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  录取学校:National University ,获市民奖学金  难度:无语言,换专业。  案例分析:经学校面试,成功申请人类行为研究硕士,并因有音乐特长获市民奖学金。签证,陈述清楚,换专业的理由。虽然前几次被拒签,最终获得签证。  罗宾,男  背景:国内二类大学。GPA不高不到2.5 TOEFL 550, GMAT 550.  录取:University of Arizona金融硕士项目录取  难度:成绩平平  案例分析:专家为他进行了很好的专业包装,指导他进行了一系列的实习活动,并把这些内容充实到学生的简历当中。该学生的生活经历比较丰富,有一些在海外的经历,我们对学生的经历进行深入的挖掘,为他写作出非常与众不同的个人陈述,并且在essay素材方面,做到新颖独特,最后这样的文书深深打动了美国的大学。


我再美国读的商科。如果申请美国的学校,那就逃不过要考托福了,如果申请商学院,就要考GMAT,如果是其他的比如计算机,就要靠GRE。因为这个要根据你的英语水平决定什么时候复习,所以不好说,但是如果英语比较好的话,大二暑假或者大三寒假开始准备。相关信息可以看寄托家园BBS上,有详细考试出国的讨论。考试的成绩决定了你择校的范围,所以一定要在大四上学期结束前考完所有的考试,选择你希望的学校和专业。好的学校Deadline要早一些,1-2月份截止,差一些的学校会晚一些,最晚5-6月截止的都有。跨专业是可以的,但是注意:1.MBA好学校是一定要求工作经验的,不仅不招收非工作人士,而且就算你能进去,由于MBA大多是案例授课,你的吸收会不好,参加讨论的时候也不会有很多自己的感受和见解。2. 管理学的硕士开设的学校比较少,你要具体上网查查。硕士一般是会计、金融、市场营销这几个专业。3. 你的GPA是一定要过3.0的,美国学校这个是基本的标准。4. 虽然有的学校允许收本科非专业的,但是可能会有你课程的要求,比如要求你修过管理学、会计学、金融学等等,你应该修双学位或者辅修选修相关课程,不然到时候很麻烦的。希望能够帮助到你






“Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later. Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.” When I watched the video of Steve Jobs’Commencement Address at Stanford University for the first time, I failed to acquire an exact understanding of the figurative meaning of the dots in our lives, but now, four years later, when I look back, a map of dots with lines connecting them graally, and yet clearly, appears in my mind - and the next dot is named “Graate Study in Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharmacy at University of Wisconsin - Madison.”  The first dot is about my grandma’s choice of treatment of her liver cancer. I still remember when she was dying,tears sliding down her wrinkled cheeks, she murmured “I should have chosen conservative treatment to die peacefully in bed …I should have…” That unforgettable memory still lingers on my mind and keeps me reflecting on methods of guiding patients to make better decisions, and evaluating the health related quality of life. Therefore, I determined to minor in Pharmacy, to explore the pharmaceutical field further - and this led precisely to the second dot on my journey.  In the second year of my college life, I began my minor courses in Pharmacy - a fantastic world of science, and graally I have acquired a thorough knowledge of Pharmacy. Based on the study of Pharmacology, I started to learn Pharmacotherapy by myself, and progressively got to know the corresponding medication therapies to treat and prevent each kind of diseases, and realized the importance of safe, appropriate and economical drug therapy for achieving outcomes that improve a patient’s quality of life. During this exploring, I encountered another subject -Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharmacy.  