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  考研英语作文需要注意的5个方面:  (1)时间分配  作文时间弹性很大,发挥好的同学30分钟就可完成大小作文,发挥不好的同学可能一个小时还写不好,但一般情况下,需要将写作时间控制在50分钟内,即小作文15分钟,大作文35分钟。写作过程可分为三个阶段:  ①审题(小作文2分钟,大作文3分钟)  一定要认真审题,定下大概写作方向,勾勒出文章的大概框架。很多英语基础较好的同学考研写作未能取得高分,就是因为没有仔细审题。有些同学担心时间不够,草草浏览题目,动笔就写,而写完发现跑题了,写得再好也是不及格分。审题时确定文章的中心思想和每段的主题句,可以列出简短的写作提纲。  ②写作(小作文12分钟,大作文30分钟)  应该把大部分时间用于写作。多数同学没有时间打草稿,因此,动笔之前应把句子考虑成熟,尽量少作改动。考生在备考阶段可按照时间要求多写几篇文章,以便了解时间分配。考试时,最好使用黑色的钢笔或签字笔,不要使用蓝色、红色笔,更不要使用铅笔,最好不要使用涂改液。另外,一定要把作文写在答题纸指定区域内,不要写在试卷或草稿纸上。  ③检查(小作文1分钟,大作文2分钟)  如果想在写作中取得理想分数,一定要花一两分钟时间检查文章,要检查内容是否切题,论点是否明确,论据是否充分,结论是否合理,表达是否符合语域要求,语法是否正确,用词是否贴切,拼写是否正确,标点是否得当等。修改时最好不要划掉一句或一段重新写。  (2)草稿vs.提纲  有些考生出于卷面整洁的考虑,主张先打草稿,其实大可不必这样做。考试时间很紧,如果将大部分时间用在打草稿上,可能会没有时间将最后定稿的文章抄到答题纸上,造成不必要的丢分。打草稿不值得推荐,但为避免大篇幅的改动,考生可在动笔前先列个提纲。列提纲的步骤是:首先确定文章的主题,寻找支持主题的事实、观点;接着思考如何引出主题、如何论证主题以及如何结尾;然后可用简单的提示性文字将思考确定后的写作思路表示出来。  (3)词汇攻略  由于词汇量不足或者考试时情绪紧张,考生很可能会遇到一些意思不知道如何用英语表达的情况。遇到这种情况,千万不要使用汉语拼音代替英语表达,也不要自己创造词语。可以采取以下几种方式应对这种困境:使用上义词,如可以把saw和hammer写作tool;用从句进行解释说明,如可以把“数码相机”写作a camera that takes pictures without film;避开自己不会写的词语,用自己熟悉的词语重新构思。如果希望在考场上做到得心应手,考生需要下工夫熟练掌握基本词汇的用法。  (4)模板使用  模板是众多考生关心的问题。由于功课繁重,很多考生平时没有时间进行写作练习,只能寄希望于考前押题,结果屡战屡败。当前是一个图文时代,根本不可能押中题目,考生应扎扎实实提高写作基本功,不能怀有丝毫的侥幸心理。  根据我们多年的教学经验,多数考生,尤其是英语基础不太好的考生,很难短期内在英语写作方面取得质的飞跃。如想取得写作及格分,记忆模板未尝不可。而根据我们的实战经验,考前最多记忆两个框架,即写作A节和写作B节各一个。考生需要在考前总结出属于自己的两个独特的写作框架,并按照框架各写至少5篇作文(题目不限),临场前将其背熟,到考场上再根据具体的题目进行现场发挥和创造。本书在历年试题精读透析的写作部分为写作A节提供了相应的写作模板,也在写作综述部分和历年试题精读透析的写作部分为写作B节提供了相关的常用表达和重点句型,可供考生参考并据此搭建自己的写作框架。  (5)注意事项  ①卷面整洁  考官需要在很短的时间内判断出文章质量的优劣,因此第一印象就显得十分重要。字体娟秀、卷面整洁会让考官眼前一亮,考官在阅读文章的时候就会有一个好心情,潜意识里就会给你一个较高的分数。如果字迹潦草,卷面凌乱,无疑会引起考官的厌恶,从而影响成绩。  ②文章的脉络  在第一印象之后,考官会迅速浏览你的文章,寻找那些符合高分标准的要素。如果考生的文章行文思路清晰、论据充足、论证充分,自然大大减轻了考官的工作量,使得考官能够很快掌握考生的写作水平。主要的段落需要有较强的层次感,使人可以快速抓住作者的思路,同时表现出作者分析、表达事物的能力。英文作文的行文还需要较强的连贯性,包括过渡句和过渡词以及逻辑连接词的运用等。  ③闪光点  由于大部分考生对词汇和句式的掌握都处于一般水平,在写作中能够将词汇和句型运用自如的人非常少,所以考生若能在文章中使用几个精彩的词汇、词组和句式,不仅能够为文章增色不少,还能更加吸引考官的眼球,取得更高的分数。


