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这篇选自《每日邮报》的2018年高考英语阅读题比较长,删去了外刊原文的几小段,再替换了几个超纲词汇,其他部分几乎是原封不动搬过来了。本篇句子结构不算复杂,不提供参考译文,重点看一些词汇解析和句子结构分析。今天继续来看剩下的内容。Miss Longfield warned that a generation of children risked growing up ‘worried about their appearance and image as a result of the unrealistic lifestyles they follow on platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, and increasingly anxious about switching off e to the constant demands of social media’.risk:动词,表示“ 使…冒风险;担…风险,冒…的危险”;as a result of: 因此,由于;作为…的结果switch off①to turn off a machine, light, radio etc using a switch,关掉开关,例如:Don’t forget to switch off before you go.②to stop listening to someone,不再理睬,非正式用法,例如:He just switches off and ignores me.③to relax for a short time,(短暂地)放松,例如Switch off by listening to music.句子结构分析:①Miss Longfield warned② that a generation of children risked growing up ③‘worried about their appearance and image ④as a result of the unrealistic lifestyles ⑤they follow ⑥on platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, ⑦and increasingly anxious about switching off⑧ e to the constant demands of social media’.①是主句的主谓部分,②是宾语从句的主句,作warn的宾语;后面整个引号部分作为宾语从句②的原因状语,其中③和⑦并列,是形容词作原因状语的用法;④又是③的原因状语,⑧又是⑦的原因状语;⑤是定语从句,修饰限定lifestyles,⑥是地点状语。参考译文:朗菲尔德警告称,这一代孩子在Instagram和Snapchat等平台上追随不切实际的生活方式,这让他们对自己的外表和形象感到担忧,再加上社交媒体不断要他们点赞,也让他们对关闭社交媒体越来越焦虑,这些都使这一代孩子面临成长危机。She said: ‘What starts as fun usage of apps – children are using it with family and friends and to play games when they are in primary school – turns into an avalanche of pressure (tremendous pressure)when children really are faced with a cliff edge of social media interaction when they start secondary school. an avalanche of sth:在昨天的解析中已经说过了,表示“雪片般飞来的某物,突然大量到来的某物”a cliff edge of social media interaction社交媒体互动的悬崖边缘句子结构分析:主要来看看She said后面的直接引语“①What starts as fun usage of apps – ②children are using it with family and friends and to play games ③when they are in primary school –④ turns into an avalanche of pressure⑤ when children really are faced with a cliff edge of social media interaction⑥ when they start secondary school. ”①是主语从句,两个破折号中间的内容是对前面这个主语从句的解释,用来说明“孩子在小学时开始使用社交媒体联系家人、朋友,还有打打游戏,社交媒体在那时候还是个有趣的应用程序”,理解整个句子的时候,可以先把破折号之间的内容拿出来理解;再看④才是这个句子的谓语和宾语部分。'While social media clearly provides some great benefits to children, it is also exposing them to significant risks emotionally.significant:重要的,重大的,影响深远的‘I am worried that many children are starting secondary school ill-equipped to cope with the sudden demands of social media as their world expands.’She said children compared themselves to others online in a way that was ‘hugely damaging in terms of their self-identity, in terms of their confidence, but also in terms of their ability to develop themselves’.compare(A to B):比较;对比in terms of:在…方面self-identity:自我认同参考译文:她说,孩子们在网上把自己和别人比较,这种方式“极大地损害了他们的自我认同,损害了他们的自信,也损害了他们发展自我的能力”。Miss Longfield added: ‘Then there is this push to connect – if you go offline, will you miss something, will you miss out, will you show that you don’t care about those people you are following, all of those come together in a huge way at once.miss out错失; 遗漏‘For children it is very, very difficult to cope with emotionally.’The Children’s Commissioner for England’s study – Life in Likes – found that children as young as eight were using social media platforms such as Snapchat, WhatsApp and Instagram, largely for play.However, the research – involving eight groups of 32 