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英国学时尚管理比较好的大学 求推荐

1. The University of Manchester 曼彻斯特大学MSc International Fashion Marketing旨在培养未来全球时尚管理者战略营销、零售营销以及多渠道营销方面的技能。入学要求:市场/商科专业专业背景,可考虑相关工作经验;2:1学位;雅思7.0,单项不低于6.0。MSc International Fashion Retailing培养学生电子商务、技术以及国际商务战略方面的技能,分为两个方向:Fashion Consumer、Business Process Improvement时尚消费者、商业流程改善。入学要求:市场、管理、艺术社会科学相关背景,其他专业也考虑,如时尚管理、媒体、文化与社会等,可考虑相关工作经验;2:1学位;雅思6.5,单项不低于6.0。2. Coventry University 考文垂大学MBA International Fashion Management侧重于时尚界近年来全球以及技术上的变化,还有时尚设计以及产品开发管理,国际时尚制造以及零售战略。这门专业开设在Coventry考文垂大学伦敏校区(West End和Oxford Street附近),距离顶尖品牌旗舰店很近,学生有机会去游学,比如参加巴黎的Premiere Vision贸易展。入学要求:有工作经验者为佳,但不强求;2:2学位;雅思6.53. Birmingham City University 伯明翰城市大学MA Fashion Management重点帮助学生全面了解时尚行业,培养工作中所需要的技能,以及管理方面扎实的基础内容,学生有机会参加国际时尚秀/展览,进行实地考察学习。入学要求:本科均分75以上;雅思6.0,单项不低于5.5;可能会通过电话/Skype进行面试,或者递交一份course proposal MA Fashion Promotion比较适合那些想要从事时尚传播以及时尚企业、商品、活动和品牌推广工作的学生,有机会在时尚企业实习。入学要求:本科均分70以上;雅思6.0,单项不低于5.5MA Cosmetics Branding and Promotion适合那些对化妆品感兴趣的学生,有机会参加与化妆品行业重点及当前趋势的研究。入学要求:两年工作经验/本科均分70以上;雅思6.0,单项不低于5.54. Nottingham Trent University 诺丁汉特伦特大学诺丁汉特伦特大学时尚管理相关专业有三个:MA International Fashion ManagementMA Fashion MarketingMA Fashion Communications这些专业均重点培养学生全球时尚行业所需要的战略、创意和商业技能,加强学生国际时尚管理概念及战略方面的核心技能和知识。入学要求:可考虑相关工作经验;2:2学位;雅思6.5,单项不低于5.5;需要递交short report,说明自己对时尚行业的了解和看法。5. University of Leeds 利兹大学MA Global Fashion Management由Leeds设计学院及商学院共同开设,旨在为时尚行业培养高端管理人才,将物质资本、人力资源及商业前景紧密结合在一起,为客户提供个性化服务,学生可以使用设备齐全的工作室以及CAD计算机辅助设计工具。入学要求:可考虑相关工作经验;2:1学位;雅思6.5,单项不低于6.0。6. University of Sou thampton 南安普顿大学MA Fashion Management开设在WSA温彻斯特艺术学院,学生在学习当代时尚知识的同时,还能培养创意思维、市场营销以及商业管理方面的技能,涉及到的时尚类型有快时尚、运动服装、中端市场、设计师、奢侈品牌等。MA Design Management侧重商业环境中设计的使用,内容包括:产品设计、过程设计、服务设计以及品牌设计。学生将了解设计管理整个流程,从市场趋势识别、研究运用到设计过程,再到品牌推广、营销、产品回收。MA Fashion Marketing and Branding可以让学生接触到全球时尚品牌复杂营销以及品牌推广所面临的挑战,培养了解以及创立时尚品牌所需要的技能,用设计为先导的方案解决现代营销、管理方面的问题。以上专业入学要求:相关专业背景;本科均分75以上;雅思6.5,读、写不低于6.0,听、说不低于5.5。






南安普敦大学 University of Southampton专业介绍:MA Design可选方向:广告设计管理、通信设计、设计管理、时装及纺织市场、时装设计、时尚管理、奢侈品品牌管理和纺织品设计。优势:南安的这个专业有奢侈品品牌管理方向,英国除了几所艺术性大学以外,综合性大学拥有这个专业的很少。课程:一年开课时间:每年10月入学要求:雅思6.5分,平均分78分以上申请材料:申请表,个人简历,个人陈述,在读证明或毕业证,成绩单,推荐信2封,最好有时装相关方面的作品。学费:14900英