In nowdays ,the life of graated student seems only have something with their studies with nothing special ,which is not a good phenomenon . They only care about their studies and read the books related to their subjects and spend very little time on other active things,such as dissussing with some issues with friends or classmates ,attending some social activites or paying attention to some social or political phenomenon ,etc . If we only keep pushing ourself read the limited books for passing the exams every day ,we can't compete with others to find the good job and make much contribution to the socitey . As we can see ,the company ,the socoity and the whole contries now all is in need of the talents qualitifiled with rich abilities to deal with all kinds of problems like logical language ability ,forsight ability of unknow things and judgement ability etc . And we can only have these abilities from our pratices and our active thinking on things happened around you but not all from books .The Life of graguated stufent should be very active and meaningful with colorful activites so that graated student can be fit for the changing socities .本回答被网友采纳







英语作文 我的研究生规划

y graate life planning Einstein said: "love is the best teacher." As has been the professional very interested, whichgave me a great driving force, in order to meet the strong desire for knowledge and better study, I chose to read a graate student. In the graate student stage I will work hard, study of heart, to read more literature, to lay the foundation for a phd. "The ideal is the beacon, without ideal,there is no secure direction, without direction, there is no life."Three - year graate study time has a great influence on thedevelopment of human life. " for this reason I made apreliminary plan, what are the shortcomings, hope the teacherto give advice.The profound understanding to graate students anniversity is different, both in life and learning will be of greatchanges and discomfort. In order to better and faster to adapt to life as a graate student, devoted to scientific research andstudy, I will as soon as possible to adjust, arrange their ownlearning and living habits. By accepting the knowledge tocreate new knowledge, is being a graate student the biggest characteristic. The times of college students is to try to create their own to accept anything but at the masters and doctoral students are no longer for a variety of novel class accept according to the order, but to pay attention to the problems oforientation arrangement, focus all your energy, all courses andread the book should be a concern, must there is a problem oriented learning, and have their own point of view. As soon as possible from the passive recipients into an active explorer,and learn to swim in the academic field. The graate three years life quickly, the key is my life. More important to improve our ability (1) to improve the capability of programming,application software 2 learning ability to analyze and solve problems with 3 people, skills, contacts circle the first semester: understand the subject, course of study first, postgraatecourses study earnestly, must each door to achieve excellent,and timely review more doctrine thinking training; by searching the literature, written literature review and reading reports, in order to further improve the inction, analysis, comprehensive ability, to understand the development of dynamic task and actively to the teachers and students to ask, have a preliminary idea on the study of their future, with a faster access to scientific research activities; at the same time, efforts to improve the foreign language, the computer knowledge, with period with the social requirements of compound talentsconsistent. Second semester: access to research, to determine the appropriate topic, familiar with the experiment, learningcourses have a profound understanding of the research topic,and then determine the research topic. Some preliminary experiments, a preliminary understanding about theexperiment, from the whole of his experimental difficulties have experience. Then is formulated in accordance with thecomprehensive plan to start research. Third semester: began to study thoroughly familiar with in the research stage,personally think that we must develop a good habit, every dayto summarizes the experimental condition, and preliminaryanalysis; design and processing experiment is correct, if you want to use a short time to do experiments or more experiments to do a good job, we must use the method of experiment designokay, so before the experiment design of multiple options,select the best. A preliminary to write a paper, write the paperas a goal, continue to improve, continue to progress,constantly improve. Fourth semester: the beginning ofpublished papers, the main experiment preliminary began towrite a paper, write the paper as a goal, continue to improve,continue to progress, constantly improve; supplementary documents in time, the world is changing every day, to continue to add new document, difference of the experiment is likely andimagine himself great, therefore we need to refer to some literature to study, sometimes to make great changes to his plan! Pay attention to the exchange of ideas, usually more and students, teachers, teacher exchanges, learn from each have the advantage of people. Fifth semester: the final experimentsupplement, published research papers by the two semester ofin-depth study and exploration of the subject, has been very familiar with understanding, then a comprehensive inspection,on the experimental analysis, and further improve, targetedresearch; know well to the research field of books, the formation of the tree of the knowledge of their own;interdisciplinary learning, learn to other areas of uptake ofsome concepts, proce a different kind of inspiration for itselfconcerns, expand their knowledge, their thinking is more active,write papers more sensation; the sixth semester: write a thesis defense began to write research papers, one must first understand the format according to the test requirements, draw up an outline, and then step by stepTo draft, note paper creatively, stay time, delicate thoughts!Thesis writing and knowledge deposition process, the respondent and the explanation of knowledge, declarative,本回答被网友采纳


小作文120字,大作文200字,先写大作文尽可能将时间卡在半小时左右,审题、构思 所需时间5到10分钟,写作过程 所需时间20到25分钟。考研英语作文要求主题突出、结构清晰、文字通顺、连贯性好,消灭语法错误,平时多练,掌握写作技巧。认真审题,确定写作重点,确定写作提纲。参考清北启航的模版巧妙套用它的写作框架,可以在这个框架之上进行适当的自我修改,从而打造自己的私家原创模板。根据今年考试的特点,准备几套完全属于你自己模板,不管怎么考,你都不会太被动,因为你心里有东西。在短期内用一个模板去减轻写作压力毕竟是一个性价比较高的手段。


