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今天继续和小伙伴们分享一些考研词汇,一起往下看吧。1. concept:(n.)概念、观念、思想2. preconception:(n.)先入之见、成见3. conceive:(v.)想象、相信、构思、设想、怀孕4. chancellor:(n.) (英国的)财政大臣、(德国或奥地利的)总理5.enhancement:(n.)增强、增加6.heighten:(v.) (使)加强7. parallel:(n.)平行线、平行面、类似、相似物、对比、纬线、 (adj.)平行的、并联的、相同的、类似的8.parachute:(n.)降落伞、 (v.)空投、(使)空降、(使)跳伞9. succeed:(v.)取得成功、接替、继任、随后出现10.conscious:(adj.)意思到的、自觉的、有意识的11. subconscious:(adj.)下意识的、潜意识的12. deliberate:(adj.)故意的、蓄意的、早有计划的、从容的、不慌不忙的、审慎的、(v.)(尤指做出重大决定前)慎重考虑、仔细思考13. spontaneous:(adj.)自发的、自然的、无意识的14. conservation:(n.)保存、保护、节约、避免浪费15.progressive:(adj.)进步的、先进的、革新的、逐渐的16.crisis:(n.)危机、危机关头17.critic:(n.)批评家、评论家、评论员、批评者、反对者18. muscle:(n.)肌肉、力量、实力、威信、(v.)硬挤19. muscular:(adj.)肌肉的、影响肌肉的、肌肉结实的、强壮的20. presence:(n.)出席、到场、存在、出现、(军队的)驻扎、进驻



考研英语必备核心词组(二)1, take account of sth 仔细考虑清楚 =take sth into account =take sth into considerationYou must take account of your grades 你必须仔细考虑你的成绩2,act on sth=act upon sth 对。。。起作用,根据(建议,命令,信息等)行事A student must follow the rules and act on them 一个学生必须遵守规定3, be out of action 不再运转, 失去效用The railway station is out of action 这个火车站不再运转。4, add up to 合计达Your several efforts add up to a big victory 你的少许努力达到了一个大的胜利。5, in advance(of sth)预先,事先, 在。。。之前=ahead of time =ahead of scheleYou must book a ticket in advance of the flight 你必须在这个航班之前早早预订一张机票6, take advantage of 利用,占。。。的便宜You must take advantage of your time 你必须利用你的时间7, to advantage 用某种方法使优点突出You must dance to advantage 你必须跳舞来突出你的优点8, be in the air 存在的,即将出现的Your happiness will be in the air 你的快乐即将出现9, on the air 在广播中You can get a lot of news on the air 你能在广播中获得很多消息10, be off the air 广播结束You can talk to me off the air 你可以在广播结束以后和我聊天11, be up in the air 悬而未决Your problem is up in the air 你的问题还没有解决。12, on the alert (for )警戒着,随时准备着He is on the alert for the test 他时刻准备着考试13, allow for sb 考虑到某人,allow for sth 考虑到某事You must allow for your family 你必须考虑到你的家人You must allow for your grades 你必须考虑到你的成绩14, one after another 一个接一个You can sing a song one after another 你可以一个接一个的唱一首歌15, one another 相互We can learn English one another 我们能相互学英语16, answer for 对。。。负有责任You must answer for your mistake 你必须为你的错误负有责任17, anything but 绝对不The question is anything but easy 这个问题绝对不简单18, nothing but 只有,只不过He is nothing but a little boy 他只不过是一个小男孩19, apart from =aside from=other thanApart from a small mistake ,your composition is great 除了一个小的错误,你的作文棒极了。20, as for =as to =with regard to =with respect to =with reference to 至于As for math ,we must study harder 至于数学,我们必须更加努力的学习。21, as it were 可以说,在一定程度上He is ,as it were ,a tall boy 他在一定程度上是一个很高的男孩。22, be associated with 与。。。有关,与。。有关系=be involved with =link to=be related to = be bound up with = be involved withYour success is associated with your effort 你的成果与你的努力有关系。



