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  考研英语二的复习资料,推荐使用:《阿3431343566卡索外教网》(英语一)。这本写作书的内容很全,有了它,其他的作文书都能够不用买。前面的写作套路和写作模板探听一下就行。重点看后面的预料范文和热点浏览范文,这些范文写的都是当年社会上的热点话题,背诵价值很高。背熟了,考试审好题,作文就没问题了。  点击蓝字免费领取,阿卡索欧美外教试课:【https://www.acadsoc.com】跟着外教学习地道英语  这本书还有一个亮点,即它针对真题范文提出的三步作文法:先解析真题范文,再对真题范文的写作思绪进行革新,然后对真题范文的写作语言进行优化。穿越这种三步作文法,可以学习到许多革新的写作思绪和语言表白形式,感受像发现了新大陆,大家也可以看看。  凡事预则立,不预则废。阿卡索外教网提醒考研的学生在考研英语准备中,不要盲目复习,尽量规避误区,提高效率。  还有其他什么学习问题,可以百度搜“阿卡索vivi老师”为您分析解答。  想要的英语学习资源,可以百度搜“阿卡索官网论坛”免费下载。免费领取外教课免费试课送绘本包邮到家¥388我要预约官方电话在线客服官方服务官方网站少儿英语成人英语四六级英语英语口语雅思托福




不好意思这里不能发地址,我先复制上来,地址我发到你消息里这个是华章的1-5 AABDA 6-10 BACCB 11-15 DBACA 16-20 ADADD 21-25 BDCAD 26-30 DCAAA 31-35 BCCDC 36-40 ACBCD 41-45 GDCBF 翻译 46、有谁会想到,在全球范围内,IT行业产生的温室气体跟全球航空公司产生的一样多?占二氧化碳总排量的2%.很多日常工作对环境造成了让人震惊的破坏作用。根据你查询正确答案的尝试次数,谷歌搜索引擎会插手0.2-7克的二氧化碳的排放量。要快速将结果传递给用户,谷歌必须用强大和大量的计算机系统来维护全球巨大的数据库中心。这些计算机在散发大量热量的同时也产生大量的二氧化碳气体。所以中心处理器必须要有很好的散热装备,然而却耗能。 小作文 A Letter to Liming Jan-15-2011 Dear Liming, Congraate on you success in passing the entrance examination. Now, please allow me to give you some suggestion ring your holidays. First of all, you should read. Because it makes a full man. Reading ring the holiday helps you get the habit of it that when you become a freshman. College life is so plentiful but reading is the most important thing. Second, to do some housework can bring you another feelings. Once you get into the college, you must do the things for yourself, including washing, clear the room and shele your daily life and etc. However, reading and housework doesn’t mean all of your holiday. You need contact with your friends or communicate with them. The reason is that old friends will be in your memory and new friends will be there. And we all know that the friendship among senior school. From the things I mentioned above, hope they will bring you a richful life in your college. Zhangwei 大作文 As a freshman, I’ve just got out of the routine life in my high school when I just have to go to school, listen carefully to the teachers and do homework, leaving all the other problems to my parents. However, after a month spent in the university, I do think budgeting is necessary.Life in university is quite different from that in high school in which, when you’re in high school, parents and teachers protect you quite well from the possible dangers or frauds and help you make decisions when you are not able to. But inuniversity, you’re the master of yourself and supposed to make your own decision and protect yourself. With no parents nearby to give suggestions or support, one should be strong himself. Here, “strong” means being able to budget your life.我先复制上来,地址我发到你消息里这个版是华章的权1-5 AABDA 6-10 BACCB 11-15 DBACA 16-20 ADADD 21-25 BDCAD 26-30 DCAAA 31-35 BCCDC 36-40 ACBCD



2011考研英语二 大纲样题去年的真题带答案的,给我一份吧,急需,先谢谢了

Directions:(资料e68a8462616964757a686964616f31333264633564来源 迦思佑 待续) Read the following passage. For each numbered blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET l. (10 points) The outbreak of swine flu that was first detected in Mexico was declared a global epidemic on June 11, 2009. It is the first worldwide epidemic_____1_____ by the World Health Organization in 41 years. The heightened alert _____2_____an emergency meeting with flu experts in Geneva that convened after a sharp rise in cases in Australia, and rising_____3_____in Britain, Japan, Chile and elsewhere.But the epidemic is "_____4_____" in severity, according to Margaret Chan, the organization's director general, _____5_____ the overwhelming majority of patients experiencing only mild symptoms and a full recovery, often in the _____6_____ of any medical treatment. The outbreak came to global_____7_____in late April 2009, when Mexican authorities noticed an unusually large number of hospitalizations and deaths_____8_____healthy alts. As much of Mexico City shut down at the height of a panic, cases began to _____9_____in New York City, the southwestern United States and around the world. In the United States, new cases seemed to fade_____10_____warmer weather arrived. But in late September 2009, officials reported there was _____11_____flu activity in almost every state and that virtually all the_____12_____tested are the new swine flu, also known as (A) H1N1, not seasonal flu. In the U.S., it has_____13_____more than one million people, and caused more than 600 deaths and more than 6,000 hospitalizations. Federal health officials_____14_____Tamiflu for children from the national stockpile and began_____15_____orders from the states for the new swine flu vaccine. The new vaccine, which is different from the annual flu vaccine, is ____16_____ ahead of expectations. More than three million doses were to be made available in early October 2009, though most of those _____17_____doses were of the FluMist nasal spray type, which is not_____18_____for pregnant women, people over 50 or those with breathing difficulties, heart disease or several other _____19_____. But it was still possible to vaccinate people in other high-risk group: health care workers, people _____20_____infants and healthy young people.1 [A] criticized [B] appointed [C]commented [D] designated2 [A] proceeded [B] activated [C] followed [D] prompted 3 [A] digits [B] numbers [C] amounts [D] sums4 [A] moderate [B] normal [C] unusual [D] extreme5 [A] with [B] in [C] from [D] by6 [A] progress [B] absence [C] presence [D] favor7 [A] reality [B] phenomenon [C] concept [D] notice8. [A]over [B] for [C] among [D] to 9 [A] stay up [B] crop up [C] fill up [D] cover up10 [A] as [B] if [C] unless [D] until11 [A] excessive [B] enormous [C] significant [D]magnificent 12 [A]categories [B] examples [C] patterns [D] samples13 [A] imparted [B] immerse [C] injected [D] infected14 [A] released [B] relayed [C] relieved [D] remained15 [A] placing [B] delivering [C] taking [D] giving16 [A] feasible [B] available [C] reliable [D] applicable17 [A] prevalent [B] principal [C] innovative [D] initial18 [A] presented [B] restricted [C] recommended [D] introced19 [A] problems [B] issues [C] agonies [D] sufferings20 [A] involved in [B] caring for [C] concerned with [D] warding off


今年的题,难度分布不是特别均匀,完形填空和往年难度基本持平,阅读四篇文章前两回篇难答度略显低一点,第三篇难度相对比较高,第四篇难度和往年基本持平;新题型的难度有所下降,但翻译的难度出奇地难。 你可以上考研1号网上查查相关信息,我是看了个2012考研英语难度分析。。。



