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考研英语作文看谁的 没想到研友竟然选她的!胞有重阆

考研英语作文看谁的 没想到研友竟然选她的!







最近总是有一些同学私信小编,让小编写一篇关于2020年考研英语二的预测作文以及一些写作模板的分享。作为参加过考研的我来说非常理解同学们的想法的,每个同学都想在考研的时候能够考出一个非常不错的成绩,而在考研英语这一科目中,作文是非常重要的一部分,所以今天励志学生就结合近些年考研英语二的出题规律和大家一起分享一下小编对于2020年考研英语二作文的预测,当然仅仅是预测,仅供同学们参考。考研英语二是从2010年开始的,所以我们依旧拿出从2010年到2019年作文的题型来看,从2010年作文考的都是柱状图,2015年和2016年考的是饼状图,2017年考的是折线图,这也是小编参加考研的那一年,2018年考的又是饼状图,而小编也是在2019考研前夕预测要考柱状图,去年也确实是考了柱状图,因此很多同学又让我预测今年考研英语二的作文。首先,我们可以排除柱状图,因为去年刚刚考,然后饼状图也已经考过几次了,可能性不太大,所以小编认为今年考试折线图的可能性会比较大一些。当然折线图是大家重点复习的,柱状图和饼状图也需要看看,万一考到了也不至于什么都不会。虽然可能不如折线图句子漂亮,但也能说得过去。有的同学会问,英语二的作文就仅仅考柱状图、饼状图和折线图吗?我可以回答是的,如果不是明确的这三类图,也可以间接的归到这三类。接下来小编就和大家分享一下,我对于折线图的模板,希望能够给同学们一个参考,让大家有更大的发挥空间。2017考研英语二折线图作文真题第一段:对于折线图作文,首先要做到的就是把折线的趋势表示出来,一般为三句话。The given line graph subtly presents___填写折线图作文下面的标题___.In general, the figures reveal that___将折线图是如何变化的描绘出来___.第二段:第二段就是写一下造成折线图发生的原因,一般都是三个原因。下面是小编自己总结出来的万能原因模板,希望对同学们有用。What might account for the phenomenon conveyed by this image? It is no difficult job for us to come up with some possible factors that underlie the above complicated phenomenon. For one thing, _______.For another, _________. Above all, one more important factor worth our concern is that ______.第三段:第三段是小编自己总结的万能模板,几乎任何作文都能用,而且基本上不用添加任何词,希望同学们谨慎使用,但确实是效果不错。Given what has been discussed above, everyone around us should take it seriously and take relevant actions. We would better set up relevant plans or rules to guide all to live a scientific and proper life. (接下一段)Furthermore, the general public should be made aware that any prompt action is of benefit to all. More significantly, our society/future could be far better than ever if realize the true value of____主旨____.2019考研英语二真题其实英语二的作文比较简单,就三种图的考法,希望同学们能够把每一种考法的模板记住,在考试的时候就会事半功倍。同学们如果有什么关于考研的问题,欢迎留言讨论。



哈罗小伙伴们,昨天说过英语二大作文,今天我们来聊聊今年21考研英语一大作文:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should 1) describe the picture briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning and 3) give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)21考研英语一大作文真题图有多少同学看着这张图想到了耍猴戏?西游记?孙悟空?六小龄童?请举手!你这是要笑死改卷老师,好继承他的改卷资格吗?来自网络的吐槽截图突然感觉今年的考研er都是天生的段子手呀,抽时间写个段子,参加个脱口秀,估计妥妥能红啊!21考研英语一大作文该怎么写?这类看图说话作文我们小学阶段就学过的呀,要求永远都是三点:描述图片阐述寓意给评价文章结构首段:描述图片+寓意(哲理) 主体段:举例论证寓意 结尾段:表明自己的看法21考研英语真题图里,小孩和父亲的对话可以理解为现象(很多人会被他人的语言干扰到自己做选择)也可以理解为哲理(做自己喜欢的事就好)。对于现象类大作文,我们一般会在主体段分析现象背后的原因和影响,而对于哲理类的题目,我们一般会在主体段举例论证这个道理。因此,当我们在写考试题的主体段可以套用这个百试百灵的模板:The picture reveals to us the philosophy that when faced with confusion about whether to choose what we personally like or what others regard as fun, we should follow our heart instead of following the suit. 下面给大家来一个参考范文,大家趁着还有记忆残存,评估一下你的作文吧!As can be seen from the picture, there is a conversation between the son and his father. The little boy, dressed in beautiful costumes and holding a long stick, tells his father that many of his classmates think acting in opera is not fun at all, while his father says, “Don’t you like it? That’s what matters.” The picture reveals to us the question of whether to choose what we prefer or what others regard as interesting when we develop our hobbies. According to the father, we should insist on doing what we really love. However, many people have no idea about what to do when faced with such confusion. For example, many college graates do not know where to go or what to do and just follow the suit, such as going abroad, getting further ecation in postgraate school or just finding a job, and when they feel tired, they just give up. From my perspective, we had better do what we like instead of doing what others expect us to do, because life is too short to leave us time to satisfy others’ expectation and only by doing what we desire can we achieve our life goal and live a happy life. 好啦今天大作文就讲到这里有需要21考研真题的小伙伴们给我留言呢,政英数、管综法硕、医学我都有真题和解析,你给我留言,我就发给你哦!