children aged eight to 12 – suggested that as they headed toward their teens, they became increasingly anxious online.teens:青少年时期〔13到19岁之间的阶段〕By the time they started secondary school – at age 11 – children were already far more aware of their image online and felt under huge pressure to ensure their posts were popular, the report found.However, they still did not know how to cope with mean-spirited jokes, or the sense of inadequacy(incompetence) they might feel if they compared themselves to celebrities or more glamourous (brilliant)friends online. cope with:处理,应付;可用deal with替换;mean-spirited:小气的,吝啬的;小心眼的;无同情心的2012年考研英语(二)阅读真题中有个例句:In The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth, the economic historian Benjamin Friedman argues that both inside and outside the U.S.,lengthy periods of economic stagnation or decline have almost always left society more mean-spiritedand less inclusive,and have usually stopped or reversed the advance of rights and freedoms.在《经济增长的道德后果》(The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth)一书中,经济历史学家本杰明·弗里德曼(Benjamin Friedman)认为,不管是美国还是其它国家,长期的经济停滞或衰退几乎总会让社会变得更小气,包容性更差,而且通常会使得权利和自由停滞不前或者倒退。inadequacy:a state of not being able or confident to deal with a situation 不胜任;缺乏信心;(同义词:incompetence )a feeling/sense of inadequacy 感到无能;不称职之感还可表示“不充分;不足;不够”the inadequacy of our resources 我们的资源的贫乏,反义词:adequacyglamourous adj. 富有魅力的;迷人的;The report said they also faced pressure to respond to messages at all hours of the day – especially at secondary school when more youngsters have mobile phones.接下来说到学校、父母以及社交媒体公司分别可以做点什么。The Children’s Commissioner said schools and parents must now do more to prepare children for the emotional minefield they faced online. And she said social media companies must also ‘take more responsibility’. minefield 雷区They should either police(monitor) their websites better so that children do not sign up too early, or they should tailor (adjust) their websites to the needs of younger users.police:做名词的用法就不说了。这里作动词,一般常用两个含义:①to control a particular activity or instry by making sure that people follow the correct rules for what they do控制、监督(某活动或行业);同义词:monitor;例如:The agency was set up to police the nuclear power instry. ②to keep control over a particular area in order to make sure that laws are obeyed and that people and property are protected, using a police or military force动用警察或军队实施管制、维持治安;例如:The army was brought in to police the city centre.tailor:本义是“裁缝”,裁缝的工作就是根据顾客需要缝制衣服,所以,这个词逐渐衍生出它的动词含义:按需制作,定制;调整;Javed Khan, of children’s charity Barnardo’s, said: ‘It’s vital that new compulsory age-appropriate relationship and sex ecation lessons in England should help equip children to deal with the growing demands of social media.‘It’s also hugely important for parents to know which apps their children are using.'compulsory :规定的;强制的,强迫的;义务的;常见搭配:compulsory ecation/schooling 义务教育;compulsory subject必修科目age-appropriate适龄的equip: to prepare sb for an activity or task, especially by teaching them what they need to know 使有所准备;使有能力;例如:We must equip young teachers to deal with difficult children. 我们必须指导年轻教师如何应付不听话的孩子。译文仅供参考;若有不准确之处,还请温柔提点。



