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云南农业大学 生物类研究生 复试 英语文献翻译





Good morning, very pleased to take part in the interview, first of all, allow me to introce myself to do what I call **, 26, from ** ** the city of the province. I graated in July 2004 **** ***** major universities. At that time, I thought I do not like ecation, so I did not select a teacher to do school. However, to my surprise I still become a teacher, my job at **** University, two years later, in 2006, I found that their interests are not only at a time to do work off the teachers. To resign from my job, set up a vocational training. At their school on two years, I found myself really like ecation, my achievements in the field of ecation to their own careers. I start the transfer of the school course of study section of the full-time. I am an open-minded, decisive act of the people have willpower. I do not plan ready to help others in return I am particularly proud of my school are enrolled at five, more than 300 students, I have 20 on the relief of the people near the training costs. To help them successfully get a certificate of professional skills. My quick thinking, logical critical. In his free time, my extensive reading, I still have all their time at university to develop a habit: every night before going to bed to read books, no matter how late, and no matter what is the book and whatever they've read . I have always thought that they have little social responsibility, has always been in my efforts to achieve their ideal: a society to do influence people. But three months ago, the sudden death of the elder sister, so I feel I have to ... ... Oh, I beg your pardon. In fact, from the day I decided to study section, I knew in the field of ecation to career success. When I sit here today and thought you communicate with my future, I see more clearly the responsibility of his shoulders, not just for society, for my better future and more of my elderly parents. Thank you Teacher参考资料:新视野英语书www.freekaoyan.com去找找吧,上面应有尽有


去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:李春雷礼貌用语模板一.开门时,一句礼貌的询问会赢得一个良好的第一印象。May I come in?(我可以进来吗?)2、向老师们问好,面带微笑,朝气蓬勃。Good morning / afternoon, dear professors. I am XXX. (教授们早上好/下午好,我是XXX)3、帮帮提醒大家,适当的拍马屁也是很有必要的哦!I am very happy that I am qualified for this interview. It is a privilege to be speaking to you today.(很高兴有机会参加这次面试,今天能跟你们谈话真是我的荣幸)4、该向老师们作自我介绍了(自我介绍的模板帮帮也为大家整理好了哟)It's my great honor / pleasure to introce myself to you here.(很荣幸/高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍)二.对话中1、没听清或没听懂老师的问题?别担心,礼貌地向老师询问,老师们不会难为你的。I'm sorry I didn't hear that clearly. May I ask you to repeat it, please?(对不起,我没听清楚,可否重复一遍)I beg your pardon. I don't understand your question.(请原谅,我不太了解你的问题)2、老师们没听明白你的回答或者误解了你的意思,一定要表明是自己的失误,并及时补充。Excuse me,I guess I don't make myself clear.(对不起,我想是我自己没有表达清楚)My I try to say that in another way.(或许我能试着用另一种方式说)自我介绍模板  我


 1接收英语信息的能力  接收英语信息的能力,包括对听到的语言材料和看到的语言材料的接收、理解程度。对话的基础是首先要弄清楚对方的观点是什么,因此,听懂是前提同样,有创意的研究才是有价值的,人云亦云永远不能在学术界展露头角,这就是为什么写论文前要先研究同一领域别的国家的牛人都有什么新的发现,如何站在巨人的肩膀上再创新高,这就要首先读得懂,理解透别人的作品。  2对外文文献的阅读能力  几乎所有的专业的研究都不局限于我国自己,而事实上多数专业的研究工作在国外更为深入。为了对该专业有更好更准确的研究,研究生在研一期间的一个任务就是大量阅读相关行业的著作或文章,以便掌握该专业的新观点和重要知识。  而这一任务就要求研究生有良好的外文阅读能力,因为很多文章是没有译本的,即便有,译本也是无法替代原著的,要想对原著作者的观点有清晰完整的掌握,一定要亲自阅读,所以每个导师对研究生的一个要求都是要有一定的外文文献阅读能力。  3英语写作能力  三年的研究生生活,重要便是论文。每个研究生在毕业前都会被要求写一到三篇高水平的专业论文,这些论文中都至少要有一个英文摘要或说明书,而优秀的论文往往要求全英,以便在国际期刊上发表。  那么同学的英文写作能力就成了一个要点,因为再好的翻译设备或翻译人员都无法将原作者的想法完整地传递出来,所以良好的英文写作能力是对每个潜在研究者的硬性要求。  4英语口语表达  相比于词汇认知度和英文读写能力,导师对同学的英语口语表达能力的关注能力偏低,但不是完全不关注。研究发现,很多著名院校和著名专业的导师对学生的外语表达能力是有希冀的,因为越是著名的研究,越会要求国内外研究者的通力合作共同研发,所以很多院校和专业的导师与国外相关领域专家学者交流的机会都很多,他们自己往往外语很好,那么他们对于学生的口语表达能力也就有了较高的要求,至少不能比自己差太多。  此外,对于那些自身外语能力有限的导师而言,他们自己因为受到语言的局限,深知良好的英语口语表达的重要性,所以会希望自己的学生能够避除这个障碍,并且可以在将来的外文学术探讨中帮到自己,所以也会对学生的口语表达能力提出一定要求。可以说,英语口语表达能力虽非导师的硬性要求,但却是其心中所愿,故而在复试中同学应注意展示自己的相关特长。  综上所述,导师在考研复试英语中通常是从以上四个方面对考生进行测评的,换言之,这也就是我们每个考生在复试时应注意展现出来的素质,这样才会且就会赢得导师的青睐加群交流群内答疑更及时点击入群关注有礼关注提问专人解答点击关注线上学习免费公开课等你来点击听课在线题库各类考试模拟练习点击做题查看更多官方电话官方服务官方网站


你英语都过线了还翻译不了这些啊更多追答那是蒙的追答哎。。。。你真能蒙啊Why Choose South China Normal University ?First, South China Normal University is a beautiful place, the clean campus ,the elegant environment and the Harmonious atmosphere made it be a dream place for all students. Second, It's excellent faculty and complete teaching equipment made me even more believe the choise that choose SCNU is correctness. Become the student of you teachers, is the greatest honor of my life, I will pay more effort to learn various kinds of knowledge to improve and perfect myself,and ready to serve the state and social at every moment. Last, I am a student from the countryside, I know every penny I spent was hard-earned , I must feed myself, this is the most basic thing that a young man should do , so that SCNU have more number of goernment-supported student is also a reason why I choose here.非手工翻译勿扰!!朋友你让我很伤心!!

研究生复试 英语自我介绍(带中文翻译的)

Good morning, my dear teachers. It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for your interview. Firstly, I will introce myself to you briefly. My name is Qiu Mengru and my English name is Janet. I am a local person who is 23 years old. Jinan, the spring city is the capital of Shandong province. I am of the opinion that my hometown is a beautiful city. Secondly, I want to talk about my studying experience. I am majored in 你以前的专业and graated from 你学校的名字. I appreciate the ecation my university gave me. Now I got a new plan, I will do my utmost to obtain a key to Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. I choose the Clinic as my major.学校简介+你为什么选择这个专业 That’s my simple and clear reasons why I took the postgraate exams. In spare time, I like reading books, surfing on the Internet, listening to music like pop, classic, or light music, because they can make me feel relaxed. Nobody could keep on working efficiently, therefore proper amusement is a must. In addition, I insist on do some physical training such as running, swimming and badminton as well. By doing this, we can always stay healthy. That’s all. Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity! 你研究生初试过了的话,肯定看得懂意思,没有什么高深词汇,很容易理解,有问题可以再。

