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出国读书之前选校选专业 得给自己一个定位,输入成绩情况到留学志愿参考系统中 https://site.douban.com/292841/widget/notes/193232597/note/633535364/ 可以定位出和自己差不多人的案例,看和自己差不多的人申请到了什么学校或专业,还有通过什么中介申请到的。






马里兰大学是华盛顿地域唯一一所大型综合公立高等院校,下面是小编是对马里兰大学研究生申请条件的介绍。马里兰大学是美国最著名的公立研究型大学之一,也是美国大学联合会60名会员之一。马里兰大学的目标是成为全美学术研究、研究生教育的中心。与此目标相对应,马里兰大学主要授予博士学位和MBA学位。马里兰大学共有13个学院。马里兰大学研究生申请条件2.申请截至日:每年6月1日(春季),12月1日(秋季),8月1日(冬季)3.语言成绩:GPA:3.5;TOEFL分数要求:100;IELTS分数要求:7.0;4. 研究生留学费用:23760.0 美元马里兰大学在全美以及全球范围内选聘那些拥有最高学位、最高学术水平的专业人士作为师资,并且要求所有教师通过学术研究获取国际声誉,运用创新性的方法进行教学、以最高质量的工作服务社会。强势专业:信息系统、航天与航空工程、计算机工程、电子电气电子通讯工程。学校声誉马里兰大学的声望与地位得到了专家、媒体、学生公众的高度认可。《雅虎互联网生活杂志》把马里兰大学选为美国最著名的50所研究型大学之一。马里兰大学史密斯商学院是全美最佳商学院之一,位居全美第19位,位居全球高等学院第23位,其中在IT专业排行第4位,在学术研究方面排行第6位。专业设置电子商务专业包括:供应链管理、电子商贸、金融工程、技术管理、全球组织管理学课程在美独占鳌头。MBA专业包括会计、商务电子沟通、电子商务、创业管理、金融、金融工程、全球经济与组织管理、信息系统、管理咨询、人力资本管理、技术管理、管理科学、市场营销、战略管理、供应链管理学专业。留学费用:1.每学期学费:学士学位:每年9000—14000美元。研究生:每年9000—20000美元 ;2.生活费:每年人民币8万元至10万元3.保险费:500—1000美元,10-15wRMB以上。4:申请该院校费用:100美元。以上内容是小编对马里兰大学研究生申请条件的介绍,马里兰大学的目标是成为全美学术研究、研究生教育的中心,想要艺术留学该院校的同学可要抓紧时间准备申请哦,申请期间有任何问题可以咨询美行思远艺术留学专家。 本文版权属于美行思远(www.mxsyzen.com),转载请注明出处。


国大没有新闻学专业,建议申请南大的master of mass communication新加坡公立大学不鼓励学生通过中介申请学校的课程,一旦发现会取消学生的申请资格甚至入学资格,找中介前需要谨慎考虑这样啊~~真的很谢谢你~我是李老师 从事新加坡国立大学 和南洋理工大学 以及香港八大公立学校研究生申请九年了,解决过不少疑难杂症 ,很多成功的案例 更多的资料 以及申请材料清单和你分享 以及申请过程中需要注意的事项 以及 在准备申请之前需要做的准备 以及材料包装 以及PS CV RL 的写作 注意事项等等 有什么不懂直接来问我已 私 信你。。。本回答被网友采纳


你好,像你的情况申请还是不难的,前提是你的分数要达到要求,因为你有双学位,所以国大最喜欢要你这样的学生的,有着物理专业的底子加上金融的学位,很好的条件。我在这里讲一下入前要求。你的本科GPA要在3.5以上,均分在要85分以上,不要偏,学校211是达到申请资格了。还需要雅思成绩,雅思要有6.5才可以,最好是7。如果我上术讲的条件你都达到那我只有先祝你成功了。理工科垮的话应该不难,最好是考到高分的gmat 或者cfa 1啊2的会很有机会 也可以考个gre的数学sub 证明你的数学 大三吗?加油哦大二。