2019年考研初试英语二阅读试题答案及解析text12019考研英语(二)阅读真题Text1是关于内疚的好处的文章,第一篇文章总体不难,文都教育的英语老师就第一篇阅读答案给大家做了解析,为了方便核对,我们将选项也对应给出。阅读理解Text1 答案21. [C] foster a child’s moral development22. [B] burdensome23. [D] an emotion can play opposing roles24. [B] can result from either sympahty or guilt25. [D] wrongdoings解析:21. 根据题干Researchers think that guilt can be a good thing because it may help______.内容定位到第一段最后一句This is why researchers generally regard so-called moral guilt, in the right amount, to be a good thing. 由最后一句的this指代词,可知原因在第一段的前几句,根据第一句Unlike so-called basic emotions such as sadness, fear, and anger, guilt emerges a little later, in conjunction with a child’s growing grasp of social and moral norms. 和第二句Children aren’t born knowing how to say “I’m sorry”; rather, they learn over time that such statements appease parents and friends—and their own consciences. 可知内疚不是天生的,而是和一个孩子的道德规范有关,是通过后天学习获得的。因此答案是C 选项 foster a child’s moral development。22. 根据题干According to paragraph 2, many people still consider guilt to be______.定位到第二段第一句In the popular imagination, of course, guilt still gets a bad rap. 另外第二句It is deeply uncomfortable—it’s the emotional equivalent of wearing a jacket weighted with stones. 也进一步解释了第一句。由这两句可知许多人认为内疚是不好的,令人不舒服的,让人感觉沉重,就像是衣服口袋里有石头一样,因此答案为B选项burdensome。23. 根据题干Vaish hold that the rethinking about guilt comes from an awareness that______.中的关键词Vaish定位到第二段第四句,根据第四句中的adding that this revival is part of a larger recognition that emotions aren’t binary—feelings that may be advantageous in one context may be harmful in another. 可知这种复兴是更大的认识的一部分,即情绪不是二元情感,在一个情境中有利的情绪,在一个情景中可能是有害的。其中第4句中的revival和题干中的rethinking对应,第四句中的recognition和题干中的awareness对应,因此答案是D 选项 an emotion can play opposing roles。24. 根据题干Malti and others have shown that cooperation and sharing _______. 定位到第四段第三句 In a number of studies, Malti and others have shown that guilt and sympathy may represent different pathways to cooperation and sharing. 根据第三句可知内疚和和同情可能代表了通往合作和分享的不同的路径。可以得出,答案是B 选项can result from either sympahty or guilt。25. 根据题干中的关键词transgressions可以定位到第五段第二句Using caregiver assessments and the children’s self-observations, she rated each child’s overall sympathy level and his or her tendency to feel negative emotions after moral transgressions. 根据第二句中的 feel negative emotions after moral transgressions. 可以看到negative emotions 来源于transgressions. 而negative emotions表示负面情绪是贬义的,因此对比4个选项,可以得出答案是D选项wrongdoings.以上就是文都教育考研老师为各位考生带来的2019考研英语二阅读Text 1的答案解析,文都教育考研英语老师预祝大家考上理想的学校。(来源:文都教育)



真题呈现(2018高考III英语阅读理解D)Alts understand what it feels like to be flooded with objects. Why do we often assume that more is more when it comes to kids and their belongings? The good news is that I can help my own kids learn earlier than I did how to live more with less.I found the pre-holidays a good time to encourage young children to donate less-used things, and it worked. Because of our efforts, our daughter Georgia did decide to donate a large bag of toys to a little girl whose mother was unable to pay for her holiday e to illness. She chose to sell a few larger objects that were less often used when we promised to put the money into her school fund(基金)(our kindergarten daughter is serious about becoming a doctor).For weeks, I've been thinking of bigger, deeper questions: How do we make it a habit for them? And how do we train ourselves to help them live with, need, and use less? Yesterday, I sat with my son, Shepherd, determined to test my own theory on this. I decided to play with him with only one toy for as long as it would keep his interest. I expected that one toy would keep his attention for about five minutes, ten minutes, max. I chose a red rubber ball-simple,universally available. We passed it, he tried to put it in his mouth, he tried bouncing it, rolling