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1、成绩要求  TOEFL/IELTS成绩要求:康奈尔大学研究生院仅接受TOEFL成绩或ILETS成绩,TOEFL单项成绩要求写作不低于20分,听力不低于15分,阅读不低于20分,口语不低于22分;雅思总分不低于7.0。  GRE/GMAT要求:大多数研究生项目需要提交GRE成绩。商学院多以GMAT为主,酒店管理和房地产专业以GMAT为主,管理、产业与劳工关系、政策分析及管理两者皆可,GRE考试编号2098,GMTA考试编号5811。  2、背景要求  国内四年制正规本科院校毕业并获得学位证书和毕业证书  3、申请时间  申请截止日期见各个学院及学系说明,奖学金申请截止日期是2月15日,奖学金录取截止日期是4月1日。  4、申请材料要求  在网上申请康奈尔大学研究生,需要提供以下申请材料:  4年制本科所有正式成绩单(official transcript from previous institution)  GPA成绩:未做最低要求限制  标准化考试成绩(GRE/GMAT,TOEFL)  推荐信:2-3封  写作样本(Writing samples)  个人作品(Portfolios)  个人陈述(Statements of Purpose)  个人简历(CV)




这边是康奈尔大学官网对于申请研究生语言要求的截图,同学自己也可以去官网查看。托福口语不低于22分,阅读不低于20分,听力不低于15分,写作不低于20分。看起来总分在77分以上就可以。但是这个是官方给出的最低线,完全不适用于中国学生。康奈尔大学是美国八所“常青藤联盟校”之一,常年排在美国大学Top 15。一般录取的中国学生托付学生要在105分甚至110分以上。截图上还有要求雅思成绩7.0分以上。GRE的要求同学可以根据自己想要申请的专业,去到各个院系的官方网站上查看。下面这张截图同样来自官网,康奈尔大学大部分的研究生专业都是需要提交GRE分数的,而且分数要求不低。何况同学如果想要申请奖学金的话,是一定需要提交GRE成绩来证明自己的学术能力的。另外有些专业是需要提交GMAT成绩的,同学确定专业、看好要求之后再参加考试。除了以上的标准化考试成绩之外,一般申请美国研究生还需要提交CV(个人简历)、PS(个人陈述)、推荐信、论文、大学学习成绩、学校指定的writing sample等等。


标准化考试要求: SAT Math 690 SAT Verbal 604 SAT总分2100/2400  TOEFL100分 或者 IELTS 7


Cornell啊……大学时没去念的学校,残念。简单说就是 GRE 和 TOEFL。最低分数线: TOEFL 550 GRE Verbal: 607 Quantitative: 770---------------------------------------------康奈尔官方版http://www.gradschool.cornell.e/fields.php?id=792009-10 Tuition: $20,800Application deadlines:Fall, Jan. 15; no spring admissionRequirements summary: * all Graate School Requirements, including the TOEFL Exam for Non-Native English Applicants * three recommendations * GRE general test 康奈尔大学经济学硕士招生报名学生服务代表Janine Brace143 Caldwell Halljmb20@cornell.ePhone: 607-255-5832Fax: 607-255-1816写email问她最实在,打个电话挣点印象分也好----------大学统计公司2007资料2007 New entrants in master's program Average GPA of new entrants in master's program N/AAverage verbal GRE score of new entrants in master's program 607Average quantitative GRE score of new entrants in master's program 770Average analytical GRE score of new entrants in master's program N/AAverage writing GRE score of new entrants in master's program 4Average GPA of new entrants in doctoral program N/AAverage verbal GRE score of new entrants in doctoral program 572Average quantitative GRE score of new entrants in doctoral program 775Average analytical GRE score of new entrants in doctoral program N/AAverage writing GRE score of new entrants in doctoral program 4Average GPA of new entrants in both master's and doctoral programs N/AAverage verbal GRE score of new entrants in both master's and doctoral programs 5732007 Average quantitative GRE score of new entrants in both master's and doctoral programs 775Average analytical GRE score of new entrants in both master's and doctoral programs N/AAverage writing GRE score of new entrants in both master's and doctoral programs 4TOEFL TOEFL required for international students? YesMinimum TOEFL score required for computer test 213Minimum TOEFL score required for paper test 550----------一幸运菲律宾2010年考生资料AJ January 26, 2010 at 2:57 AM All is not lost.. I graated with a BS- Mech Engineering degree in 2005 from DLSU-Manila Philippines GPA 3.55/4.00 My GRE score was Q720 V420 A4.5.. took this Nov. 2009 Toefl was 114/120 I got accepted for Fall 2010 to Cornell University’s MEng Systems Engineering program I guess, top universities look at the over all application. Strong Statement of Purpose and recommendations helps a lot. Try to contact faculty and express your interest with the program and research too! Good luck!------------英文部分懒得翻译,如果看不懂也不用想什么康奈尔了