2020考研初试这周六开始,班长整理了一些名师对考研作文考试方向的预测,希望大家能学习一下,增加考试内容的覆盖,有备无患。【结尾附:文都网校名师何凯文老师考研英语预测】考研英语作文一、个人品质类1、没有行动,梦想只是空想The picture aims at revealing a simple truth: without action, any goal is just a fantasy.没有行动,梦想只是空想No one can deny the fact that taking action is extremely essential to achieving your goals.没有人能否认采取行动对于实现目标是极其重要的。Only by turning your dream into action, can you really realize it.只有把梦想变成行动,你才能真正实现它。“The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. "千里之行,始于足下The more action we take, the more likely we are to accumulate experience, master skills and get close to our destination.我们采取的行动越多,我们就越有可能积累经验、掌握技能并接近我们的目标。2、“逆境造人才”There is no denying the fact that it is rough times that make us grow faster.不可否认的事实是,困难使我们成长得更快。The home is our comfort zone, and the longer we stay there, the less likely we would be able to deal with life's storms.家是我们的舒适区,我们在那里呆得越久,就越不能应对生活中的风暴。Just as a saying goes, greenhouse flowers cannot survive the unpleasant weather outdoors.温室的花朵经不起外面的风雨We should not be content with a life of ease,instead,we should be brave enough to take on new challenges to bring out the best in us.我们不应该满足于安逸的生活,而应勇于接受挑战,成就最好的自己。二、职业道德类1、诚信What's more, when we have integrity, we gain the trust of others. We're dependable, and we become role models for others to follow when we hold ourselves accountable for our actions.更重要的是当我们诚信时,我们会获得别人的信任。我们是可靠的,当我们对自己的行为负责时,就会成为别人学习的榜样。Every time we do what we think is the right thing even though no one else sees us do it, we have taken a big step toward strengthening our integrity.即使没有人看到,我们也能每次都做自己认为是正确的事情,就是向加强诚信迈出了一大步。2、信任危机First and foremost, people will be deprived of(被剥夺) much since they become over-cautions and feel insecure all the time. Besides, a lack of trust is detrimental to personal relationships since “Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication.It’s the foundation principle that holds all relationships.” Last but not least, people’s loss of trust in the government could intensify social contradictions(加剧社会矛盾).首先,人们时刻小心谨慎,没有安全,因此被剥夺了许多乐趣。此外,缺乏信任对人际关系有害,因为“信任是生活的粘合剂。它是有效沟通的最重要的因素。它是维系所有关系的基本原则。”最后应特别指出的是,人们对政府失去信任会加剧社会矛盾。Therefore, it is high time that (正是......的时候)we called on all sides to deal with the trust crisis. For one thing, the government should make great efforts to promote a credibility system. For another, the mass media should also play a positive role in restoring mutual trust among people.因此,现在汇聚各方力量应对信任危机正当其时。一方面,政府应当着力推荐诚信体系建设。另一方面,大众媒体也应该在恢复人与人之间的相互信任方面发挥积极作用。三、社会热点类1、“共享”类话题It can be clearly seen from the drawing that there are several kinds of shared activities(共享活动) that urban citizens are enjoying much. On a closer look, a boy is using his mobile phone to unlock a shared bike that is parked in right order.Moreover, there is a traveler-looking young man recharging his mobile phone at a shared charging station, and there are several readers focusing on books in a shared library.从图中可以清楚的看到城市居民正在享受几种共享活动。仔细看,一个男孩正在用他的手机解锁一辆按正确顺序停放的共享单车。此外,还有一个像在旅游的年轻人在共享充电站给手机充电,还有几个读者在共享图书馆看书。Commercial and non-profitable shared activities make the metropolitan life more convenient. Furthermore, the limited resources(有限的资源) in highly populated areas(人口密集的地区) can be reallocated (重新分配) and then utilized more efficiently. In effect, with human society evolving, the proportion of private property may graally decrease to escape the heavy dependence on environment.