Later on, a lecture called “Comparison Study of Ecation in Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharmacy in China and USA” solidified my interest in this discipline. With the guidance of the lecturer, Professor HU, and through searching information about this area, I formulated a clear vision of the purpose of research in this discipline - to improve the use of pharmaceutical procts and services, foster the delivery of pharmaceutical care, and shape the health system appropriately, through applying interdisciplinary theories. Exultantly, my undiscovered passion for this field was ignited. Considering my personality, life experience and social conscience, I have no doubt that Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharmacy is the right prospective research area for me. I resolve to pursue my graate study in this area in the United States - this is the third and one of the most crucial dots on the route of my adventurous voyage.  Ever since I made my decision, I have prepared my graate study in the United States dot by dot. I managed to develop my interest in this discipline without weakening my performance of my major English, and participation in variou activities. I ranked first in the overall performance of my major and minor in Pharmacy, and won the National Scholarship. With regards to activities and volunteer works, student leader forums, English club and summer social practice activities cultivated my strong leadership and organization skills; additionally, debate and speech competitions, and volunteer experience developed my communication and presentation skills, which are my assets that will largely benefit my future study and career development, as well as the graate program in which I will get enrolled.  At the same time, Pharmacoeconomics course and related literature have broadened my insight into Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharmacy. Throughout the process, I developed considerable literature retrieval skills and sharp abilities to grasp new concepts and knowledge quickly. Also, through involving in the Open Experiment in the Enzyme Engineering Laboratory, I learned to be an excellent coordinator, building a bridge between teachers and other research teammates. From March this year, I have taken an active part in the research project on Comparison Study of Chinese GMP 2010 and GMP 1998. During this research I sharpened my analytical abilities, critical thinking skills, as well as built strong team spirit. I will assist the research advisor Professor HU to deliver a series of lectures in our university and pharmaceutical companies. During my colorful college life, I have made a substantial number of presentations at class, department and school levels. And as one of the best students, I have participated in study method seminars for many times to instruct freshmen and sophomores in learning and researching. Therefore, I have the confidence to say that I will be qualified for teaching or research assistantship in my graate study.Because of the aforementioned skills and knowledge I gained, this month I am participating in the research project the Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation of Diabetes in China, which will pave the way for my graate research.  The further I explored in this area, the more clearly I realized the dire need for talents specialized in Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharmacy - I hope to become one of them, to be in a marketing leadership position in order to push Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises to become global players - this will certainly be a dot on my life expedition.  