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考研英语小作文中主要考察的是应用文系列,其中包括了求职信、祝贺信、道歉信、询问信、推荐信、感谢信等二十多种应用文。申请信的内容大致为:申请的具体内容和缘由→自己的情况和条件→提出要求,如回信、面试等等。2017年入学MBA/MPA/MEM/MPAcc管理类硕士招生考试初试时间为:2016年12月24日(每天上午8:30-11:30,下午14:00-17:00)。 现在复习还是可以的,可以选择报模考押题冲刺班加油努力。快速进行应试技巧突击,押题模考串讲咨询报考复习信息,欢迎向华是学院在线知道提问。021-64268818


留学申请时,推荐信的作用很重要,好的推荐信对申请人来说能够起到事半功倍的作用。在写推荐信时,必然会提及被推荐人的品性(Characters)。介绍每个人独特的个性用词也十分讲究,下列Characters是国外大学所欣赏的形容词,请各位读者参考。列举该类词汇的目的并非要各位将之奉为圭臬,而是希望在大家头痛脚痛浑身都痛的时候有个参考。请别忘了你的独特性,还请别忘了别人同你一样看过这个表格。 (1)Scholastic aptitude(学习方面的才能) a. Native intellectual ability(天赋) b. Imagination(想象力) c. Creativity(创造力) d. Capacity for analytical thinking(分析思考能力) e. Intellectual curiosity; spirit of inquiry(好奇心) f. Ability to work independently(独立学习工作的能力)g. Memory(记忆力) h. Accuracy(准确性) i. Methodology(研究方法) j. Capability for abstract reasoning(抽象推理的能力)k. Potential as a researcher(研究的潜力) 1. Potential as a teacher(教学的潜力) m. Ability to express his ideas orally and in writing(口头或文字的表达能力) n. Capacity, desire and determination for good quality graate work(获得学业成功的能力、愿望与决心) o. Probable success as a graate student(作为研究生成功的可能性) (2)Academic performance(学业上的表现) a. Breadth of general knowledge(知识丰富) b. Knowledge of literature in his field(本专业领域知识) c. Grade or achievement(成绩或成就) d. Instry, diligence(勤勉) e. Participation in discussion(讨论积极) f. Academic maturity(学业上的成熟) (3)Languages(语言能力) a. Ability to speak, understand, read and write the English language(听、说、读、写英文的能力) b. Ability to read significant literature in other languages than English(英语以外的语言阅读能力) (4)Character(品行) a. Honesty; integrity(诚实) b. Sincerity(诚恳) c. Sense of responsibility(责任感) d. Cooperation (合作) e. Enthusiasm(热诚) f. Conscientiousness(自觉性) g. Ethical and moral standards(伦理与道德标准) h. Reliability; dependability(可靠性)


日期的顺序是:月日,年。月份不能写简写,日和年都直接写阿拉伯数字就可以。例如2006年5月3日,我们写成:May 3,2016。还需注意,在日和年之间有一个逗号。我们要把日期写在第二行的右面。位置不要写错。英文书写应符合书写规范,英文字母要写清楚、写整齐、写美观,字母的大小和字母之间的距离要匀称。书写应做到字形秀丽漂亮,通篇匀称和谐。扩展资料:基本要求1、写英文字母要掌握正确笔顺。如小写字母i ,应该先写下面的部分,然后再打点。有的学生却按写汉字的习惯从上到下写,写快了,就会把点和下面的竖笔连在一起,显得十分别扭。字形t应为两笔。2、书写时还要注意词与词之间要保持一定的距离,不能紧靠在一起。字母之间的连写也应该按照习惯,不能随意乱来。3、注意尽量不把一个单词拆开移行。万一要移行,则必须以音节为单位进行,如revolution这个词,依照音节移行的原则可以按re-,revo-, revolu-这几种方法移行


Hi, my name is XXX, and I am a student of xxx college. I would like to get an application for the International Management program that your school offers ring this summer. I heard about this program through your school website, and I am very interested in it. As a business student, I would like to spend one summer to study aboard to learn more about how the other school delivery this course. Also, I believe I will gain a great experience in your school because the information that will be deliveried in the course is very helpful. If I am accepted, I will definitely come to your school and spend a summer right there. I hope to make some friends through this program and exchange our knowledge about International Management or even Business. I am looking forward to hear from you soon. Thanks!


1. 好词集锦: considerable,confident,suitable,extremely,pleased,grateful,especialy,opportunity,position,apply for,be good at,allow,would like to, offer, take...into consideration. 2.说明应聘原因常用语A.I learned from sb/the newspaper that your company wanted to...B.I was told that... C.I have just read in the newspaper that your company needs a...D.I am writing to inqure opportunities for ...E.I am writing to you to inqure if there would be any position available for me to work as a...F.I am writing to apply for the job .G.I have learned from your advertisement that a ...is wanted in your company.3.介绍个人优势常用语A.Now I would like to introce myself to you.B. My name is Tom aged 16/who is a 16-year-old boy.C.I graated from...in 2012.D.I like/am fond of swimming, singing and dancing in my spare time.E.I work hard and Ican get along /on well with others.F.I am good at English and especially my spoken English is fairly good.G.I master English and I talk to foreigners in English freely.H.I am currently studying ...I.I would be interested in ....J.My main specialization is...4.表示感谢及请求常用语A.Thank you for your consideration of my application.B.If you agree with me,I'll work hard and try to be a...C.I am available for interview.D.I am looking forward to hearing from you.E.If you agree with me, please write to me or phone me.my telephone number is...F.I am writing to you in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to ....G.I would like to apply the position that your company offers to me.H. Thank you for considering my application and I am looking forward to your early reply.J. I greatly appreciate any of your favorable consideration of my application.K.I would be very grateful if you could consider my application and could send me about...l.Apart from doing sth, I may as well work as ...5.满分模板 一Dear... I am extremely pleased to see (报纸、广告) for the position (职位) .And I'm writing to apply for (职位).I am confident that I am suitable for (职位). On one hand, (原因) .On the other hand, (原因) . I shall be much honored if you will offer me the opportunity to (尝试) . I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. YOUR SINCERELY 二Dear... I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in (报纸) of (发布时间) . I am form .As a/an ,I have been .Besides, I won in . If you consider me appropriate for the job, please call me at . I will appreciate it very much if you could give me an early reply/Thank you for considering my application and I am looking forward to meting you. YOURS SINCERELY