51. aside from 除...外(还有)Aside from a few scratches, I’m ok.除了几处擦伤处,我安然无恙。 52. assure sb of sth 使某人确信某事He assured himself of her safety.他确定她是安全的。 53. at a loss 茫然,不知所措I was at a loss for what to do next.下一步该怎么做,我完全没谱。 54. at a time 一次,每次Can I borrow two books at a time?我可以一次借两本书吗? 55. at all costs 不惜一切代价We will save his life at all costs.我们将不惜任何代价挽救他生命。 56. at all events 不管怎样,无论如何She had a terrible accident, but at all events she wasn’t killed.她遇到了可怕的情况,但无论怎样,她没有死。 57. at all times 随时,总是Doctor Liu is on call at all times.不论什么时候刘医生随叫随到。 58. at any rate 无论如何,至少At any rate the task must be fulfilled.无论如何,任务总得完成。 59. at best 充其量,至多We can only finish half of it this afternoon at best.今天下午我们充其量只能完成一半。 60. at first sight 乍一看,初看起来She fell in love with the cottage at first sight.她一见到这小屋就喜欢上了。mba71. at hand 在手边,在附近The examination is near at hand.考试临近了。 72. at heart 内心里,本质上He was a very gentle boy at heart.他实际上是个非常温柔的男生。 73. at home在家,在国内;舒适,无拘束;熟悉,精通m(1) Once I had had a baby I had the perfect excuse to stay at home.一旦有了宝宝,我就完全有理由待在家里了。(2) He spoke very good English and appeared pleased to us, and we soon felt quite at home.他英语说得非常好,见到我们显得很高兴,我们很快就不拘束了。 74. at intervals 不时,每隔...The doctor visits us at intervals.医生不时来看我们。 75. at large 逍遥法外的,未被捕获的;详尽的(1) The arrests also remind us that the enemy is still at large, threatening our safety and security.他们的被捕还警示我们,我们的敌人仍然逍遥法外,并威胁着我们的安全。(2) The question was discussed at large.这个问题已经详细地讨论过了。 76. at least 至少;无论如何,反正(1) He’s been away for at least a week.他走了至少有一个星期了。(2) You should at least try it.你无论如何应该试一下。 77. at length 最终,终于;充分地,相近地(1) At length we came back.我们终于回来了。(2) They spoke at length, reviewing the entire incident.他们把事情的整个经过详细地复述了一遍。 78. at no time 从不,决不At no time did they try to persuade me to suppress the information.他们从来没有试图劝我隐瞒这个消息。 79. at one time 曾经,一度At one time the schools were mainly attached to the church.这些学校曾一度归教会主管。 80. at sb.'s disposal由某人支配,供...使用He will have a car at his disposal for the whole month.他将有一辆汽车归他使用一个月。



1、keep company with (=be friendly and go out together) 和…要好2、take…into consideration (=take account of, take…into account)考虑到, 把…考虑进3、on no consideration(in no case)无论如何也不4、be concerned with (=about) 与…有关5、be conscious of(=be aware of)觉察,知道6、be in debt to sb. 欠…的债7、beyond dispute不容争议的,无可争议8、be in favour with 受宠, 受偏爱9、be grateful to sb. for sth 因…感谢某人10、be in the habit of 习惯于11、live from hand to mouth勉强度日,现挣现吃12、be identical with(=exactly alike)和完全相同13、independent of 独立的,不受约束的14、be innocent of 无罪的,无辜的15、in the interests of 符合…的利益; be interested in 对…感兴趣16、keep…to oneself(=keep secret)不告诉别人17、throw light on ( = make clear, explain) 使…更为清楚, 提供线索, 阐明18、make the most of 充分利用19、take notice of (=pay attention) 注意20、comply with (=act in accordance with a demand, order, rule etc.) 遵守, 依从21、in confidence 推心置腹地22、with confidence 满怀信心地have confidence in 对…有信心23、consist of(=be composed of)由…组成的。24、consist in主要在于。 consist with符合,与…一致25、work out ideas 出主意26、on credit赊购27、 with credit以优异成绩28、to one’s credit使某人感到光荣30、demand sth. of sb. 向某人要求(非物质的)东西31、demand sth. from sb. 向某人要求(物质的)东西32、in the distance 在远处33、break sb. of (a habit)使某人改掉(某习惯)34、in consideration of (=in return for, on account of, because of )由于