你好我在英国读的就是Fashion专业 现在去英国留学的同学们都苦于找不到合适的专业,选择竞争激烈的金融和会计专业又将面临未来就业难的问题。大家出国留学也不容易,花挺多钱不知道该学什么。今天就给大家推荐一下英国的时尚与奢侈品管理专业。该专业风靡全球,是现在时尚圈炙手可热的专业,毕业后可以就职于一些时尚品牌的公司,参与品牌的推广,奢侈品买手,管理工作,活跃在各大品牌发布会现场和走在潮流的前沿。这是很多女孩子的梦想吧,至少我也这么想过,该专业往往不要求专业背景,以下是我推荐给大家的一些专业及要求:NTU诺丁汉特伦特大学MA International Fashion Business 国际时尚商务Entry requirementsA good honours degree (minimum 2.2) or equivalent in a relevant discipline, or relevant experienceExamples of work (applicants are expected to proce a short report or presentation illustrating their knowledge and perspective on an aspect of the fashion instry prior to the interview)Competence in written and spoken English is essential. Overseas applicants are expected to have a score of either IELTS 6.5, with a minimum of 6.0 in speaking and writing, unless their undergraate course of study was undertaken in EnglishTwo references (at least one of these should be an academic reference)MA Fashion Marketing and Communication 时尚市场与交流Entry requirementsA good honours degree (minimum 2.2) or equivalent in a relevant discipline, or relevant experienceA project proposalExamples of workCompetence in written and spoken English is essential. Overseas applicants are expected to have a score of either IELTS 6.0, TOEFL (Paper) 540 or TOEFL (IBT) 76 unless their undergraate course of study was undertaken in Englishtwo references (at least one of these should be an academic reference).Goldsmiths伦敦大学金史密斯学院MA in Brand Development 品牌发展Entrance requirements:You should have an undergraate degree of at least upper second class standard in a relevant subject. If your first language is not English, you normally need a minimum score of 7.0 in IELTS (including 7.0 in the written element) or equivalent.MMU曼彻斯特城市大学MSc International Fashion Marketing 国际时尚市场A good undergraate honours degree in any discipline or a relevant professional qualification acceptable to the admissions panel. Applicants with substantial recent and relevant clothing related employment and experience are also encouraged to apply.MSc Clothing Proct DevelopmentMSc Strategic Fashion BuyingMSc International Fashion Marketing MSc Strategic Fashion Buying MSc Clothing Proct DevelopmentGlasgow Caledonian University格拉斯哥卡利多尼亚大学International Fashion Marketing (London) 国际时尚市场Essentialor entry to the course, you will need to have a UK under-graate degree or equivalent in a marketing, business or fashion related discipline. We are also happy to consider applicants with relevant work experience.English LanguageFor both Master's Degree and Postgraate Diplomas, candidates whose normal medium of ecation and work has not been English, will normally be required to present evidence of competence in English as demonstrated by a pass at IELTS level 6 (with no element less than 5.5) or TOEFL 550 (80 internet-based test).International Fashion MarketingMinimum Entry RequirementsMinimum RequirementsUK degree or equivalent in a marketing or business related discipline.中央兰开夏MBA Fashion Brand Management 时尚品牌管理Entry RequirementsEntry requirements for postgraate courses vary and you are advised to check below for any specific requirements or with Enquiry Management. Normally the following general entry requirements apply:Postgraate Diplomas, Certificates and Conversion Courses:A recognised British first degree or its equivalent, or a BTEC Higher Diploma/Certificate.Taught Masters Courses:A recognised British honours degree to a good standard, or its equivalent. Applications from all candidates will be considered on their merits and in the light of the nature and scope of the programme or work proposed. Informal enquiries are welcomed and will normally be followed by an initial advisory interview.Specific Entry RequirementsFor 2012 entry please contact our course enquiries team for entry requirements as these may differ from 2011.Applicants are normally required to have completed an undergraate programme or first degree in a relevant subject (e.g. Retail Management, International Business, Fashion and Brand Promotion, Marketing,) at First or Upper Second classification, or at the equivalent of a UK Grade Point Average of at least 60%. Alternatively a professional qualification deemed to be equivalent.All applicants must normally evidence a minimum of 2 years relevant and appropriate post graate work experience for the MBA qualification.For international students, in addition to meeting the above minimum entry requirements the University requires a score of at least 6.5 in the British Council IELTS test. A score of 600-650 in the TOEFL paper-based test supported by a pass in the associated Test of Written English may also be acceptable; alternatively a score of at least 250 on the TOEFL computer-based test is acceptable.曼彻斯特大学International Fashion Retailing MSc 国际时尚零售Entry requirements:2.1 UK Honours degree or equivalent, or an approved combination of ecational qualification and instrial experience.English language: Students will need to be able to demonstrate competency in the English language and students who do not already possess a recognised English Language qualification will need to take a test such as IELTS or TOEFL and attain a minimum of IELTS 6.5 (with no sub test < 5.5), TOEFL 570 with 5.0 in the TWE (Test of Written English) or CBTOEFL 230 with 5.0 in the TWE. Other English Language qualifications/tests can be considered including those offered by the University's Language Teaching Centre.qualifications/tests can be considered including those offered by the University's Language Teaching Centre.南安普顿大学MA Design: Fashion Management 时尚管理Preferred academic background: business studies (including marketing, management and international business/ trade), social sciences, economics, accounting, english language, fashion design (or fashion engineering)MA Design: Fashion & Textile MarketingLuxury Brand Management 奢侈品管理Entry Requirements• A good honours degree, minimum 2:1• Minimum of two years work experience in a relevant area• A personal statement that portrays a passion to study and work in Luxury Brand Management, that sets out a vision of your future career• International/EU students - minimum IELTS 6.5 or equivalent英国伦敦艺术大学就开设有Innovation Management(创意管理),Strategic Fashion Marketing(战略时尚营销)这样的专业。  而赫瑞瓦特大学拥有自己独立的纺织与设计学院,相关专业有:Fashion and Textiles Management(时尚与纺织品管理),Fashion and Textiles Innovation and New Applications(时尚与纺织品创意与新应用),International Fashion Marketing(国际时尚营销)等专业。本回答被网友采纳