> 硕士语言要求TOEFL网考成绩 至少77分(写作至少20分,口语至少22分,阅读至少20分,听力至少15分)不接收IELTS或 PTE成绩> 硕士学历要求四年或五年制大学取得的毕业证书或学位证书,GRE考试 或GMAT考试https://site.douban.com/292721/room/39752898/国外大学院校库






美国大学GRE分数 > 333334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340.麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technolog)斯坦福大学(Stanford University)加州大学伯克利校区(University of California - Berkeley)伊利诺伊大学香槟分校( University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign)密歇根大学——安娜堡校区(University of Michigan–Ann Arbor)康奈尔大学(Cornell University)德克萨斯大学-奥斯汀校区(University of Texas at Austin)马里兰大学(University of Maryland--College Park)加州大学-圣地亚哥校区(University of California–San Diego)加州理工学院威斯康星大学-麦迪逊校区 (University of Wisconsin–Madison)加州大学洛杉矶校区(University of California–Los Angeles)哈佛大学(Harvard University)卡耐基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)还有一些名校和常春藤学校不需要GRE高分:查看学校列表点击这里美国大学GRE分数 > 325325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331,332,333.普渡大学西拉法叶校区(Pure University,West Lafayette)普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)宾夕法尼亚州立大学柏克校园(pennylvania state University - university park campus)佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology)弗吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Polytechnic Institute)德州农工大学(Texas A&M University--College Station)杜克大学(Duke University)华盛顿大学(University of Washington)明尼苏达大学--双城校区 (University of Minnesota–Twin Cities)哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)耶鲁大学(Yale University)俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State University)匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh)布朗大学(Brown University)约翰•霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins UniversityNorth Carolina State University达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)爱荷华州立大学(Iowa State University)加州大学圣塔巴巴拉校区(University of California–Santa Barbara)凯斯西储大学(Case Western Reserve University)西北大学(Northwestern University)Arizona State University爱荷华大学(University of Iowa)罗格斯大学新布朗斯维克分校(Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey–New Brunswick)莱斯大学(Rice University)伍斯特理工大学(Worcester Polytechnic Institute)弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)美国大学GRE分数 > 320321, 322, 323, 324, 325.特拉华大学(University of Delaware)加州大学-戴维斯校区(University of California–Davis)科罗拉多大学波尔德校区 (University of Colorado–Boulder)圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)里海大学(Lehigh University)南加州大学(University of Southern California)伦斯勒理工学院(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)University of Cincinnati佛罗里达大学(University of Florida)圣路易斯华盛顿大学(Washington University in St. Louis)圣路易斯华盛顿大学(Washington University in St. Louis)加州大学欧文校区 (University of California–Irvine)密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)University of Massachusetts – AmherstKansas State University阿拉巴马大学(University of Alabama)University of Arizona-Tucson北卡罗来纳大学——教堂山校区(University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill)科罗拉多矿业大学(Colorado School of Mines)University of Illinois at ChicagoUniversity of New HampshireUniversity of New Mexico波士顿大学(Boston University)Colorado State University奥本大学(Auburn University)University of BuffaloUniversity of Akron德雷塞尔大学(Drexel University)雪城大学(Syracuse University)Oregon State University克莱姆森大学(Clemson University)美国大学GRE分数 > 314315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320.康涅狄格大学(University of Connecticut) – RollaUniversity of Nebraska Lincoln康涅狄格大学(University of Connecticut)University of UtahUniversity of Tennessee-KnoxvilleWest Virginia UniversityUniversity of Kansas纽约州立大学—石溪分校(Stony Brook University–SUNY)佐治亚大学(University of Georgia)密苏里大学(University of Missouri)-ColumbiaOklahoma State UniversityLouisiana State University-Baton RougeUniversity of South Carolina杜兰大学(Tulane University)印第安纳大学伯明顿分校(Indiana University–Bloomington)University of Oklahoma迈阿密大学(University of Miami)University of Texas – DallasOhio University –AthensUniversity of Houston –HoustonMichigan technological UniversityUniversity of MaineUniversity of Kentucky乔治华盛顿大学(George Washington University)University of Central Florida美国大学GRE分数 > 308309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314.Northern Illinois UniversityIndiana University Pure UniversityUniversity of MemphisUniversity of Nevada Los VegasUniversity of Alabama-HuntsvilleUniversity of IdahoMississippi State universityUniversity of Missouri, Kansas CityUniversity of North Carolina-CharlotteOregon Graate Institute of Science &TechGeorge Mason UniversityUniversity of IndianapolisUniversity of Nebraska OmahaUniversity of South Florida- TampaMiddle Tennessee State UniversityPolytechnic University (NY)University of New OrleansUniversity of Arkansas- FayettevilleTennessee Technological UniversityUniversity of South FloridaUniversity of Louisiana-LafayetteFlorida Institute of TechnologyIllinois Institute of TechnologyWashington State UniversityGeorgia State