In order to achieve this professional goal, an advanced degree is indispensible, and the Ph.D. program in Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharmacy at University of Wisconsin - Madison is an excellent fit for me. Via a Ph.D. program, I plan to focus my research and study on Pharmacy Marketing, especially on consumer behavior, and pharmacy goods and services promotion. Research on various areas of the faculty in your department is extremely attractive to me, especially Professor Kreling’s research. His research, Now You See It. Now You Don't: Fair Balance and Adequate Provision in Advertisements for Drugs Before and After the Switch From Prescription to Over-the-Counter, which studies the differences in advertising of drugs that have been switched from prescription to OTC from a unique perspective, makes me realize the strong impact of both prescription and OTC drugs advertising on consumers’ decisions. Another article of Professor Kreling, Do Seniors Get The Medicines Prescribed For Them? Evidence From The 1996-1999 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey, exposes me to the problems of medicine use in the increasing elderly population, an important and growing problem the world over, which I want to explore further ring my graate study.  Other Courses offered by your program, will also hone my skills. For instance, Pharmaceutical Marketing and Policy will definitely give me more training on the applications of marketing and policy theories and principles to pharmacy, which will be fundamental for my future research on pharmacy goods and services promotion and marketing ring my graate research and prospective career life. Additionally, courses like Methods of Research and Analysis, will equip me with advanced methods of designing and concting research, as well as statistic and analytic skills, which will fully prepare me for concting marketing research on my future career path.  In the commencement address, Jobs said that we have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in our future, and thus it will give us the confidence to follow our heart, even when it leads us off the well-worn path. In retrospect, I am surprised to find the dots do connect down the road, and, in this process, I’ve accumulated valuable knowledge and experiences that I can apply into my future study and research. In terms of future, I firmly believe graate study at University of Wisconsin - Madison will be the next requisite dot on my pursuit of what I love to do. I sincerely hope that I can begin a social, professional and academic relationship with you; one that is sure to be mutually beneficial.建议你到太傻论坛,有很多模板




美国留学申请中,商科专业一直备受留学申请者的青睐,有的因为喜欢、有的因为职业规划。可是,你真的对商科专业申请了解吗?快来看看美国商科硕士申请的10个要点。1.我的专业不是商科,能申请商科硕士吗?美国商科招生不仅仅限于商科背景的本科生,一些具有数理背景的本科生,如数学、理工专业背景的同学在申请金融、金融工程或经济学时可能更受青睐。因为美国商科硕士的课程设置偏重于数理方向,比如,金融、金工及经济统计方向,扎实的数学功底是必不可少的基础。PS:建议缺少商科背景的同学抓住机会利用Summer Session或者其他机会补充相应的商科学分,相较之下,数学课程的缺乏就不是那么容易补充。需要注意有些会计硕士项目要求或倾向于招收本科是会计专业背景的学生,对于这类学校申请人需要提前去学校官网进行核实。2.GMAT和TOEFL成绩很重要吗?什么样的情况下应该考GRE?GT成绩是商科录取审核的重要指标,同时也是敲门砖。招生官会综合考虑申请人的标准化考试成绩、GPA和学术背景等系列因素,来衡量申请人是否符合项目要求。