商业性和非营利性的共享活动使都市生活更加便利。此外,有限的资源在高度密集的地区可以被重新分配,使利用更有效率。事实上,随着人类社会的发展,私人财产的比例可能会逐渐下降,以摆脱对环境的严重依赖。2、师德问题Unfolded before us is a cartoon simply drawn yet profoundly meaningful.+图片描述展现在我们面前的是一幅简单却意义深远的漫画。Actually,teachers' ethics is essential in the ecational process.教师的道德在教育过程中是至关重要的。We can identify the significance of teachers' ethics from the following perspectives. To begin with, it will help students to acquire the basic personal qualities for their future life. Furthermore, teachers' ethics is a code of conct that must be followed in the teaching process. Last but not least, teachers' ethics is also critical for a progressive and healthy development.我们可以从以下几个方面来认识师德的重要性。首先,它将帮助学生为他们未来的生活获得基本的个人素质。此外,师德是教师在教学过程中必须遵守的行为准则。最后但并非最不重要的是,教师道德也是进步和健康发展的关键。If a teacher is honest, reliable and responsible and hence respected by all the people, the students will follow his or her suit and develop into such a person.如果老师诚实,可靠,负责任,受到大家的尊重,学生就会以老师为榜样,也成为这样的人。Based on the analysis above, we may safely conclude that teachers should possess teachers' ethics(师德), respecting and caring for their students so that students can learn to respect others.基于以上分析,我们可以得出结论:教师应具备师德,尊重和爱护他们的学生,这样学生才能学会尊重他人。3、“低头族““手机病”Widespread use of smart phone and social media has changed in no small measure our way of communication, of shopping and of learning.智能手机和社交媒体的广泛使用在很大程度上改变了我们的交流、购物和学习方式。We used to be vocal about the benefits that new technologies brought: they will lead to unprecedented job growth, support the economy and improve the quality of our lives.我们过去常常直言不讳地谈论新技术带来的好处:它们将带来前所未有的就业增长、支持经济并改善我们的生活质量。But it’s hard to ignore the growing public apathy in chatting with our friends in person.但是,当我们谈论到面对面地和朋友聊天时,很难忽视公众日益增长的冷漠情绪。Regardless of the enormous amount of photos shared on Face book, modern city dwellers grow detached from their immediate surroundings and fail to realize that codes and digits can never provide the human touch that we yearn for.尽管脸书上有大量的照片,但现代城市居民越来越远离周围的环境,没有意识到代码和数字永远无法提供我们所渴望的人情味。4、"年轻人熬夜"问题We, specially the teenagers, should develop good living habits.(养成良好的生活习惯) Having a good rest is the fundamental need, which ensures us a strong healthy body and a good mood. We should go to bed early and get up early.我们,尤其是青少年,应该养成良好的生活习惯。好的休息是保证我们身体健康和好心情的最基本的需要。我们应该早睡早起。Staying up late(熬夜) is bad for our health.Besides, healthy eating habits(健康的饮食习惯)are of great importance, which leads to both physical and mental health.除此之外,健康的饮食习惯是非常重要的,它可以保证我们身体和精神的健康。We should eat more fruits and vegetables instead of biscuit,hamburgers and meat. Junk food is a fatal killer of our health, so we should stay away from it.我们应该多吃水果和蔬菜,而不是饼干、汉堡包和肉类。垃圾食品是我们健康的致命杀手,所以我们应该远离它。四、环保类1、垃圾分类Worse still, in many places, waste is disposed of(被处理) by burning, and burning the recyclable waste(可回收垃圾) like plastics will give off toxic(有毒的) smoke which pollutes the air.更糟糕的是,在很多地方,垃圾是通过焚烧来处理的,而焚烧诸如塑料之类的可回收垃圾会释放有毒气体,污染空气。2、城市病The unprecedented (空前的)expansion of cities undoubtedly leads to the excessive concentration of population, which in turn brings about a series of problems, such as environmental pollution, traffic jam, increased crimes and high housing prices.