考研英语在考研试卷上占的比重是非常大的,所以,大家一定要好好复习,今天作者给大家整理了一些比较容易常考的词语大家好好看看,考研翻译一定可以有一些突破!1、 at the thought of 一想到2、 as a whole 就整体而论3、 at will 随心所欲4、 access (to) 能接近、进入、了解5、 by accident 偶然地、意外6、 with one accord 一致的7、in accordance with 依照、根据8、 give sb an account of 说明、解释9、 account for 解释、说明10、on account of 因为、由于11、 act on 奉行、照办12、 act for 代理13、 in addition to 除……外14、 adjust to 调节,适应15、 admit of 留有余地16、 to advantage 有利的17、 take advantage of 利用18、 agree with 赞同19、 agree to 同意20、 ahead of time 提前这是作者从历年真题中挑选的一些重要的短语,大家平常可能没有时间去整理,那我可以帮助大家去做这件事情,每天20个短语,不多不少,这样坚持下去,大家的英语考研成绩一定会提高不少的。我每天都会更新关于考研的知识点,以及自己的经验,其中包括数学英语和政治,希望大家关注支持,有什么问题,可以随时问,作者一定回!大家今天可以把这二十个记住,我每天都会从历年真题中选28个比较经典的,来帮助大家记忆!



今天,小编为大家整理了一些18版恋恋有词中的优秀长短句,希望对考研和学习英语大家有所帮助。Don't aim for success if you really want it. Just stick to what you love and believe in , and it will come naturally.(意译:多一些不为什么的坚持,少一些功利主义的追求)You don't think other people's understandings as the nuts and bolts in that you are yourself of great account and proud as a king inside.(真正不羁的灵魂不会真的去计较什么。因为他们的内心深处里有国王般的骄傲)Your story may not have a such happy begining, but that doesn't make who you are. It is the rest of your story, who you choose to be.(也许你人生的开始并不理想,但那不会影响你在成为一个什么样的人。今后的努力才是决定你成为一个什么样的人.)Why does being your best friend entail me doing everything I don't want to do?(为什么成为你最好的朋友会使我做任何我不想做的事?)I still have a lot of ace in my pocket, dare you?(我口袋里仍然有很多王牌,你敢吗?)We can not connect the dots looking forward, but we can only connect them looking backwards.(我们不能把现在的每个点连接起来去看到未来,但是我们却能把它们连接起来看到对于过去的意义.)The best way to learn how to ... is a process known as deliberate practice.(学习...的最好方法是刻意练习)Sometimes years are required for your kindness to be accepted and appreciated.(有时候,你的好意需要多年才能被接受和感激)We should owe success to 99% perspiration and only 1% inspriation.(成功来自于99%的汗水和1%的灵感)Inspire the next!!!(创新无极限) 最后,这句 Man proposes, God disposes. (成事在人,谋事在天)送给大家。因为无论是考研,还是学习英语都是一件值得坚持的事情,我们只要需要坚持下去,and it will come naturally.此次分享还只是恋恋有词中的一小部分,如果有错误还请大家批评指正。然后,喜欢的可以点个赞,小编今后还会继续分享哦,谢谢!


考研英语必背核心词组(七)1, exercise control over 控制You must exercise some control over your mood 你必须好好控制你的心情2, in excess of sth =go beyond 超过(一定数量)He spent in excess of two hours in doing homework 他花费了超过两个小时做作业3, embark on 着手,开始做某事You must embark on doing homework 你必须开始做作业了。4, exert oneself to do 努力,尽力I must exert myself to study English well 我必须努力学好英语5, make an exhibition of oneself 出洋相,当众出丑=make a spectacle of oneself =make a show of oneself = make an ass of oneself = make a fool ofDon’t be afraid of making an exhibition of yourself 不要害怕当众出丑6, at the expense of =at the cost of 以。。。为代价You can’t finish your work at the expense of your health 你不能以你的健康作为代价来完成你的工作。7, keep an eye on 照看,照管,留心,注意=look out for = take notice of = take note ofYou must keep an eye on your behaviors 你必须注意你的行为。8, be equivalent to 等同于,相当于=the same as = equate 。。。with 。。。Helping her study is equivalent to improving her grades 帮助她的学习等同于提高她的成绩。9, in the fashion of 以。。。方式He won in the fashion of the fair way 他以公平的方式获胜。10, face up to sth 勇敢地接受(或对付)You must face up to the reality 你必须勇敢地接受现实。11, far from 远非,不像期待的那样Your success is far from other men’s expectations 你的成功和其他人的期待所不一样。12.figure out = be clear of = find out =work out 想出,理解,明白You must figure out the best method 你必须想出最好的方法。13.be free from =be free of =be immune from免于He can be free from taking the test 他能免于参与这次考试。14,for free 免费You can get a ticket for free 你能免费获得一张票15,get around 四处转转,说服The man likes getting around everyone 这个男人喜欢说服每个人。16,get around to do sth 抽出时间来做You must get around to doing your homework 你必须抽出时间来做作业17,get away with 侥幸逃脱,逃脱处罚You can get away with the punishment 你能侥幸逃脱处罚。



