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去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:教育资料库保研面试英文的自我介绍  为参加保研面试做一个自我介绍,本文是小编为大家整理的保研面试的英文自我介绍,仅供参考。  保研面试英文自我介绍篇一:  Good afternoon teachers, my name is XXX, XXX of XXX from XXX university academy. Since entering the university can I take to take further study in beihang university as your dream.So I can be here for an interview today, I feel very happy, also very concussion. Because I am close to my dream.  Started school, I heard that there are several students in 07 level to senior research in buaa, from then on I was by their example, hope you can like them.  Freshman year, I study very hard, day day shuttling between the classrooms and the library, my grades after the freshman is specialized in the first place.  Sophomore year, I took part in the college student work, is responsible for organizing and coordinating the whole summer and winter vacations of the college social practice activities. This year I also took part in school activities of the college, to make a lot of good friends, in the process of teachers and classmatescommunication, I have grown up a lot, learned a lot of things a person. In the process, of course, my the positiv


Good morning, my dear teachers, my dear professors! It is my great honor to take this interview. Thank you very much for giving me the chance! My name is ***,I come from Guangxi province and I am 22 years old. I am an undergraate of Nanjing University of technology, major in information management and information system. Nanjing University of technology has a long history, the beautiful campus sceneries provide me an excellent study environment. After about three years’ hard work, I have learned most of the courses of my specialty and have a good command of English. During the past 3 years in my college, as an undergraate student, I have been working diligently at my specialty. I have built up a solid foundation for professional knowledge and comprehensively improved my quality. I got a lot of scholarships, once I feel I fall behind others, I will find the reason as soon as possible and try my utmost to catch up with others. And just owning to this, I could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end. I am confident that my solid ecation background will lay me a foundation to fulfill my bachelor degree courses! I am a girl full of passion and enthusiasm. Always I am interested in fresh things and I will be energetic when confront with difficulties. I am a perseverant person. Once I set myself a goal, I will fight for it with all my efforts until the last moment. I am also an easygoing person enjoying a fine relationship with people around and at the same time, I’m also a girl of team spirit. In my spare time, I like dancing, playing badminton and watching English films. Dancing and playing badminton are my favorite sports. They keep me in good health, full of energy and breed optimism towards life. Besides, I really enjoy watching English films. It can not only kill time, but also excise my listening skills. I know my English is not good enough, and I will continue to study.That is all, thank you for your attention.参考资料:http://www.yjbys.com本回答被网友采纳


这得看你们学校是什么情况了……我们的复试基本是走走过场,大家分差不大的。反正又不刷人,走个过场,不用太紧张。 自我介绍尽量在三五分钟,考官有时会根据你介绍的内容提问题,挑自己擅长的部分说吧~其它的会问问你对专业的看法,未来的发展方向等等……加油吧~祝你成功!没有什么要求。一般还会随便问问,担不是用英语,就是拉拉家常之类的。呵呵。既然是保研了,还有什么担心的啊。绝对没问题。你从网上或图书馆借本书,看看自我介绍就ok。




简要得说一下自己的情况,大学学到了什么收获了什么,对所学科目的认识,想在哪个领域进行更深入的研究。自己的优势和长处,哪方面是你的强项,主要有哪些成就,重点突出自己的能力,参与的社会实践或者学校活动对你的帮助等等,让老师感觉到你的诚意。说话语言要简洁精炼,连贯有逻辑,表现出落落大方、自信得体的一面。要以清晰、有条理、简洁来体现你的业绩,是你的能力体现所在,个人评价以专业的个人能力为主来说明就可以,让人看了一目了然,并主动多找机会。方法:1、接到面试通知后,最好在家打个自我介绍的草稿,然后试着讲述几次,感觉一下。2、自我介绍时首先应礼貌地做一个极简短的开场白,并向所有的面试人员(如果有多个面试考官的话)示意,如果面试考官正在注意别的东西,可以稍微等一下,等他注意转过来后才开始。 3、注意掌握时间,如果面试考官规定了时间,一定要注意时间的掌握,既不能超时太长,也不能过于简短。4、介绍的内容不宜太多的停留在诸如姓名、工作经历、时间等东西上,因为这些在你的简历表上已经有了,多点自信。


Good morning,my name is karies.It's a great honur to have the opportunity for this interview. I would like to answer whatever you may raise,and I hope I could make a good performance today.Now I will introce myself briefly.   I'm 21 years old,and I have been living wuhan for nearly 21 years.In the past years ,I spent most of my time on study.I'v passed CET 4 & 6 with a ease.And I have my acedemic records kept distinguished among the whole department.Now all my hard work has got a result,since I have the chance to be interviewed here.I can't describe my character well,but I know I'm optimistic and confident. I like to stay alone,reading or listening music.though I'm alone ,but I'm not lonely.I have many friends here.After the summer intership in shengzhen,I hope to form a systermatic view of IE and to build a solid foundation for future profession after two years study.   Doctor Jocob Chen once said" Aim high ,vertical launch ,fly fast,complete your mission with style." Now given the chance,I will try my best to make it.   Good afternoon (morning), professors:   It is my great pleasure to be here. My name is mingmingzhou , graated fromComputer Science Department of Wuhan niversity.During my four-year study in the university as an under-graate student, I have built up a solid foundation of professional knowledge, as well as a rich experience of social activities. I am a determined person, always willing to achieve higher goals.   What's more, I am good at analysis, with a strong sense of cooperation. All of these led me to the success of passing the first round of the entrance examination to the Master's degree. Personally, I am very humorous and easy-going, enjoying a goodrelationship among my classmates. In my spare time, I like to read books regarding how to be myself and how to deal with problems. Music and movies are my favorite entertainments. As for my sportinterest, I could not deny my greatest interest is football. Playing this game brings me a lot of glory, happiness and passion.   All in all, Wuhan University, with a highly qualified faculty and strong academic environment is the university I have long admired. I believe that I am a very qualified applicant for admission into your Master of IT program and can contribute to the enrichment or diversity of your university.   THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!本回答被网友采纳