城市空前的扩张无疑造成人口的过度集中,这反过来又会产生一系列问题,如环境污染、交通堵塞、犯罪增多及高房价等。Therefore, the focus of urban authorities(市政部门) should be on consolidation and upgrading of urban infrastructure. Great attention should also be paid to develop a mechanism to monitor the carrying capacity(承受能力) of both resources and environment of cities to achieve urban layout optimization(布局优化).因此,市政部门应关注城市基础设施的整合和升级。还应该重点建立一种机制来监督城市资源和环境的承受能力,以达到城市布局最优化。五、网络科技类1、纸质书与电子书In recent years, with the popularity of (随着……的普及)electronic procts such as iPad and smart phones, people’s reading habits have changed drastically(巨大的).近年来,随着平板电脑、智能手机等电子产品的普及,人们的阅读习惯发生了巨变。After all(毕竟), compared with paper books, e-books are not only more portable(便携式的、轻便的), but also much cheaper.毕竟,与纸质书相比,电子书不仅方便携带,而且价格更加便宜。Moreover, a research shows that readers are easily distracted(分心) when they are reading e-books. Readers would find it more difficult to concentrate especially when the device is equipped with(设备被……占用) other apps like game apps.此外,还有研究表明,电子书很容易让读者分心,尤其是当阅读设备上还装有其他软件如游戏软件时,阅读者更加难以集中精力。2、信息安全Every year, thousands of people lose money e to(因为) telephone scams from a few bucks(美元) to their life’s savings(毕生积蓄). Phone scammers devise(想出,图谋) many different types of detailed phone scams to establish trust or instill (灌输)fear or both.每年,成千上万的人因为电话诈骗而失去金钱——从几块钱到他们的毕生积蓄。电话诈骗者设计了许多不同类型的详细的电话骗局来建立信任或向其灌输恐惧,或两者兼有。Hence, it is important to equip yourself with the tools to identify if the unwanted call you've received is a scam.因此,我们要识别接到的电话是不是骗局。此外,大家在参加完2020考研初试后,记得要去看文都网校的2020考研初试考后真题解析峰会,对大家的估分和后续的复试都有很好的指导作用,入口可以去文都大班长微博查看或者直接去文都网校的网站去查看。【附:文都网校何凯文老师考研英语一、二考试作文内容方向整理】英语一:1.自律时间管理的能力包括科技对生活的影响;(self-discipline; self-control)2.合作诚信共赢;理想和信念;3.加强环保意识和社会公德意识;4.文化自信和保护传统文化;英语二:1.大学生使用手机时间的变化和比例;(包括身心健康,熬夜等,阅读习惯变化)2.员工跳槽的原因调查以及大学生活花销和毕业生薪酬调查;3.支付方式的变化以及网络直播或网络教育的情况;观影人数;4.交通出行方式的变化和情况(环保入手)一些重点词汇:The ability to start from the small 从小事做起的能力To be a man of action 一个有执行力的人Being attentive to details 关注细节seizing the opportunity 抓住机会perseverance 坚持to combine the theory with the practice 理论联系实际the number of foreign friends learning Chinese 学中文的外国人人数the number of oversea students coming back home 归国留学生人数the mobile payment / online payment 移动支付Alipay/Wechat pay/apple payonline live show/ online live video steaming 网络直播to stay late 熬夜The addiction to online games 沉迷网络游戏(The Battleground)(The Glory of Kings)mental health 心理健康job hopping 跳槽出行方式:Means of travellingMeans of transportation支付习惯:Paying methodsPaying by cashSwiping credit cardsMobile payment大学生日常花销:The daily spending of college students毕业生预期收入:The salary anticipation of graate students理想:1.The ideal/personal goal/personal ambition理想的个人/目标/个人的野心2.The pursuit of noble ideal…追求崇高的理想…3.The strong faith in the future…对未来的坚定信念…4.The search of true meaning of life…寻找生命的真谛…5.The Chinese dream…中国梦…6.The lofty ambition…远大的抱负…7.The faith and confidence…信念和信心…8.The desire to pursue the better life…追求美好生活的愿望…9.The ardent love of life…热爱生活…10.The pursuit of happiness…追求幸福…11.To find the meaningful role for oneself in the growth of society…在社会的发展中为自己找到有意义的角色…合作:1.The cooperation…合作…2.The teamwork…团队合作…3.The team spirit…团队精神…4.To cooperate with others…与他人合作…5.To the spirit of sharing…分享精神6.To share with others…与他人分享…7.The spirit of participation /competition / cooperation参与/竞争/合作精神8.The merit of sharing…分享的优点…9.The mutual trust…/respect相互信任……10.The mutual understanding…相互理解…11.The equality and common interests…平等和共同利益…诚信的例子:1. keeping promise and honoring the commitment2.observing the rules and laws3.protecting the interest of consumers4.online cheating and misleading information in advertisement5.dishonoring the promise6.fake news7.mutual trust8.the credibility in the business operation文化的例子:1.protecting the precious cultural heritage2.guarding the invaluable cultural traditions.3.maintaining the independent cultural identity.环保的具体例子:1. the waste of food, water and energy.2. overpackaging in the delivery3.the frequent ordering of delivery4.observing the code of trash sorting5. adhering to the civil rule of walking dogs6. saving water, food and energy7.employing green means of transportation8.recing the use of disposable items公德:1. offering seats to the people in the need of help2. helping the old cross the street3.returning the lost item to the owner4.the righteous act of being brave5.respecting the old and caring the young英语二必背原因:1. the change of attitude 态度的改变2.the enhancement of efficiency 效率的提升3. the increase of variety 种类的增加4.the cost control 成本的控制5. the research and development input 研发的投入6.the expanding market and increasing demand市场的扩大和需求的增加7.the governmental involvement 政府的参与8.the growing awareness 意识的增强9.the push of social trend 趋势的推动



导语:2019年英语一、二考研作文真题和完整版答案,赶快来对答案喽!2019考研英语(一)图画作文是让考生写出坚持的重要性,题目描述的是两个人在爬山,一个人太累想停下来,另外一个人给他递了一瓶水,告诉他要坚持下去。针对本题,文都考研教学研究院提供2019考研英语(一)真题答案大作文参考范文一篇如下:【题目】52. Directions:Write an essay of 160-180 words based on the following picture.In your essay, you should1) describe the picture briefly.2) interpret its intended meaning, and3) give your comments.【参考范文】The cartoon provides us with a thought-provoking scene: two men are climbing a hill, but one of them desires to give up e to tiredness, while the other one encourages him to keep going.Undoubtedly, the cartoonist aims at reminding us of the significance of persistence. At the top of the list, we should attach importance to perseverance mainly e to that it can enable us to ameliorate ourselves so we can be qualified for future career promotion, and be ready for meeting the forthcoming challenges.What’s more, we ought to place a high value on the role played by persistence in personal growth. Put it another way, in this ever-changing world, perseverance is to personal growth what water is to fish. To sum up, if persistence misses our attention in any possible way, we will suffer a great loss beyond imagination.Hence, it is vital for us to derive positive implications from the above cartoon. For one thing, we should frequently use it to enlighten the young. For another, we should cultivate the awareness of teenagers that it is very vital to keep going toward our goals. Only by doing so, can we become winner in the face of difficulties.【参考范文译文】这个漫画给我们呈现了一个发人深思的情景:两人正在爬山,但是其中一个人因为疲劳想要放弃,而另一个人鼓励他继续下去。毫无疑问,图画的作者旨在提醒我们坚持重要性。首先,我们应该重视坚持,主要是因为坚持可以让我们完善自身,这样我们未来才有资格得到职业生涯的进步,才能做好准备迎接以后的挑战。另外,我们也应该重视坚持在个人成长方面的作用。在这个多变的时代,坚持对于个人成长就像水对于鱼一样重要。 换言之,如果我们以任何可能的形式忽视坚持,我们将遭受非常巨大的损失。因此,从以上图画中得出积极的含义非常重要。一方面,我们应该经常用它来启迪年轻人。另外一方面,我们应该培养青少年重视坚持的意识。只有这样,我们才能成为困难面前的赢家。各位考研学子,明天继续加油,祝考出好成绩!考研必胜!