1, arise from=result from =derive from=stem from=originate from由。。。产生的,由。。。带来的Your success arises fromyour effort 你的成果是由你的努力带来的。2, abide by =comply with=adhere to = confirm to 遵守,接受,遵循(决定,规则,协定等)I must abide by the rules 我必须遵守这些规定。3, be about to do 即将要(做某事)He is about to read books 他将要去读书4, keep abreast of sth =stay abreast of =be in parallel with = keep pace with与。。。齐头并进,跟上。。。的步伐We must keep abreast of the world 我们必须与这个世界齐头并进5, in abundance 大量,丰富,充裕,充足There are many books in abundance 那里有大量的书6, by accident =by chanceI found a pen by accident 我偶然发现了一支钢笔7, by the chance of 因。。。的机会,由于。。。方面的运气You won just by the chance of his absence 你的胜利知识由于他的缺席给你的机会。8, be in accord with =coincide with =be in accordance with =identify with be in tune with=be consistent withYour actions must be in accord with your words 你的言行必须一致。9, on account of =owing to =thanks to = as a result of = e to = in virtue of =by virtue of =out of sth =by reason of = in consequence of 由于,因为His absence is on account of the terrible weather 他的缺席是由于糟糕的天气10, out of time with sb 与。。。不协调His action is out of time with him 他的行为不太协调。11, out of time with sth 与。。。不一致His actions are out of time with his words 他的言行不太一致。12, on no account =by no means =at no time =in no case =under no circumstances=in no circumstances=on no condition =under no condition=in no way 决不We must on no account refuse to change our bad points 我们决不能拒绝改变我们的坏毛病。



