writer-in-residence four times. In other words, I cross paths with thousands of students, many of whom tell me about their aspirations of becoming writers.我知道我不能做什么:假装这一切都没有发生。围绕着当代写作生涯的许多经济效益不仅仅在于作者在书上写了什么,而且在于他在麦克风和教室里说的话。我从来不是全职的学术型学者。然而,我曾四次作为住校作家。换句话说,我和成千上万的学生不期而遇,他们中的许多人告诉我他们有想成为作家的志向。5 These are students who wait in line afterward, sometimes for hours, so that the author can sign their copy of the book we put on the syllabus. These are the students who nervously apply fora faraway workshop, and then hustle to cover the expenses, so that they can work with a celebrated writer. These are the students who trust in both that writer’s aesthetic expertise and best intentions.这些学生是有时排队等候几个小时,只为了让教学大纲上的某本书的作者能够签上名字。这些学生紧张地申请一个远在外地的工作坊,然后赶紧支付费用,以便能跟一位著名作家学习。这些学生既相信作家的美学知识,又相信他们的最佳意图。6 I look back with deep regretat times I’ve recommended someone as a mentor, editor or visiting writer, unaware of a history of abusive attitudes.我回头想想,深感遗憾的是,有时我推荐某人做导师、编辑或访问作家,并没有意识到他态度粗鲁的过去。



考研英语阅读第二讲:例证题0021.例证题标志:题干中有:example;case;by citing···; is mentioned to···;to····;2.做题原则:排除例子本身(就事论事的选项);例子本身不重要,重要的是其支撑的观点。3.例证题类型:开篇例;段中例上一讲完成了开篇例,今日再讲第二类段中例。(1)段中例:除了文章首段首句就开始举例之外,剩下的都叫做段中例;【回顾:开篇例答案位置:一般在例子结束后的第一句。】难点:如何判断例子开始与结束?(1)看前后句子主语是否一致,若一致,则仍为例子本身,不读;(2)若主语不同,则为例子结束。4.做题步骤【1】划出题干中的定位词(以句子为最小单位);【2】定位到句,圈出例证题中的举例对象;【3】找出例子开头与结尾;【4】答案位置:80%向例子前找答案(答案在例子前一句或本段第一句);20%向例子后找答案(答案在例子结束的第一句);代词指代应当高度重视。5.段中例真题再现:01-2-57.The writer mentioned the case of the United States to justify the policy of ________.[A] providing financial support overseas[B] preventing foreign capital’s control[C] building instrial infrastructure[D] accepting foreign investmentTo take advantage of this tool, some impoverished countries will have to get over their outdated anti-colonial prejudices with respect to foreign investment. Countries that still think foreign investment is an invasion of their sovereignty might well study the history of infrastructure (the basic structural foundations of a society) in the United States. When the United States built its instrial infrastructure, it didn’t have the capital to do so. And that is why America’s Second Wave infrastructure -- including roads, harbors, highways, ports and so on -- were built with foreign investment. The English, the Germans, the Dutch and the French were investing in Britain’s former colony. They financed them. Immigrant Americans built them. Guess who owns them now? The Americans. I believe the same thing would be true in places like Brazil or anywhere else for that matter. The more foreign capital you have helping you build your Third Wave infrastructure, which today is an electronic infrastructure, the better off you’re going to be. That doesn’t mean lying down and becoming fooled, or letting foreign corporations run uncontrolled. But it does mean recognizing how important they can be in building the energy and telecom infrastructures needed to take full advantage of the Internet.解析:首先定位题干举例对象the United States,发现在文章第二句Countries that still think foreign investment is an invasion of their sovereignty might well study the history of infrastructure (the basic structural foundations of a society) in the United States. 80%往例子前找答案,例子前一句与本段第一句重合,证明为答案。精读本句:To take advantage of this tool, some impoverished countries will have to get over their outdated anti-colonial prejudices with respect to foreign investment.一些贫穷国家必须克服他们对外资的偏见,也即“应当接受外资”,答案选择 have to get over their outdated anti-colonial prejudices with respect to foreign investment.同意替换答案:[D] accepting foreign investment.6.段中例真题练习(评论区给出答案):99-5-67.The author wants to prove with the example of Isaac Newton that ________.[A] inquiring minds are more important than scientific experiments[B] science advances when fruitful researches are concted[C] scientists seldom forget the essential nature of research[D] unpredictability weighs less than prediction in scientific researchScience, in practice, depends far less on the experiments it prepares than on the preparedness of the minds of the men who watch the experiments. Sir Isaac Newton supposedly discovered gravity through the fall of an apple. Apples had been falling in many places for centuries and thousands of people had seen them fall. But Newton for years had been curious about the cause of the orbital motion of the moon and planets. What kept them in place? Why didn’t they fall out of the sky? The fact that the apple fell down toward the earth and not up into the tree answered the question he had been asking himself about those larger fruits of the heavens, the moon and the planets.