考研英语的两篇英语作文都要写。第一篇是小作文,第二篇属于大作文。具体要求如下:字数要求:考研大纲对于英语一和英语二的字数规定不同,即英语一160到200词,英语二150词左右,但是在实际的阅卷操作中,两种试卷只要都不写超200字。内容要求:小作文一般属于书信类型,大作文是图画作文,主要以现在的热点话题为内容。语言要求:用词准确,语法正确,减少口语和缩略词,句型多变,又复合句也有从句。1、时间要求:小作文 15分钟,大作文控制在35分钟内。2、字数要求:因为第一篇小作文写6—8句话,超过8句话就过分了,就远远超过考试的字数要求,增加判卷老师的工作量。第二篇作文写3个自然段,12句话,冲到顶17句话。3.注意事项:英语中没有顿号,在汉语需要顿号的情况下可以用逗号。汉语中的引言通常都是:“”的格式,而英语中不用冒号,用逗号,如, " "。书名、文章名等出版物名称用下划线或者斜体字表示(手写时用下划线)。破折号可以用于在一个句子的前面或后面加入额外的注释,灵活地运用破折号可以使长句子变得更加生动,增加文章的文采。


 考研英语大作文的一篇文章一般可以安排为三个自然段,每个段落都应该为整篇文章的中心主旨服务,每个段落中的主题句,例证,都应该和中心主旨一致,仅仅围绕中心主旨展开,从而把整个文章,组成一个有机的整体。一篇好的文章,必须有明确的中心主旨,分明的层次,严谨的结构,清晰的逻辑,充实的内容,精彩的语言,连贯的语义,全篇文章的各个段落,都能充分的体现文章主旨中心。  1. 三个自然段的构成:  第一段:考研英语大作文一般都是图画作文,所以第一段的主要内容是:图画描述+全篇文章的中心主旨句(图画表明的社会现象或问题是什么)。  第二段:分两至三个分论点,辅以实例对中心论点进行论证。  第三段:得出结论,深化和照应中心论点,并提出建议或解决措施。  2. 写好中心主旨句  中心主旨句是一个完整的句子,用以概括和点出全文的要讨论的整体问题。 在考研英语写作中,中心主旨句一般写在第一段。在对图画进行整体和细节的描述之后,提炼出中心主旨句。一个完美的中心主旨句,会给阅卷老师留下良好的印象,从而提高整体的作文分数。所以,如果说,整篇作文是一条龙,那么中心主旨句便是这条龙的眼睛,所以,中心主旨句必须要写的出彩。  那么,如何一个号的中心主旨句怎么能写出来呢,总的来说,要注意以下几点。  1) 首先最重要的是,也是最低的,最基本的要求,就是中心主旨句的陈述一定要确保正确,如果没有把握写出长句,就要用简单活着简洁明了的句子,要杜绝任何语法错误,词汇拼写错误,等低级错误。如果写不出正确的长句,那么,宁可力求简洁,正确。  2)中心主旨句一定要尽量准确,充实的概括图片所要揭示的内容,不要写的过于宽泛,过于空洞,否则,将难以在第二段的论述过程中,对中心主旨进行展开,论述和支撑。当然,这句中心主旨必须与图片所说明的问题息息相关,绝对不能走题,否则,文章内容和语言写的再好,都不会是一篇合格的作文了。  3)中心主旨句的关键词必须是直接表达主题的词汇,它决定第二个段落的内容和展开的方法,引导整篇文章的发展。  3. 写好第二段,对中心主旨句进行充分论述  围绕中心主旨句进行展开,对中心主旨进行支持、说明和阐述。扩展段落必须紧紧扣住中心主旨句进行,这样,整篇文章才能成为一个有机整体。第二段,重要的是句子与句子之间逻辑清楚,上下转承结合得当,简明扼要,重点突出。 句子之间要具有连贯性,就必须由一系列的逻辑关系构成,例如:并列关系,因果关系,递进关系,转折关系,解释关系,概括关系,顺序关系,让步关系,对照、比较关系,转换关系等等,这些逻辑关系可由一系列的过渡词来完成,例如on the contrary表示对比,furthermore 表示递进等等。过渡词在句子与句子之间、段落与段落之间起到承上启下的作用,使句子或段落之间的衔接自然、连贯,逻辑合理,结构严谨。  4.写好结尾句段落。  写好文章的结尾段落也极其重要,一个好的结论段,一定要回扣全文的中心主旨,但是要避免写的和第一段的中心主旨句完全相同,结论段要对中心主旨进行进一步的神话和升华,并且提出相应的建议或解决办法等。只有这样才是一篇完整的,优秀的文章。谢谢啦~~考研英语作文每种类型有不同的写作格式,说通俗点就是模板,首先你得了解一下各种类型的作文是怎么写的,比如邀请信、感谢信等等,大作文的写作也有讲究,最好是先看一下范文,然后自己再试着写一下,每天花半个小时就好。