it, sitting on it, throwing it. It was totally, completely enough for him. Before I knew it an hour had passed and it was time to move on to lunch.We both became absorbed in the simplicity of playing together. He had my full attention and I had his. My little experiment to find joy in a single object worked for both of us.32. What do the words “more is more” in paragraph 1 probably mean?A. The more, the better. B. Enough is enough.C. More money, more worries. D. Earn more and spend more.33.What made Georgia agree to sell some of her objects?A. Saving up for her holiday B. Raising money for a poor girlC. Adding the money to her fund D. Giving the money to a sick mother34. Why did the author play the ball with Shepherd?A. To try out an ideaB. To show a parent's loveC. To train his attentionD. To help him start a hobby35.What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Take It or Leave It B. A Lesson from KidsC. Live More with Less D. The Pleasure of Giving正确答案ACAC答案解析32. What do the words “more is more” in paragraph 1 probably mean?.第1段中“more is more”可能意味着什么?A. The more, the better. .越多越好。。B. Enough is enough..够了就行了。C. More money, more worries. .钱更多,忧虑更多。D. Earn more and spend more..赚得多,花得多。解析:本题属于猜词题。高考近年来的词义推测题几乎都是结合语句,分析词汇含义。根据题干,找到文句Why do we often assume that more is more when it comes to kids and their belongings?我们把问题处理成为:当涉及到孩子和他们的财产时,为什么我们经常认为怎么样?显然题目是找我们对孩子和他们的财产的认识。第一段最后一句The good news is that I can help my own kids learn earlier than I did how to live more with less(好消息是我可以帮助自己的孩子 比我更早的时候,如何用更少的钱生活得更多)是对其的回应。再结合文中的一个观点句:For weeks, I've been thinking of bigger, deeper questions: How do we make it a habit for them? And how do we train ourselves to help them live with, need, and use less? 就明确本文提倡简单法则 ,即用的少,却更好地享受生活。而“我们”认为:more is more,即 The more, the better.(越多越好)。故选A.33.What made Georgia agree to sell some of her objects?是什么促使乔治亚同意卖掉她的一些物品?A. Saving up for her holiday为她节假日攒钱B. Raising money for a poor girl给一个穷女孩筹集资金C. Adding the money to her fund把钱给她的基金D. Giving the money to a sick mother把钱给一个生病的母亲解析:本题属于细节理解题。made Georgia agree to sell some of her objects为已知信息,可以定位第二段。有部分学生会定位到our daughter Georgia did decide to donate a large bag of toys to a little girl whose mother was unable to pay for her holiday e to illness处,而错误地选择了B或者D.审题要仔细,题干中为: sell some of her objects,因此要定位到She chose to sell a few larger objects that were less often used when we promised to put the money into her school fund(基金)处,它恰好对应选项C.34. Why did the author play the ball with Shepherd?作者为什么要和谢泼德一起打球?A. To try out an idea尝试一个想法B. To show a parent's love表达父母的爱C. To train his attention训练他的注意力D. To help him start a hobby帮助他开始一个爱好解析:本题属于细节理解题。the author played the ball with Shepherd已知信息,可以定位到第三段。题目要找the author played the ball with Shepherd的原因,文句Yesterday, I sat with my son, Shepherd, determined to test my own theory on this回答这一问题。determined to test my own theory on this与选项A属于同意置换。故选A.35.What can be a suitable title for the text?适合本文标题的是什么?A. Take It or Leave It 要么接受,要么放弃。B. A Lesson from Kids孩子们的教训C. Live More with Less简单法则D. The Pleasure of Giving享受给予的乐趣解析:本题属于文章主旨题。结合全文以及文章的核心句How do we make it a habit for them? And how do we train ourselves to help them live with, need, and use less?,作者提倡Live More with Less的生活方式。真题译文成年人理解被物体表象所愚弄。为什么我们经常认为,当涉及到孩子和他们的财产时,越多越好?好消息是我可以帮助自己的孩子 在比我更早的时候,如何用更少的钱生活得更好。我发现假期前是鼓励孩子们捐一些不常用东西的好时机,而且效果很好。由于我们的努力,我们的女儿佐治亚决定捐赠一大袋玩具给一个小女孩。这个孩子的母亲因病无法支付孩子的假期费用。当我们承诺把钱投入她的学校基金(基金)时,她选择出售一些不常使用的较大的物品。 幼儿园的女儿很认真地想成为一名医生。几个星期以来,我一直在思考更大更深层的问题:我们如何使它成为他们的一种习惯?我们如何训练自己来帮助他们生活,使用更少满足所需?昨天,我和我的儿子谢泼德坐在一起,决心在这方面验证我自己的理论。我决定给他只一个玩具,只要它能保持他的兴趣。我希望有一个玩具会让他注意五分钟,十分钟,更多。我选择了一个红色的橡皮球---很简单,普遍可用。我们过去了,他想把它塞进嘴里,他试着把它弹起来,滚动它,坐在它上,扔它。这对他来说完全够了。在我知道之前,时间已经过去一个小时了,很快又到了吃午饭的时候了。我们都沉浸在一起玩的简单中去了。他引起了我的注意,我也有他的。我在一个物体中找到快乐,小实验对我们俩都有用。