掌握这些词组,你的考研英语阅读至少得一半的分!1.access(to) (不可数名词)能接近,进入,了解2. as a whole (=in general)就整体而论3. in advance预告, 事先4. on the average(=on average, on an average)平均5.be anxious about /anxious for为……焦急不安6. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外;Without accident(=safely)安全地7. at the thought of一想到……8. in accord with与……一致;out of one's accord with同……不一致9. with one accord(=with everybody agreeing)一致地10. in accordance with(=in agreement with)依照,根据11. on one's own account为了某人的缘故,为了某人自己的利益;(=at one's own risk) 自行负责;(=by oneself)依靠自己12. take……into account(=consider)把……考虑进去13. give sb. an account of说明,解释(理由)14. account for(=give an explanation or reason for)解释,说明15. on account of(=because of)由于,因为16. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)17. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about)指控,控告18. be accustomed to(=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于19. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of)了解;(=to have met socially)熟悉20. act on奉行,按照……行动;act as 扮演;act for 代理21. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to)使自己适应于22. adapt…(for)改编,改写23. in addition(=besides)此外,又24. in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除……外25. adhere to(=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe)粘附;坚持,遵循26. adjacent(=next to, close to)毗邻的,临近的27. adjust...(to)(=change slightly)调节;适应28. admit of(=be capable of, leave room for)有……的可能,留有……的余地29. at will随心所欲30. to advantage有利的,使优点更加突出地31. have an advantage over胜过;have the advantage of由于……处于有利条件;have the advantage of sb知道某人所不知道的事32. take advantage of(=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from, harness)利用33. agree with赞同(某人意见);agree to同意34. in agreement (with)同意,一致35. ahead of在……之前,超过……ahead of time提前36. in the air不肯定,不具体;在谣传中37. above all(=especially, most important of all)尤其是,最重要的38. in all(=counting everyone or everything, altogether)总共,总计39. after all毕竟,到底;(not) at all 一点也不all at once(=suddenly) 突然;once and for all 只此一次;above all 最重要的;first of all 首先;all in all 大体上说;be all in 累极了;all but 几乎40. allow for(=take into consideration, take into account)考虑到,估计到41.amount to(=to be equal to)总计,等于42. answer for(undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for)对……负责43. answer to(=conform to)适合,符合44. of one's own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地,主动地45. apologize to sb. for sth.为……向……道歉46. appeal to sb. for sth.为某事向某人呼吁appeal to sb.对某人有吸引力47. apply to sb. for sth.为……向……申请;apply for 申请;apply to 适用48. apply to与……有关;适用49. approve of(=consent to, be in favor of, favor, agree to, consider good, right)赞成approve vt.批准50. arise from(=be caused by)由……引起51. arrange for sb./sth. to do sth.安排……做……52. arrive on到达;arrive at到达某地(小地方);得出,作出;arrive in到达某地(大地方)53. be ashamed of(=feel shame, guilt or sorrow because of sth. done)以……为羞耻54. assure sb. of sth.(=try to cause to believe or trust in sth.)向……保证,使……确信55. attach(to)(=to fix, fasten; join)缚,系,结56. make an attempt at doing sth. (to do sth.)试图做……57. attend to(=give one's attention, care and thought)注意,照顾;attend on(upon)(=wait upon, serve, look after)侍候,照料58. attitude to/ toward …对……的态度,看法59. attribute…to…(=to believe sth. to be the result of…)把……归因于……;认为……是……的结果60. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with)富于,富有61. (be) aware of(=be conscious of , having knowledge or consciousness)意识到,知道62. at the back of(=behind)在……后面63. in the back of在…后部 (里面);on the back of在…后部 (外面);be on one's back(=be ill in bed)卧病不起64. at one's back(=supporting or favoring sb.)支持,维护;have sb. at one's back有……支持,有……作后台65. turn one's back on sb.(=turn away from sb. in an impolite way)不理睬(某人),背弃,抛弃66. behind one's back背着某人(说坏话)67. be based on / upon基于68. on the basis of根据……, 在……基础上69. beat…at在……运动项目上打赢……70. begin with以……开始.to begin with (=first of all)首先,第一(经常用于开始语)71. on behalf of(=as the representative of)以………名义72. believe in(=have faith or trust in; consider sth./sb. to be true)相信,依赖,信仰73. benefit (from)受益,得到好处74. for the benefit of为了……的利益 (好处)75. for the better好转76. get the better of(=defeat sb.)打败,胜过77. by birth在出生上,论出身,按血统at birth 在出生时;give birth to 出生78. blame sb. for sth.因……责备某人;blame sth. on sb.把……推在某人身上79. in blossom开花 (指树木)be in blossom开花 (强调状态)come into blossom开花 (强调动作)80. on board到船上,在船上,上火车或飞机81. boast of/about吹嘘82. out of breath 喘不过气来83. in brief(=in as few words as possible)简言之84. in bulk成批地,不散装的85. take the floor起立发言86. on business出差办事87. be busy with sth忙于某事;be busy doing sth.忙于做某事88. last but one倒数第二89. but for(=without)要不是;表示假设90. buy sth. for…money用多少钱买……91. be capable of能够,有能力be capable of being +过去分词是能够被……的92. in any case(=for love or money, at any rate, at any price, at any cost, whatever happens; anyhow)无论如何93. in case(=for fear that)万一94. in case of(=in the event of)如果发生……,万一in the case of至于……, 就……而言95. in no case在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句)96. by chance(=accidentally, by accident)偶然97. center one's attention on(=focus one's attention on)把某人的注意力集中在……上98. be certain of(=be sure of)有把握,一定99. for certain of(=for sure )肯定地,有把握地100. be cautious of谨防考研使用毙考题,不用再报培训班!


考研英语难度太大上热搜 这俩单词难倒无数人!