12月22日,2019年研究生考试开考,全国290万考生报名,创下10年来最高记录。第一天英语考试就难哭,“考研英语一难”,“debate是什么意思”连着两个考研英语相关话题上了微博热搜。 看到热搜话题,网友们纷纷表示:“看到大家都不会,我就放心了。”有监考老师看到卷子后都果断放弃了:不少人表示,根本没看懂,今年的题似乎不能按套路来……“感觉今年英语难出新高度,新题型半天选不出来,翻译题做得狗屁不通……和往年真题比也太难了。”到底是什么题目难倒了广大考生呢?根据考生回忆,英语一的小作文题目是,我为一个援助乡村小学(aiding rural primary school)工作,一个国际志愿者要求我写新告诉他项目的细节。许多网友表示,“只认识school”,“rural”什么意思?英语一的大作文是一幅图,两个爬山的人,一个想要放弃,另一个劝他坚持。根据图片写文章,要求简单描述图片内容,阐述图片表达的含义,并给出你的评价。考研二的小作文是一个教授让学生设计一个关于城市交通的辩论(debate)主题。很多考生不认识debate这个单词,拿到题目一脸懵。大作文是根据图表写文章,主题是大学生毕业去向。图表是中文的,描绘了2013年-2018年毕业生的几个选择,很多考生看到“创业”就懵了,不知道用英语怎么表达。那么,今年的考研英语真的有那么难吗?看看专家的解读。2019考研英语一真题小作文参考范文【参考范文】Dear friend,I am greatly pleased to receive your letter and I am writing to you to express my sincere hope that I can offer you some details about the project of Aiding Rural Primary School. The details are as follows.In the first place, the aim of this project is to help rural children in a poor financial condition to improve their English, which needs you make an English teaching plan in advance. In the second place, this project will be held at June, lasting about 15days, therefore it is essential for you to prepare some clothes and daily necessities.In the last place, importance should be attached to the role played by the language e to the fact that there is a few people understanding English, which needs you are capable of speaking basic Chinese.I wish my introction could satisfy your requirement, and look forward to discussing more details with you.Yours Sincerely,Li Ming【参考译文】亲爱的朋友:我很开心收到你的来信,我写这封信主要是为你详细介绍一下关于“援助乡村小学”项目的信息,细节如下:首先,这个项目是为了帮助乡村家庭条件不好的孩子提高他们的英文水平,需要你提前做一份英语教学计划,其次这个项目将在6月进行并将持续15天,因此你需要准备一些衣物和日用品。最后,由于当地的人基本不懂英语,所以你最好学习一些汉语的基本表达。我希望我的介绍回答了你想知道的问题,期待和你讨论更多的细节。你最真挚的,李明【解题思路】今年的小作文考得主要是关于一个项目的介绍,并给这位志愿者回信,那么这篇小作文可以写介绍信,在之前的考试中也有类似的话题,所以构思上还是很容易的。第一段主要表达一下自己收到来信的心情并表达一下自己这封回信的目的,第二段可以展开对项目进行介绍,比如项目的目标、背景、时间或者地点等,也可以拓展一些自己会写的内容,第三段就是常规的客套,希望这封回信能帮到对方或者在未来能与对方进行进一步的讨论。只要你有作文框架和思路,这篇作文还是很容易拿高分的。2019考研英语(二)真题大作文:毕业生去向【题目要求】48.Directions:Write an essay based on the following chart. In your essay, you should1) interpret the chart, and2) give your comments.You should write about 150 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)【参考范文】This bar chart depicts the changes of college students’ different choices after graation from 2013 to 2018. According to the data given above, the percentage of hunting for a job has decreased from 68.1% to 60.7% while the percentage of pursuing a further study in postgraate schools increased from 26.3% to 34.0%. By contrast, the change of the percentage of starting a business is not obvious.There are several possible factors which account for this phenomenon and the followings are the typical ones. On the one hand, e to the increasing emphasis on ecation, pursuing a further study has become much more popular for college students. On the other, it is the stress from fierce employment competition that makes college students realize the significance of enhancing their academic level and practical skills, which explains the reason why the percentage of hunting for a job has decreased obviously.From what has been mentioned above, we can easily come to the conclusion that this established trend is acceptable. And it is wise for postgraate students to broaden their horizons and to improve their practical skills ring postgraate study. Only in this way, can they be qualified for the future position.