┄写在前面┄如今的高考试题几乎都是改编自英美报刊,而且,越是压轴的阅读题,越可能出自严肃期刊。对于中学生来说,从长远的角度来看待英语学习更加明智,毕竟,高考完我们还有大学四六级,可能还有考研、出国等,而多读外刊想必是最佳的学习方式。如果能从中学开始就有读外报外刊的意识,当我们学会如何利用好外刊中的阅读材料,提高分数肯定是自然而然的事情。更重要的是,外刊文章往往用词精准,我们不仅可以在精读和泛读中扩充词汇量、学习到比较地道的表达法,同时,许多严肃外刊的话题广、信息量大,能帮助我们了解到很多前沿新知、世界文化,观点也很有思辨性,是语言能力和思辨能力得到双重提高的最佳方式。今天分享的是2018年全国卷I的压轴阅读题D篇,属说明性议论文,讲新旧电子设备能耗的问题。这篇文章出自高大上的《科学》杂志网站,小伙伴们可以到网站上面找到原文。《科学》杂志(Science Magazine)是美国科学促进会(英语:American Association for the Advancement of Science,AAAS)出版的一份学术期刊,为全世界最权威的学术期刊之一。它的科学新闻报道、综述、分析、书评等部分,都是权威的科普资料。2018年高考英语全国卷I阅读D篇出自《科学》杂志的2018年高考题源以下为《科学》杂志网站上的原文,高考试题部分我会用粗体特别标出,对于一些超纲词汇和表达,高考试题也使用了简单的词组表达来替换,我会用括号标注在旁边。Our homes are cluttered electronics jungles where gadgets live forever and sap more energy than needed, a sustainability study says. clutter:乱堆,塞满electronics:本文表示的是“电子设备,电子产品”的集合名词,复数形式。当表示不可数名词时,意思为“电子学”,-ics后缀表“学科、学术”sap: 〔逐渐〕削弱,消耗。词组搭配:sap sb’s strength/courage/energy。原文用sap/suck up energy来表示“消耗能量”,高考试题则使用了简单词汇 consum来代替。文章配图也是当下很多年轻人非常熟悉的画面,我们拥有许多电子设备,塞得到处都是。配图下面的引语点明了本文的核心观点,大意是说: 一项可持续发展研究称,我们的家是一片杂乱的电子丛林,电子产品永远存在,消耗的能源比我们需要的要多。看文章标题Why you should throw out your old TVBy Nsikan Akpan Feb. 6, 2015第一段We may think we’re a culture that ditches (get rid of) our worn technology at the first sight of something shiny and new, but a new study reveals that we keep using our old gadgets(devices) well after they go out of style. That’s bad news for the environment—and our wallets—as these outdated devices suck up (consume) much more energy than their newer counterparts (the newer ones that do the same things).先扫清第一句的词汇ditch: 作名词时,表示“〔在田边、路边等处挖的〕沟,渠”;本文作动词讲,表示“扔掉,抛弃,丢弃”,如: I decided to ditch the sofa bed.我决定把沙发床扔掉。还可表示“甩掉,抛弃〔情人〕” He ditched his girlfriend. 他把女朋友给甩了;口语中还用来表示“逃学,逃课”,如:Did you ditch class today? 你今天逃课了?高考真题中用的是词组get rid of sth.:丢弃,扔掉,摆脱worn: 在这里不是wear的过去分词; 而是形容词,〔物品〕用旧的,用坏的,又旧又破的;at the first sight of:初见,一看到shiny: smooth and bright; reflecting the light 光亮的;锃亮的;反光的;有光泽的; Her hair was thick and shiny.她的头发浓密且有光泽。keep using:keep (on) doing sth.继续、重复做某事gadget: a small tool or device that does sth useful 小器具;小装置。超纲词汇,高考真题中用device来替换了gadget。go out of style 不再时兴,过时的看一下第一句意群的划分。①We may think ②we’re a culture ③that ditches our worn technology ④at the first sight of something shiny and new, ⑤but a new study reveals ⑥that we keep using our old gadgets well ⑦after they go out of style.本句是包含多个从句结构的并列复合句。①是主句;②③④整体作think的宾语,其中③是定语从句,修饰限定②的a culture,④是定语从句③的介词短语,作条件状语;⑤是由but连接的第二个分句的主谓部分,⑥⑦为宾语从句,整体作reveals的宾语,其中⑦是after引导的时间状语从句。看第二句的词汇outdated :〔机器、设备或方法〕过时的,陈旧的。词根助记:out-表示“超过、过度;过时”,date“日期”,-ed形容词后缀。摘个栗子:In today’s world, technology rapidly becomes outdated. 在当今世界,技术的更新换代非常快。表示“过时的”,还有以下几个单词:old-fashioned ,out-of-date,dated,unfashionable,obsolete,antiquated,关于这几个单词辨析附在文末。suck up:吸收,高考试题用consume/use替代了这个词组counterpart:a person or thing that has the same position or function as sb/sth else in a different place or situation 职位(或作用)相当的人;对应的事物。这个词属于超纲词汇,因而高考中使用了the newer ones that do the same things这个表达来替换。举个栗子:It has no counterpart in the world.举世无双捋一捋第二句的句子结构①That’s bad news② for the environment③—and our wallets—④as these outdated devices suck up much more energy ⑤than their newer counterparts(⑤than the newer ones ⑥that do the same things).