关于考研英语二答题技巧,我可真的是有话要说。因为这块我在算是比较有经验的!针对考研英语二答题技巧,我想从两个方面说一说。第一个方面:考试重点!!!1.第一当然是单词了 如果你的词汇量少于3000(随手拿一份英语二真题做一下,觉得很多单词都不认识,答题时万脸懵逼的状)那么真诚的建议先集中火力把单词啃下来再开始做题。毕竟词汇量是无法用应试技巧补充的"地基"。2、考研英语二答题技巧一定要注意阅读理解A 基础:词汇和基本语法。词汇刚才已经说过了,语法方面高中学到的语法应该是足够了,如果语法太差了可以去网上搜一些考研语法讲解资料,这个也是非常容易找到的。B 难点-长难句:不管一个句子有多少从句,一定要抓住主干(主谓宾)。如果觉得自己在这方面需要大补的同学,可以细读一些真题。推荐考研真相,英语二考研圣经,基础比较弱的人都在用,逐词逐句讲解真题,对于单词和每一句的语法讲解的也很详细,做起阅读来可以帮你扎实的补充基础。C 答题:如果你的基础比较好,不需要大量的阅读训练,那么可以只刷英语二的真题(近10年的真题,可以刷多遍,不够还可以刷英语一的真题,所以训练量还是足够的。对于那些需要额外阅读训练的同学,在9月份之前你们可以去买市面上比较畅销的阅读训练题来提高基础,但在9月之后,一定一定要回归到英语二真题上面来。多做真题,确保自己的思路跟着出题老师走。3、作文a. 作文可以放在稍微后面一点时间复习,比如考前3-4月开始。b. 作文复习最后要达到掌握核心动词、形容词、副词、句型的用法掌握经济、环境、校园等常见话题的常用专有词(比如"循环利用-recycle")掌握逻辑关联词,让文章有层次和结构(比如"首先最重要的是-first and foremost" ) 掌握特殊题材的格式(比如书信邮件、海报、倡议书等)如果学有余力,可以掌握一些相对高级一点的表达方式(看一些托福写作的资料,比如拓展社交圈,不用make more friends 而是用"stretch your social boundaries/expand your social circle ")同时如果想要重点突破作文的话,可以用张国静的尖刀侠《考研英语高分作文36法则》,里面的36个方法,教你一句一句突破自己的作文,最后写出独一无二的高分作文,这本书适合有一定基础的小伙伴使用如果你作文无从下手,没话说不会写,基础薄弱,推荐张国静的写作160篇,英语二的写作宝中宝,很实用,对于写作常用词汇,常用句子和写作套路都有讲解,先教你学会写作文,再用三步作文法帮你把作文拔高,话题可以说非常广泛,专门针对基础薄弱的,感觉只要好好研究,考研写作肯定不会差。4、完形填空&翻译  完形填空其实就是单词和语法的考察,只要在前期准备过程中掌握核心单词的词义、搭配和基本语法,完形填空将不是大问题。而且嘛,完型题多分少,性价比比较低,建议将重点放在阅读和写作上。翻译其实是阅读的简化版,个人认为能够攻破阅读翻译都不会很差。主要注意的是,不要完全按照英语的语序逐步翻译,按中文的语言习惯调整内容。第二个方面:考研英语二答题技巧!!!  1、答题顺序:阅读(70分钟)-作文(50分钟)-翻译(15分钟)-完型填空(20分钟) -填机读卡(5分钟)-检查(20分钟)一定按照这个时间去做,要不然,你在考场上的时间根本不够用!2、阅读理解:   技巧主要有以下几点:(1) 先看题后阅读。首先为了确保时间和精力的合理安排,我会先看阅读题目并圈出提问重点,然后再看文章。这样就不用在一些比较难但是又和答题无关的句子上浪费精力。  (2) 铅笔勾画。勾画的内容为,所有跟题目相关的句子(如果是段落就框起来)确保后面再次看题的时候能够快速定位并且通过勾画理清句子结构。(3) 保留模糊。对于模棱两可的题,不用逼自己一次性确定答案。先排除绝不可能的答案,再选择一个自己认为最可能的答案填在卷面上。最后想说,考研是一个比较残酷的游戏,但考研的结果中由运气决定的部分其实挺少的,所以还是要靠自己的努力改变命运。希望大家都能实现对自己的承诺,希望复习、考试一切顺利,最终进入理想的院校!