有的学校会在官网上明确说明GMAT和T0EFL的最低录取要求和T0EFL的单项要求,特别是近年来商科申请形势愈发白热化的情况下,GT门槛效应愈发明显.总体来说,金工/金数、经济学等一些通常不设立在商学院下的项目申请需提交GRE成绩,少数开设在商学院下经济学和金融工程接受GMAT成绩;而申请金融、会计商学院开设的课程需GMAT成绩.因为GMAT主要针对MBA和商科硕士申请者,考查申请人是否有在商科方面继续学习深造的资格,而GRE主要是考查考生在硕士阶段从事学术研究的一般潜在能力3.IELTS成绩能代替TOEFL成绩吗?根据申友留学多年的申请经验,即IELTS代替T0EFL成绩在实际操作中有诸多不便。首先,很多学校虽承IELTS成绩,有的具体到某一硕士项目申请可能井不接受,与一些设有明确说明是否接受IELTS成绩的学校联系,获得过不接受IELTS的反馈,其次,有些学校虽接受IELTS成绩,但申请统计数据显示:同等条件申请者,IELTS申请不占优势,例如,某商科项目对TOEFL要求可能只有92分,但要求IELTS 7.5甚至更高。这无疑增加了申请难度。4.学校的世界综合排名和专业排名哪个重要?美国大学综合排名反映的是学校综合素质,通常由各学科科研水平,学校声望等综合因素决定,而专业排名反映的是某个特定学科研究能力和师资水平,以及在业界的声望和毕业生在业界表现等。二者究竟哪个排名更重要,要结合申请人的职业规划。例如,美国会计硕士项目综排前20院校、只有圣路易斯华盛顿大学、范德堡、圣母等几所学校设置会计硕士,主要会计硕士项目分布在综排30-80之间,切勿只参照综排盲目选校,要多角度认识所申请的商科项目。5.商科申请一般需要什么条件?一般需要托福100分以上、GMAT700分以上、GPA3.5以上,以及丰富的社会实践、实习经历,外加优秀出众的申请文书,才可能申请到排名前50的大学,而其他学校的申请则要看是什么专业了。但是一般的情况下,商科申请TOEFL 90分、GMAT 650可以拿到前100大学的录取,前提是有一定的社会实践经历.6.商科硕士一般都没有奖学金吗?一般情况下,美国商科硕士是没有奖学金的,美国有些学校也有给奖的传统,比如Brandies、Rochester、Case Western等,有部分同学可以拿到金额不等的奖学金,有些学校只把奖给最优秀的申请者,比如George Washington有的优秀申请者可拿到半奖,但绝大部分申请者没有奖,全美综排27的塔夫茨大学经济学硕士项目,通过高额奖学金吸引背景很强的申请者。获奖学金的原因,除了申请人拥有较强的学术背景外,其他影响因素还有GT成绩、工作背景和院校联系等。申请人也可以通过提高托福口语成绩来争取助教(TA)资格,从而减轻经济负担。7.美国商科的就业情形如何?读商科的国际学生在美就业的情况,与理工科就业存在比较大的差距,如果想要有好的就业机会,一定要美国去经济发达区域,以及大城市周边,比如说纽约、洛杉矶、芝加哥等。当然,美国是个充满机会的国家,想要留在美国,还是有很多机会。会计是商科专业中最好找工作的,在美国存在巨大的人才缺口,只要个人沟通能力和学术能力都比较好,那么留下的机会很大8.本科不是会计,想申请会计专业可以吗?可以申请。美国有些学校的会计硕士,就是针对于本科背景不是会计的学生设置的,比如说北卡来罗纳大学教堂山分校。不过有的学校有先修课的要求,如果你没有先修课的话,可以在学校先读先修课,然后再读研究生课程。当然也有部分学校明确规定没有先行课是不录取的,具体需要在查阅学校的时候仔细核实。9.我没有工作经验可以直接申请MBA吗?如果没有工作经验,基本上很难拿到排名前50大学的MBA录取,排名靠后比较普通的学校,可能录取没有工作经验的申请者。如果没有工作经验,从专业的角度来说,不建议你申请,因为MBA主要以案例分析为主,没有工作经验及相关履历,上课讨论时,你根本不知道别人说的是什么。那么这样的话,也就失去了读MBA的意义。


天道教育留学顾问很高兴回答你的问题你,下面看看美国硕士申请重点介绍  1、承认吧,赢得父母的支持非常重要,不论是支持你美国硕士留学决定、选校、专业、准备过程以及经济,这样你才能无后顾之忧。  2、对于托福、雅思、GRE、GMAT、GPA等各种你需要的成绩达标时,你会发现你花费的时间比你预想的要多的多,所以申请不困难,繁琐耗时才是削弱你执行力以及成功率的大敌。  3、选校不要太纠结,直接找TOP 100的名校,先筛选自己要求范围的学校,查看官网:学位、专业方向是否开设、各项成绩要求规定、申请截止日期,是否先到先审、招生规模及各种族比例。  4、不要奉论坛为圭臬,了解基本信息就好,不要以别人背景和成功案例来定位自己,可以的话多向有申请经验人士请教交流,文书写作业最好请有留学背景经验老师来帮助指导。  5、注册专用权威Email,接收美国硕士录取Offer和套磁邮件是它最大的使命,注册后请像是微信一样每天都登陆关注和查看。  6、随时观察美国经济就业形势,热门美国硕士留学专业申请难度大,镀金专业可能容易过关,录取通过率大。  7、请重视CV,它能帮助招生官在最短时间内了解你的水平层次及能力背景,这是招生官除了GPA、TG之后首要关注并查阅的。  8、请保证你英语水平能力(托福、雅思),请保证专业能力(GPA和GRE/GMAT),请证明你大学三年的建树(CV),请证明你专业研究能力(WS),请证明你的个性因素,丰富你整体形象(PS、RL)。


马里兰大学是华盛顿地域唯一一所大型综合公立高等院校,下面是小编是对马里兰大学研究生申请条件的介绍。马里兰大学是美国最著名的公立研究型大学之一,也是美国大学联合会60名会员之一。马里兰大学的目标是成为全美学术研究、研究生教育的中心。与此目标相对应,马里兰大学主要授予博士学位和MBA学位。马里兰大学共有13个学院。马里兰大学研究生申请条件2.申请截至日:每年6月1日(春季),12月1日(秋季),8月1日(冬季)3.语言成绩:GPA:3.5;TOEFL分数要求:100;IELTS分数要求:7.0;4. 研究生留学费用:23760.0 美元马里兰大学在全美以及全球范围内选聘那些拥有最高学位、最高学术水平的专业人士作为师资,并且要求所有教师通过学术研究获取国际声誉,运用创新性的方法进行教学、以最高质量的工作服务社会。强势专业:信息系统、航天与航空工程、计算机工程、电子电气电子通讯工程。学校声誉马里兰大学的声望与地位得到了专家、媒体、学生公众的高度认可。《雅虎互联网生活杂志》把马里兰大学选为美国最著名的50所研究型大学之一。马里兰大学史密斯商学院是全美最佳商学院之一,位居全美第19位,位居全球高等学院第23位,其中在IT专业排行第4位,在学术研究方面排行第6位。专业设置电子商务专业包括:供应链管理、电子商贸、金融工程、技术管理、全球组织管理学课程在美独占鳌头。MBA专业包括会计、商务电子沟通、电子商务、创业管理、金融、金融工程、全球经济与组织管理、信息系统、管理咨询、人力资本管理、技术管理、管理科学、市场营销、战略管理、供应链管理学专业。留学费用:1.每学期学费:学士学位:每年9000—14000美元。研究生:每年9000—20000美元 ;2.生活费:每年人民币8万元至10万元3.保险费:500—1000美元,10-15wRMB以上。4:申请该院校费用:100美元。以上内容是小编对马里兰大学研究生申请条件的介绍,马里兰大学的目标是成为全美学术研究、研究生教育的中心,想要艺术留学该院校的同学可要抓紧时间准备申请哦,申请期间有任何问题可以咨询美行思远艺术留学专家。 本文版权属于美行思远(www.mxsyzen.com),转载请注明出处。