①为主句,that指代的是上文but后面的内容;③前后两个破折号引出的部分是补充,与第一个破折号前面的内容(the environment)是并列关系;④是由as引导的原因状语从句;⑤是比较结构;高考试题中把counterparts用括号中的the newer ones that do the same things替换后,⑥是一个定语从句,修饰限定the newer ones。段落大意:我们可能会认为,我们的文化是喜新厌旧的,一看到锃光发亮的新东西就抛弃旧技术设备,但一项新的研究显示,在旧设备过时很久之后,我们还会继续使用它们。这对环境——还有我们的钱包——来说并不是件好事,因为这些过时的设备比新设备消耗更多的能源。第二段“There are a lot of procts in U.S. households that do the same thing, but we still own 20 of them,” says Callie Babbitt, an environmental engineer at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York and co-author on the new study.Institute of Technology理工学院,比如:北京理工大学Beijing Institute of Technologyco-author合著者,共同作者do the same thing:指的是第一段“these outdated devices suck up much more energy than their newer counterparts”这件事。段落大意:纽约罗切斯特理工学院(Rochester Institute of Technology)环境工程师卡利巴比特(Callie Babbitt) 也是这项新研究的作者之一,她说:“美国家庭中有许多(电子)产品也在做同样的事情,但我们仍然拥有其中的20种。”未完待续...附;1.old-fashioned 〔服装、家具等的样式或词语、观念〕旧式的,过时的I can’t wear that dress – it’s too old-fashioned. 我不能穿这裙子——太过时了。2.out-of-date 过时的〔指信息不是最新而不再有用的〕This guidebook is completely out-of-date. 这本旅游手册完全过时了。3.dated 〔不久前流行的风格等〕已经过时的The pictures in this book already look a bit dated. 这本书里的图片看上去已经有点过时了。4.unfashionable 不流行的,不时髦的The word ‘patriotic’ has become rather unfashionable these days. 如今“爱国”这个词已经不时髦了。5.obsolete 〔机器、设备因被更好的产品取代而〕废弃的,淘汰的These days, you buy a computer and it’s almost immediately obsolete. 如今你买一台电脑,几乎转眼间它就被淘汰了。6.antiquated 陈旧的,不合时宜的antiquated ideas about the constitution 关于宪法的陈旧观念译文仅供参考,若有不准确之处,还请温柔提点。



┄写在前面┄如今的高考试题几乎都是改编自英美报刊,而且,越是压轴的阅读题,越可能出自严肃期刊。对于中学生来说,从长远的角度来看待英语学习更加明智,毕竟,高考完我们还有大学四六级,可能还有考研、出国等,而多读外刊想必是最佳的学习方式。如果能从中学开始就有读外报外刊的意识,当我们学会如何利用好外刊中的阅读材料,提高分数肯定是自然而然的事情。更重要的是,外刊文章往往用词精准,我们不仅可以在精读和泛读中扩充词汇量、学习到比较地道的表达法,同时,许多严肃外刊的话题广、信息量大,能帮助我们了解到很多前沿新知、世界文化,观点也很有思辨性,是语言能力和思辨能力得到双重提高的最佳方式。昨天解析了前面两段,文章开篇就提出了一个与我们的习惯相悖的现象,那就是人们会继续使用已经过时的旧电子设备,而过时的电子设备比新设备更加耗能。第三段至第五段,作者主要介绍了巴比特及其团队对电子产品能耗的调查过程和方法,外刊原文比较长,高考试题将这几段内容进行了整合改编,形成了高考试题中的第二段内容。第三段To figure out how much power these devices are collectively sucking up(how much power these devices are using), she and colleagues borrowed cues from instrial ecology, wherein every home was treated as an ecosystem of electronic “organisms.”Babbitt’s team tracked the environmental costs for each proct across its life span—from when its minerals are mined to when we stop using the gadget. This tactic(method) provided a readout for how home energy use has evolved since the early 1990s.先扫除第一句的词汇障碍:figure out :弄清楚 ; 弄明白collectively:共同地;全体地borrowed cues from:模仿…的样子做;学…的样;引申一下,可以说是“从…中汲取灵感/得到启示”等。ecology:生态学;词根助记:eco表示“生态”(ecosystem生态系统;ecotourism生态旅游;);-logy后缀“…学/学科”(geology地质学;biology生物学;archeology考古学;anthropology人类学;)工业生态学(Instrial Ecology):一门研究人类工业系统和自然环境之间的相互作用、相互关系的学科。wherein :in which place or part在哪里;在哪方面第一句结构分析:①To figure out ②how much power these devices are collectively sucking up, ③she and colleagues borrowed cues from instrial ecology, ④wherein every home was treated as an ecosystem of electronic “organisms.”本句是包含非限制性定语从句的复合句,本句的主干是③,①是不定式短语,表目的,②是特殊疑问词引导的名词性从句,作①不定式中动词词组的宾语,④是由wherein引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰instrial ecology。看第二句的重点词汇:track :vt 跟踪 ;track名词的基本义是“足迹”,名词用作动词,表示“沿着足迹”,即跟踪life span :(产品、组织或想法的) 使用期限;(人或动植物的) 寿命;mine :开采;tactic: 策略;手段;招数;高考试题使用了基础词汇method替换。readout: 读数; 数据显示; 举个栗子:The system provides a digital readout of the vehicle's speed. 该系统提供车辆速度的电子读数。