【参考范文】该柱状图描述了2013年至2018年间毕业大学生选择的变化。根据以上数据,找工作的比例从68.1%下降到了60.7%;选择继续深造的比例从26.3%上升到了34.0%。相比之下,创业的比例变化并不明显。导致上述现象的原因可能有多个,但接下来我要说的是最为典型的两个。一方面,由于对教育的重视程度越来越高,继续深造已经成为越来越多的大学生的选择。另一方面,激烈的就业竞争压力使大学生意识到了提高学术水平和实践技能的重要性,这也就说明了为什么找工作的比例会明显下降。综上所述,可以得出如下结论:上述所反映的既定趋势是可以接受的。但是,在读研期间拓宽视野并提高实践能力才是明智的。只有这样,他们才能胜任未来的工作。考研英语(二)题目如下:Directions: Suppose professor Smith asks you to plan a debate on the theme of city traffic, write an email to him. 1)Suggest a topic and with your reasons; 2)And your arrangements.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Don’t use your own name, use “Zhang Wei” instead. Don’t write your address. (10 points)首先,从形式来讲,2019考研英语(二)小作文的出题形式基本和历年真题保持一致,给出一个简要的指导,且依旧延续了历年小作文两点提纲的风格。但是,不变中蕴含的却是变化,参加过考试的考生肯定在考场上就发现,2019考研英语(二)小作文的署名发生了变化,由“李明”换回了“张伟”。这又缘何说起呢?简要回顾2010年到2018年考研英语(二)小作文的署名,我们发现,从2010年到2012年,署名均以“张伟”的形式出现;之后从2012年到2018年,除却2015年的通知,均要求以“李明”署名结束。然而,2019再次换回“张伟”,这就提醒广大考生,考场上一定要仔细审题,不能放过题目中的任何信息,否则都会造成失分。其次,从难易程度上来看,2019考研英语(二)基本也和历年真题持平。题目是围绕一个有关城市交通的辩论展开的话题,具体来说就是一位史密斯教授让“你”制定一个有关城市交通主题辩论的计划,并写出你对整场辩论的安排。“城市交通”是贴近考生生活的话题,所以,针对这一话题,广大考生不用担心缺乏行文思路,导致难以落笔。其次,有关辩论的安排,仔细分析,跟2013年以及2015年考研英语(二)小作文有相似之处。2013年是关于慈善义卖活动的电子邮件,2015年是招募志愿者的夏令营的通知,涉及活动必然要求写明活动起止时间、持续时间以及活动地点,所以,认真备考过的考生在写第二点提纲时可以借鉴2013年和2015年背过的句式及表达进行写作。不过,从另一方面来看,2019考研英语(二)小作文可能困扰考生的地方在于“debate”一词,该词对基础扎实的考生构不成威胁,但对于基础薄弱的学生可能是致命一击,所以,单词是考研英语备考的基石,文都教育的1575词汇书还得是广大考生备考的必选书目。此外,另一个需要注意的点便是“arrangement”一词,该词是可数名词,通常使用复数,若考生在行文中提出多点安排,必须使用该词的复数形式“arrangements”。(浙江24小时记者 郑琳)大家都爱看动动手指,赢精美礼品!2018浙江十大天气气候事件,你说了算下周“真·冷空气”来了 浙江人的冬至有你的独家记忆吗?“我开得想哭”4天7万元油费,舟山船老大拖着外籍无人游艇回港来源:浙江24小时、新浪微博等责编:侯玮编辑:杨柳看完英语作文的网友,为自己点个赞吧 今天考场上的考生,要继续加油鸭↓↓↓



据说 上午考完政治笑得有多大声下午考完英语哭的就有心碎 拿到考研英语二的大作文求你的心理阴影面积!我们来回顾一下英语二的大作文真题:21考研英语二大作文图Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should1) interpret the chart, and2) give your comments.You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)你还记得“锻炼” 怎么拼吗?写成do sport的童鞋,药不能停啊!不过好轻松考研的小伙伴们考前拿到了五套写作预测题,有和老师一起背过的同学考完英语二是不是笑出了猪声~我们背过的作文模板是什么样的?是不是十分神似?预测模板虽然柱子方向不同,但是图表类型一样——都是柱图。此外,这两张图都是关于居民生活相关的话题,预测图是在描述居民旅行动机,真题是在描述居民锻炼方式。接下来,我们通过套用预测题的作文模板,来写作考题。预测题模板:首段——描述图表数据This chart lists, in descending order of preference, the motivations of Chinese residents to travel.As can be seen noticeably, the top reason for people to go on a journey is relaxation and recreation, with 84% of the interviewed saying so. Next comes the desire to acquire new cultural experiences and knowledge,according to64% of the respondents.Other motivations for travel include immersion in nature, the fostering of closer relationships and the pursuit if adventure and excitement, accounting for 51%, 45% and 17% respectively. 主体段——分析数据背后的原因Given the intense stress of modern life, it is understandable that most people travel for leisure and recreation. A relaxing triphelps relieve stress by pulling people out of the daily grind, and one often feels refreshed and energized after a vacation.Moreover, with the increasing emphasis on spiritual needs, people begin to pursue deeper and more meaningful travel experience. When travelling, they want to get immersed in another culture and explore new horizons. 