University美国大学GRE分数 > 300301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306,307,308.Texas Tech UniversityWayne State UniversityCalifornia State University, SacramentoMissouri State UniversityNew Mexico State UniversityNorth Dakota State UniversityUniversity of Texas-ArlingtonClarkson UniversityWright State UniversityUniversity of Tennessee Chattanooga图尔萨大学(University of Tulsa)Portland state university佛蒙特大学(University of Vermont)贝勒大学(Baylor University)Villanova UniversityUniversity of TampaLouisiana Tech. UniversityNew Jersey Institute of TechnologyIdaho State UniversityWichita State UniversityUniversity of Mississippi东北大学(Northeastern University)Southern Illinois University-EdwardsvilleUniversity of Alaska- FairbanksPace University, NYWright State UniversityChicago State UniversitySouth Dakota State UniversityEast Carolina UniversityUniversity of North TexasSUNY Institute of TechnologyUniversity of Missouri at St LouisUniversity of Northern IowaUniversity of ToledoUniversity of Illinois at SpringfieldOld Dominion University, Virginia美国大学GRE分数 > 290291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296,297,298,299,300.Northwest Missouri State UniversityLamar UniversityIllinois State University, NormalUniversity of LouisvilleTexas A & M University, CommerceColorado Technical University, Colorado SpringsBoise State university, IdahoMontana State University, BozemanSouth Dakota School of Mines & technologyNorth Carolina Agricultural & Tech State UniversitySouthern Illinois University, CarbondaleFlorida International universityNorth Dakota State UniversityWestern Kentucky UniversityBradley UniversityCleveland State UniversityUniversity of Bridgeport –CT代顿大学(University of Dayton) –OhioTexas A & M university, KingsvilleUniversity of West Florida, PensacolaEastern Michigan UniversityMinnesota State University, MankatoSuffolk University, MAUniversity of North Carolina, GreensboroNew Mexico Institute of Mining &Tech.University of Central ArkansasSoutheastern University, DCUniversity of HawaiiUniversity of Texas, TylerEastern Washington UniversitySouthern Oregon University, AshlandUniversity of Texas at San AntonioState University of West GeorgiaBall State UniversityUniversity of Texas El PasoColumbus State UniversityArkansas State University丹佛大学(University of Denver)North Dakota State UniversityNew York Institute of TechnologyCalifornia State University, ChicoDakota State UniversitySt Cloud State University马凯特大学(Marquette University)美国大学GRE分数 ( Below 290)260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 289.Temple University, PACity College of the City of New YorkNortheastern Illinois UniversityUniversity of Detroit MercyUniversity of Arkansas Little RockCalifornia State University, FresnoAlabama A & M UniversityWidener University, PennsylvaniaAlcorn State UniversityGannon UniversityUniversity of Findlay-OhioSan Diego State University, CaliforniaBall State UniversityNorthwestern Polytechnic UniversityJacksonville State UniversitySaint Joseph UniversityChapman UniversityKent State UniversityFerris State UniversityUniversity of New Haven, CTFarleigh Dickinson University, New JerseyState University of New York, AlbanyCollege of William & MaryEast Tennessee State UniversitySouthwest Texas State University, San MarcosDePaul UniversityMc Neese State UniversityOakland UniversitySam Houston State UniversitySan Jose state UniversityWilliam Patterson UniversityWestern Carolina UniversityUniversity of Central OklahomaWidener UniversityUniversity of St Thomas, MNWestern Illinois universityBowling Green State University, OhioDelaware State UniversityState University of New York, New PaltzCentral Michigan UniversityUniversity of Southern MississippiIndian University South BendSaint Mary’s University San AntonioShippensburg University, PAEast Tennessee State UniversityUniversity of Texas, Pan AmericaJackson State UniversityOklahoma City UniversityFrostburg State UniversityLa Salle University, PAAlfred UniversityMonmouth University-New JerseySouthern New Hampshire UniversityRoosevelt University ChicagoDrake universityShippensburg University of PennsylvaniaDuquesne UniversityGeorgia College & State UniversityGeorgia Southern UniversityKennesaw State UniversityLong Island UniversityLoyola University ChicagoNorthern Kentucky UniversityLawrence Tech UniversityClark Atlanta UniversityCalifornia State University, NorthridgeCatholic University of America, WashingtonOhio Dominican College (University), OhioFerris State University, MichiganFitchburg State University, MAHawaii Pacific University, HawaiiNorthwood University, MichiganJohnson and Wales University, RIGovernors State University, Parkway ILTroy State University, AlabamaStevens Institute of TechnologyFlorida Atlantic University, Boca RatonGolden Gate UniversityHoward UniversityDominican University以上就是2016最新美国大学GRE要求,320分的GRE申请同一所大学有人申请成功了,也有人失败了;同等条件下录取过程的是看留学文书等软实力,本文成绩仅供参考。