evolve :进化,演变;—from when its minerals are mined to when we stop using the gadget:破折号后面的from A to B是用来解释说明破折号前面“life span生命周期”的始末。段落大意:为了弄清楚这些设备总共消耗了多少电力,她和同事们从工业生态学中汲取了一些灵感。在工业生态学中,每个家庭都被视为一个由电子“有机体”组成的生态系统。巴比特的研究小组跟踪了每一种产品从原材料采集到停止使用的整个生命周期的环境成本。这一策略为90年代初以来家庭能源使用的演变提供了一个解读。第四段To estimate the early stages of a proct’s life, the researchers turned to the Economic Input-Output Life Cycle Assessment database. Developed by Nobel Prize–winning economist Wassily Leontief, the data estimate the environmental emissions and energy consumed while making indivial procts. Next, they headed to libraries to dig up old consumer reports and surveys that described ownership—“My house has a TV in the basement and one in the den”—and usage—“At night, I use my laptop and my TV at the same time.”Economic Input-Output Life Cycle Assessment:EIO-LCA经济投入产出生命周期评价。稍作了解:生命周期评价是一种评价产品、工艺或服务从原材料采集到产品生产、运输、使用及最终处置整个生命周期阶段(从摇篮到坟墓)的能源消耗及环境影响的工具。data :资料,数据;data 之后可以使用动词的单数形式,而在正式或科技英语中一般使用动词的复数形式,文中data后面的谓语动词estimate则用的是复数形式。basement:地下室;地库den:〔家中休息、看电视等的〕休息室laptop:笔记本电脑,便携式电脑(Desktop:台式机)句子结构分析:①Developed by Nobel Prize–winning economist Wassily Leontief, ②the data estimate the environmental emissions and energy consumed③ while making indivial procts.②是主干,①是过去分词作伴随状语,③是while引导的时间状语。①Next,② they headed to libraries ③to dig up old consumer reports and surveys ④that described ownership⑤—“My house has a TV in the basement and one in the den”—⑥and usage⑦—“At night, I use my laptop and my TV at the same time.”①是状语,②是主句,③是目的状语,④⑥作为一个整体,是定语从句,修饰限定reports and surveys;⑤用一对破折号插入一句引语,在这里类似举例的作用,列举了图书馆里旧消费者报告和调查报告对电子产品拥有情况的描述,⑦也是如此,阅读时,我们可以先忽略掉破折号后的内容,先抓定语从句的主干。段落大意:为了评估产品生命周期的早期阶段,研究人员求助于经济投入产出生命周期评估数据库。该数据是由诺贝尔奖得主、经济学家瓦西里莱昂蒂夫(Wassily Leontief)开发的,它估计了生产单个产品时的环境排放和能源消耗。接下来,他们去图书馆翻找旧的消费者报告和调查报告,这些报告描述了家庭电子产品的拥有情况——“我家地下室有一台电视,书房里有一台”——以及使用情况——“晚上,我同时使用笔记本电脑和电视。”第五段Babbitt’s team estimated the environmental impacts of common household electronics manufactured, bought, and used between 1992 and 2007. Devices were grouped by generation. Desktop computers, basic mobile phones, laptops, and box-set TVs defined 1992. Digital cameras and digital camcorders arrived on the scene in 1997. And MP3 players, smart phones, DVD players, and liquid-crystal display (LCD) TVs entered homes in 2002, before Blu-ray, plasma screens, tablets, and e-readers showed up in 2007.词汇:desktop computers:台式电脑basic mobile phones:相对于智能手机 (smart phones) 而言,主要功能为通话和收发短信。box-set TVs:箱式电视机camcorder:(便携式)摄像机(高考试题没有列举“数码摄像机”)LCD TVs: LCD是 Liquid Crystal Display的简称,LCD TVs全称是液晶显示屏电视plasma screens:等离子显示屏(高考试题没有列举“Blu-ray蓝光和等离子显示屏”)tablets:平板电脑 (Tablet Personal Computer) 的简称,是一种小型、方便携带的个人电脑,以触摸屏作为基本的输入设备。e-readers:电子书阅读器group :vt把……分类;把……分组 ;group名词的基本义是“组”,名词用作动词意为“分组”;define:给…下定义;确定,界定;文中列举了A,B,C and D defined 1992.什么东西定义了1992年,即是说,这些东西是1992年的特色、代表。arrived on the scene到场,露面文章在介绍不同年代的电子设备时用了四种表达方式,体现了英文千变万化的特点:…… defined 1992./arrived on the scene in 1997./entered homes in 2002./showed up in 2007段落大意:巴比特的团队估计了1992年至2007年间制造、购买和使用的普通家用电子产品对环境的影响。设备按年代分组,台式电脑、基本移动电话、笔记本电脑和盒式电视机是1992年的代表,数码相机和数码摄像机于1997年问世,MP3播放器、智能手机、DVD播放器和液晶电视在2002年进入家庭,而蓝光、等离子屏幕、平板电脑和电子阅读器在2007年出现。未完待续...高考英语外刊原文精读┆2018年全国卷I阅读题D篇解析(一)译文仅供参考,若有不准确之处,还请温柔提点。