NTU 南洋理工大College of EngineeringDoctor of Philosophy, Master of Engineering programmes offered by: * School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering * School of Civil and Environmental Engineering * School of Computer Engineering * School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering * School of Materials Science and Engineering * School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering College of Science Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Science programmes offered by: * School of Biological Sciences * School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences College of BusinessDoctor of Philosophy programmes offered by: * Nanyang Business School College of Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences * School of Art, Design and Media * School of Humanities and Social Sciences (Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Arts) * Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information (Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Applied Science, Master of Communication Studies)S. Rajaratnam School of International StudiesS. Rajatnam School of International Studies (Doctor of Philosophy)Earth Observatory of SingaporeEarth Observatory of Singapore Singapore Centre on Environmental Life Sciences Engineering (SCELSE) Singapore Centre on Environmental Life Sciences EngineeringNUS 国立大学Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences* Graate Diploma in Social Work * Master of Arts (Applied Linguistic) * Master of Arts (Chinese Studies) * Master of Arts (Language Studies) * Master of Arts (Literary Studies) * Master of Arts (Southeast Asian Studies) * Master of Psychology (Clinical) * NUS-University of Melbourne Master of Psychology (Clinical) - Joint Degree * Master of Social Sciences (Applied Economics) * Master of Social WorkSchool of Business* APEX MBA (English) * APEX MBA (Chinese) * Double Degree with Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy * Master of Business Administration * Master in Public Administration and Management Programme (in Chinese) * NUS-PKU Double Degree MBA * UCLA-NUS Executive MBASchool of Computing* Master of ComputingFaculty of Dentistry* Graate Diploma in Dental Implantology * Master of Dental Surgery (Endodontics) * Master of Dental Surgery (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery) * Master of Dental Surgery (Orthodontics) * Master of Dental Surgery (Periodontology) * Master of Dental Surgery (Prosthodontics)School of Design & Environment* Master of Architecture * Master of Arts (Urban Design) * Master of Landscape Architecture * Master of Science (Building Performance and Sustainability) * Master of Science (Environmental Management) * Master of Science (Integrated Sustainable Design) * Master of Science (Project Management) * Master of Science (Real Estate) * M.B.A (Real Estate)Faculty of Engineering* Executive Master in Systems Engineering and Management * Graate Diploma (Aviation Management) * Master of Science (Chemical Engineering) * Master of Science (Civil Engineering) * Master of Science (Defence Technology & Systems) * Master of Science (Electrical Engineering) * Master of Science (Environmental Engineering) * Master of Science (Geotechnical Engineering) * Master of Science (Instrial & Systems Engineering) * Master of Science (Intellectual Property Management) * Master of Science (Management of Technology) * Master of Science (Materials Science & Engineering) * Master of Science (Mechatronics) * Master of Science (Mechanical Engineering) * Master of Science (Offshore Technology) * Master of Science (Safety, Health & Environmental Technology) * Master of Science (Systems Design & Management) * Master of Science (Transportation Systems & Management) * NUS-Delft University of Technology Master of Science (Hydraulic Engineering & Water Resources Management) and Master of Science (Civil Engineering) Double Degree ProgrammeFaculty of Law* Graate Diploma in Maritime Law & Arbitration * Master of Laws * Master of Laws (Asian Legal Studies) * Master of Laws (Corporate & Financial Services Law) * Master of Laws (Intellectual Property & Technology Law) * Master of Laws (International Business Law) * Master of Laws (International & Comparative Law) * Master of Laws (Maritime Law) * NYU@NUS Dual LLM Degree Programme * LLM-MPA Double Degree Programme * LLM-MPP Double Degree ProgrammeYong Loo Lin School of Medicine* Graate Diploma (Family Medicine) * Graate Diploma (Family Practice Dermatology) * Graate Diploma (Geriatric Medicine) * Graate Diploma (Occupational Medicine) * Master of Clinical Investigation * Master of Public Health * Master of Medicine (Anaesthesiology) * Master of Medicine (Diagnostic Radiology) * Master of Medicine(Emergency Medicine) * Master of Medicine (Family Medicine) * Master of Medicine (Surgery) * Master of Medicine (Internal Medicine) * Master of Medicine (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) * Master of Medicine (Ophthalmology) * Master of Medicine (Orthopaedic Surgery) * Master of Medicine (Otorhinolaryngology) * Master of Medicine (Paediatric Medicine) * Master of Medicine (Psychiatry) * Master of Nursing * Master of Science (Speech and Language Pathology)Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy* Master in Public Administration Programme * Master in Public Management Programme * Master in Public Policy Programme * Master in Public Administration and Management Programme (in Chinese)Faculty of Science* Master of Science (Chemistry) * Master of Science (Applied Physics) * Master of Science (Financial Engineering) * Master of Science (Mathematics) * Master of Science (Physics) * Master of Science (Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology) * Master of Science (Quantitative Finance) * Master of Science (Statistics) * Joint Master of Science in Instrial Chemistry (NUS & TUM) * Joint Master of Science in Science Communication (NUS & ANU) * Doctor of PharmacyInstitute of Systems Science* Graate Diploma in Systems Analysis * Master of TechnologyThe Logistics Institute – Asia Pacific* Double Master of Science in Logistics & Supply Chain Management (Master of Science in Logistics & SCM by NUS and Master of Science in Instrial Engineering by Georgia Institute of Technology, (GT) USASingapore-MIT Alliance* Double Masters (MIT Masters and NUS Masters) in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering (CPE)参考资料:http://www.nus.e.sg/admissions/graate-studies/coursework-programmes.php查新加坡国立大学与南洋理工的网站。