结尾段——给评价The tourism sectormay gain some inspirations from this survey. Diversified services, such as exhibitions of local artworks and activities that involve teamwork, could be provided to meet various needs of tourists. 考试时我们只要把图表描述性关键词替换掉就可以啦!参考范文:首段——描述图表数据This chart lists, in descending order of preference, the different exercise forms of city residents.As can be seen noticeably, the most popular form is doing sports alone, with 54.3% of the interviewed saying so. Next comes those working out with friends,according to 47.7% of the respondents. Other forms of physical activity include exercising with family members or with communities, accounting for 23.9% and 15.8% respectively. 主体段——分析数据背后的原因Given the intense stress of modern life, it is understandable that most people do exercise alone. Doing sports alonehelps relieve stress by pulling people out of the daily grind, and one often feels refreshed and energized after working out. Moreover, with the increasing emphasis on spiritual needs, people begin to pursue deeper and meaningfulinterpersonal relationships. When doing physical activity, they want to get immersed in another way of life and explore new possibilities. 结尾段——给评价The bodybuilding instrymay fain some inspirations from this survey. Diversified services, such as treadmills, weights or functional rooms that are suitable for team sports, could be provided to meet various needs of bodybuilders. 看完考研英语真题的模板套用套路,同学你是不是悟了?所以作文模板贵精不贵多会套模板才能稳操胜“卷”22考研的小伙伴关注我哦,我会持续给大家上更多考研干货的!



小编在第一时间更新考研英语的作文试题题目,现在是粗糙的版本,后续会更新完整的英语一和英语二的试题答案解析内容。下面给大家整理英语一、英语二大小作文的真题内容。英语一大小作文真题题目(网友回忆版)题目是大概的内容,具体文字等内容后续更新。小作文:我为" Aiding Rural Primary School"工作,一个国际志愿者有 require,我 answer。要求写出我那个 project 的细节,署名 Li Ming大作文:俩人爬山,一个人坐下说太累了不爬了,另一个人边爬边递水给另一个人瓶水,说休息一下接着爬英语二大小作文真题题目(不完整版,可参考)Part ADirections: Suppose professor Smith ask you to plan a debate on the theme of city traffic, write an email to him1)Suggest a topic and with your reasons,2) And your arangementYou should write about 700 words on the ANSWER SHEETDon' t use your own name, use"Zhang Wei instead. Don t write your address. (10 points)Part BDirections Write an essay based on the following chart. In your essay, you should interpret the chart, and give yourcommentsYou should write about I50 wordsneatly on the ANSWER SHEET(15 points)另附上网友发出来的部分英语一的部分参考答案:据网友回忆,考研英语一阅读排序题参考答案为DABGE;据网友回忆,英语一阅读参考答案如下:21 A enhance banker's sense of responsibility22 D "short-termism" in economic activities23 B adverse24 C the approaches to promoting "long-termism"25 B patience as a corporate virture26 D The change of course catologs27 C To help freshmen adapt to college learning28 D obtain more financial support29 B To complement each other30 C analyzing the causes behind it31 D involves some concerns raised by AI today32 A is too limited for us to reproce it33 C is still beyond our capacity34 B affirmation35 B Frankenstein, the Novel predicting the Age of AI36 C make more online shopper pay sale tax37 B were considered unfavorable by states38 harmed fiar market competition39 Big chain owners40 gives a factual account of it and discuss its consequences好了,还是那一句,别急着对答案,考后的休息是十分重要的,小编在这里预祝大家第二天的考试顺利~