紧张忙碌的2019考研已经告一段落,与去年的真题相比,今年真题的难度并没有发生非常大的变化。接下来我们就一起分析一下2019考研英语二的阅读理解题。下面进入正题——2019考研英语二阅读真题2019年的英语二阅读题就话题而言,第一篇文章探讨的是人的愧疚感,第二篇文章是气候变化与森林的关系,第三篇文章为美国劳动力短缺与其移民政策的关系,第四篇文章讲的是如何解决塑料袋对于环境影响的问题。从四个话题上讲,都比较贴近生活实际,所以大家可能对上述话题并不陌生。那么难点究竟在哪里呢?就是在文章中暂时遇到难词、生僻词。那么整体而言单词的难度是怎样的呢?实际上,四篇阅读词汇难度适中,并没有出现某一篇文章出现过多生僻单词,会导致阅读断断续续的情况,所以最后的做题难度自然是比较适中的。就有小伙伴说啦!适中我也做不出来啊,你这都是瞎说!小可爱邪魅一笑,你们这些愚蠢的二战党好好在单词上下下功夫吧,今年英语二74分以上的同学多的是好吗?2019考研英语二阅读题型如何分析?从题型看,今年的英语(二)阅读理解沿袭了之前的出题风格,细节题占绝大部分,其次是词义句意题、态度题、主旨题。说白了,就是一般正常题型,英语惯用的复习方法依旧奏效,因此同学们需要在平时要多加强细节题的练习。从体裁看,本次考试的四篇阅读理解以议论文为主,同学们在平时要多读英语议论文性质的文章,同时也不能忽略说明文的学习。到此,综上所述,对于考研英语阅读理解,重点就在词汇备考中,一方面需要掌握一些基础词汇,便于我们了解话题; 另一方面在做题的同时,结合自己对于话题的熟悉程度,综合自己对于词汇记忆的知识,培养自己推测陌生单词的能力。最后大家要知道的:阅读中遇到陌生单词是很常见的,我们必须放平心态,戒掉狂躁。同时,在平时积累单词时候,有侧重地培养自己的猜测生单词的能力,这样在考试中才能够灵活面对生词,积极应对,熟能生巧。



2020考研英语二真题及答案【作文】!真题:一个饼图:60%用来学习知识,21%用来消磨时间,4%是其它,17%是获取信息。高校学生手机阅读目的调查【参考范文-网络版】As is vividly depicted in the chart, it provides the information concerning the reading purpose of college students by mobile phones in a certain university.To be specific, the percentage of learning is 58%, which is biggest among the four categories. Meanwhile, acquiring information, entertaining and others account for 28%, 12% and 2% respectively.Without a doubt, the real purpose of the chart is to tell us that a majority of college students read their phones for study rather than have fun. On one hand, with the rapid development of science and technology, our smart phones become increasingly convenient for students to study. Instead of taking numerous books in their bags, they prefer to put significant learning materials into their phone and then they can read them at any place they want. On the other hand, the present college students are under huge competitive stress. As a result, they are aware of the significance of learning in college,where they should enhance their knowledge and skills to cope with the challenges and obstacles in the years to come.Taking above reasons into consideration, we could firmly believe that the tendency will continue in the forthcoming years.小作文:真题Directions:Suppose you are panning a tour of historical site for a group of international students1) Say something about the site2) give some tips for the tourYou should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your own name at the end of the email. Use“Li Ming" instead.Do not write the address (10 points)[参考范文--网络版]Dear international students,Welcome to China! Knowing that you have a keen interest in Chinese historical sites, I am writing to recommend you to visit the Forbidden City, one of the prestigioushistoric relics in China.Here are the brief introctions . Firstly, The Forbidden city is the imperial palace of the two dynasties in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Secondly, located in the capital of China, the Forbidden City showcases many collections of ancient arts and antiques, which offer a glimpse of China's extensive and sophisticated culture.Finally, what needs to pay special attention to is that you had better book tickets online ahead of time though any digital devices. Before visiting, to take a panorama of the palace would be a sensible to guild your trip and save much time.I hope my suggestions would be of benefit for you. Please feel free to contact me. I am looking forward to your reply.Enjoy your tour!关于作文的真题和参考答案就到这里啦,今年参加考研的小伙伴可以好好休息一下啦。2020考研已经结束,话说2021考研还会远吗?备考2021考研的宝宝们,不用害怕,考研一般在大三第二学期2月份开始,考研的话,大半年时间够用了,现在你可以搜集了解目标院校的招生简章、专业目录、参考书目、报录比这些信息,尽量找一些已考上的学姐学长,了解参考书目、真题等信息。有机会的话去目标院校多转转,没准儿会有意想不到的收获。现阶段,你应该学好英语和专业课,打好基础,为你的正式备考打好基础。说到资料,数学的话,一般来说汤神讲的细、基础,适合基础不好的,李大帝综合性强。英语的话,真题安利英语一的《考研真相》/英语二的《考研圣经》,逐词逐句精解,一句一句解析每一篇真题,完形填空和阅读理解都是一句话一句话给你分析讲解的,补基础很不错。