[Professor’s Name] [Professor’s Title] [University]An effective letter of recommendation: 1. Explains how you know the student. What is the context for your evaluation? Was the student in your class, an advisee, a research assistant? 2. Evaluates the student within your area of knowledge. Within the context in which you know the student, how did he or she perform? How effective a research assistant is he or she? 3. Evaluates the student's academic capacity. This is easy if the student was in your class. What if the student is not? You can refer to his or her transcript, but only very briefly as the committee will have a copy. Don't waste space talking about objective material they already have. Talk about your experience with the student. If a research assistant you should have some grasp on his or her academic competence. If an advisee, refer briefly to your discussions and provide clear examples that illustrate academic potential. If you have little as academic contact with the student, then make a broad evaluative statement and use evidence from another area to support. For example, I expect Stu Dent to be a meticulous student, as he keeps very careful and accurate records as the Biology Club Treasurer. 4. Evaluates the student's motivation. Graate study entails more than academic skills. It's a long haul that takes a great deal of perseverance. 5. Evaluates the student's maturity and psychological competence. Is the student mature enough to accept the responsibility and manage the inevitable criticisms and even failures that will accompany graate study. 6. Discusses the student's strengths. What are his or her most positive attributes? Provide examples to illustrate. 7. Is detailed. One of the most important things you can do in improving the effectiveness f your letter is to make it as detailed as possible. Don't just tell them abut the student, show them. Don't just say that the student can understand complex topics or work well with others, provide detailed examples that illustrate your point. 8. Is honest. Remember that although you want student to get in to graate school, it is your name that is on the line. If the student really isn't a good fit for graate study and you recommend him anyway, the faculty at that school potentially could remember and in the future take your letters less seriously. All in all, a good letter is highly positive and detailed. Remember that a neutral letter will not help your student. Recommendation letters, in general, are very positive. Because of that, neutral letters are viewed as negative letters. If you can't writing a glowing letter of recommendation, then the most honest thing that you can do for your student is to tell him or her and decline their request to write a letter. [Date] [Full Name] [Title] [School Name] [Address] [City, State, Zipcode] 上面是写推荐信的要点还有开头结尾格式,建议还是自己找一些了解你的长辈或者老师然后商讨修改完成

一篇英语作文 写一封申请信

Hi, my name is XXX, and I am a student of xxx college. I would like to get an application for the International Management program that your school offers ring this summer. I heard about this program through your school website, and I am very interested in it. As a business student, I would like to spend one summer to study aboard to learn more about how the other school delivery this course. Also, I believe I will gain a great experience in your school because the information that will be deliveried in the course is very helpful. If I am accepted, I will definitely come to your school and spend a summer right there. I hope to make some friends through this program and exchange our knowledge about International Management or even Business. I am looking forward to hear from you soon. Thanks!


①基础阶段:解决单词、熟悉英语试卷  3月-6月的时候,就可以准备开始复习了。  在职考研的、上学的有空、见缝插针多看单词,单词不会,都是白搭,这是考研复习的第一个阶段。  在这个阶段,主要任务是解决单词问题、学有余力的可以看看试卷,熟悉一下英语试卷的题型,不要看最新的。  词汇量是考研英语的根本!  词汇量是考研英语的根本!  词汇量是考研英语的根本!  重要的事情说三遍!  词永远是英语考试的基础,并不存在不背单词就能够做对题的情况。  教育部大纲中规定的是5500个单词,我们对自己的要求只能是高于这个数字。  ②强化阶段:全面提升  7—9月这三个月要进行全面英语复习了。  开始做英语试卷,买考试题目就行!  做到每篇文章都会翻译!文章中的单词都认识!  真的没有必要做世面上的模拟题,那些模拟题会把你带偏的!  专注考试题目就行!考试题目至少做3遍以上!  同时背单词也是要继续的,不能丢哈!  ③冲刺阶段:查漏补缺  10—11月这个阶段,还是做考试题目。  建议大家做考试题目的时候不要把答案写在试卷上,把答案写在纸上就可以啦,方便反复做。  这个阶段要有所侧重,看看完型、翻译有啥不会的,赶紧补上!  冲刺阶段除了阅读和翻译的总结之外,更要关注写作板块。同学们要重视范文的背诵、研习及仿写练习。  这个时候要开始背作文了!多背点!考场上用得到!  11—12月,可以进行模拟考,把卷子拿出来认真写,掐点写!

