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去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:华杰MBA辅导02015年考研英语一大小作文真题及范文  Part A  51. Directions:  you are going to hold a club reading session. Write an email of about 100 words recommending a book to the club members.  You should state reasons for your recommendation.  You should write neatly on the ANWSER SHEET. Do not sign you own name at the end of the letter, use "Li Ming " instead. Do not write the address .(10 points)  Dear friends,  I am writing to tell you about a fantastic book I have just read, as we always share the same taste of books.  The book is called Journey to the West, which tells us a story that four monks conquered multiple handicaps to achieve their final destination. Besides the touching and thrilling plot, the book also features humorous languages, thanks to the talented author.  So I recommend it to all of you as one of the favorite books that I have ever read. I am sure you will love it as much as I do. I am looking forward to discussing more with you after you read it.  Yours sincerely,  o Li Ming  Part B  52. Directions:  Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture.in your essay, you sho


去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:leeccLKK2002年全国考研英语作文及范文  Section IV Writing  66. Directions:  Study the following picture carefully and write an essay entitled “Cultures -- National and International”.  In the essay you should  1) describe the picture and interpret its meaning, and  2) give your comment on the phenomenon.  You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)  An American girl in traditional Chinese costume (服装)  参考范文  Cultures -- national and international  As is shown in the picture, a young American girl is wearing traditional Chinese dress and ornaments and is smiling sweetly. It may be an ordinary picture, but it conveys deep and profound meaning: national culture is also international culture.  Ever since we opened our door to the world, we have attracted and influenced by things from other cultures, such as jeans, country music and fast food. We have shown such interest in them that some people, especially the younger generation, become crazy about them. The more exotic they are, the more fashionable they seem to be. Now, national culture begun to show its charm and gain


你可以到各大考研信息网下载英语真题下来练习,不少真题是带有答案的,所以很多英语题目都配有范文。参考范文:The above chart demonstrates clearly that changes have taken place in the amount of museums and visitors. From the figures, there is no doubt that the number of visitors witnessed an increase from 6378 in the year of 2013 to 7811 in 2015.In the meantime, the figure of museums has a subtle rise in the two years from 4165 to 4697 which is not in the same step with the increase of visitors.The rise of amount of museums and visitors indicates that there is a significant improvement of people’s living standards. They tend to care more about entertainment and traveling which represent higher life quality. What accounts for this trend? From my own view, this situation is caused mainly by two factors. At the beginning, with the development of economy, an increasing number of people are getting better paid as well as the social welfare. People begin to spend more money and energy on entertainment which leads to the increase of visitors. Furthermore, the government pays more attention to the life quality of people and then support the construction of museums. In this way, it is not weird to see the rise of museums.Taking into account what has been discussed so far, we could draw a sound conclusion that the increase of museums and visitors will keep going to fulfill people’s demand on life quality. It will also promote the development of the nation’s culture.英语真题试题:http://www.gdzze.com/shitizhongxin/