英国与奢侈品管理相关的专业则偏向于品牌策略,尤其注重学生的工作经历和实践技能。 这个专业对国际学生的要求比较严格。与设计相关的领域学生来报考这个专业,需要准备相关的作品集,个人陈述,以及推荐信两封。本科学生报考这个专业GPA需达到75分。英语方面的要求是雅思考试成绩至少需达到6分。研究生方面对于语言的要求则高达6.5至7分。英国的奢侈品专业的门槛比较高,并不是说对于雅思成绩或者GPA的要求有多高,学校会更加看重真正的专业背景和工作经验。9、赫瑞瓦特大学(Heriot-Watt University)International Fashion Marketing,MSc Diploma这个专业也是放在Management and Language School 下面,所以估计更偏向管理。Clothing Management,MSc Diploma Certificate;International Design Marketing (Fashion And Textiles),MSc Diploma Certificate MA这2个专业是Textiles and Design School 下开设的专业。该大学是苏格兰开设此类专业为数不多的学校之一,虽然学校的专业度说不上太高,但是学校的地理位置还是很受欢迎的。希望这些能够对你有所帮助。


  英国艺术专业分类  一般来讲,英国的艺术设计类专业分为三个大类:建筑设计类、视觉设计类、服装设计类和工业设计类。  建筑设计类包分为:室内外设计、景观、城市设计等。  视觉设计类细分为:平面设计,网页设计,多媒体设计,3D设计,动漫设计等和平面宣传相关的课程。  服装设计类的课程可以延伸至:服装设计,时尚设计,珠宝设计,纺织品设计等。  工业设计是一门新学科,涵盖汽车设计,家具设计等,是指以工学、美学、经济学为基础对工业产品进行的设计,除了要考虑产品的功能之外,设计的时候还要兼顾美感及特色。另外,英国还提供了商科和艺术结合的课程,比如时尚管理,奢侈品管理以及时尚新闻等专业。  英国艺术研究生留学条件  1、申请表  每所英国大学官网都会提供申请表下载,申请表需填写的主要内容为申请人的个人信息、申请专业和学科等。  2、英语能力证明  英语能力证明一般需要提供雅思成绩,英国绝大多数高校都需要申请人提供雅思成绩以证明其语言能力,有些学校明确表示也可提供托福成绩等其他英语能力证明。一般雅思成绩要求在6.5分左右,如果学生成绩在5.5分左右可以匹配相应的语言课程,所以学生要在考虑去英国留学前,最好能先学习报考雅思。  3、学历证明  学历证明包括:毕业证、学位证、在读证明等材料。如果申请人已经毕业,需要提供毕业证和学位证;如果还在读,则需要提供在读证明,并且要加盖学校的章。大家在邮寄材料时,最好是封入信封由学校在封口盖章。  4、成绩单  成绩单一般由学校教务处开具,并需要学校教务处盖章。中文成绩单需要经过翻译后方可提交,最好是交由指定的、正规的翻译机构翻译。  5、个人陈述  个人陈述非常重要,招生官都会通过个人陈述了解申请人的入学动机和学习能力。其内容一般包括:个人学习、工作经历、特长爱好和优缺点等等。陈述中可以突出学术成绩、获奖、担任班干部等经历、活动组织能力、团队合作精神等等。  6、推荐信  一般需要提供两封推荐信,至少有一封由自己学校的老师撰写,以推荐学术能力为主。也可让班主任写一封,以推荐人品性格为主。如有工作经验,由工作单位提供推荐信更佳,因为英国人很注重工作经历。一定要在推荐信里提供推荐人正确的工作单位的联系电话、邮箱、职务和地址。  7、作品集  要有艺术作品,这是申请英国艺术留学最重要的部分。申请时最好把你的艺术作品编成集寄过去,这样对申请会更有帮助。每个学校艺术专业的入学标准都不一样,当然最好的大学在申请时会考虑你所就读的学校以及科目成绩,但事实上最重要的还是个人作品。


大学争取考一个好一本,最好是985 211的学校,对申请比较有优势。专业的话设计类、管理类、文化类、艺术类都可以的。记得刷一个好雅思分数~