 考研英语大作文的一篇文章一般可以安排为三个自然段,每个段落都应该为整篇文章的中心主旨服务,每个段落中的主题句,例证,都应该和中心主旨一致,仅仅围绕中心主旨展开,从而把整个文章,组成一个有机的整体。一篇好的文章,必须有明确的中心主旨,分明的层次,严谨的结构,清晰的逻辑,充实的内容,精彩的语言,连贯的语义,全篇文章的各个段落,都能充分的体现文章主旨中心。  1. 三个自然段的构成:  第一段:考研英语大作文一般都是图画作文,所以第一段的主要内容是:图画描述+全篇文章的中心主旨句(图画表明的社会现象或问题是什么)。  第二段:分两至三个分论点,辅以实例对中心论点进行论证。  第三段:得出结论,深化和照应中心论点,并提出建议或解决措施。  2. 写好中心主旨句  中心主旨句是一个完整的句子,用以概括和点出全文的要讨论的整体问题。 在考研英语写作中,中心主旨句一般写在第一段。在对图画进行整体和细节的描述之后,提炼出中心主旨句。一个完美的中心主旨句,会给阅卷老师留下良好的印象,从而提高整体的作文分数。所以,如果说,整篇作文是一条龙,那么中心主旨句便是这条龙的眼睛,所以,中心主旨句必须要写的出彩。  那么,如何一个号的中心主旨句怎么能写出来呢,总的来说,要注意以下几点。  1) 首先最重要的是,也是最低的,最基本的要求,就是中心主旨句的陈述一定要确保正确,如果没有把握写出长句,就要用简单活着简洁明了的句子,要杜绝任何语法错误,词汇拼写错误,等低级错误。如果写不出正确的长句,那么,宁可力求简洁,正确。  2)中心主旨句一定要尽量准确,充实的概括图片所要揭示的内容,不要写的过于宽泛,过于空洞,否则,将难以在第二段的论述过程中,对中心主旨进行展开,论述和支撑。当然,这句中心主旨必须与图片所说明的问题息息相关,绝对不能走题,否则,文章内容和语言写的再好,都不会是一篇合格的作文了。  3)中心主旨句的关键词必须是直接表达主题的词汇,它决定第二个段落的内容和展开的方法,引导整篇文章的发展。  3. 写好第二段,对中心主旨句进行充分论述  围绕中心主旨句进行展开,对中心主旨进行支持、说明和阐述。扩展段落必须紧紧扣住中心主旨句进行,这样,整篇文章才能成为一个有机整体。第二段,重要的是句子与句子之间逻辑清楚,上下转承结合得当,简明扼要,重点突出。 句子之间要具有连贯性,就必须由一系列的逻辑关系构成,例如:并列关系,因果关系,递进关系,转折关系,解释关系,概括关系,顺序关系,让步关系,对照、比较关系,转换关系等等,这些逻辑关系可由一系列的过渡词来完成,例如on the contrary表示对比,furthermore 表示递进等等。过渡词在句子与句子之间、段落与段落之间起到承上启下的作用,使句子或段落之间的衔接自然、连贯,逻辑合理,结构严谨。  4.写好结尾句段落。  写好文章的结尾段落也极其重要,一个好的结论段,一定要回扣全文的中心主旨,但是要避免写的和第一段的中心主旨句完全相同,结论段要对中心主旨进行进一步的神话和升华,并且提出相应的建议或解决办法等。只有这样才是一篇完整的,优秀的文章。谢谢啦~~考研英语作文每种类型有不同的写作格式,说通俗点就是模板,首先你得了解一下各种类型的作文是怎么写的,比如邀请信、感谢信等等,大作文的写作也有讲究,最好是先看一下范文,然后自己再试着写一下,每天花半个小时就好。


去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:文都网校2018考研英语(二)小作文真题及参考范文——道歉信来源:文都教育2018考研英语(二)小作文是让考生写一封道歉信,因故不能去旅行和拜访,并要另约时间。针对本题,文都考研教学研究院英语教学研究中心提供参考范文一篇如下:【题目】51.Directions:Suppose you have to cancel your travel plan and will not be able to visit Professor Smith. Write him am email to1)apologize and explain the situation, and2)Suggest a future meeting.You should write about 100 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your own name at the end of the email. Use“Li Ming”instead (10 points)【参考范文】Dear Prof. Smith,I am writing this letter in order to apologize to you for I have to cancel my travelling plan in your local city, and I will fail to visit you as I promised.I really have kept our appointment in my mind all these days. However, when I was set out for the airport, I suddenly had a severe stomachache , so I have to go to the hospital to see a doctor. It’s unexpected and urgent and I must go. I am extremely sorry that I cannot keep my promise, but I wonder whether I could have another appointment with you on next weekend if you are available.I am looking fo




那个是孙行者?”这行者脚 着虎怪的皮囊,手执着如意的铁棒,答道:“你孙外公在此,送出我师父来!”那怪仔细观看,见行者身躯鄙猥,面容羸瘦,不满四尺。笑道:“可怜,可怜!我只道是怎么样扳翻不倒的好汉,原来是这般一个骷髅的病鬼!”行者笑道:“你这个儿子,忒没眼色!你外公虽是小小的,你若肯照头打一叉柄,就长三尺。”那怪道:“你硬着头,吃吾一柄。”大圣公然不惧。那怪果打


我今年考研,过来人建议你一定要好好看看历年真题,这是最有用的,尤其是最近几年;大家都是这样摸着石头过河的。有的人真题刷了三遍。 英语:真题,我用的何凯文;单词,我用的朱伟的恋恋有词;阅读,我用的是张剑的黄皮书,我看有些人也用考研真相;作文,果断王江涛。基本大家都用他的书。好好背作文,背好了,自己写的时候才有思路。考前一定要先练练手,用背过文章仿写,不然考的时候手生就GG。过来人不建议你花太多时间在翻译上,因为翻译给分低,基本一句0.5分。每天养成从真题中积累好词佳句的好习惯,积累这些就是自己的作文素材了,并在平时的作文训练中尝试使用。从范文中去总结你喜欢的表达方式,试着去形成属于你的表达言说方式,积累下来。平常在做真题的过程中要精细研读作文真题范文,而历年的真题作文对每一个人都是很重要的。用你准备的实实在在的素材再参考清华团队研发的模板去写作文,不要想着怎么生搬硬套模板,更不要让题目和模板限制住了你的发挥。实实在在的写到最后一句话,你的作文分就不会低。